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    2,000 screenshots directx trabalhos encontrados

    Meu projeto ele é um jogo modo RPG, ele ainda possui em sua versão o directx e a nossa equipe quer atualizar para o directx 11 afim de ter o máximo de potencial aproveitado pelo com as máquinas mais atuais e precisamos de um profissional qualificado que entenda sobre o tema é também sobre a linguagem c++ onde todas as bibliotecas contém isso

    €1914 Average bid
    €1914 Média
    14 ofertas

    Desenhar um edifício no adobe illustrator através da sua foto real. Tirar screenshots de cada etapa.

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Média
    10 ofertas

    Existe um jogo chamado Tibia que tem ScreenShot Protection, tanto para ScreenShots, videos, leitura de pixels, tudo... Eu quero um executavel q aceite o caminho do jogo e abra ele sem essa proteção ou reproduza ele em algum form q os comando do tecladoe do mouse sejam enviados diretamente para o jogo... Eu tenho um software exemplo para Engenharia Reversa

    €9 - €28
    €9 - €28
    0 ofertas

    Já existe um app criado pelo thunkable no android funcionando perfeitamente. Preciso de alguém para fazer o app passar na AppStore. O problema que tenho é que não consigo colocar as screenshots do jeito solicitado e preciso dar um jeito de bloquear as páginas onde há venda no meu site.

    €130 Average bid
    €130 Média
    2 ofertas

    Procuro um desenvolvedor de games para finalizar meu jogo e publicá-lo na Google Play Store. O game foi desenvolvido na Unity (C#). O jogo está praticamente c...funcionar. Vou fornecer o código fonte do projeto (Unity) e alguns documentos que tenho disponíveis para ajudar nas tarefas. Resumindo, as atividades a serem desenvolvidas serão: - Alterar alguns elementos da interface; - Corrigir bug citado acima. - Vincular projeto no Firebase ao jogo. - Me ajudar a registrar o jogo na Google Play Store e preencher os formulários necessários, bem como fornecer screenshots do jogo para eu colocar lá. A conta de desenvolvedor da Google Play Store eu vou fornecer. - Compilar build Android e publicar na loja para os usuários baixar...

    €14 Average bid
    €14 Média
    1 ofertas

    Procuro um desenvolvedor de games para finalizar meu jogo e publicá-lo na Google Play Store. O game foi desenvolvido na Unity (C#). O jogo está praticamente c...funcionar. Vou fornecer o código fonte do projeto (Unity) e alguns documentos que tenho disponíveis para ajudar nas tarefas. Resumindo, as atividades a serem desenvolvidas serão: - Alterar alguns elementos da interface; - Corrigir bug citado acima. - Vincular projeto no Firebase ao jogo. - Me ajudar a registrar o jogo na Google Play Store e preencher os formulários necessários, bem como fornecer screenshots do jogo para eu colocar lá. A conta de desenvolvedor da Google Play Store eu vou fornecer. - Compilar build Android e publicar na loja para os usuários baixar...

    €9 - €19
    €9 - €19
    0 ofertas
    Dev de jogo antigo
    Encerrado left

    #Dev# Games Antigos Projeto: Dev jogo antigo Linguagem : c++ Source: Usando directx 7, compilando com VS 2010 Média de compatibidade no momento: de 1 a 10 Win xp ,7,8 = 6 , para win 10 = 1 Objetivo do projeto: ganho de performance FPS, compatibidade win10. Efeitos nos itens, armaduras. Preciso de algo que fique compativel com win 7.8.10, talvez a troca pra dx 11 nao seria uma boa ideia ,pelo motivo de teocar linha por linha Após algumas pesquisa achei mais viável trocar o dx por opengl, mas fica a critério do programador ver oque seria melhor.

