Website Design is the process of planning, creating, and maintaining a website's visual appearance and functionality to ensure smooth user experience. This includes aspects such as layout, structure, color scheme, and navigation. A skilled Website Designer can transform your ideas and visions into a fully-functioning, professional online presence that will not only improve user experience but also help you achieve your business goals. Here's some projects that our expert Website Designers made real:

  • Customizing and optimizing WordPress-based business websites
  • Developing responsive e-commerce sites with seamless shopping experience
  • Creating visually appealing and easy-to-navigate blogs or personal websites
  • Designing and developing custom web applications using PHP and HTML
  • Implementing dynamic menus and interactive features using Wix or Figma
  • Revamping outdated web pages with fresh designs and improved functionality
  • Tailoring pre-made templates to match clients' unique requirements and branding

All of the projects mentioned above were made possible by clients from around the world who chose to trust with their website design needs. The success stories on this platform are proof that hiring a skilled Website Designer from can make a significant difference in not only the look but also the performance of your website.

We highly encourage you to make use of our vast community of talented Website Designers by posting your own project on With their extensive knowledge in various design aspects, platforms, and tools, our freelancers can deliver outstanding results tailored to your specific requirements. Don't wait another day - post your project now and hire exceptional Website Designers on

A partir das avaliações de 965,846, os clientes avaliam nosso Website Designers 4.9 de 5 estrelas.
Contratar Website Designers

Website Design is the process of planning, creating, and maintaining a website's visual appearance and functionality to ensure smooth user experience. This includes aspects such as layout, structure, color scheme, and navigation. A skilled Website Designer can transform your ideas and visions into a fully-functioning, professional online presence that will not only improve user experience but also help you achieve your business goals. Here's some projects that our expert Website Designers made real:

  • Customizing and optimizing WordPress-based business websites
  • Developing responsive e-commerce sites with seamless shopping experience
  • Creating visually appealing and easy-to-navigate blogs or personal websites
  • Designing and developing custom web applications using PHP and HTML
  • Implementing dynamic menus and interactive features using Wix or Figma
  • Revamping outdated web pages with fresh designs and improved functionality
  • Tailoring pre-made templates to match clients' unique requirements and branding

All of the projects mentioned above were made possible by clients from around the world who chose to trust with their website design needs. The success stories on this platform are proof that hiring a skilled Website Designer from can make a significant difference in not only the look but also the performance of your website.

We highly encourage you to make use of our vast community of talented Website Designers by posting your own project on With their extensive knowledge in various design aspects, platforms, and tools, our freelancers can deliver outstanding results tailored to your specific requirements. Don't wait another day - post your project now and hire exceptional Website Designers on

A partir das avaliações de 965,846, os clientes avaliam nosso Website Designers 4.9 de 5 estrelas.
Contratar Website Designers


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    1,620 trabalhos encontrados

    Preciso de ajuda com meu site

    €108 Average bid
    €108 Média
    27 ofertas

    Procuro programador com bons conhecimentos em Wordpress para desenvolvimento de novos sites e atualização de outros

    €153 Average bid
    €153 Média
    53 ofertas
    Criar um site
    6 dias left

    Olá, Somos uma empresa recém criada e queremos desenvolver um site para que nossos clientes possam entrar em contato conosco. Já temos um domínio

    €128 Average bid
    €128 Média
    55 ofertas

    meu objetivo é fazer um site pra minha empresa de construção civil

    €62 Average bid
    €62 Média
    16 ofertas

    Estou procurando um profissional de UI/UX para aprimorar um sistema web de entrada de dados. O objetivo principal é melhorar a eficiência do usuário ao utilizar o sistema em computadores/desktop. Os principais aspectos do sistema incluem: Desenvolver uma interface intuitiva e amigável Implementar recursos de validação e verificação de dados Criar relatórios e dashboards abrangentes Os candidatos ideais devem ter sólida experiência em design de UI/UX, especialmente para aplicações web, e experiência com sistemas orientados a dados.

    €133 Average bid
    €133 Média
    50 ofertas
    5 dias left

    Preciso criar uma apresentação comercial profissional para 3 produtos. Eu tenho o script do que precisa conter na apresentação, mas preciso criar algo que chame a atenção e converse com meu publico, que a junção de palavras e imagens se completem.

