30 Free Courses: Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Algorithms, AI

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The world is in desperate need of data scientists. Virtually all businesses around the world need data scientists for the growth of their business, but right now, there are not enough to meet demand.

Data scientists can work in any establishment and help them generate data, and then analyze it for relevant decision making. Many data scientists work as freelancers, and are highly sought after due to the importance of the work.

Becoming a data scientist demands a lot from you. You have to be good with statistics and probability, and must have the ability to think outside the box in order to offer solutions to business challenges. Our intent in putting this piece together is to help equip you with the relevant materials to get you into this interesting but challenging field.

We have put together a list of free courses on machine learning, neural networks, algorithms, and AI that will be helpful to you in gaining mastery over them. We selected relevant courses that will help data scientists, and removed links that were redundant at the time of compiling these courses. These are just a few relevant and interesting courses among the numerous online possibilities.

You are going to be coming across many videos as you read down, and all these videos are linked from a course known as Neural Networks for Machine Learning, tutored by Geoffrey Hinton, a professor of computer science department at the University of Toronto. These videos were created for a wider course taught on Coursera, where they are in high demand.

There are lots of things to learn from Neural Networks for Machine Learning. This course is going to help you understand artificial networks, and how they are being used for machine learning, as applied to image segmentation, object and speech recognition, modelling language and human motion, and more. The courses emphasize both the basics of algorithms, and the practical strategies needed to get them to work properly. It is primarily made for an intermediate level learner that is comfortable with calculus, as well as having some experience in programming (e.g, Python).

To get the video playlist, you can follow this YouTube link. If you need more free courses on computer science, this link is worth a look. We have put a small selection below.

30 Other Free Courses

1. Advanced Algorithms

This is a comprehensive course put together by a lecturer at Harvard University. You can get the free online video from this link.

2. Advanced Data Structures

This is a unique course that every data scientist needs to know for effective practice. It was put together by Erik Demaine of MIT. This free online video contains all the info you need.

3. Algorithm Design & Analysis

Algorithm Design and Analysis is also an important course that is needed by data science students. It was put together by Dan Gusfield of UC Davis. There are free online videos for this.

4. Algorithms for Big Data

This highly sought after course was put together by a group of professors from Harvard University. This course is loaded with useful information relevant to data science. You can get the free online video here.

5. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence was put together by Patrick Winston of MIT. This interesting course has a free iTunes video - free online video and course info to guide you through your learning process.

6. Artificial Intelligence

This is another artificial intelligence course that will be helpful to you. It was taught by Pieter Abbeel, from UC Berkeley. You can go through the free online video via this link.

7. Artificial Intelligence - Natural Language Processing

This artificial intelligence course focuses on natural language processing. It was taught by Christopher Manning of Stanford University. This course comes in a different format, and you can get it from here.

8. Artificial Intelligence - Machine Learning

Machine learning is an important aspect of data science that anybody aspiring to be a data guru must learn. Andrew Ng of Stanford University put together a free online video for easy learning.

9. Computational Discrete Mathematics

This is a mathematics aspect of data science. You can get free web courses online, put together by Carnegie Mellon.

10. Computer Science: Foundations of Computer and Information Security

This course gives you a clear understanding of the basics of computer science and information security. You can get a free iTunes video for this course. It was put together by Matt Bishop of UC Davis.

11. CS50, Harvard's Introductory Computer Science Course (2016)

David Malan from Harvard University is the brain behind this vital subject in the field of data science. Here is a link to this course.

12. Discrete Mathematical Structures

Kamala Krithivasan of IIT did a great job by putting together this course for easy learning. You can get the free online video through this link.

13. Discrete Mathematics & Probability Theory

If you need a comprehensive piece on discrete mathematics & probability theory, Umesh Vazirani of UC Berkeley gives it to you with this course. You can get the free online video here.

14. Discrete Stochastic Processes

This course was put together by Robert Gallagher of MIT. You can get free iTunes Video and other useful materials to aid your learning process.

15. Discrete Structures

Enjoy the comprehensive learning of this course for free. It was put together by Sergio Dibiasi of Rutgers. Get a free iTunes video here.

16. Discrete Structures

You can gain more knowledge on discrete structures via this free iTunes video. It was taught by Stan Warford of Pepperdine.

17. Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems

This is an essential course on data science put together by Christos Papadimitriou & Satish Rao of UC Berkeley. Free iTunes video - Free online video.

18. Foundations of Computer Graphics

Ravi Rammamoorthi of UC Berkeley did some nice work on this course. You can get the free online video from this link.

19. Introduction to Computer Science & Programming (Using Python)

Here is a link to the free online course. It was taught by John Guttag of MIT.

20. Machine Learning

Another great piece of information on machine learning. Enhance your knowledge on this course via free iTunes video. This course is credited to Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa of CalTech.

21. Massive Parallel Computing

This course is sourced from Harvard University. Here is the free iTunes video.

22. Mathematics for Machine Learning

Tom Leighton of MIT did a great job in putting this course together. You can get free online materials and video for this course via this link.

23. Neural Networks for Machine Learning

This is one of the fundamentals of data science that needs a full focus for better understanding. It was put together by Geoffery Hinton of the University of Toronto. Here is the free online video.

24. Principles of Computing

This course was taught by Carnegie Mellon. You can get the free web course via this link.

25. Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability

This was taught by John Tsitsiklis of MIT. Free online video - free video and course info.

26. Python

By Nick Parlante of Google. Free online course.

27. Quantum Computing for the determined

By Michael Nielsen of the University of Queensland. Free online video.

28. Search Engines: Technology, Society, and Business

By Marti Hearst of UC Berkeley. Free online video.

29. Signal Processing on Databases

By Jeremy Kepner of MIT. Free iTunes video.

30. Theory of Computation

By David Gusfield of UC Davis. Free iTunes video - free online video.

These are some of the free courses available for data science students. Gain mastery over these courses, and watch as organizations target you for hire.

Feel free to add any useful courses you have taken, or ask questions in the comment box below.

Upplagt 7 september, 2017


Software Developer

Lucy is the Development & Programming Correspondent for Freelancer.com. She is currently based in Sydney.

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