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2,000 using dialux trabalhos encontrados

I need a professional to assess risk of bias of 11 articles, these articles include randomized and non-randomized studies. These are studies in the area of ​​audiology/electrophysiology and the use of hearing aids. The professional *needs* to be familiar with these tools. I have all the articles, they will be sent to you. Preciso de um profissional que realize analise de risco de viés de 11 artigos, incluem estudos randomizados e nao randomizados. São estudos da área da fonoaudiologia/eletrofisiologia da audição e uso de aparelhos auditivos. O profissional precisa conhecer bem essas ferramentas e esse tipo de análise.

€72 Average bid
€72 Média
5 ofertas

I need a matlab code, applying PSO to optimally place and size n-numbers of DG in a distribution system IEEE-test (I have the data for 33 and 69 bus), in order to reduce the system losses and improve the voltage profile. The power flow analysis to determine system losses and voltage profile, backward and forward sweep can be applied.

€146 Average bid
€146 Média
10 ofertas

We are a B2B2C company that offers solutions through a website working with Ruby on Rails. We are looking for some freelancers with good experience with Ruby to help us with our backlog.

€7 / hr Average bid
€7 / hr Média
6 ofertas

I need a program that controls a temperature of 3 kettles. An ESP 32 is used in the project. For detais, please check file attached .

€494 Average bid
€494 Média
9 ofertas

Create a delivery webapp using: - reacjts (context) - material-ui library () - styled-components () - mobile first Just the frontend, you don't need the backend. Samples:

€31 Average bid
€31 Média
3 ofertas

Seleção de produtos e execução de projectos luminotécnicos em Dialux

€20 Average bid
€20 Média
1 ofertas

i need a live tv service this service should initially have 1 tv channel, i intend to add more channels in the future the channel must be compatible with ssiptv to be compatible I must receive a URL for each channel created this channel URL I will put it in an m3u list ........... how will i send the images live? through a virtual windows machine or through broadcast programs using my computer at home

€9 Average bid
€9 Média
1 ofertas

Eu preciso de você para desenvolver um software para mim. Gostaria que este software fosse desenvolvido.

€9 - €28
€9 - €28
0 ofertas

1. Emdedar o Blog do Medium em uma página no site: - Objetivo garantir que o usuário permaneça no site, e ganhar a relevância das buscas no domínio do site para as páginas do blog 2. Escopo - Criar um UX da página do Blog seguindo uma orientação layout - Desenvolver no padrão react/node - Garantir que qualquer novo conteúdo postado no blog seja apresentado na página do site

€482 Average bid
€482 Média
7 ofertas

Preciso de alguém com conhecimento em flash loan e bastante experiência em arbitragem de criptomoedas e rede ethereum. Quero fazer uma arbitragem usando flash loans nas defi

€463 Average bid
€463 Média
1 ofertas

Eu preciso de você para desenvolver um software para mim. Gostaria que este software fosse desenvolvido para Windows usando C++, esse programa deverá clonar páginas da web tendo algum meio de ser hospedado na web gerando um link com domínio grátis com 7 clonado um direito captar informações, vocês podem encontrar exemplos como Weeman usando ngrok. eu também irei precisar do código-fonte caso você consiga fazer o programa.

€132 Average bid
€132 Média
4 ofertas
Encerrado left

projeto luminotecnico para bacia de tanques usando dialux

€15 / hr Average bid
€15 / hr Média
3 ofertas

Preciso de um profissional que tenha experiência no softwer DIALUX e que atenda no Rio de Janeiro.<br />O trabalho consiste em um projeto luminotécnico para iluminação de 4 bacias de tanques.

€9 - €19 / hr
€9 - €19 / hr
0 ofertas

I have a WPF project in the C # language that uses the Dahua SDK. I need to troubleshoot the following issues: - I tried to use the FFMPEG libraries (most current version) to decode the CAMERA VIDEO STREAM (H.264 format) and the frames are coming out cut in low quality (not so much) and in high quality (always). - Another problem is the constant increase of RAM...use the FFMPEG libraries (most current version) to decode the CAMERA VIDEO STREAM (H.264 format) and the frames are coming out cut in low quality (not so much) and in high quality (always). - Another problem is the constant increase of RAM when performing the decodings. (possibly because I'm not properly cleaning the pointers created in the unsafe areas of the code) ** Problems can be solved using another library ...

