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    2,000 opengl directx trabalhos encontrados

    Meu projeto ele é um jogo modo RPG, ele ainda possui em sua versão o directx e a nossa equipe quer atualizar para o directx 11 afim de ter o máximo de potencial aproveitado pelo com as máquinas mais atuais e precisamos de um profissional qualificado que entenda sobre o tema é também sobre a linguagem c++ onde todas as bibliotecas contém isso

    €1987 Average bid
    €1987 Média
    14 ofertas

    Opa Samuel, boa tarde, gostaria de ter contratar em um projeto envolvendo o OpenGL.

    €144 Average bid
    €144 Média
    1 ofertas

    Implementar aplicativo para leitura de objetos 3D (formato OBJ) e renderização com shaders (OpenGL 4+). Deve ser seguida a estrutura de dados definida no material de modelagem e implementada a visualização de objetos 3D (com arquivos OBJ, MTL e texturas conforme definido no material sobre formato OBJ).

    €87 Average bid
    €87 Média
    2 ofertas
    Dev de jogo antigo
    Encerrado left

    #Dev# Games Antigos Projeto: Dev jogo antigo Linguagem : c++ Source: Usando directx 7, compilando com VS 2010 Média de compatibidade no momento: de 1 a 10 Win xp ,7,8 = 6 , para win 10 = 1 Objetivo do projeto: ganho de performance FPS, compatibidade win10. Efeitos nos itens, armaduras. Preciso de algo que fique compativel com win 7.8.10, talvez a troca pra dx 11 nao seria uma boa ideia ,pelo motivo de teocar linha por linha Após algumas pesquisa achei mais viável trocar o dx por opengl, mas fica a critério do programador ver oque seria melhor.

    €341 Average bid
    €341 Média
    2 ofertas

    Preciso entregar alguns exercícios em Python com PyOpenGL. Desenhar um quadrado, retângulo, etc..

    €136 Average bid
    €136 Média
    4 ofertas

    Pretende-se a implementação de um jogo em C/C++ usando o OpenGL. O Jogo é em 2D e deve ser implementado tendo em consideração os pontos que a seguir se indicam. 1. O jogo base é constituído por uma bola que se movimenta numa qualquer direção; quando a bola toca no limite da janela faz ricochete e perde vidas; a bola muda de direção quando o jogador clica em cima dela; a bola desaparece quando ficar sem vidas e o jogo termina; O jogador ganha pontos com o passar do tempo; Quando o jogo terminar indica os pontos conseguidos. 2. O Jogo tem um ecrã de configuração: cores, número de bolas, tamanho das bolas, velocidade das bolas (igual para todas), número de vidas, etc. 3. Quan...

    €30 Average bid
    €30 Média
    1 ofertas

    Um jogo para projeto de faculdade, o mais básico possível. • Aplicação Interativa 3D em Qt usando OpenGL/GLSL • É obrigatório o uso de Shaders • Não é permitido usar pipeline fixo • A aplicação tem que ser interativa (uso de mouse, teclado) • Utilização de mapeamento de texturas, múltiplas iluminações, quatérnios, leitura de arquivos, múltiplos shaders serão levados em consideração

    €163 Average bid
    €163 Média
    2 ofertas

    Pretende-se a implementação de um jogo em C/C++ usando o OpenGL. O Jogo é em 2D e deve ser feito tendo em consideração os pontos que se seguem. - O jogo é constituído por uma bola que se movimenta numa qualquer direção; quando a bola toca no limite da janela faz ricochete e perde vidas; a bola muda de direção quando o jogador clica em cima dela; a bola desaparece quando ficar sem vidas e o jogo termina; O jogador ganha pontos com o passar do tempo; Quando o jogo terminar indica os pontos conseguidos. - O Jogo tem um ecrã de configuração: cores, número de bolas, tamanho das bolas, velocidade das bolas (igual para todas), número de vidas, etc. - Quando há vá...

    €179 Average bid
    €179 Média
    2 ofertas

    Eu preciso de você para desenvolver um software para mim. Gostaria que este software fosse desenvolvido no codeblocks usando c e OpenGL , preciso de um labirinto simples 30x30, com 2 inimigos que se movam de forma aleatória e 10 itens (quadradinhos) para serem capturados que estavam fixos

    €10 Average bid
    €10 Média
    1 ofertas

    Preciso de um ficheiro .c OpenGL que corra uma mangueira.

