World warcraft realm count trabalhos
Eu tenho um site e gostaria de hospedar no ser...configuração DNS no servidor e configurações posteriores para acessar a página. A página já está pronta e acessando na intranet, portanto, preciso apenas liberar o acesso externo. I have a website that I would like to host in my local Server (Windows Server 2012 R2). It already runs in the LAN, in any computer that belongs to network, but I would like to access it on the internet from any part of the world. As mentioned before, I want to host it here using IIS8. I already have a hosting to route the DNS to my IP. I would need some help with configuring the DNS in the server and further configurations needed to access it in the internet. The webpage is done and can be accessed...
I am starting a business that is focused on the food chain. I offer solutions, services, products and software at the right size and time for each participant of the food chain. Our tagline is a helping had for those who feed the world
need a logo to a website NAME: WSB-SHOPPING SLOGAN 1: World Stock Buy SLOGAN 2 : (compre cá fora, pague cá dentro)
Um logo a dizer San Andreas World Events Podem colocar uma mudança de tom mas sempre em verde. Por exemplo isto -
Português: Preciso que seja desenvolvido um módulo para opencart onde torne possível eu escolher na variação do produto se o estoque será subtraido da própria variação ou do produto principal. Hoje a loja somente permite a subtração ou não da variação e o estoque do produto principal continua o mesmo. English: I need a module that permits to change in my product options if the subtract count of stock will be maked on that variation or in the principal product. Today , opencart only permits that stock be subtracted on the variation not from principal product.
...municípios do todo brasil) para ver a apresentação completa e detalhada da empresa ou negócio. Isto também se aplica a eventos, shows, seminários ... Mais uma vez, os visitantes serão encaminhadas diretamente para cada cidade de destino selecionado e sua visão geral organizados em ordem alfabética de eventos / shows... Nós fazemos os nossos clientes e sua visão de marca, aqui no portal, bem como na World Wide Web. Para garantir que sua apresentação deve ser alcançado dentro e fora do nosso portal (no mundo inteiro), este irá apresentar nos motores de busca mais populares com o marketing mais eficaz para você. Isto tem como consequência que os nossos clientes s&atil...
We need someone to develop a gallery like the one on this link: Every slide should count as a pageview and have diferent content on the "sidebar"
serviços em editor de texto world e serviços de imagens e planejamento em gerais
Preciso de um Script para o jogo world of warcraft versao 3.3.5a ele ja e existente em c++ mais preciso dele na linguagem LUA ele consiste em equilibrar os battlerground's do jogo colocar o proximo jogador do lado que tiver menos gente valor a combinar
Procura-se programador Web para integrar projecto bastante ambicioso já em fase de lançamento. A WBA - World Best Artists é uma startup assente num marketplace inovador para o mundo das artes do espectáculo, que foi criada para revolucionar o método de interacção entre artistas e organizadores de eventos. Trata-se de um projecto ambicioso com objectivo de expansão internacional e que está na fase de descolagem. Somos uma equipa dinâmica a trabalhar diariamente num projecto que está numa fase inicial de lançamento nacional e planeamento internacional. Contudo, sentimos a falta de um programador na equipa, visto que o “core business” da empresa gira à volta de um website fun...
PROPOSTA DO TRABALHO<br /><br />“WORLD SURVIVE” (nome fictício), uma grande ONG - organização não governamental socioambiental internacional ligada a ONU – Organização das Nações Unidas – com uma rede de centenas de estações de fiscalização para levantamentos, constatações de denuncias e consequente ajuda humanitária, amplamente distribuídas nos cinco continentes. ONG lida com questões ligadas a degradação humana e a destruição dos recursos naturais e, dentre as quais, por exemplo, no Brasil, as queimadas; a contaminação do lençol freático em regiões de prá...
...changing diet and physical exercise. The application should be released in November, but for now I have worked in the construction of my presence on the Internet through FB, Calls, Twitter, Blog and Landing page. The application site is I'm looking for someone to help me move these channels and the month of November will be critical to this, since November 14 takes place the World Day of diabetes when projects like mine gain much visibility. I needed a professional who could work intensively on the project (at least 20 hours per week) during the first two weeks of November. After that if there is interest we could continue to work together to maintain current channels in operation, but possibly with a smaller workload. I am flexible as to the working model, if you ...