€488 Average bid
€488 Média
2 ofertas

Olá, preciso de uma ajuda Urgente, não é projeto nenhum, seria apenas de corrigir este erro em meu site Access denied for user 'siste01_sistema'@'localhost' (using password: YES) E talvez se for preciso, fazer alguma outra correção pequena no site caso necessite. Por favor, quem puder me ajudar eu agradeceria, naõ to pagando muito e verdade, mas seria apenas para corrigir esse erro, e tbm mais algum outro pequeno caso necessite, desde ja agradeço.-

€7 Average bid
€7 Média
8 ofertas

Tenho uma série de páginas em html que preciso frequentemente consultar e extrair informações e gostaria de automatizar o processo usando, de preferência, a biblioteca lxml do python.

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Média
12 ofertas

Need Selenium Java WebDriver Tester ASAP.

€21 Average bid
€21 Média
13 ofertas

Preciso de um profissional que tenha experiência no softwer DIALUX e que atenda no Rio de Janeiro.<br />O trabalho consiste em um projeto luminotécnico para 02 garagens de um prédio residencial. <br />Contratação imediata. <br /> 

€212 Average bid
€212 Média
6 ofertas

Se trata de um artigo científico para correção do inglês e logo após correção submeteremos em uma revista científica. It is a scientific article to correct the English and soon after abide correction in a scientific journal.

€51 Average bid
€51 Média
3 ofertas

Código PHP para banner no qual necessito. Que seja detectado a REFERER. "caso venha do site especificado" Mostra Banner X Caso contrato BANNER Y. E necessito que tenha um setcookie + limites de click permitidos. (Dentro de 30min) por ex: Para que não fique sendo repetido o banner depois que o usuário clicar uma única vez.

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Média
4 ofertas

Conseguir tráfico para mi web 2 WEBSITES USING ADWRODS O BACK LINKS

€332 Average bid
€332 Média
19 ofertas

Precisamos reformular nosso website e gostaríamos de começar adaptando algum modelo do wix. Em adição precisaremos criar uma parte de e-commerce dentro do site. Precisamos de um parceiro dinâmico para executar bem este serviço. Aguardo propostas.

€1192 Average bid
€1192 Média
34 ofertas

Precisamos reformular nosso website e gostaríamos de começar adaptando algum modelo do wix. Em adição precisaremos criar uma parte de e-commerce dentro do site. Precisamos de um parceiro dinâmico para executar bem este serviço. Aguardo propostas.

€1233 Average bid
€1233 Média
23 ofertas

Na atualidade, está a emergir um novo paradigma de interação, designado por Natural User Interface (NUI), para reconhecimento de gestos produzidos com o corpo do utilizador. O dispositivo de interação Microsoft Kinect, inicialmente concebido para controlo de videojogos, demonstra ser uma aposta viável para explorar outras áreas, como a do apoio ao processo de ensino e de aprendizagem para crianças do ensino básico. O protótipo desenvolvido visa definir um modo de interação baseado no desenho de letras no ar, e realizar a interpretação dos símbolos desenhados, usando os reconhecedores de padrões KDA, SVM e $N.

€686 Average bid
€686 Média
2 ofertas

I'm looking for a skilled data scientist to train Bert based on text classification using a bulk of PDF documents. Key Responsibilities: - Provide required coding to train Bert - Write codes to execute a series of textual analysis (e.g., sentiment analysis, specific sentence identification) - Model hyperparameters sets - performance analysis (including ensuring fine tuning. - Evaluation of trained Bert and baseline models Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in advanced machine learning - Strong statistical skills - Prior experience with training Bert

€226 Average bid
€226 Média
56 ofertas

I'm looking for an experienced UiPath developer to create a game bot for me. The bot will be used to automate actions in a math-based game. The game bot should: - Automate in-game actions - Solve math problems Ideal candidate skills: - Proficiency with UiPath - Game bot development experience - Skills in automating complex tasks Please provide examples of previous work, particularly any related to game bot development, in your bid.