    €329 Average bid
    €329 Média
    2 ofertas
    Front end em React
    Encerrado left

    Olá, Estou precisando criar um front end para um tracker de torrent. Já desenvolvi o back end (API rest) e estou precisando do front end. Já tenho o layout em bootstrap (desses que se compra pronto e vem com vários componentes, CloudUI) tem que fazer algumas alterações, basicamente alteração de ... Por exemplo; ao cadastrar um filme o usuário além de cadastrar informações básicas do torrente tipo; nome, descrição e etc. O usuário ainda vai ter que cadastrar o IMDB do filme. - Categoria * CRUD simples de cadastro de categoria dos torrentes. - Comentário * Componente que ficará dentro da tela de torrente para comentários. - Screenshot * Componente para ad...

    €179 Average bid
    €179 Média
    6 ofertas

    Programa que funcione em windows e iOS, que quando executado ele tire automaticamente screenshots da tela do computador em tempos aleatórios, gravando em algum lugar o logo/hora e data na imagem tirada. Quando encerrado o programa, preciso definir como analisar as imagens são verdadeiras, ou criar um log em algum site, onde identifica que o programa rodou, trabalho durante x horas e tirou x screens, ou automaticamente o programa gere um arquivo, com proteção contra edição, que eu consiga depois abrir e validar todas as screens. Motivo desse programa: Criar basicamente um anti-cheat simples de screens, onde os jogadores devem executar antes das partidas e encerrar após as partidas, e encaminhar as fotos ou arquivo gerado no final das ...

    €231 Average bid
    €231 Média
    2 ofertas

    E necessario que o tester disponha de um dispositivo movel iOS e outro Android. O objectivo e testar se uma app pode ser encontrada na App Store a na Google Playstore em diferentes paises e posteriormente ser instalada nos 2 dispositivos nesses mesmo paises. Sao necessario screenshots para ilustrar os resultados.

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Média
    5 ofertas

    Por favor, Cadastre-se ou Faça Login para ver os detalhes.

    Destacado Urgente Secreto ADC

    ...links dentro de uma página no site novo, o mesmo leva à mesma página que o link no site antigo. Prestar atenção a mudanças de idioma ou envio para páginas erradas. - Se algum dos links não funciona ou abre algo que não corresponde, adicione-o à tabela do Excel. - Enviar a tabela do Excel completa com todos os erros/inconsistências encontrados. - Incluir screenshots das páginas com erros, destacando/sinalizando os erros. Os screenshots podem ser incluídos em novas abas do Excel, indicando na coluna “Comentário” em qual aba está. Também pode ser enviado em um arquivo à parte, nomeado de acordo com a URL analisada. Por exemplo: URL: Nome do ...

    €37 Average bid
    €37 Média
    7 ofertas

    Preciso que seja feito mudanças nas seguintes partes do meu site: - Status - Posts - Comentários Estou anexado algumas screenshots de como é o site original (hoje) e como eu gostaria que ele ficasse. Todas as funcionalidades dos screenshots eu já possuo plugin. Caso fiquem com alguma dúvida estou a disposição.

    €13 Average bid
    €13 Média
    14 ofertas

    Objetivo é criar um DirectX 3D OCX básico visualizador de superfície para VB6. OCX será capaz de ler um arquivo no format "*.STL" (Binary) onde possui um conjunto de coordenadas (X, Y, Z) para construir a superfície 3D. A OCX terá vários métodos e propriedades para realizar manipulações de visualização

    €244 Average bid
    €244 Média
    2 ofertas
    Vetor de logo
    Encerrado left

    Preciso de uma ilustração de um capacete metade espacial e metade de mergulho estilo vitoriano (anexo - ) em vetor no estilo gravura {como na referencias} Referencia 1 - Referencia 2 -

    €80 Average bid
    €80 Média
    21 ofertas

    Modificar el theme listify.<br />Agregar un sidebar de lado izquierdo.<br />Agregar banners entre el H1 y el Menu.<br />Modificar codigo para poder ver los sidebars en celulares.<br />Modificar imagenes de los listings para que sean consistentes. <br />Puedo proporcionar screenshots. <br /> 

    €233 Average bid
    €233 Média
    31 ofertas

    Necessito de alguém com  conhecimento em DirectX 8 para realizar um hook nas funções da D3D8 de um game. Necessário ter conhecimento para inserir novas imagens, manipulação das imagens, selecionar e etc. Que seja feita uma boa biblioteca.