    €299 Average bid
    €299 Média
    32 ofertas

    Estou em busca de desenvolvedores qualificados para criar um jogo de cacheta online. O jogo será distribuído via API para sites de cassinos e deve ser compatível tanto com desktop quanto com dispositivos móveis. Requisitos do projeto: - Implementação de funcionalidades como classificação de jogadores, chat ao vivo e personalização de avatares. - Desenvolvimento de múltiplos métodos de autenticação, incluindo email e senha, redes sociais e autenticação de dois fatores. Idealmente, você deve ter experiência anterior no desenvolvimento de jogos online e na criação de APIs. A capacidade de desenvolver um jogo que funcione bem em ambas as plataformas, deskt...

    €1990 Average bid
    €1990 Média
    34 ofertas
    Ajuda com site no WordPress
    3 dias left

    Estou com um projeto no WordPress e preciso configurar funcionalidades para os usuários acessarem e criarem/atualizarem seus perfis, fazer upload de fotos e videos, etc, para que seus perfis fiquem visíveis a todos os visitantes do site. Estou utilizando os plugins Ultimate Member.

    €27 Average bid
    €27 Média
    16 ofertas

    Quero um website onde as pessoas procuram outras pessoas paro o acompanhar, seja elas de qualquer sexo

    €430 Average bid
    €430 Média
    47 ofertas

    Comprei um script de uma plataforma de marketplace para restaurantes, estilo ifood. Porém sou leigo na parte de programação. Foi feita a instalação, porém não sei como faz a personalização do site. Preciso de alguém para me ajudar: personalizar o site com cores e alguns banner, me instruindo através de uma call transmitindo e gravando a tela. Iremos combinar um horário entre 17:00 ás 22:00, melhor horário que preferir.

    €4 / hr Average bid
    €4 / hr Média
    20 ofertas

    Preciso atualizar/modificar o design de um site estático que é um portfólio profissional de psicóloga. Atualmente o site estático está hospedado gratuitamente no github pages. Sobre o site: Gostaria de deixá-lo mais sintonizado com minha identidade pessoal e profissional e que atraia pacientes com informações importantes, claras e layout natural e atraente. Me identifico com perfis que equilibram o comercial com autenticidade. Prezo por um site com naturalidade, elegância, clareza, coerência e humanidade, e que transmita profissionalismo, competência e muito acolhimento. Tem alguns sites que muito me atraem, possuem um estilo bem bonito e profissional e que podem ser uma referência. Sou psic&oac...

    €130 Average bid
    €130 Média
    51 ofertas

    I'm seeking a Wix website developer experienced in creating hotel booking platforms, particularly leveraging the Wix Hotel Dashboard. Key Features: - The primary focus of the site is to provide a user-friendly booking process. - Essential booking features include a room availability calendar, multiple payment options, and booking confirmation emails. - Integration of customer reviews and ratings, as well as special offers and discounts is also needed.

    €11 Average bid
    €11 Média
    2 ofertas

    I am looking for an experienced WordPress developer who can set up a WordPress Multisite for a network of blogs. The project gsve : - Creating a WordPress Multisite network specifically designed for a blog network. - - Implementing a DNS setup using for each site. No access to server. You’ll have rot do unent how to do this for me. Ideal skills for the job include rich experience with WordPress, DNS configuration, and custom theme and plugin development. Please include examples of similar projects you have completed in your bid.

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Média
    18 ofertas

    I'm looking for a modern and sleek car rental service website, aimed at boosting online bookings. The site needs to be attractive and designed for seamless functionality, with an emphasis on good SEO practices. Key Features: - An online booking system that is user-friendly and efficient - A vehicle catalog that showcases our fleet - A section for customer reviews to build trust and engagement - Mobile optimisation for accessibility on all devices - A subscriptions feature for regular customers - Integrated customer support - Virtual tours of our vehicles Ideal Skills: - Strong expertise in web development and design - Proven experience in creating SEO optimised websites - Skills in implementing customer support features - Proficient in mobile optimisation Experience: - Previous w...

    €82 Average bid
    €82 Média
    13 ofertas

    I'm looking for a proficient web developer to create a modern and dynamic website for my car rental, airport transfer, and excursion services. Despite not specifying a particular style, a user-friendly and engaging interface is key. Key Requirements: - Car Rental Section: This must include an efficient online booking system. It is crucial that this system is intuitive and reliable to ensure a seamless user experience. - Airport Transfer Section: Here, I want the feature to provide multiple vehicle options for the users. This should cater to different needs and budgets, enhancing the appeal of this service. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in web development, with specific experience in creating service-based websites. Knowledge of integrating b...