...pré-lançamento. Buscamos profissional multi-disciplinar focado em resultados e aperfeiçoamento-contínuo.<br /><br />Você pode considerar-se um(a) candidato(a) se, acima de tudo, tiver habilidade e paixão em escrever código conciso e de qualidade (sem gambiarras), possuir dois anos ou mais de experiência em JavaScript, HTML e CSS. Ser curioso e motivado em solucionar os segredos mais obscuros da world wide web e desenvolver soluções simples para problemas complexos. Capacidade de tomar e sustentar decisões junto ao time.<br /><br />Seu papel dentro do time será implementar/codificar de modo otimizado as regras apresentadas pelo time de designer através de ferramentas co...
...consulta: SELECT data AS data_hora, DATE_FORMAT(data, '%Y-%m-%d') AS data, ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id_categoria) AS total FROM agenda AGE2 WHERE DATE() = DATE() ) AS total FROM agenda AGE1 GROUP BY DATE(data) Maior número de registros examinados/lidos: 1853858 (em número de linhas) gerada pela consulta: SELECT data AS data_hora, DATE_FORMAT(data, '%Y-%m-%d') AS data, ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id_categoria) AS total FROM agenda AGE2 WHERE DATE() = DATE() ) AS total FROM agenda AGE1 GROUP BY DATE(data) Maior número de registros enviados: 437 (em número de linhas) gerada pela consulta: SELECT data AS data_hora, DATE_FORMAT(data, '%Y-%m-%d') AS data, ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id_categoria) AS total F...
Gostaria de informar as pessoas tudo sobre vitiligo, os melhores tratamentos, como lidar, minimizar o preconceito e tentar buscar uma cura para essa doença.
...operating systems over long distances. Configure and install the operating system of Apple OS X on your PC, able to have a great benefit and cost the same performance and sometimes even bigger than a MAC. We also install other operating systems Windows and Linux. Check out our facebook page with several customers satisfied with their common PCS (not Macs) running the most advanced system in the world. Your machine deserves a good performance with a system that only we can put on your machine. Facebook: Whatsapp: +55 61 9854-9966 AD : ...
Por favor, Cadastre-se ou Faça Login para ver os detalhes.
Innovatio é um Curso de F...24 horas, divididas em 4 dias (2 sextas à noite e 2 sábados o dia inteiro) que objetiva formar experts em inovação. Essas pessoas terão essa formação em seus currículos, melhorando carreira, além de serem convidadas para projetos especiais, já que 2015 e 2016 estão sendo considerados "os anos de ouro" da inovação no Brasil, país que está ainda em 43º lugar no ranking de competitividade do mundo (World Economic Forum Bruxelas).Esses profissionais serão capacitados e terão habilidades desenvolvidas para 1 - Criar Cultura de Inovação 2 - Formar ordas de inovadores 3 - Gereciar processos de inovaç&at...
Preciso de um desenvolvedor para criar um aplicativo de delivery de alimento kosher - world wide. Criar um aplicativo onde um viajante turista ou até mesmo uma pessoa local possa encomendar kosher food com facilidade, o pagamento é feito via cartão de credito e uma comissão é descontada do preço do delivery para o aplicativo. Interessados, enviem propostas.
Procuramos agentes comerciais para venda e distribuição de suplementos alimentares, cosméticos entre outros para o mercado português. Valoriza-se pessoas com habilidades comerciais e comunicativas que desenvolvam e mantenham uma ótima carteira de clientes em Portugal. Witchmar World é uma empresa com sede em Barcelona, Espanha e dedica-se à distribuição de suplementos alimentares, cosméticos, moda entre outros que encontra-se presente em Espanha, Reino Unido, França, Itália e Portugal e segue uma tendência de crescimento noutros países. Para mais informações contatar [The administrator removed this message for encouraging communication outside, which br...
Preciso de um profissional que transforme textos de world para e-book. Com trava de segurança para evitar que o material seja copiado Menor prazo, melhor preço, que trabalhe com ilustração, animação, para que tudo possa ficar o mais rico possível. Interessados, enviar propostas!
...para as páginas externas que forem necessárias; 07 - Acessibilidade para dispositivos móveis, como celulares e Tablets; (sem responsivo) 08 - Não restrição a navegadores e plataformas; 09 - Páginas de conteúdo rápidas para carregar; 10 - Interface focada na facilidade de uso pelos visitantes; 11 - Otimização para mecanismos de busca como o Google; 12 - Validação junto ao W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), consórcio internacional de empresas que regulamenta a construção de sites na internet; 13 - Sistema de busca nas páginas internas; 14 - Acesso diferenciado para Registrados através da Central de Usuários; 15 - Acesso ao jog...