    0 ofertas
    €19 / hr Média
    1 ofertas

    We are looking for a Portuguese proofreader to collaborate with. We need to proofread 30 pages of text in Portuguese and 30 pages of text in Brazilian Portuguese. They are the names, descriptions and screenshots of our mobile applications. Here you can see the example of what you are expected to proofread – the app name, the description and the screenshots in Portuguese and English languages: The best format to work with would be a Google doc spreadsheet; the excel file is a second option.

    €178 Average bid
    €178 Média
    13 ofertas

    ...Cross-Platform Compatibility: The software needs to work smoothly on both Windows and MacOS. - Dual Capture Modes: Users should be able to both automatically capture their screen at set intervals and manually take screenshots for AI processing. - Real-Time AI Interactions: The application should provide real-time AI insights and interactions through a floating window UI. - AI-Driven Responses: It should be capable of generating responses based on the extracted text using AI. - Remote Operation: The software must be controllable via a Telegram bot for remote-triggered screenshots. - Credit-Based System: Every AI action should consume credits in a well-structured credit-based system. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Proficient experience in software deve...

    €59 Average bid
    €59 Média
    4 ofertas
    Software from Figma based design
    6 dias left

    I need a freelancer to recreate a small software program based on a Figma design. The design is only accessible to me in view-only mode, so you'll need to manually rebuild the frontend and develop a functional backend. 1. Frontend Development: - Analyze UI based on Figma screenshots and styles - Rebuild UI in React/Vue/HTML/CSS - Implement basic interactivity (buttons, forms, navigation) - Ensure responsive design for mobile and desktop - Conduct UI testing and adjustments 2. Backend Development: - Set up the development environment and database - Develop API for frontend-backend communication - Implement user authentication and role management - Create CRUD operations for required data - Test and debug backend functionality

    €155 Average bid
    €155 Média
    36 ofertas

    ...Create database schema and API endpoints (GET masjids, POST timetable). AI assistance: Generate schema and API code. Day 6: Testing & Polish Test app on Android/iOS simulators and physical devices. Fix bugs, optimize UI, ensure widget refreshes correctly. AI assistance: Automate test cases and suggest fixes. Day 7: Deployment Prep Package app for Google Play and App Store. Prepare store listings (screenshots, descriptions). Submit for review (Google Play: ~1-3 days, App Store: ~1-7 days, expedited if needed). Deliverables Fully functional Flutter/React Native app (APK and IPA files). Source code with documentation. Backend API and database setup (deployable to a cloud service like AWS/Heroku). Brief setup guide for AI API integration. Required Skills Expertise in Flutter or R...

    €552 Average bid
    €552 Média
    64 ofertas

    I'm looking for a professional freelancer to create two tutorial videos for our app (one in Arabic and one in English). The videos should be screen recordings with a voiceover in a professional tone. They nee...a professional tone. They need to be formatted for Instagram post/story size as well as YouTube size. The freelancer will also create two posts for an upcoming test auction and a real auction, again in both Arabic and English. Key Requirements: - Screen recording with voiceover experience - Professional quality voiceover - Ability to create engaging Instagram posts with text overlays, app screenshots and illustrations/graphics - Prior experience with creating content for auction apps would be an advantage All deliverables need to be completed and sent to me before the...