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr Média
3 ofertas

I have 2 lists of English words (totaling around 200 words) that need to be converted into MP3 audio files. The words should also be translated into Arabic. Key Requirements: - Provide an intermediate work just to check that our mutual understanding is correct Additional Information: - A female voice should be used for female-specific words, and a male voice for all other words. - Use a standard pronunciation - We will discuss in detail how to manage the verbs

€7 Average bid
€7 Média
1 ofertas support my CRM and Operations team from Monday to Friday, 9-5. The role primarily revolves around using ConnexOne, SQL, PowerBI, and Python, alongside some basic administrative tasks. Key Responsibilities: - Primarily using ConnexOne to assist with various CRM tasks - Utilizing SQL for querying, setting up campaigns, and loading data - Equal focus on setting up campaigns, loading data, and Python scripting - Leveraging PowerBI for data visualization and reporting Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in ConnexOne with prior experience in a CRM role - Strong SQL skills for data manipulation and campaign setup - Familiarity with Python for basic scripting tasks - Competent in using PowerBI for data analysis and visualization - Basic administrative skills - S...

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Média
51 ofertas

Client has prvided me images of the parts and assembly to be done in Solidworks.

€74 Average bid
€74 Média
1 ofertas

A lot of this issuer benefit is throughout the other documents. and in the "web Illustration" forwarded.

€139 Average bid
€139 Média
1 ofertas

I have 3 lists of English words (totaling 313 words) that need to be converted into MP3 audio files. The words should also be translated into Italian. In addition, I have 2 files of phrases (totaling 188 phrases) that need to be translated, though audio is not required for these. Key Requirements: - Utilize an online voice synthesizer as per the attached instructions or any alternative that produces equivalent output. - Deliver the .mp3 files as 3 individual ZIP files, corresponding to each word list. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Excel - Strong attention to detail (ensuring all output files are consistent in volume) - Familiarity with the Italian language (not compulsory, but preferred) - Native or advanced proficiency in simplified Chinese or Arabic (a plus, as we can discuss extendin...

€32 Average bid
€32 Média
13 ofertas

0x4752ba5DBc23f44D87826276BF6Fd6b1C372aD24 0x8C2aCd31ab4dB493D11a79C4EA05316da2215932 0x6814acc39d3fBFC0581c0bC8aB6942e8B6b0D43d

€19 Average bid
€19 Média
1 ofertas

? 1. Core Features (CS-Cart Standard) ✅ Multi-vendor management with a separate dashboard for each seller. ✅ Product listing with images, descriptions, and variations (sizes, colors, etc.). ✅ Integrated payment methods (Stripe, PayPal). ✅ Order and shipping management with tracking functionality. ✅ Admin panel to monitor sales, orders, customers, and vendors. ✅ Automatic commission calculation for vendors. ✅ Return and refund policies with manual request submission by customers. ✅ Email notifications for orders, payments, and returns. ? 2. Essential Customizations for the MVP ? 2.1 Payment Management and Fund Hold ? Objective: Hold payments for 14 days after delivery confirmation to prevent fraud and disputes. ? Requirements: ✅ Integration with Stripe Connect or PayPal Adaptive Payments t...

€7401 Average bid
€7401 Média
76 ofertas

I'm looking for an experienced developer to help me create an option screener using the Angel One API. I've gathered a lot of information (including resources from ChatGPT) but I need someone to assist me in completing this task. Key Requirements: - The screener should filter based on several parameters: Date, Index/Stock, Strick Price, Implied Volatility (IV), Price-to-Coverage Ratio (PCR), Delta, Open Interest (OI), Premium, Days To Expiry, and P&L. - The screener should focus specifically on Implied Volatility (IV), which is a crucial data point for the options market. - The output of the screener needs to include Strike Price, Open Interest (OI), and Delta. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in working with the Angel One API. - Deep understanding of options trading and ...