    €8 - €30
    €8 - €30
    0 ofertas
    OpenGL Robot Model
    Encerrado left

    ...model a 3D simple robot using OpenGL / C++. The robot model needs to have at least one complete arm divided in arm, forearm and a claw (or tweezer) in place of a hand. The robot has to move and rotate his all body and the claw has to open, close and spin. The arm need to be articulated as well. All types of movement have to become by input (keyboard keys or mouse) The scene needs a font of light and the camera has to be puted on a projective transformation. The libraries allowed to this project are the Glew, Glut and RbImage. Textures are welcome too. Budget starts at 5 and can go up to 25. It depends on how well the project will be delivered. You can see some reference examples attached. PT-BR Estou procurando alguém capaz de modelar um robô 3D simples usando o ...

    €34 Average bid
    €34 Média
    2 ofertas

    Preciso de um programador com bastante experiência na Linguagem OPENGL, para criação e diagramação de 2 projetos: 1- Um jogo simples de colisão com pelo menos 4 objetos e dois se movimentando (um por tempo e outro por interação com o teclado). Por exemplo: Enduro, bomber man, Pac man, Mario, Asteroides, entre outros. Ex: 2- Um ambiente 3D com 5 objetos e variações de luminosidade e ângulo de visão (interação com usuário via teclado e mouse). Uma sala de aula, sala de tv, quarto, laboratório etc.) Alguns requisitos para os sistemas: Ser desenvolvido em Python utilizando a biblioteca OpenGL; Ter uma pontuação na tela; Identificar colis&ot...

    €50 Average bid
    €50 Média
    1 ofertas

    Preciso de um programador com bastante experiência na Linguagem OPENGL, para criação e diagramação de 2 projetos: 1- Um jogo simples de colisão com pelo menos 4 objetos e dois se movimentando (um por tempo e outro por interação com o teclado). Por exemplo: Enduro, bomber man, Pac man, Mario, Asteroides, entre outros. Ex: 2- Um ambiente 3D com 5 objetos e variações de luminosidade e ângulo de visão (interação com usuário via teclado e mouse). Uma sala de aula, sala de tv, quarto, laboratório etc.) Alguns requisitos para os sistemas: Ser desenvolvido em Python utilizando a biblioteca OpenGL; Ter uma pontuação na tela; Identificar colis&ot...

    €17 - €138
    €17 - €138
    0 ofertas

    Empresa de Desenvolvimento de Software de Gestão Temos como principal objectivo o desenvolvimento de so...Linux, SSH. Competências acrescidas: Domínio das seguintes Linguagens de Programação, e respectivas técnicas de Desenvolvimento, nomeadamente (Java, C/C++,C#). Criação de Bases de Dados Relacionais. (MySql / Sqlserver). Programação Web (jsp, servlets, php, asp, e intregração com HTML, Flash (Actionscript) Domínio de Sistemas Operativos Windows e Unix. Noções de OpenGL e computação gráfica e multimédia. Metodologias UML e Engenharia de Software Oferece-se remuneração compatível co...

    €1171 Average bid
    €1171 Média
    21 ofertas
    OpenGL para Android
    Encerrado left

    Preciso de um aplicativo para Android. Gostaria que seja desenhado e construído.

    €3720 Average bid
    €3720 Média
    12 ofertas

    Tenho um código em C usando OpenGL desenvolvido para construir o Jogo Tetris. O código possui funções que não estão funcionando e ele interrompe no meio do jogo, enfim, preciso de um programador experiente que depure e termine o jogo.

    €235 Average bid
    €235 Média
    1 ofertas

    Preciso de alguem que saiba implementar isto em Linguagem C, a parte grafica ja esta ok, estou usando a Glut.h da openGl, entao voce tera que baixar/instalar no seu pc esta biblioteca para implementar.<br /> 

    €235 Average bid
    €235 Média
    2 ofertas

    Objetivo é criar um DirectX 3D OCX básico visualizador de superfície para VB6. OCX será capaz de ler um arquivo no format "*.STL" (Binary) onde possui um conjunto de coordenadas (X, Y, Z) para construir a superfície 3D. A OCX terá vários métodos e propriedades para realizar manipulações de visualização

    €253 Average bid
    €253 Média
    2 ofertas

    Simulador de voo usando OpenGL, simples não é necessário muitos detalhes.

