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Daniel N.



Software developer

$65 USD / hora
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Qatar (10:05 PM)
Entrou em setembro 1, 2024
$65 USD / hora
A software developer typically possessing a blend of technical and soft skills, in designing, building, and maintaining software applications. Below is a detailed description of my top skills, strengths, experiences, services offered, interests, and activities am engaged in: Top Skills: 1. Programming Languages: - Proficient in languages like JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, VB, C# etc. 2. Web Development: - Expertise in front-end (HTML, CSS, Angular) and back-end (Node.js, ASP.NET) development. 3. Database Management:* - Skilled in working with relational databases (like MySQL, PostgreSQL) and NoSQL database(MongoDB). Capable of designing efficient database schemas and writing complex queries. 5. Version Control & Collaboration: - Proficient in using Git and platforms like GitHub for version control. Strong collaboration skills, often working in teams using agile methodologies like Scrum. 7. Problem Solving & Analytical Thinking: - Ability to break down complex problems, identify the root cause, and develop efficient solutions. This is critical in debugging and optimizing code. 8. Communication: - Strong verbal and written communication skills for collaborating with team members, stakeholders, and clients to understand requirements and deliver effective solutions. Strengths: 1. Attention to Detail: - Keen eye for detail which ensures that code is not only functional but also optimized and secure, reducing the likelihood of bugs and vulnerabilities. 2. Adaptability: - The ability to quickly learn and adapt to new technologies, tools, and programming languages as needed. 3. Persistence: - The determination to solve challenging problems, even when faced with complex bugs or system issues. 4. Collaboration & Teamwork: - Works well in a team setting, often leading or contributing to collaborative projects, sharing knowledge, and supporting peers.
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Federal University of Technology Owerri
2006 - 2011
5 anos
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2006 - 2011
5 anos
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