Advertisement Designers att anlita i Philippines
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Hardworking, Artistic, Deep Thinker and People-Oriented person, Knowledge in computer: Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel Draw, Flash, Dreamweaver and Director. MS Office and some programming languages. Also have a knowledge in CSS, JavaScript, and finished the course IAD ( Internet Application Developer ) at...Hardworking, Artistic, Deep Thinker and People-Oriented person, Knowledge in computer: Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel Draw, Flash, Dreamweaver and Director. MS Office and some programming languages. Also have a knowledge in CSS, JavaScript, and finished the course IAD ( Internet Application Developer ) at Informatic Computer Center at SM Megamall in the year 2003. SERVICES RENDER: Photo & Video Editing Motion Graphic Silkscreen Design PowerPoint Presentation Mock-up Design Photo Enhancement Calling Card & Brochure Billboard Layout Webdesign mindre
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