    €388 Average bid
    €388 Média
    99 ofertas

    I need to transfer a Wix website to Wordpress with Divi. Website has 13 simple static pages. Website is

    €141 Average bid
    €141 Média
    92 ofertas

    I'm in need of a skilled front-end web developer to create the user interface for an E-commerce application. While the specific functionalities haven't been outlined yet, potential features may include product search and filtering, shopping cart and checkout, and user reviews and ratings. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in e-commerce web application development - Strong understanding of UI/UX design principles - Experience with responsive and adaptive design - Familiarity with security compliance for e-commerce sites - Ability to work collaboratively with back-end developers Please note that the specific functionalities may be discussed and finalized during the project. The potential for this project to grow depends on the quality of the work delivered.

    €254 Average bid
    €254 Média
    40 ofertas

    I'm looking for an experienced web developer to create a service-oriented ecommerce website using Elementor. The site should have a Classic and Elegant design style, aligned with a Figma custom dashboard. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Elementor and Figma - Experience designing Classic and Elegant themes - Ability to create a user-friendly, service-oriented ecommerce site Please note that the project is urgent. I look forward to your bids. This will lead to an ongoing work.

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr Média
    87 ofertas

    I'm looking for a professional web designer and developer to create a corporate style, information-based website for my company. Key Requirements: - The website should primarily feature company information. - Key sections should include: - About Us: Detailing our company's history, mission, and values. - Services: Describing the services we offer in clear, concise language. - Contact Information: Providing various ways for our clients and stakeholders to reach us. Design Preferences: - The overall look and feel should be corporate and professional. - A modern touch is appreciated, but it should still align with traditional corporate aesthetics. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web design and development, particularly for corporate websites. - S...

    €81 Average bid
    €81 Média
    33 ofertas

    I need a skilled developer to create a dynamic login page for member access. The page should authenticate users through a username and password, and include two-factor authentication for enhanced security. Essential skills and experience: - Proficiency in web development and programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and backend languages like Python, Ruby, or PHP. - Experience in creating secure login systems. - Knowledge and experience of implementing two-factor authentication. - Understanding of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design principles. The developer will create a user-friendly login interface that ensures secure access to our member area. The project requires someone who can balance functionality with a seamless user experience.

    €252 Average bid
    €252 Média
    18 ofertas

    I'm looking to create an ecommerce site focused on selling skincare products. Key Focus: - The primary goal of the ecommerce site is to increase product sales. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in ecommerce website development - Strong understanding of the skincare industry - Proven track record of creating high-conversion ecommerce sites. Please provide examples of your previous ecommerce projects, ideally within the health and beauty sector.

    €259 Average bid
    €259 Média
    117 ofertas

    按附件的设计样式进行网站设计 要求: 1:主题Workreap,保持Workreap的所有功能 2:要求使用crocoblock插件进行页面设计 3:设计PC页面+H5页面 付款方式:pc端修改完成并达到雇主的认可,支付总订单金额至50%; 上线使用一个月后,无错误乱码情况支付总订单金额至90%;剩余10%为质保金,一年内发现乱码或异常等情况雇佣需24小时内及时响应修复后,一年到期雇主结算至总订单金额至100%

    €313 Average bid
    €313 Média
    5 ofertas

    Don't apply unless you are in US now. I'm seeking a skilled web developer/educator to create a series of practical, intermediate-level HTML exercises with advanced CSS styling. The exercises should incorporate a variety of HTML elements including forms, tables, and media (images and videos). Key Responsibilities: - Develop exercises that help reinforce learning and provide hands-on experience. - Assist in the creation of a basic HTML page from scratch. - Provide ongoing support and answer queries as needed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong expertise in HTML and advanced CSS. - Experience in educational content creation. - Excellent communication skills for providing support and answering questions.

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Média
    74 ofertas

    I am looking for a talented web developer who can assist me in building a robust content management system (CMS). The project involves designing a new web application from scratch. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, or Python. - Previous experience in building a CMS is a plus. - Strong understanding of responsive web design principles. Key Responsibilities: - Developing a new, user-friendly web application. - Implementing necessary features and functionalities of a CMS. - Ensuring the application is scalable and secure. Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked on in your bid. Thank you!