    €99 Average bid
    €99 Média
    37 ofertas
    DirectX 12 Image Drawing
    6 dias left

    Need to load images in direct x 12 with nuklear on windows. then draw them. there is existing backend to assist with most of the work so it should be simple for someone who understands

    €14 Average bid
    €14 Média
    23 ofertas

    ... 1. **Homepage**: - Clean, modern design showcasing the app’s value proposition. - A brief introduction to MeetX and how it helps users connect through events. - Call-to-action buttons (e.g., “Download the App”, “Learn More”). 2. **App Features Section**: - Detailed breakdown of the MeetX app’s key features (event discovery, networking, personalized recommendations, etc.). - Screenshots or visuals from the app to demonstrate how it works. - Short descriptions of each feature with icons or images for visual appeal. 3. **How It Works Section**: - Step-by-step guide on how to use the MeetX app (e.g., search for events, connect with attendees, register, etc.). - Clear, simple language with engaging visuals. 4. **Benefits ...

    €134 Average bid
    €134 Média
    15 ofertas

    I need help posting my already prepared blog posts on - The tasks include: posting the content, with pictures and screenshots, at the scheduled times. - I have the specific dates and times for each post, so no need for assistance in that regard. - No tags or keywords are needed, just the content as it is. Ideal candidates for this project should be familiar with , have a keen eye for detail, and be able to follow a schedule accurately. Good time management skills are essential to ensure each post is published at the correct time.

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Média
    39 ofertas

    I'm seeking a talented app developer to create a financial app for both iOS and Android platforms. The app should enable users to invest in mutual funds and other investment tracking options. Key Features: - Users should be able to view their investment portfolio. - Upload and mapping of data automatically to clients portfolio from CAM...shares, net asset value, profit ( Short Term / Long term). - Time-based portfolio tracking: should be able to track the portfolio's performance over different time frames: month, quarter, year, since inception. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in developing financial applications with features as above - Strong understanding of investment portfolios and mutual funds Please provide links and screenshots of similar projects you'...

    €250 Average bid
    €250 Média
    10 ofertas

    I'm in need of a visually stunning PowerPoint template for my tech company. The design should be classic with pastel colours, while The design should be classic with pastel colours, while subtly emphasizing our technological edge. Key Requirements: - Design for Cover and Content slides - Creation of Custom Icons and Graphics - Aesthetic alignment with a technology company - Use of classic, pastel colours Please Include in Your Application: - Your portfolio, particularly any relevant PowerPoint template design - Screenshots of past work will be acceptable Types of Slides Needed: - Title slide - Section header slide - Content slide - Additional slide types to be discussed in detail Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - PowerPoint Expertise - Understanding of Techno...

    €368 Average bid
    €368 Média
    118 ofertas

    I need a professional to assist me with setting up a DSN network lab on Ubuntu and take screenshots of the output . The project involves: - Network Configuration: I need help with all aspects of network configuration including setting up IP addresses, configuring DNS services, and establishing subnets and VLANs. - Security Setup: Creating a secure environment for the network is paramount. Your skills in security setup would be greatly appreciated. The final deliverable will be a complete lab with screenshots demonstrating the setup process. The lab environment is to be based on virtual machines. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with Ubuntu and DSN network setups. - Proficiency in configuring virtual machines. - Strong skills in netw...

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Média
    4 ofertas design and responsiveness. Budget and Timeline: 1. Fixed price: The budget for this task is $60. Any bid higher than this will be declined. 2. Fixed timeframe: The work must be completed within 5 days. Any timeframe longer than this will be declined. Before you apply, please ensure you: 1. Read this job post carefully. 2. Understand the required work. 3. Check the attached zip folder, screenshots, and links. 4. Agree to the fixed price and timeframe. 5. Read and agree to all requirements. to communicate and get paid only inside Freelancer that we can award you the project but we ll not deposit any millstone until we get many work progress updates to make sure you can do the requested work correctly, Please confirm by message that : 1- you have done all requested 5 s...

    €28 Average bid
    €28 Média
    44 ofertas a clear, structured way. What You’ll Receive from Us To make your job easier, we will provide all the necessary supporting documents, including: • Original contract and agreements outlining the scope of work. • Project records, milestone approvals, and correspondence showing progress. • Technical documentation detailing software functionalities and implementations. • Evidence of delivery (screenshots, logs, or any other proof that services were provided as agreed). With these materials, you will have everything you need to create a strong, fact-based report. Why This Matters This isn’t just about recovering payment—it’s about ensuring that legitimate work is recognized and valued. The report you prepare will be a crucial piece of e...