    €5 - €16
    €5 - €16
    0 ofertas

    Necessito de alguém com  conhecimento em DirectX 8 para realizar um hook nas funções da D3D8 de um game. Necessário ter conhecimento para inserir novas imagens, manipulação das imagens, selecionar e etc. Que seja feita uma boa biblioteca.

    0 ofertas

    Interface de game em OpenGL para Android. Projeto de uma UI utilizando OpenGL para o jogo quebra cabeça de números. A lógica do jogo não é necessária. Requisitos: -Possibilidade de especificar o tamanho da matriz do jogo. Exemplo: 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, etc.. -Implementar o movimento de arrastar o número para o espaço vazio (vide foto). -Aparência de madeira (vide foto). -Notificar os listeners sobre o movimento (qual peça foi movida e para onde) -Receber notificação (chamada de método) sobre final de jogo (vitória). Gerar uma animação de final de jogo.

    €168 Average bid
    €168 Média
    3 ofertas
    OpenGL Image processing
    6 dias left

    General description In this topic, we are looking at processing an image to obtain a stylized version of it in the form of a sketch. A sketch image has the following characteristics: It's black and white with no shades of gray. Preserves image contours. Contours are made using Sobel filter + binarization The hatching lines show where the image is darker. The denser the hatching lines are in an area, the darker the image colors are in that area. In the attached image1, you can see several results obtained from applying the approach you need to implement within this topic. As part of the assignment, you must implement a specific proposed method, which is described in the following sections. An overview of the steps for creating a sketch using this method can be seen in the image ...

    €184 Average bid
    €184 Média
    37 ofertas

    ...skilled developer to enhance my Android album app that uses an older OpenGL library to create a book-like page curl effect. The app is currently experiencing performance issues, particularly on low-end devices, and is sometimes showing blank pages while handling multiple images. Key Responsibilities: - Optimize the existing OpenGL library for increased stability and performance - Address issues relating to the handling of multiple images - Improve app performance on low-end devices - Debug and fix rendering problems Requirements: - Extensive experience with OpenGL programming - Proven history of optimizing apps for enhanced performance - Strong troubleshooting and bug-fixing skills Preferred Skills: - Prior experience with OpenGL applications - Knowledg...

    €81 Average bid
    €81 Média
    8 ofertas

    ...Interface: An intuitive design to make the app easy to set up and use. 5. Platform Compatibility: • Version 1: Focus on one platform (either iOS or Android) • Future goal: Cross-platform compatibility. Developer Requirements: • Experience in mobile app development (iOS or Android). • Knowledge of real-time image processing or similar technologies. • Familiarity with graphics libraries (e.g., OpenGL, Metal, or other rendering frameworks). • Strong focus on user experience (UI/UX design). • Willingness to collaborate closely and explain technical details clearly to a non-technical founder. Preferred Qualifications (Optional): • Background in vision science, optics, or similar fields. • Experience with healthcare or assistive ...

    €1277 Average bid
    €1277 Média
    166 ofertas

    Description: I need a GLSL expert to create an image depth viewer using an image and its depth map. The goal is to produce a depth effect that makes the image look 3D. Requirements: - Experience with GLSL and shader programming - Familiarity with depth maps and parallax effects - Proficiency in OpenGL/WebGL Deliverables: - GLSL shaders and project files - A simple demo showing the depth effect How to Apply: Share examples of similar GLSL or shader projects you've worked on.

    €1060 Average bid
    €1060 Média
    41 ofertas

    I need a skilled freelancer with Qt, OpenGL,irrlicht and 3D voxel editing experience to work on my project. ivoxed folder has irrlicht version Todo qvoxed tile placement/removal fix when scrolling in and out double click tile to set texture with saving ivoxed placing voxels visibly while using keyboard/mouse to view them would also like saving / loading with gui buttons Skills & Experience: - Strong Qt,OpenGL,irrlicht experience is a must. - Experience working on 3D voxel editing projects is a plus. - Proven track record of handling similar assignments within tight deadlines preferred.

    €120 Average bid
    €120 Média
    11 ofertas

    I've recently transitioned my C++ game from DirectX 9 to DirectX 11. The porting process went relatively smoothly, but now I'm dealing with some rendering issues. In particular, the environment textures are not displaying correctly. The ideal freelancer for this project should: - Have extensive experience with DirectX, particularly the transition from DirectX 9 to 11 - Be proficient in C++ - Have a strong understanding of graphics rendering issues - Be able to diagnose and rectify the problem with the environment textures in a timely manner. - Be immediately available Please, only apply if you can demonstrate relevant experience.