    €12732 Average bid
    €12732 Média
    29 ofertas

    I'm in need of a professional web designer to create an appealing, corporate-style website for my web hosting business. The main objective of the site is to attract new customers, so the design should be engaging yet professional. Core Features: - The website should have sections for Home, Domain, Shared Hosting, WordPress, VPS, About Us, and Contact. - An emphasis on showcasing our web hosting plans in a clear, attractive manner. Ideal Candidates: - A portfolio showcasing previous web hosting websites will be a significant advantage. - Experience in creating professional, corporate-style websites is a must. - Skills in UX/UI design to enhance user journey and engagement. Please submit examples of your work, particularly any related to web hosting, as part of your proposal.

    €401 Average bid
    €401 Média
    130 ofertas

    I'm seeking a seasoned web developer to create a tailored music creation website akin to Songfinch. Key features should include: - Personalized music composition for users - Dynamic pricing structured by service levels - AR/VR compatibility - AI voice cloning technology - Support for multimedia uploads, specifically audio files - Comprehensive payment integration - User-friendly dashboards for site members - Full mobile optimization for on-the-go access The site's main goal is to provide users with personalized music experiences. The dynamic pricing model should be tiered, varying according to the level of service chosen. The ideal candidate would have extensive experience in web development, particularly with interactive, multimedia-intensive sites. Proficiency in implementing...

    €1135 Average bid
    €1135 Média
    48 ofertas

    Description: I urgently need someone to fix issues with editing form submissions on my Joomla site that uses Fabrik forms. After migrating the site to a new server, the forms worked fine previously, but now when I try to edit submissions, the page goes blank. This needs to be fixed immediately upon assignment. Potential Causes: Convert Forms Conflict: There might be a conflict with Convert Forms, which is also used on the site. MySQL Queries: The issue could be related to the MySQL queries, potentially due to misconfigurations after the migration. Server Configuration: The new server setup may have different configurations (PHP, MySQL) causing compatibility issues with Joomla, Fabrik, or Convert Forms. Requirements: Troubleshoot the cause of the blank page when editing Fabrik form submiss...

    €13 Average bid
    €13 Média
    10 ofertas

    I'm in need of a logo and a website designed with a classic and elegant touch. The website is primarily for real estate sales. Key features required on the site include: - Property listings with search functionality Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in logo and website design - Prior work in the real estate sector would be a plus - Strong understanding of modern web design trends while incorporating a classic style - Excellent portfolio showcasing classic and elegant designs

    €66 Average bid
    €66 Média
    30 ofertas
    Elementor Website Layout Tweaks
    6 dias left

    I'm looking for a freelancer proficient in Elementor to help me edit the content sections of my website layout. The changes will involve text alterations, image updates, and a redesign of the layout. I have specific design guidelines that need to be followed.

    €28 Average bid
    €28 Média
    58 ofertas

    wibsite sebuah berita yang menjelaskan tentang suatu berita atau informasi yangg harus di selesaiikan

    €32 / hr Average bid
    €32 / hr Média
    13 ofertas

    Seeking an expert in Prestashop and specifically in the Warehouse theme from Iquit to improve my checkout process. Although specific issues and improvements were not provided, the ideal candidate should be able to diagnose potential issues and suggest enhancements. Skills and experience required: - Extensive knowledge of Prestashop and its themes, particularly the Warehouse theme from Iquit - Experience in optimizing e-commerce checkout processes - Ability to enhance user experience, security features, and mobile responsiveness - Strong problem-solving skills to diagnose potential issues with the current checkout process

    €111 Average bid
    €111 Média
    36 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to help me create a blog. The blog should be responsive, user-friendly, and have seamless integration with various social media platforms. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong proficiency in website development, particularly creating blogs - Proven experience with social media integration - Skills in responsive web design - Knowledge of SEO best practices for blogs - Familiarity with user-friendly UI/UX design principles Please include relevant examples of your past work in your proposal.

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Média
    60 ofertas

    I'm looking to enhance my gaming website with some key features. The main additions will be customer service auto chat pop-ups, which will include: - A live chat functionality with a support agent - Promotional pop-ups - Bonus pop-ups - Transation history - Agent information(Subcordinate data) - Winning pop-up - Login captcha - Different deposit system - Deposit withrwal history Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in web development, specifically for gaming sites. Proficiency in implementing chat functionalities and pop-up systems is a must. Previous work on E-commerce or interactive sites will be highly regarded.