6 páginas online na loja que o CSS ou esta errado ou precisa ser alterado. No create a count por ser um themeforest precisa clicar para expandir o próximo campo. Payment, shipping e confirmation não ficam em 90% na largura. Interessados, enviar propostas.
preciso de uma logomarca, leve, moderna, e flat, o nome não posso divulgar ainda mas tem 5 letras. I need a logo, clean, flat and modern. This name in hide because is not started but name have 5 world
Precisamos de Jogadores Brasileiros Experientes Para Fazer Videos de World of Warcraft - Tutoriais Guias sobre guildas, guerreiros, farm, passo a passo, dicas e muito mais.
Desenvolvimento Web é um termo amplo para qualquer atividade para o desenvolvimento de um website para a World Wide Web (WWW) ou uma internet. Isso pode incluir: e-commerce, desenvolvimento de negócios, web design, desenvolvimento de conteúdo web, client-side/server-side, scripts e configuração do servidor web. No entanto, entre os profissionais de web, "desenvolvimento web" normalmente se refere apenas aos aspectos de design não-construção de web sites, por exemplo, escrita de marcação e codificação. Desenvolvimento web pode variar de desenvolvimento mais simples "página estática de texto simples" até as mais complexas aplicações web-based inter...
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Conheça tudo sobre o novo universo de WoW No quarto pacote de expansão da série World of Warcraft, o jogador tem a certeza de que estará sendo constantemente desafiado a encarar os mais novos perigos e aventuras em batalhas épicas nas terras de Azeroth. O sucesso de World of Warcraft A série World of Warcraft, iniciada em 1994 pela Blizzard Entertainment, já nasceu fadada ao sucesso. No ano de estreia, ganhou inúmeros prêmios e em pouco tempo já estava fascinando milhões de jogadores do mundo todo. Podendo ser considerada uma das melhores e mais bem sucedidas série de jogos de ação e aventura de to...
...server with all the code. The only payment made before the start of the project, will be 3% to cover the payment of the site Values and description of associated functional features must be given for each milestone. The delivery time must obligatorily be up to 60 days, counting from the first payment (3% payment). If the delay is a responsibility of the contractor, those days do not count towards the total period of delivery. In case of time delivery failure that exceed 30 days by the supplier, without having been accepted by the contractor, we are allowed to rescind the contract, receive all the code already done and pay nothing more. The supplier must give total free technical assistance in the first 6 month and fix all the bugs. These conditions are not n...
...'] == "japanese") { include("lang/"); } elseif ($_SESSION['language'] == "chinese_simplified") { include("lang/"); } elseif ($_SESSION['language'] == "chinese_traditional") { include("lang/"); } else { include("lang/".$default_language.".php"); } for ($i=0; $i<count($lang); $i++) { STemplate::assign('lang'.$i, $lang[$i]); } if($config['re_mobile'] == "1" && $config['m_url'] != "") ... ------------------------------------------------------------------- **e tem as paginas de idiomas no include/lang, veja um exempl...
...type="int">12979</variable> <variable name="pos" type="int">0</variable> <variable name="count" type="int">98</variable> <variable name="max_count" type="int">100</variable> <variable name="data" type="Octets"></variable> <variable name="proctype" type="int">8</variable> <variable name="expire_date" type="int">0</variable> <variable name="guid1" type="int">0</variable> <variable name="guid2" type="int">0</variable> <variable name="mask" type="int">0</variable> </ite...
Tenho um blog sobre MMORPGs, mas estou precisando de posts sobre os games em geral, tipo: quando foi lançado, empresa que lançou, quando abriu o servidor brasileiro, pontos fortes e fracos do jogo, e etc. Os jogos que gostaria no momento são World War Craft, Perfect World, Cabal, Aion e Forsaken. Pode ser qualquer um destes.
Freela! redação online de textos Quem somos: A World of Editors é uma empresa de Internet. A companhia foca no mercado de Online Marketing em português com o intuito de aproveitar o intenso crescimento que é esperado desse mercado nos próximos anos. For
Quem somos: A World of Editors é uma empresa de Internet. A companhia se foca no mercado de Online Marketing em português com o intuito de aproveitar o intenso crescimento que é esperado desse mercado nos próximos anos. Fortemente apoiados financeiramen
Desperate for a Helping Hand: Support for Lavish Furnishes Hey everyone, I’m reaching out because I’m in a tough spot and could really use some help. I’ve poured my heart, soul, and every last penny into building my business, Lavish Furnishes. My site is finally ...I believe in my vision, and I know that with a little help, I can make this business thrive! If you or someone you know can help—whether it’s through a loan, advice, or connections to resources—please reach out. I’m ready to put in the work and push through this last hump. Together, we can turn Lavish Furnishes into a success! Thank you for taking the time to read this. Your support means the world to me! Check out the website: #SupportSmallBusiness #LavishFurnishes #HelpNe...