    €553 Average bid
    €553 Média
    27 ofertas

    I'm looking for a Flutter expert who can help me implement a 3D library (like flutter OpenGL) in my app. The task is to merge two .glb models dynamically while the app is running. The two glb models have attachment points through which they attach to each other, I just want to do it when the user presses a button in the app.

    €31 Average bid
    €31 Média
    15 ofertas

    Description: We are working on a Python-based 3D rendering project and need an experienced developer to enhance it with new features and optimizations. The current project includes procedural ...Tasks: Improve visual effects, such as fog and lighting, to enhance realism. Integrate provided 3D models into the environment. Refine and optimize rendering for performance and seamless integration. Deliverables: Updated project with all requested enhancements implemented. Clean, modular code that integrates smoothly with the existing setup. Clear documentation on the changes made. Required Skills: OpenGL Development Python (PyOpenGL) 3D Rendering and Shaders (GLSL) Experience with 3D Model Integration Additional Information: The project uses PyOpenGL and pygame. All required assets will be...

    €137 Average bid
    €137 Média
    28 ofertas

    i am trying to create a gaming machine using debian 12 gnone i keep gettong errors

    €27 Average bid
    €27 Média
    3 ofertas

    Pac-Man 3D •Este proyecto consiste en realizar el juego de Pac-man en 3D utilizando OpenGL. •Diseño: los personajes y la escena tienen que ser diseñados y modelados aplicando conceptos de iluminación, texturas y sombras. Basta con que se entregue un nivel del juego, aunque se invita al alumno a hacer más. • Interacción con el usuario: la interacción con el usuario para el control del juego el control con el mouse y/o el teclado. Los controles deben ofrecer además control sobre la forma de visualizar la escena, es decir, debe ofrecer diferentes vistas de la misma •Escena: se debe de tomar en cuenta la interacción con la escena, implicando que esta tiene límites, así como las colisiones con los o...

    €42 Average bid
    €42 Média
    5 ofertas

    I'm experiencing issues with my OpenGL compute shader's ssbo. It is giving incorrect output results. Key Requirements: - Deep understanding of OpenGL compute shaders - Experience with debugging shader code Please note this debugging task should not take longer than 20 minutes. I'm looking for someone who can quickly identify and fix the issue so that the shader can output the expected results. I would like to know how to bind the input statically and dynamically.

    €15 Average bid
    €15 Média
    7 ofertas

    I'm seeking a seasoned CAD CAM C++ programmer to develop a brand-new 3D modeling software from scratch. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in CAD CAM programming, particularly in C++, as well as extensive experience in creating 3D modeling software. Key requirements for this project: - Expertise in C++ and CAD CAM programming - Proven experience in developing The software must be compatible with Windows. The expected timeline for the project is 6-12 months. The software should include advanced interactive features like real-time rendering previews, and complex mesh manipulation tools. The initial release should prioritize the feature: 3-axis Cam features and importing dxf, dwg, step, igs, stl, and obj file formats. The software should utilize OpenGL...

    €7450 Average bid
    €7450 Média
    12 ofertas

    I'm looking for an experienced writer with a strong programming background to craft a comprehensive book targeting intermediate programmers. The book should delve into C++ and OpenGL compute shaders, covering the following areas: - Compute shader basics: A detailed introduction to compute shaders, explaining their purpose, functionality, and significance in the programming world. - Algorithm optimization: Insightful discussions on how compute shaders can be utilized for algorithm optimization, with practical examples. - Graphics pipeline integration: An exploration of how compute shaders fit into the graphics pipeline, with real-world applications and case studies. The book should be formatted as 'text with code examples'. It should seamlessly integrate clear, conci...

