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Olá Sandeep P., eu vi seu perfil e gostaria de lhe oferecer meu projeto. Nós podemos discutir os detalhes pelo chat.
I need someone to install backend on the project frontend that I edited it is a purchased template, it comes with the backend, I just need to install the control panel and all the backend definitions as a checkout ... (Dashboard)
Abastecimento, placa, equipamento, quantidade de litros, tipo de combustível, elaborar um app para uma transportadora pequena, para controle de check list do caminhão.
[1] Em um banco de dados da web será realizada uma busca onde existem mais de 20.000 empresas desse setor. [2] Depois de criada essa lista no excel, os e-mails de contato e da área de carreiras dessas empresas serão buscados em seus sites e colocados ao lado do nome da empresa no excel.
Preciso de alguém que copie os dados de 7250 cadastrados deste site: Deve colocar no excel em formato de lista/tabela os seguintes dados: - "Produtor Cultural" - "Responsável Legal" - "Tipo de Pessoa" - "Município" - "e-mail" - "Condição do Cadastro" - "Situação do Cadastro" - Quantos projetos apresentados na LIC (em numeros) - Quantos projetos apresentados no FAC (em numeros) Qualquer um com conhecimento basico consegue fazer isto. Para concorrer ao projeto faça isso com 5 cadastros em um excel e me mande por imagem ou arquivo para ver se está ok.
Preciso de um script que adicione rapidamente listas grandes de emails ao sistema Interspire Email Marketing. Esse script precisa ter a opção de escolha de usuários e conseguir subir rapidamente uma lista de por exemplo 100 mil nomes. Usava o fast mas o perdi..
A ideia é criar uma lista de tarefas no frontend dentro de um site Wordpress protegido que já existe. Conforme os usuários logados acessam o frontend eles veem e marcam FEITO. Se eles nao executarem no dia as tarefas se renovam no outro dia independente se completaram ou não - isto é salvo em um relatório. Usabilidade: Depois de clicar no ícone FEITO, a tarefa pode sumir como ajax. As tarefas podem ser exibidas de 4 em 4 pra nao lotar a tela com muitas. Backend somente para admins: Precisa ser possível criar e editar os labels e descricoes das tarefas. Também precisamos ter um relatório em colunas com os labels das tarefas, quais foram feitas e quais não foram marcadas feitas. Preferencial mas não obrig...
We are a startup in Portugal that is developing a product in the area of audio and acoustics, more concretely in 3D audio. We need to make a business plan to verify the feasibility of our solution. So we need to contact industry professionals to give us their opinion on various aspects of the product, namely, features on shape, applicability and minimum functionality. We want to get a list of contacts from research centers, schools and universities and professionals working with surround sound, capturing and reproducing and VR. Some keywords: acoustics research centers and researchers, auralization, audio and acoustics schools and universities, audio for VR, sound capturing, manufacturers
Portuguese: Olá, Busco um profissional que possa nos ajudar a criar listas para prospecção. As listas devem ser criadas num arquivo Excel que será disponibilizado com suas respectivas colunas a serem preenchidas. Deverão ser listas de lojas virtuais segmentadas pela tecnologia utilizada para o seu desenvolvimento, não requer nenhum conhecimento prévio ou tecnico. Antes do início dos trabalhos um treinamento será oferecido. English: Hello, I'm looking for a professional who can help us create lists for prospecting new clients. Lists must be created in an Excel file that will be available with their respective columns to be filled out. They should be lists of online stores segmented by the techn...
Fiz meu guia totalmente em wordpress, e queria saber se tem a possibilidade de ser feito um app que puxe as informações direto do banco de dados e sendo atualizado os dois em conjunto, ahh e que também tenha a opção de baixar as empresas de cada cidade para consulta em off.