€149 Average bid
€149 Média
11 ofertas

Set Up AWS Infrastructure: Provision an EC2 instance to host the web application. Create a security group to allow HTTP and SSH access. Set up an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) to distribute traffic. Configure an Auto Scaling Group to automatically scale instances based on traffic. Provision Resources wit...Configure an Auto Scaling Group to automatically scale instances based on traffic. Provision Resources with Terraform: Use Terraform to define and provision all necessary AWS resources (EC2, ELB, Auto Scaling, Security Groups). Configure variables for reusability and parameterization. Deploy the Application: Upload application files to the EC2 instance or use an automated deployment method (e.g., using a script or CodeDeploy). Ensure the web application is accessible via the load...

€33 Average bid
€33 Média
15 ofertas

...confirmation SMS using the extracted details. Automated Reminders Schedule: Send reminder emails to the client based on these timings: On sign-up: Confirmation email. 10 days before the event: Reminder email. 5 days before the event: Reminder email. 3 days before the event: Reminder email. 1 day before the event: Final reminder email. Admin Records: Create new admin-accessible records in WordPress when a new booking is identified. Post-Event Actions: After the 2-day event ends: Create login credentials for each attendee for a WordPress members-only area. Send an email with login details and further information. Send a follow-up SMS with key information. Tools and Integration Requirements: Email Parser: For extracting booking details from emails. Automation Platforms: Open to ...

€127 Average bid
€127 Média
79 ofertas

I am looking for an experienced developer to create an AI trading bot for automatic trading on the Bybit platform. The project involves: 1. Market Data Collection: Collecting market data (prices, volumes, etc.) using free APIs or other available sources. Integrating the Bybit API for executing buy/sell trades. 2. AI Indicator Creation: Using any popular AI/ML library in Python (e.g., TensorFlow, Keras, scikit-learn, etc.) to train a model. The model should analyze market data and make buy/sell decisions based on signals generated by the AI. The required accuracy should be 97% in predicting market direction (buy/sell). 3. Trade Automation: Creating a mechanism that will automatically execute trades on Bybit based on signals generated by the AI. The bot should ope...

€684 Average bid
€684 Média
36 ofertas

One map using QGIS and ArcGIS Rs 780/-

€50 Average bid
€50 Média
1 ofertas

I'm looking for a professional with expertise in SPSS to conduct a descriptive statistics analysis on my survey data. The main focus of this analysis will be on attitudinal variables. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in SPSS - Experience in conducting descriptive statistics - Ability to interpret and present data in a clear and concise manner - Background in survey data analysis - Familiarity with attitudinal variables analysis

€36 Average bid
€36 Média
48 ofertas

I need a critical analysis of an article, focusing on its argument strength, writing style and structure, as well as its use of ethos, logos, and pathos. The analysis must adhere to APA style and include proper citation. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Strong understanding of APA style - Excellent critical thinking and analytical skills - Ability to assess argument strength - Proficient in understanding and analyzing writing style and structure - Good knowledge of rhetorical appeals: ethos, logos, pathos - Exceptional writing skills

€23 Average bid
€23 Média
69 ofertas

Unity developer needed for game UI and Vector change also need to ads using Admob

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Média
10 ofertas

I'm looking for a developer who can help me programmatically place handwritten signatures on specific locations within a PDF document using JavaScript. Key Requirements: - Utilize a predefined signature template to place the signatures - The ability to place the signature in more than one location within the PDF - Use of JavaScript as the primary programming language for the task Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in JavaScript - Experience with PDF manipulation - Ability to work with predefined templates - Attention to detail for precise placement of the signatures

€19 Average bid
22 inscrições

I'm looking for a Tableau expert who can create a status-based filter for me using the label field from JIRA. Key Requirements: - Create a filter that categorizes issues based on their status: Open, In Progress, or Closed. - The filter should be able to distinguish between true and false status indications. - Utilize the 'Custom Label' field from JIRA to shape the filter. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Tableau and its filter creation. - Proficiency in working with JIRA data and understanding its status indicators. - Ability to manipulate and interpret 'Custom Label' field in JIRA for Tableau use.