I'm seeking a talented video editor to merge diverse assets (animated visuals, battle-maps, voiceovers, music, etc.) into a captivating 35-minute documentary for our history channel, focusing on the ancient world and the middle ages. Key Responsibilities: - Seamlessly combine various elements to create an entertaining and engaging film - Perfectly time image transitions and visuals placements to maintain viewer's interest - Use dynamic and vibrant effects for action scenes, while predominantly keeping it subtle and smooth For this project, we'll provide you with multiple assets (e.g animated images, battle maps, political maps, voiceover, animations) and would would want you to apply them to the storyline in an engaging way. You'll arrange the animations, musi...
Let's please get first draft review over by Tuesday. Thank you!
...more than £100.00 to be paid, as it is a competition and it is not guaranteed I will be chosen. Not investing a lot. I'm looking for an expert in VFX or Blender to create a video presentation lasting between 1 to 8 minutes. The primary purpose of this video is entertainment, so creativity and engaging visuals are a must. Key Requirements: - The visual style should be realistic, mirroring real-world scenarios and effects. - The video should incorporate specific visual effects such as explosions and lighting effects. - Ideally, the candidate should have previous experience in creating similar entertainment-oriented, realistic VFX videos. - The video should also include synchronized sound effects to enhance the realism. - The final video should be produced in at least ...
...manually count the number of unique customers and staff members entering the store. Your validation will help improve our AI model's accuracy. Key Details: Purpose: This is part of a machine learning system that tracks foot traffic in retail stores. Your counts will help refine our AI's ability to differentiate between customers and staff. Task Requirements: Watch 12 short videos (each about 2 minutes and 30 seconds) per store. Videos are available online through our validation platform (attached image). Select Store 3 and review videos from 10 AM to 9 PM. Total of 12 videos. Identify staff members by watching a few minutes of footage; they are not explicitly labeled. Counting Rules: Count&...
I'm looking to create a workflow on that automates a TikTok search based on a keyword I enter into Slack. The goal is to identify the top 100 profiles based on follower count. Key Requirements: - The automation should trigger a TikTok search when I add a keyword in Slack. - It should return detailed information on the top 100 profiles, including: - Profile name - Follower count - Content category - Total Likes - Bio - Profile URL - The retrieved data should be formatted neatly in Google Sheets or airtable Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in - Experience with Slack and TikTok integrations - Ability to format and organize data in Google Sheets - Understanding of social media metrics and profile analysis Note: A keen interest in social media and its various cont...
...up distroyed, burned or buried daily in landfills or recycling plants. By innovating it is possible to generate an incentive to give them a second life. Would you like to be part of a solution to this problem? Greenriot is a circular economy Startup and mobile app to boost local circular economy. Are you a social media and influencer marketing expert looking to make a positive impact on the world ?? We are launching our Circular economy App Soon and an Social Media & Influencer Manager is crucial for executing our launch strategy. ? What we’re looking for: ✅ Someone who can turn ideas into viral influencer campaigns and creative content. ✅ Experience managing influencers and social media in B2C campaigns. ✅ Interest or knowledge in sustainability and the circular ...
...mostly. Also traffic from other’s counties if they speak English. To help increase my channel's subscriber count and promote my NOT FOR PROFIT. We are a start up ECO company. We are fascinated with anyone who cares about the future of our planet and the young generation that’s shaping it. I have been a web developer since 1995. I do more content and need marketers. I’m looking for a few people from different companies or working for them selfs. The content is primarily tutorials and educational videos centered around eco-friendly topics. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a targeted marketing strategy aimed at eco-conscious viewers - Boost my channel's visibility and subscriber count - Suggest and execute strategies to enhance viewer ... the region. ? Global Relevance: Emirati Arabic is widely understood across the Gulf, making it a valuable skill. CTA: "Book Your Free Trial Class Today" "Message Us" (WhatsApp Icon) Our Services Kids Classes (Ages 5+): Fun, interactive lessons to help children learn Emirati Arabic. Adult Classes: Beginner to advanced courses tailored to your goals. Online Classes: Learn from anywhere in the world via Zoom. In-Person Classes: Join us in the UAE for face-to-face learning. CTA: "Book Your Free Trial Class Today" "Message Us" (WhatsApp Icon) Our Pricing Unlock the power of Emirati Arabic at the best prices! Whether you're looking for private one-on-one sessions or engaging group classes, we have an option to fit your needs and budget...