    €252 Average bid
    €252 Média
    4 ofertas

    ...json={"user_id": }) api_key = ().get("api_key") bot.send_message(, f"Your API Key: {api_key}") ``` --- ## **✅ Phase 3: Software Client (Screen Capture + OCR)** ? **Goal:** Develop **a client that captures screenshots, extracts text, and sends data** to APIs. ### **1️⃣ Installation & Setup** #### **? Install Dependencies** ```bash pip install pyautogui opencv-python pytesseract requests python-dotenv ``` #### **? Folder Structure** ``` /software_client │── # Main script (captures screenshots, extracts text) │── # API keys & settings │── .env # Stores API keys & interval settings ``` --- ### **2️⃣ Client Functions & API Calls** | **Function** | **Purpose** | **Connected API** | |-------...

    €480 Average bid
    €480 Média
    6 ofertas

    My Windows Server, which also runs IIS and SSRS, has been hanging unpredictably. I need an expert to diagnose the issue. The project is deemed complete when: 1. The server, IIS, and SSRS run uninterrupted for 15 consecutive days. 2. A comprehensive report, featuring detailed steps and screenshots, pinpoints the issue and outlines the solution. Skills Required: - Experience with Windows Server. - Proficiency in IIS and SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). - Strong diagnostic and troubleshooting skills. - Ability to produce detailed, clear documentation.

    €147 Average bid
    €147 Média
    12 ofertas

    ...trustworthy as possible feel free to use my google reviews as reference: jitware or to use things related to google my business page [NOT SURE IF BLACK IS ADVISED FOR PRINTING] Preferred color scheme: dark/ black theme white letters And currently using gold/yellow accent marble with gold/white ( don’t make the yellow stand out to make, try to make it subtle In attachment you have - some screenshots of statistics - pictures of me to make it more personal - mock ups of websites I’ve made ( not sure of this is related, but can increase quality of the design) my info: -website @ @ @ -mail -number -name Jitware -addresse --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #################

    €50 Average bid
    62 inscrições

    I need three whiteboard/animated videos showing the day in a life of three different characters using technology. No sound needed as someone will be narrarating these in person. We just want to be able to show the actions happening in a compelling way with animation. I will provide relevant contextual screenshots or videos of what should be shown on any computer screens or in any specific office space. Our timeline is less than a week to get this project done. Here is the script for context on timing: (Storyboard can be provided if needed for shot by shot, what should show.) Information Worker: Alex It's the evening, and Alex is home planning his workday for tomorrow. Using Copilot, he summarizes his tasks and meetings. He doesn't normally plan to go into the office on...

    €338 Average bid
    €338 Média
    44 ofertas

    I'm looking for a seasoned developer who can finish a Chrome extension for me. This extension should be able to capture both the entire screen and audio simultaneously. Key Requirements: - The captured screen images should be saved in PNG format. -...project is 75% complete (I have written good part of the code) but need to finish remaining feature, test, update UI design (for a professional looking UI). This functionality is similar to any screen video recorder extension but rather than creating videos we are recording screenshots and audio separately. I have developed good part of the code but need someone to finish and test well because of my other projects. If the project is developed well, I will give you 2nd phase to develop a Angular-based UI to manage screenshot...