€13 Average bid
€13 Média
11 ofertas

I need a system where users can buy and sell my crypto token, JpLinkCoin, on Uniswap. The integration should be done using , as I have a preference for this library over web3.js. The transactions will be from Polygon to JpLink and vice versa. Key requirements: - Create a seamless, web-based interface for the trading system. It should be user-friendly and intuitive, suitable for both novice and experienced traders. - Implement the integration with Uniswap using ether.js. This should facilitate smooth buying and selling of JpLinkCoin tokens. - Ensure there's no need for user authentication. The system should allow any user to access it without the need for email/password or social login. Ideal skills for the job include: - Extensive experience with and creating web-base...

€168 Average bid
€168 Média
30 ofertas

I'm seeking a professional with expert knowledge in Dialux for a thorough lighting design for my coffeeshop, which covers an area of 150 sqm. Key Areas to Focus On: - Interior lighting design: The design should be tailored to create a welcoming and pleasant atmosphere for customers. The chosen candidate will be provided with AutoCAD plans and 3D renders of the interior space. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Dialux and AutoCAD - Extensive experience in lighting design - Capability to provide comprehensive lighting calculations - Skill in delivering visually pleasing designs Specific Areas Requiring Attention: - Seating areas: These should be well-lit but not overly bright, offering a cozy and comfortable space for patrons. - Counter and service area: T...

€232 Average bid
€232 Média
29 ofertas

I'm looking for a translator to convert a romance novel from Japanese to English. It can be done using IA. I need something ONLY readable not perfect. I attached the file to translate in the attachment section.

€109 Average bid
€109 Média
91 ofertas

I'm looking for a talented deep learning expert who can assist me with a meta learning project for detecting rash driving to improve the accuracy of our models. The project will involve working with raw video footage, so experience in this area is a plus. You would be expected to: - Develop and implement meta learning strategies aimed at enhancing model performance - Process and analyze raw video data - Communicate findings and suggestions in a clear, concise manner Ideal candidates will have: - Proven experience in deep learning and meta learning - Proficiency in handling and interpreting raw video data - Excellent communication skills Your expertise could be the key to significantly improving our model accuracy.

€391 Average bid
€391 Média
8 ofertas

I am looking for an experienced developer to create an AI trading bot for automatic trading on the Bybit platform. The project involves: 1. Market Data Collection: Collecting market data (prices, volumes, etc.) using free APIs or other available sources. Integrating the Bybit API for executing buy/sell trades. 2. AI Indicator Creation: Using any popular AI/ML library in Python (e.g., TensorFlow, Keras, scikit-learn, etc.) to train a model. The model should analyze market data and make buy/sell decisions based on signals generated by the AI. The required accuracy should be 97% in predicting market direction (buy/sell). 3. Trade Automation: Creating a mechanism that will automatically execute trades on Bybit based on signals generated by the AI. The bot should ope...

€159 Average bid
€159 Média
47 ofertas

...implementation of electrical systems. - Selectivity and Protection Study using Amtech - Sizing the cables, Distribution Boards, Protection type as per the load. - Electrical load assessment to size the transformers - Preparation of electrical technical schedules and sizing calculations for single line diagrams. - Circuiting strategies in compliance with Health Technical Memorandum-06. - Sizing and installation of containment systems, cable trays, and baskets. - Development of electrical drawings for small power, lighting, fire alarms, nurse call systems, security, and door access in accordance with relevant codes and standards. **Engineering Software Tools:** - Amtech ProDesign - Revit - StabiCAD, MagiCAD - DiaLux/DiaLux Evo/Relux - AutoCAD - Microsoft Office Su...

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Média
17 ofertas

I'm seeking a Python developer who can assist me in downloading, unzipping, and copying files to my Google Drive on cloud. I was prevously doing it using google colab. I will give a notebook i used to unzip and unrar the files. But recently I got banned from using colab for such things so I need an alternative and stable option to do it Key Responsibilities: - Write Python code to manage file operations - Ensure efficient and error-free file handling Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python - Experience with Google Drive API - Problem-solving skills to handle potential file issues. Please note: Specific

€276 Average bid
€276 Média
32 ofertas