Olá, Estou desenvolvendo um aplicativo android, porém, não consigo desenvolver a parte de calendário, listview e envio de notificação. 1. No calendário, a ideia é conseguir que o usuário consiga reservar um recurso (que são resgatados do banco e apresentados em um spinner, para o usuário selecionar) para determinado dia, salvar esse dia no banco firebase e alterar a cor do dia no calendário quando esse já estiver sido reservado, e deverá ter a condição de não poder agendar esse dia quando já estiver agendado. 2. No listview, a ideia é exibir os dados do banco firebase neste listview, e ao clicar em algum item, abrir esse item com as informaç&otild...
Eu preciso de um novo site. Eu preciso que você o projete e o construa.
I Have a Facebook Id list (5000 ids) in a Excel file and I Need Add Facebook Friends manually. EXAMPLE of ID's LIST: 1107865865890630 749136188573856 2156811074544534 I need you enter in and add this person, manually. I need you enter in and add this person, manually. I need you enter in and add this person, manually. Add 5000 times, manually. Português: Eu tenho uma lista com ids do Facebook (5000 ids). Ela está no Excel e eu preciso que você entre um por um e adiciona MANUALMENTE essas pessoas. Exemplo de Lista: 1107865865890630 749136188573856 2156811074544534 Preciso que você entre em e adicione essa pessoa manualmente. Preciso
Preciso de profissional freelancer para criar um check list online que gere relatórios em tempo real, deve ter 3 níveis de acesso e layout simplificado.<br /><br />Estamos solicitando orçamento de profissionais da área para trabalhar em casa e de forma independente, deve apenas cumprir o prazo de entrega.<br /><br />O processo vai funcionar da seguinte maneira serão selecionados 5 candidatos para receber o projeto por e-mail, lembrando que o projeto vai em PDF e está feito de forma bem simples, não foi elaborado por nenhum desenvolvedor, destes 5 apenas 1 será contratado, vamos analisar o valor cobrado e conhecimento do mesmo na área, vamos passar para os 5 candidatos um telefone com Whatsapp para...
Tenho uma planilha no excel com + ou - 130 tarefas para realizar no site referente a SEO um checklist, preciso de uma pessoa que me de o passo a passo de como realiza-las todas as tarefas, o passo a passo pode ser em doc.
I need a code where I list I restore all Hooks SSDT Shadow User Mode and Kernel - Develop in delphi Preciso de um código aonde eu listo eu restauro todos os Hooks SSDT Shadow User e kernel Mode - Desenvolver em delphi
Necessito de um script para um site, de forma a verificar se IP ou Domínios estão em black list, apresentando o resultado. Há vários modelos na web...
Olá,<br /><br />Estou formatando uma lista de pessoas importantes para meu negócio. Fiz uma tabela no Excell onde coloquei nome, cargo, entidade e outros.<br /><br />Tenho duas necessidades:<br /><br />1) Montar uma tabela fácil de usar como uns oito campos, num lay out agradável, usando cores para diferenciá-los;<br /><br />2) Inserir 250 nomes, cargos, entidades, classificação de relevância e mais uns cinco campos.<br /><br />Queria saber se você faz esses dois trabalhos, quanto custaria para fazer uma tabela decente, quanto custaria para colocar 250 nomes que eu forneceria, e em quanto tempo você faria isso.<br /><br /><br />
...eles precisam que tudo esteja em ordem. Por esse motivo, peço que o profissional só se candidate ao projeto se tiver toda a documentação em ordem e tenha condições de emitir nota fiscal.<br />Desejo montar um aplicativo de fiscalização de obras. A captura de informações de informações e preenchimentos de check-list será realizado em app Android utilizando tablet. O APP deve enviar informações via internet para sistema de cadastro de check-list e deve enviar informações de check-list preenchido para sistema web, onde será possível analisar dados e exportar relatórios. Neste sistema também será possível ...