    €124 Average bid
    €124 Média
    80 ofertas

    I'm looking for a technical writer who can create a user manual for a software application. Input provided will be a description of each feature. User manual should be made available in HTML and should be categorized by feature. It should include focused screenshots inline with the text, marking buttons and fields to explain the feature

    €53 - €96
    €53 - €96
    15 ofertas

    My Flutter project integrated with Firebase is ready for its debut on the Google Play Store. I'm in need of comprehensive assistance to create an enticing app store listing. You will be required to: - Help with drafting the app store description - Optimize the listing for visibility and engagement - Ensure compliance with Google Play Store guidelines I have the app icon and screenshots ready, but your expertise will be crucial in making these assets shine. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficient in Flutter and Firebase - Experience with Google Play Store deployment - Strong copywriting and marketing skills - Graphic design skills to enhance listing visuals Your efforts will greatly contribute to the successful launch of this app.

    €74 Average bid
    €74 Média
    52 ofertas

    ...The solution should be designed for one specific Android device but should be scalable and adaptable if applied to another device in the future. Possible Solution: Project Scope: The goal is to develop an application or service that can: - Open the Google Discover feed. - Scroll through the Google Discover feed programmatically. - Capture the scrolling feed via screen recording or periodic screenshots. - Ensure the approach can be scaled to work on other Android devices with minimal adjustments. Ideal Candidate: - Experience with Android automation (UIAutomator, Accessibility Services, MediaProjection API). - Strong understanding of Android security policies & workarounds. - Familiarity with touch event injection, ADB-based automation, or WebView alternatives. - Ability to...

    €1214 Average bid
    €1214 Média
    25 ofertas

    ...filtering options) for each offer per category You will need to create an account while register on our software . We will approve your account no need to pay. When you submit a bug we will need: 1. Screenshot area of bug 2. Screenshot with bug description on screenshot ( put in red text  in screenshot) 3. Loom Video of the Bug No Google Docs/ Word Only or Text File. you send us a list of all screenshots  1, 2 and a video of each one Remember we only pay for Functional bugs, nothing trivial or design . Functional/Logical Only 2.  $400 Per Genealogy Bug (We have many Functional Bugs in Software ..) We need a Software Tester for our Marketplace Software We need testers to test our Genealogy addition of a user  to a deal and referral user ( You...

    €102 Average bid
    €102 Média
    16 ofertas

    ...shows both as paid. When only the guard fee is paid, the payment history does not appear on the receipt. The financial report (rapport financier) should display all fees, but the guard fee is missing. After installing a grade, sometimes a student cannot be added to transport. Additional Notes: If you find any other issues, please mention them, and we will discuss extra fees for fixing them. Screenshots illustrating the issues will be provided. A project version and database will be shared upon agreement. Expectations: Budget & Expectations: ✅ This is a micro project – I will only consider bids within my budget. No negotiations in chat. ✅ No copy-paste bids – only apply if you know you can fix these issues. ✅ Clear documentation of file changes and their locations ...

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Média
    22 ofertas editor to produce a professional, compelling 4-minute advocacy video. The project involves editing a provided video of me reading a pre-written script, integrating provided photos, screenshots of text messages, and other visuals into a polished, emotionally engaging final product. Scope of Work: Edit and assemble provided raw video footage of me reading a 4-minute script. Creatively incorporate provided images, anonymized screenshots of text conversations, and relevant supplementary visuals (FDA warnings, public records) to effectively enhance the narrative. Blur sensitive details in images/screenshots to protect the privacy of my daughter, clearly marking timestamps on messages. Utilize transitions, effects, and appropriate background music to maintain v...

    €93 Average bid
    €93 Média
    69 ofertas design and responsiveness. Budget and Timeline: 1. Fixed price: The budget for this task is $60. Any bid higher than this will be declined. 2. Fixed timeframe: The work must be completed within 5 days. Any timeframe longer than this will be declined. Before you apply, please ensure you: 1. Read this job post carefully. 2. Understand the required work. 3. Check the attached zip folder, screenshots, and links. 4. Agree to the fixed price and timeframe. 5. Read and agree to all requirements. to communicate and get paid only inside Freelancer that we can award you the project but we ll not deposit any millstone until we get many work progress updates to make sure you can do the requested work correctly, Please confirm by message that : 1- you have done all requested 5 steps

