I am writing to express my interest in the job opening that is being advertised for an IT Administrator. I have a broad range of experience within the industry, and I have worked within administration for the majority of my career to date.
I have excellent time management, organisation and a keen eye for detail. I always work very hard to make sure that each and every task is completed to the highest quality, on time.
In my previous position as an IT administrator at a Springdale Indian School, UAE, I worked as part of a team to support various job roles and projects. This experience was a great opportunity to work alone, and as part of a team, providing excellent administration support as needed, every single day.
During my time with the Springdale Indian School, UAE, I completed a wide range of jobs including: filing, creating reports for peers and management, problem solving, database analysis, provided technical support to the teacher, HODs and support staff, Managed and priorities all divisions School help desk requests and digital record maintenance.
I have a versatile skill set, I am organized, meticulous and highly motivated to work to the best of my ability. I feel that I would be a great fit for your organization, and I would work hard to show you that I can be a true asset to your team.
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