São dois projetos Separados, porém talvez que haja uma integração do check list com Plano de Ação, principalmente com os Status Não conformes, e talvez Status pendentes, o que nós mesmos possamos parametrizar o que vai para o Plano de Ação.<br /><br />1.)UM CHECK LIST DE AUDITORIA TRABALHISTA CONTENDO ABERTURA INICIAL DOS TRABALHO, STATUS REPORTER DIÁRIO, STATUS DA DOCUMENTAÇÃO SOLICITADA PARAMETRIZÁVEL, UMA RELATÓRIO CONTENDO OS STATUS CONCLUÍDOS, NÃO APRESENTADOS, ENTRES OUTROS E OS PENDENTES, OS NÃO CONFORME, E ESPAÇO PARA COMENTAR O STATUS. <br />IRÁ FICAR HOSPEDADO EM MEU SITE, PORÉM PRECISO QUE O CLIENT...
...Productivity and Increased Performance. This writer must have knowledge in these areas and in psychology, and have done some work of this type. If you have no article on this subject, let me know and send a title for testing. The writing style needs to be personal and informal woman talking to both sexes. I will send the article titles. Articles should be between 500 and 800 words, divided into sentences and short paragraphs for easy reading. Should contain 2 or more subheadings dividing the text. Whenever possible, use bullet points in writing. The content must be original, never copy, and quality that is relevant. The text must be accompanied by an image without copyright. The writer should have basic knowledge in Wordpress and basic SEO too, you will have to ...
Need Cyprus B2B email list DONT BID IF YOU CANT PROVIDE IT!
... /* Style Definitions */ {mso-style-name:"Tabela normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif";}....
...customer to customer and receives customizations in appearance that varies from client to client, working with the developer always need doing. Some points about this project, I would like to mention now is that he, like I said, it integrates sales systems (POS and ERP), carrying shopping information to our servers, which account points and deliver benefits to customers taking into account some definitions of the establishment. In addition, the software has marketing automation resources to be developed, and many other features that will gain space in new versions. Developers who communicate in Portuguese or Spanish, or are in Brazilian territory, is a differential, but this is not a requirement Intellectual property and confidentiality agreement are necessary requir...
Fix text (proofreading) two sites "web hosting", which were translated from Portuguese to English automatically. Preference given to: - Native English (USA) - Experts in HTML code (a few sentences may contain codes) - Knowledge of Web Hosting Looking forward proposals
Uma rede social ligada a 1 empresa parceira, onde estão cadastradas várias empresas para realizar compras, possibilidade de compra através do crowdfunding, link para um site já existente (permitido acesso apenas para usuários cadastrados).
Hi all, I need to rephrase 901 phrases in PORTUGUESE (total words: 28500). I want to keep the same message, but change the wording to make it look like an original sentence. Example of the file I will give you: (2,'por favor preciso de ajuda... acredito que meu namorado esta me enganando, ') (3,'ligou para dar informação de carro roubado querendo extorquir dinheiro') (4,'Esse numéro também me liga direto. Já nem atendo mais, e quando não atendo, eles me ligam restrito ou mandam mensagem pra caixa postal. E quando vou escutar não tem nada na mensagem. Só sei que já tá chato isso. Ja recebo essas ligações a mais ou menos umas 2 semanas. Já não atendo mais.�...
Hi We have a small task for an experienced php dev we have a simple coming soon page where users can add their email address to get updates about the website launch. WE want to REMOVE The mailchimp and just allow users to subscribe with their email, and the email address just adds to a txt file we can view on server and add the emails to mailchimp manually. Budget for this task is $10 and we can provide all the files for landing page to winner.
-Deleting a couple of unnecessary sentences that are inaccurate - Delete the whole section which is understated - Remove one false section from Wikipedia account - understanding of Wikipedia's guidelines and policies
WORKS TO DO: 1- we added a field when you edit a wocommerce Order, and it is saved correctly on the DB (working Ok); 2- on the Orders list, we must be able to list the orders based on that field. You can put a link or drop down on top of the list, to pick the "Order Type" and list them; Just that! PD: the code was added on a Snippet using the plugin "WPCode Rich Snippets", so you have to add your code on a new Snippet; Thats it! Total budget for this job is $ 25,00.- Dollars (commissions included - in 2 milestones, 50% in advance), since it is just adding some minimum details. Please do not bid more than that amount. A plus can be paid if done fast and as indicated. Please only bid if you have at least more than 15 positive feedbacks, a...
