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Legal Review is the process of assessing legal documents and contracts to identify any potential discrepancies or issues that may be present. A freelance Legal Review expert can help a business or individual review any areas of concern in a variety of legal documents before they become binding. The expert can provide written reports and analysis to ensure the contracts are compliant and valid; this may include contracts such as leases, purchase agreements, and employment contracts.
The client should first determine exactly what type of expertise they are looking for, such as research and problem solving, contract writing and contract review. Developing a job description is important, considering qualifications such as years of experience, type of cases handled and certifications necessary. The client should also consider what type of budget they have to hire an attorney who specializes in Legal Review.
Once all requirements have been established, the client can review Freelancer.com for possible candidates. Interviews with all applicants should be conducted over video conferencing via Freelancer’s platform to further understand if the candidate is a good fit for the job. Hourly rates vary depending on the experience level of the attorney; typical rates could be anywhere from $50-200 per hour or more depending on expertise, location and priorities.
Hiring a freelance Legal Review expert through Freelancer allows clients quick access to experienced professionals at a fraction of the cost that would be required with a traditional law firm. Clients can also use Freelancer’s tools to track progress, send messages and manage proposals in one place, making it an ideal platform to hire an attorney for their next project.