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Média
    24 ofertas

    I need an experienced developer to diagnose and repair a broken API that connects our Sendy service with our email and client ...client site in the pop-up table. I have attached files that contain the code pointing to the API and relevant screenshots. The API takes the campaign ID from a URL like this: [212]. In this case, [212] is for Haley Wheeler's site and displays the college name, division and last activity. The primary issue we are experiencing with the API is connection issues between systems, specifically with Sendy. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in API development and repair - Experience with Sendy and AWS - Strong troubleshooting skills - Ability to work with provided code and screenshots

    €26 Average bid
    €26 Média
    28 ofertas

    ...big modules (with user area) Any bid higher than this will be declined. 2. Fixed timeframe: The work must be completed within : 5 days for small modules 1 week for medium module 10 days for big modules . Any timeframe longer than this will be declined. Before you apply, please ensure you: 1. Read this job post carefully. 2. Understand the required work. 3. Check the attached zip folder, screenshots, and links. 4. Agree to the fixed price and timeframe. 5. Read and agree to all requirements. to communicate and get paid only inside Freelancer that we can award you the project but we ll not deposit any millstone until we get many work progress updates to make sure you can do the requested work correctly, Please confirm by message that : 1- you have done all requested 5 steps

    €158 Average bid
    €158 Média
    88 ofertas

    Experienced QA Tester Needed for Car Hire & Sales Platform (Website + Android + iOS) Description: We are looking for a skilled QA Tester to fully test our newly developed platform – Requirements: • Experience testing marketplace platforms (preferably car hire, rental, or sales). • Experience with testing both web and mobile apps. • Ability to cross-check against agreed proposal/features. • Strong communication skills to collaborate with developers (if needed). Duration: Expected testing timeline: 5-7 days. Deliverables: • Comprehensive test report (with screenshots, videos, or recordings if needed). • List of all critical and minor bugs. • Confirmation of all working features as per agreement. Budget:...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Média
    66 ofertas
    EnCoach Platform Evaluation
    4 dias left

    We are looking for experienced testers to evaluate the EnCoach platform. The selected candidates will be responsible for conducting comprehensive testing across different aspects of the platform to ensure seamless fu...Student Account: Ability to take tests, view results, and receive feedback. Testing Objectives: • Verify the full user journey, from importing accounts to receiving feedback. • Ensure all user roles function as expected with no critical issues. • Provide detailed feedback on platform performance, usability, and security gaps. Deliverables: • A detailed report outlining findings, including screenshots or recordings of issues. • Suggestions for improvements based on the testing experience. Project Duration: The testing process is expected to ...

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Média
    19 ofertas

    I'm looking for an experienced app submission developer to assist with submitting my app to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. All necessary materials including screenshots, icons, feature graphics, privacy policies, and descriptions will be provided.

    €1056 Average bid
    €1056 Média
    43 ofertas

    I'm looking for a person to test various websites and mobile applications locally from Australia. The primary focus will be on manual testing like a regular user of the website: check different user flows, check links, sign up, sign in and other user flows Key Re...for a person to test various websites and mobile applications locally from Australia. The primary focus will be on manual testing like a regular user of the website: check different user flows, check links, sign up, sign in and other user flows Key Requirements: - You must be located in Australia (VPN isn't allowed). - Ability to perform a clearly defined task and provide the result (video, screenshots, comments). - Working with a personal computer (basic level). - Availability of an Android smartphone (emulat...

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Média
    25 ofertas

    I'm looking for someone to assist in building a dataset by taking screenshots from webpages. The project entails capturing both printed and handwritten text, renaming the resulting png images with the text from the screenshot. The goal is to create a dataset of 1000 to 2000 png images. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Attention to detail: Ensuring the text is accurately captured and renamed. - Experience with screenshot tools and image file management. - Understanding of dataset creation processes. - Ability to work independently and meet project requirements. Please note, all text will be in English.

    €10 Average bid
    €10 Média
    6 ofertas