I am looking for a freelancer who can provide me with an email list of AirBnB, VRBO (Vacation Rentals by Owner), and other short term vacation rental hosts in North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia. in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. All hosts are acceptable and there are no specific criteria for inclusion in the list. The ideal candidate should have experience in data mining and compiling email lists. Attention to detail is crucial to ensure that the list is accurate and up-to-date. The list should contain the following: Name, phone number, and email address, and should all be valid and up to date information. We will need around 1000 leads to start.
I have a digital product list that needs to be converted into a standard PDF. The final document should follow a simple text layout without any complex designs or elements. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient typing skills - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy - Familiarity with PDF creation
...experienced UI/UX Designer to create a minimal & clean design in Figma for a website showcasing a historic olive press museum from 1860. The design should feel modern, easy to navigate, and highlight both the historical importance and the visitor experience. Pages Required 1️⃣ Home Page Hero Section (Top of the Page) Large hero image (or slideshow) of the museum. Short introductory text (1-2 sentences). Embedded Booking Calendar Widget: Date & time selection (calendar). Number of visitors. Dynamic pricing based on group size: 1 to 5 people 5 to 10 people 10 to 20 people 20 to 30 people “Proceed to Checkout” button. Below the hero section: Museum Presentation Section: Historical information. Photo gallery (carousel or grid). Section describing available tou...
Steps: 1. Go to 2. An Excel sheet with specified columns will be shared with you 3. Search database by state and compile information such as company, contact, url, email address, etc.
I'm seeking a skilled writer to help expand my collection of 120 short philosophical quotes into a full-length book. Each quote, derived from my thoughts and experiences, is 3-4 lines long and requires editing and enhancement. Your Tasks: - Edit and improve the quotes. - Expand each quote into a full page filled with strong, meaningful, and real-life supportive sentences. - Maintain an engaging, impactful, and original writing style that stays true to my ideas. - Deliver a polished final book with a coherent structure. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in book writing, particularly in the selfhelp & philosophy genre. - Exceptional editing skills. - Ability to write in an inspirational tone. - Previous work sharing personal experiences is a plus. - Strong u...
Topic - options trading Excel doc with 1 tab for each: 50 blogs (ex: 30 forums (ex: ) 100 social media groups (ex: ) website url / contact email 2 day to deliver please
I'm looking for a professional who can help me purchase a high-quality, targeted email list for my marketing campaigns. Key Details: - The email list should be specifically targeting companies in Ontario, Canada. - The primary use of the email list will be for marketing campaigns, so it should contain potential business clients, not just general consumers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in sourcing and purchasing email lists. - Understanding of B2B marketing and able to identify potential business clients. - Familiarity with the Ontario, Canada business landscape. - Proven track record of successful email marketing campaigns.
I'm in need voice recordings for an AI training project. The recordings will be used for an automobile voice control system, specifically focusing on conversations and short sentences. Key Requirements: - Recordings should be in Russian, Hebrew, French, and German - Conversational and short sentence recordings - High quality, clear audio Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native speaker of the required languages - No need Experience in voice recording and editing - Prior work in AI training voice recordings no need Any native speakers can do it . no need special requirements no limit age and gender .
I need a list of 500 LinkedIn contacts based on a detailed ICP document I can share. You should provide a CSV file with First Name / Last Name / Job Title / Company / LinkedInProfile
I'm in need of an expert who can gather 1,000 targeted email addresses of potential high-intent leads for my business. Ideal candidates should: - Have experience in lead generation and email list development - Be proficient in using tools and platforms for finding and verifying email addresses - Have a good understanding of targeting high-intent leads The leads should primarily come from: - C-level Executives - Marketing Managers - Sales Directors Please note, the industry and geographic region for these leads has not been defined yet, so the scope is quite broad. Your ability to filter and identify high-potential leads will be key.