    €606 Average bid
    €606 Média
    22 ofertas

    I'm seeking an experienced web developer to create a modern, sleek website similar to focused on booking both flights and hotels. Key Features: - User Reviews and Ratings: This feature should allow users to share their experiences and opinions on various hotels and flights. - Comparison Tool: A key part of the site will be a tool that allows users to compare different travel options. - Loyalty Program: The site should incorporate a loyalty program to retain users and reward frequent customers. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional web development and design skills, particularly in creating modern and sleek user interfaces. - Experience in building travel booking sites or comparable platforms. - Proficient in integrating user-generated content, comparison tools, and loyalty programs into a w...

    €488 Average bid
    €488 Média
    154 ofertas

    We need a long-term data entry agent for  Must speak and write perfect English.  Must have experience with SEO, Digital Marketing. and Project Management This is a full-time position and requires total attention. Must be a team player and a quick learner. You must have: -Perfect English -Ability to read and write English -Project Management experience -Experience with Salesforce -Experience with Digital Marketing Must be able to work 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Pacific Standard Time Monday - Friday No Agencies, please If this sounds like you, please apply. Thanks and have a great day! Please apply today for immediate consideration

    €999 Average bid
    €999 Média
    48 ofertas

    We are looking to build our own branded software plugin for our client dashboard. Website is built on Wordpress and the dashboard is completely already created . We would like someone to cleanly develop a custom plugin that will have many features added over time and we’d like to do them one by one. Including things like project manager system, SEO analytics dashboard, chat, and more. This project specifically is ONLY for one part of it, the "Helpdesk". We have a project document with details as well as wireframes that will be sent upon messaging. We will be choosing someone with 500+ reviews that has the best price and best timeframe estimate. Any absurd pricing will be ignored.

    €407 Average bid
    €407 Média
    85 ofertas

    My .NET website has a backend issue that needs urgent fixing. The Excel export feature, which was working previously, has suddenly stopped triggering. There are no specific error codes or descriptions. Your main tasks will include: - Diagnosing the Excel export issue - Implementing a solution to restore functionality - Ensuring the fix is compatible with our secured server - Email Notification function not working Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proven expertise in .NET - Prior experience with backend web development - Familiarity with Excel export functionality - Knowledge of configuring for secured servers - Ability to diagnose and fix generic error messages I need someone who can resolve this issue swiftly and effectively to minimize disruption to our services. In...

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Média
    23 ofertas
    laman web mengunakan wordpress.
    6 dias left

    Saya memerlukan pembangun web menggunakan wordpress untuk membina laman web air mineral untuk saya Keperluan: - Page ( Laman Utama , Info Product , Tentang Kami , Hubungi Kami ) - Reka Bentuk Laman Web yang menarik. Kemahiran & Pengalaman: - Kemahiran dalam WordPress - Kemahiran reka bentuk laman web yang menarik Jika anda mampu membina laman web ini, sila PM saya. terima kasih.

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Média
    20 ofertas

    We are seeking a talented Visual/Graphic Designer on a freelance project basis (ideally remote Canada or USA but can be global) for an immediate, critical corporate website project. The ideal candidate will have a strong design portfolio and a keen eye for detail, with expertise in adhering to brand standards and color schemes, particularly with a focus on accessibility.

    €638 Average bid
    €638 Média
    92 ofertas
    WordPress Website Repairs
    6 dias left

    My WordPress website requires urgent repairs. The main issues are related to functionality and loading speed. Key Requirements: - Troubleshooting and fixing non-submitting forms - Repairing malfunctioning plugins - Restoring the functionality of the restaurant booking form Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WordPress - Proficient in identifying and fixing functionality issues - Ability to enhance the website's loading speed and performance

    €23 / hr Average bid
    €23 / hr Média
    151 ofertas

    I'm looking for a professional developer or team to create an online payday loan app and website that is compatible with both iOS and Android. Key Features: - Loan Calculator: The app should incorporate a user-friendly loan calculator to help users understand their loan options. - User Account Management: Secure and efficient user account management is crucial. This will involve user registration, login, password recovery, and account settings. - Loan Application Form: There should be an easy-to-navigate loan application form within the app. Additional Features: - Push Notifications: Users should receive timely updates and reminders through push notifications. - Customer Support Chat: A built-in customer support chat feature is necessary for real-time assistance. - Credit Score Tra...