    €97 Average bid
    €97 Média
    8 ofertas

    Project: OpenGL ES1.1 Initialization on STM32MP157 with OpenSTLinux This is a very simple and quick project for someone with experience in OpenSTLinux and STM32MP1 Environment: • Development Board: STM32MP157F-DK2 () • OS: OpenSTLinux with Wayland () Objective: I am seeking an experienced developer to assist with the initialization and operation of OpenGL ES1.1 on the STM32MP157 platform running OpenSTLinux. The platform includes the necessary OpenGL libraries, and the goal is to successfully initialize OpenGL ES1.1 and render a simple shape (e.g., a triangle or rectangle on a non-white background). Current Status: I’ve made partial progress in initializing

    €120 Average bid
    €120 Média
    13 ofertas
    OpenGL - Jaavaa
    Encerrado left

    OpenGL - Jaavaa Jaavvaa - OpenGL

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Média
    2 ofertas

    I'm seeking an experienced OpenGL developer for creating a PC-based Role-Playing Game (RPG). This project involves detailed work with Open Graphics Library, and a solid understanding of game design principles is crucial. Key Responsibilities: - Developing a comprehensive RPG using OpenGL - Ensuring the game is optimized for PC Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with OpenGL - Strong background in RPG development - Proficiency in PC game optimization - Excellent understanding of game design principles

    €644 Average bid
    €644 Média
    19 ofertas

    Working on available code parts, ready implemented methods to build android app in java. Looking for an experienced Android developer to create a 3D application. The app should utilize OpenGL ES for rendering, support advanced gesture controls, and integrate sensor data for intuitive user interactions. Key features include shape creation, manipulation tools, and a user-friendly interface. Proficiency in Java, 3D graphics mathematics, and UI/UX design is essential.

    €92 Average bid
    €92 Média
    64 ofertas

    I'm seeking an expert in game engine optimization, specifically for DirectX, geared towards PC platforms. Key Areas of Focus: - Primarily, I need improvements in the graphics rendering part of the game engine. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in game engine optimization. - Extensive experience with DirectX. - Strong understanding of graphics rendering techniques. - Ability to deliver high-performance solutions for PC gaming. Please note, the specifics of physics calculations have not been identified as a current concern, but a general understanding and ability to improve this aspect could be beneficial.

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr Média
    8 ofertas

    I'm in need of an experienced Android Developer skilled in OpenGL and 3D Rendering Software. The project involves creating a 3D Parallax Live Wallpaper app for Home and Lock Screens. This is a sample video of what I'm exactly looking for: Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Android development, especially with OpenGL and 3D Rendering Software to create the wallpaper assets. - Knowledge of integrating sensor interactions into applications. The desired functionality of the app includes: - Using motion sensor interactions to create a dynamic live wallpaper experience. If you have experience with similar projects and can deliver an engaging, interactive live wallpaper app, I would love to hear from you. Please include

    €98 Average bid
    €98 Média
    9 ofertas

    I have a JUCE C++ project with an OpenGL subscreen meant for object manipulation. Users can adjust the camera angle, position of the spectator, and move objects as well. However, I'm encountering unexpected control issues when using the keyboard and mouse. Specific Issues: - Camera angle adjustments and object positioning are causing erratic behavior. - Control problems predominantly occur when moving existing objects. - Camera angle issues arise when the user attempts to rotate the camera. - Can't click to the objects and the positioning arrows. To be correct, I can click but their offset is shifted. This 'click to the object' issue does not exist on Windows and on Mac; it is just wrong in the newest, while on the oldest ones it works quite well. Your task...

    €473 Average bid
    €473 Média
    30 ofertas

    I'm in need of a skilled C++ developer to help me fix various bugs in an old MMORPG. The main tasks will revolve around addressing issues that have arisen due to an upgrade from DirectX 8 to DirectX 9. Key Responsibilities: - Fix bugs related to graphics rendering The issues are occurring on Windows. I have detailed documentation available to assist in troubleshooting and bug fixing. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in C++ - Experience with DirectX - Familiarity with MMORPGs - Excellent problem-solving skills - Ability to understand and work with existing code - Ability to work and adapt with old c++ code I look forward to hearing from you, and hopefully we can get this project moving swiftly.

    €153 Average bid
    €153 Média
    6 ofertas
    OpenGL Engineer
    Encerrado left

    I'm seeking a Computer Graphic Engineer proficient in OpenGL and GL drawing commands. The primary purpose of using OpenGL in this project is for creating and manipulating GL Models. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Extensive knowledge and experience with OpenGL and GL drawing commands - Strong background in 3D modeling - Previous experience in creating and manipulating GL Models - Understanding of Computer Graphics principles - Ability to work independently and deliver high quality work on time.

