Edgy badge Logos for STNDRD Streetwear


I'm in need of 4/5 small logos for for my streetwear brand, STNDRD (Standard) using inspo from the description and attached images

Key Elements:
- The logos should incorporate the brand initials, STNDRd.
- use references attached below for thee style and aesthetics
- similar brands: Corteiz, Supreme, Avirex, Stussy

Color Scheme:
- The logos should be bright and vibrant.

I’ve attached 3 pictures of ideas logos I like such as the proshe badge etc.
I’ve also attached a picture of the jacket design so far. The logos would be used. For either sleeve for the jacket and small logos by the pockets.

I’ve also attached 4 logo I’ve currently for for the brand

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Arbetsgivares feedback

“Quick turnaround, fantastic work ”

Profilbild Bcnnctt, United Kingdom.

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  • Bcnnctt
    • 1 vecka sedan

    We’re a king based streetwear brand.

    Inspo brands (do research before designing in comparison to the logo I’ve supplied to the contest)


    • 1 vecka sedan
  • Bcnnctt
    • 1 vecka sedan

    Please follow the example logo I supplied, none of the logo created so far are following the aesthetic of the brand or style so far

    I like the ”apex twins” badge design I supplied as rn examples a lot if you could make something including my brands style of logos so far whilst making it new.

    As well as the chrome hearts style logo

    • 1 vecka sedan
  • azharul400
    • 1 vecka sedan


    • 1 vecka sedan

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