...the emails from your email account. 4. Add to the Google Sheet: • Date you sent the email • If you get a reply (write “Yes” or “No”) • Notes (e.g., “They replied with price,” “No reply yet”) • Time: About 2-3 hours. What to Give Me When You’re Done 1. Google Sheet: • Tab 1: Online Listings (Task 1) • Tab 2: Off-Market Parks (Task 2) • Tab 3: Email Log (Task 3) 2. Short Summary (1-2 sentences): • Example: “I found 6 listings online, 4 with 50+ pads priced $2M-$4M. Emailed 5 brokers and waiting for replies.” When to Finish: Try to finish all tasks in 5 days (by [specific date]). How to Check In: • Send me a quick message each day (email or [preferred tool]...
Vietnam Recording Project Recruitment ( Vietnam) Recording Project Vietnam Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 363 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Vietnam speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Vietnam speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 5$ for 363 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after ...
...Color Preferences: We're open to color suggestions that convey technology, trust, and expertise Choose colors that position us as a premium, authoritative brand in the AI consulting space Avoid colors that appear too casual or unprofessional Maximum of 3 colors in the primary palette (plus black/white/gray) What to Submit Initial concept designs Brief explanation of your design rationale (2-3 sentences) Mock-ups showing the logo in application (website header, business card, etc.) What We Don't Want Generic AI icons (brain with circuit patterns, etc.) Overly complex designs with too many elements Trendy styles that may look dated quickly Clip art or stock imagery Designs that closely resemble other tech company logos Prize $100 USD for the winning design with full...
Bucket List - Must Launch Sleep Tracker App ASAP. On a limited time frame, wife has cancer. (Provide Sleep App you developed) I'm looking for a sleep tracker app akin to Better Sleep with a fast delivery time. The app must have a variety of features aimed at helping users improve their sleep quality and manage their stress levels. Core Features: - Sleep Sounds: You should integrate a variety of soothing sleep sounds within the app. - Comprehensive Sleep Tracker: The app should be capable of tracking sleep patterns in a detailed and user-friendly manner. - Admin Panel: This will host guided meditations, bedtime stories, and relaxing videos. - Daily Affirmations: A section dedicated to positive daily affirmations. - In-app ads and subscriptions: Monetization through ads and sub...
I'm in need of a comprehensive list of fashion influencers primarily using Instagram, with a focus on high engagement rates. Key Requirements: - Identify influencers from a specific city (to be discussed). - Primarily use Instagram as the main platform. - Evaluate and select based on engagement rate. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in social media analysis. - Strong understanding of the fashion industry. - Excellent research skills. Please note, the city has not been specified yet. It would be beneficial to discuss and finalize this before proceeding.
I'm looking for a comprehensive CSV file containing the names and emails of 5000 insurance agents, specifically targeting those from small companies or independent agents only from USA . Skills and experience ideal for this job include: - Proficiency in data collection and market research - Experience in creating and delivering CSV files - Understanding of the insurance industry (though not mandatory) - Attention to detail to ensure the accuracy of the contact information. Please note, the geographic region and specific type of insurance agents haven't been specified, so a broad range covering various regions and types would be ideal. I will pay 1000 INR for 1000 Email | this would be for long term Regard
I need a skilled designer to create a layout for some print material - specifically, a business offer for loose furniture. The material should be professionally designed, eye-catching, and effectively communicate our business proposition. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in layout design for print material - Strong understanding of design principles - Excellent communicatio...Proportion the text nicely and highlight it pleasantly. We have the text. I'll send it to you. Then follows a section with references (2 to 4 pages, depending on how the photos fit). I will send you the photos (6 to 8 photos). There should be a very nice, modern, designed layout here. At best, the images should be broken up with very little text (here is only text that describes the images. 1 to 2 ...