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Quratulain A.



Looking for online job to work remotely

$8 USD / hora
Bandeira do(a)
Pakistan (10:46 PM)
Entrou em março 16, 2015
$8 USD / hora
Completed my graduation in environmental engineering and masters in community development and environmental management. Worked as research associate in university for 1 year and now currently hosting an airbnb property from last 5 years. I am hardworking and ready to learn.
Mudanças salvas
0.0 · 0 Reviews
Nenhuma avaliação aqui!
fev., 2020 - Presente
5 anos
fev., 2020 - Presente
5 anos
Started Airbnb in Islamabad back in 2020. Hosting locals and international guests from all over the world and maintaining 4.9 star rating out of 5 from last five years. I trained staff who manages daily operations and i am supervising all activities remotely. Now i am planning to expand it other areas of Pakistan specially Gilgit-Baltistan side to provide standard hosting services to travelers and create better image of country.
Bandeira do(a)
Islamabad, Pakistan
fev., 2020 - Presente
5 anos
Research Associate
out., 2018 - set., 2019
10 meses, 30 dias
University of Engineering and technology, lahore
out., 2018 - set., 2019
10 meses, 30 dias
Worked as research associate in chemical engineering department of university of engineering and technology lahore for 1year where i explored the potential of biomass gasification as sustainable energy source for community development in a village Nano dogar near Lahore city.
Bandeira do(a)
Lahore, Pakistan
out., 2018 - set., 2019
10 meses, 30 dias
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore
2017 - 2019
2 anos
Masters in Community Development and Environmental management
Bandeira do(a)
2017 - 2019
2 anos
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore
2008 - 2012
4 anos
Bechlors in Environmental Engineering
Bandeira do(a)
2008 - 2012
4 anos
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