    €4 / hr Average bid
    €4 / hr Média
    7 ofertas

    ...from DirectX 9 to DirectX 11. The goal is to enhance the graphical performance, take advantage of modern hardware, and improve visual effects within the game. The source code is currently based on DirectX 9, and I need a professional who can transition it smoothly to DirectX 11 while maintaining stability and functionality. Key Requirements: - Experience in working with DirectX 9 and DirectX 11. - Strong background in C++ and game engine development. - Understanding of the graphics pipeline, including shaders, textures, and buffers. - Ability to optimize the game’s graphical performance for modern hardware while maintaining compatibility with older systems. - Clear communication throughout the project. Tasks: - Migrat...

    €522 Average bid
    €522 Média
    35 ofertas

    # PySide6/Qt Widget for Node-Based GPU Texture Generation with OpenGL ## Project Description I'm looking for a candidate with strong experience in **PySide6**, **Qt**, **Python**, and **OpenGL** to work on a specialized project. The project currently includes a small library that supports the creation of a **Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)** of nodes, allowing tasks to be executed per node, either individually or in **parallel** (requiring knowledge of the **threading library** and **batching**). The primary task for this project is to create a standalone **PySide6 widget** that allows users to visually create and connect nodes using different types of connections (linear, Bezier, etc.). It should be easy to add new types of connections in the future, and the widget must...

    €63 Average bid
    €63 Média
    11 ofertas

    I have a JUCE C++ project with an OpenGL subscreen meant for object manipulation. Users can adjust the camera angle, position of the spectator, and move objects as well. However, I'm encountering unexpected control issues when using the keyboard and mouse. Specific Issues: - Camera angle adjustments and object positioning are causing erratic behavior. - Control problems predominantly occur when moving existing objects. - Camera angle issues arise when the user attempts to rotate the camera. - Can't click to the objects and the positioning arrows. To be correct, I can click but their offset is shifted. AND! This 'click to the object' thing is not exist on windows and on mac, it is just wrong in the newest, on the oldest ones it works quiet well. Your task will ...

    €530 Average bid
    €530 Média
    38 ofertas

    ...your development environment with necessary libraries and tools for robotics and laser scanning. Programming the Laser Scanner Interface with Hardware: Write code to interface with the laser scanner hardware to capture thickness measurements. Data Processing: Implement algorithms to process the raw data into meaningful measurements. Visualization Software 2D and 3D Rendering: Use libraries like OpenGL (C++), Matplotlib (Python), or JavaFX (Java) to render the scanned data. User Interface: Develop a user-friendly interface to display the data and allow for manual selection of projection areas. Projection and Analysis Projection Calculation: Write algorithms to calculate the consumption of refractory mix and the required time for projection. Automation: Program the robot to auto...

    €669 Average bid
    €669 Média
    74 ofertas

    I'm in need of a skilled C++ developer with experience in OpenGL to assist me with the loading of various assets for my project. Your main responsibilities will include loading 3D models, textures, and shaders. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing a robust system to load 3D models, textures, and shaders. - Ensuring compatibility with the glTF file format. - Ensuring that the model is loaded on the first frame of the model's animation. - Pressing 'R' must play the reload animation. - Progress must be made/commited to my github repo, which already has the project setup (cmake, camera movement, dependancies, game while loop). Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in: C++, Git, CMake OpenGL, & tinygltf - Previous experience with asset loading for game developme...

    €661 Average bid
    €661 Média
    54 ofertas

    I'm in need of a skilled C++ developer with experience in OpenGL to assist me with the loading of various assets for my project. Your main responsibilities will include loading 3D models, textures, and shaders. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing a robust system to load 3D models, textures, and shaders. - Ensuring compatibility with the glTF file format. - Ensuring that the model is loaded on the first frame of the model's animation. - Pressing 'R' must play the reload animation. - Progress must be made/commited to my github repo, which already has the project setup (cmake, camera movement, dependancies, game while loop). Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in C++ and OpenGL. - Previous experience with asset loading for game development or similar projects. ...

    €202 Average bid
    €202 Média
    11 ofertas

    I'm in need of a skilled C++ developer with experience in OpenGL to assist me with the loading of various assets for my project. Your main responsibilities will include loading 3D models, textures, and shaders. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing a robust system to load 3D models, textures, and shaders. - Ensuring compatibility with the glTF file format. - Ensuring that the model is loaded on the first frame of the model's animation. - Pressing 'R' must play the reload animation. - Progress must be made/commited to my github repo, which already has the project setup (cmake, camera movement, dependancies, game while loop). Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in C++ and OpenGL. - Previous experience with asset loading for game development or similar projects. ...

    €380 Average bid
    €380 Média
    33 ofertas