Indoor Business Sign Design

  • Status: Open
  • Pris: $30
  • Bidrag mottagna: 21


I'm looking for a professional designer to create a directional sign for my business.

Key Details:
- The sign will be located indoors.
- Its primary purpose is to tell users to 'push door to exit'

Ideal Skills:
- Experience in designing indoor business signs
- Knowledge of effective directional sign design
- Creative thinking for brand-consistent design

I am looking for a simple, succinct, on-brand sign file to be created for me to convert into a sticker to be used in my shop. It just needs to say 'Pull To Exit' so that customers know to pull door to exit store. I have attached an example file of a sign previously made for the shop to show the style we are trying to emulate

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  • um430024
    • 2 minuter sedan

    CHECK Please # 17

    • 2 minuter sedan
  • yeamunraj12
    • 22 minuter sedan

    Please check my entrys

    • 22 minuter sedan
  • redouanemahmoudi
    • 23 minuter sedan

    I’m interested in helping you design the 'Pull to Exit' sign sticker. It seems like a simple and fun project! I’ve reviewed the example you attached, and my only concern is the size of the design. Feel free to move to a private chat if you'd like to discuss further

    • 23 minuter sedan

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