    €1141 Average bid
    €1141 Média
    81 ofertas

    I am currently in the prototyping phase of product development and I require design modifications for a digital mockup. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in design software - Experience in digital mockup creation - Strong product development background - Ability to implement design modifications effectively - Excellent communication skills for understanding and executing design changes.

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Média
    36 ofertas

    I'm seeking a professional who can assist in selecting and setting up furniture in a modern style for my living room, bedroom, and kitchen. Key Requirements: - Expertise in modern design - Experience in selecting and setting up furniture - Ability to furnish a living room, bedroom, and kitchen - Bathroom For 5 bedroom and 2 bathroom Please provide examples of previous similar projects. Check photos here for sample project:

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Média
    50 ofertas

    I'm looking for a talented web designer to overhaul my Wordpress site, , with a modern and minimalist design. The current visual aesthetics of the site are not meeting my expectations and a fresh, smart design is needed. Key requirements: - Extensive experience in Wordpress website design and development - Exceptional skills in creating modern, minimalist web designs - Understanding of visual aesthetics and user experience - Ability to enhance content organization on the site Moreover, I'm seeking an expert in Search Engine Optimization who can provide ongoing services to improve the site's visibility and ranking. SEO tasks will involve: - Keyword optimization - Content creation - Backlink building In the future, I may also require assistance with email campaigns, so f...

    €255 Average bid
    €255 Média
    135 ofertas

    I'm looking for a seasoned developer who can integrate 25 different app APIs into my project. This includes the OpenAI natural language API. Key Features: - New message functionality - AI settings - A dedicated workspace app page - An app page to create a workspace - A notification center - A profile page Additionally, an Admin panel is required for overseeing the operations. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with API integrations - Proficiency in OpenAI API - Strong background in developing both mobile and web apps - Prior experience in creating admin panels - Excellent understanding of implementing user-friendly features

    €155 Average bid
    €155 Média
    63 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled web designer and developer to create a new design for my E-pin selling site. This project will be primarily focused on using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to develop a modern, dark-themed website. Key requirements include: - Expertise in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript: You will be using these technologies to create a sleek, modern design. - Experience in eCommerce site design: As this site is intended for selling e-pins, you should have a good understanding of the typical functionalities and layouts of eCommerce sites. - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles: The site should be user-friendly and appealing to customers. Please note, the specific functionalities of the site have not yet been determined, so a flexible approach and a willingness to make suggesti...

    €146 Average bid
    €146 Média
    84 ofertas

    I'm looking for a WordPress expert to create an affiliate blog focused on product reviews in the health and wellness sector. This blog should include: - An Email subscription form to engage visitors and build a loyal audience. - Social media sharing buttons to promote the blog and its content across various platforms. Ideal Skills: You should have a strong command of WordPress and be able to implement these features seamlessly. Previous experience in creating affiliate blogs or product review sites would be a significant advantage. Knowledge or interest in health and wellness products would also be beneficial.

    €121 Average bid
    €121 Média
    84 ofertas

    FAST & EXPERIENCED WP Developer FAST LOADING PAGE a small website with 5 sections.. Custom Design: Use our product images and designs. • Responsive: The site must work perfectly on all devices. • Fast & Secure: Optimize for speed, security, and minimal plugin use. • Clean Code: Ensure the code is well-organized and easy to update. Requirements: • Experience: Proven track record with corporate WordPress sites. • Portfolio: Show examples of similar projects. • User-Friendly Design: Focus on creating an intuitive experience. • Technical Skills: Ability to implement custom designs and ensure site speed. NO PLUGINS FOR FAST CHARGING.

    €117 Average bid
    €117 Média
    110 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled mobile app developer to integrate a new feature into my existing tour app template. - Primary Focus: The app is primarily designed for tours, so experience with travel or tour-related apps will be an advantage. - E-commerce Integration: While the main purpose isn't e-commerce, knowledge in this area can help in implementing features like a booking system. Key Skills Required: - Proficient in mobile app development. - Experience with tour-related apps is a plus. - Knowledge of e-commerce features and integration. - Ability to understand and enhance existing app templates. Your primary role will involve customizing the tour app template to incorporate a new feature that will enhance its functionality. The specific feature to be integrated is still to ...

    €3559 Average bid
    €3559 Média
    56 ofertas

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