...and % of outliers? ( I want formulas, not just numbers count) 2.3. Empirical Formula Analysis: With mean= 61.75, stdev= 1.43, Use the Empirical formula with any observation that is more than 3 stdevs away from the mean is an outlier, Calculate the upper limit and the lower limit of the empirical formula data. According to the UL & LL, using table filters, does the data have outliers, how many observations are above the UL, How many observations are below the LL, and % of outliers? (Do your Math at the proper location of the excel worksheet) 3. Pivot tables & charts: Use the “Q3-Pivot_Tables_Charts Slicer” worksheet to perform the following tasks (Necessary columns data are in the worksheet) 3.1. Create a Pivot table of Depth Count and Plot the bar-c...
I am a social media manager seeking a proficient freelancer to help enhance my follower count primarily on platforms where images and photos are the key content. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in increasing social media followers - Expertise in creating engaging image and photo content - Familiarity with best practices on major social media platforms - Ability to analyze and adapt strategy based on performance metrics
...friends, lovers—important for aligning user goals) Location & Security: Address (Can be sensitive—consider a general area or city instead, and keep the actual address private for safety reasons) IP Address & Current Location (Essential for security and geographical matching, but be transparent about how this data is used to build trust with users) All IP addresses used and geographic count (Could be useful for tracking unusual activity or fraud detection, but make sure users understand this is part of your security measures) User Agent String Computer ID (Definitely useful for banning purposes, ensuring that users cannot easily evade bans; but this needs clear user consent and transparency) User Preferences & Lifestyle: Relations...
We are seeking someone with experience in crowdfunding to help launch a campaign for a groundbreaking crime prevention technology, designed to combat the significant use of radio signal jamming by organized crime groups to facilitate theft. This product, ...of jammers, and educate those who are not. Video available showing Ring Fence in action Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience of successful crowdfunding campaigns - Understanding of smart phone technology and security applications. - The marketing skills to effectively present our unique technologies to address vulnerabilities in the whole host of wireless based security systems from world leading suppliers like Google (Nest) and Amazon “Ring” - Availability to respond quickly Timeframe: 7-10 days B...
...and research opportunities specifically for power electronics engineers working in the EV systems domain. Main focus is on content of power electronics applications. So, electrical engineers or researchers are required . Key Aspects to Cover: - An overview of AI and ML applications in power electronics and EV systems. - Detailed research opportunities in this space. - Case studies and real-world examples that illustrate these points effectively. The target audience for this presentation has an intermediate understanding of AI, ML, and power electronics in EV systems. Therefore, the content should not be too basic but should still be accessible to those who may not be experts in the field. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - A strong background in power electr...
I’m designing a board with the STM32F401RBT6 and have decided to use a 48 MHz TCXO for the HSE clock. I’ve written a simple "Hello World" program that communicates through USART. the TCXO i used : TG2016SMN 48.0000M-MCGNNM3 Observations: When using the HSI (internal oscillator), the program works fine. When switching to the HSE (with the TCXO), the program does not work. I measured the TCXO OUTPUT SIGNAL using an oscilloscope. The waveform is shown in the attached image. value of R8 and R9 = 0 , C13 = 10 pF , C16 = 1000pF Requirements: Experience with STM32 microcontrollers. Proficiency in STM32CubeIDE and clock configurations. Knowledge of using TCXOs (Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators) with STM32. Ability to troubleshoot HSE clock startup issue...
As a high school student new to online work, I'm eager to dive into the world of social media advertising. I'm seeking a serious job that pays well and allows me to become self-reliant. Key Responsibilities: - Assist with creating and implementing social media advertising strategies primarily focused on Facebook and Instagram. - Collaborate on content creation for ads. - Learn and grow in the field of digital marketing. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Knowledge or experience in social media advertising. - Creativity in content creation. - Reliability and commitment to the job. This project is perfect for someone who is patient and willing to mentor a young student while helping to drive successful advertising campaigns.