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Latin tutoring is a field of instruction in which a tutor helps others understand and use the Latin language. Tutors usually begin by explaining basic Latin grammar, providing a foundation for their students to understand how the language works and how it is used in different contexts. Then, they might discuss Latin literature, help students interpret ancient texts or practice speaking and writing Latin.
Depending on the student's skillset and goals, a freelance Latin tutor can create a customized plan of instruction. This may include reviewing vocabulary, grammar, or syntax in order to become more comfortable with the language, or studying Latin-language writing like poetry or prose. They can also help students understand ancient Latin literature or translate from speech or written Latin.
When interviewing potential tutors, inquire as to their background and experience in teaching Latin, as well as their teaching approach. If you feel they are qualified, rate their existing fees against market norms and make an offer accordingly. Tutors are often open to negotiations and the rate may differ depending on the project scope and length. Typical rates range from $18 USD to $80 USD per hour.
Freelancer is a platform that offers access to experienced tutors who can guide you through a range of possible instructional approaches while offering top-quality education at reasonable costs. Hire an expert on Freelancer today so you benefit from both quality teaching and great rates!