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2,000 law essay trabalhos encontrados

I am looking for someone with expertise in Portuguese language and ideally law to carry out a research task for me. Specifically, this research needs to be conducted on the marriage records in Sao Paolo between 2005 and 2009. I have some background information related to the task, namely the names of both persons and date of birth of one of them. I need a Portuguese speaker to carry out the research, so please only apply for this job if you are proficient in Portuguese. Thank you for your interest and I look forward to working with you.

€30 / hr Average bid
€30 / hr Média
10 ofertas
logo marca 3D
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want an essay about the war in Ukraine on 03/28/2023 Com a invasão russa em 2014, a Ucrânia tem vivido em um estado de guerra que já dura quase uma década. Em 28 de março de 2023, a situação continua tensa e o conflito parece estar longe de uma resolução pacífica. Desde o início do conflito, a Ucrânia perdeu cerca de 13.000 pessoas e centenas de milhares foram deslocadas. A Rússia, por sua vez, enfrentou sanções econômicas e políticas da União Europeia e dos Estados Unidos, bem como críticas da comunidade internacional. Em 2022, as negociações de paz foram retomadas em Minsk, na Bielorrússia, mas não houve nenhum progresso si...

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr Média
2 ofertas
whatsapp law
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sitema de agendamento de mensagens automáticas pelo whatsapp . quero criar uma plataforma estilo , mas voltado para gerenciamento de escritórios de advocacia . É como se fosse uma plataforma de gerenciamento de processos pelo whatsapp.

€3924 Average bid
€3924 Média
4 ofertas

Olá, tudo bem? Somos um escritório de advocacia especializada e buscamos um parceiro capaz de desenvolver 5 templates (modelos) para o WPS e Word - ambas plataformas Office se comunicam - para utilização no escritório. São 5 modelos para finalidades específicas dentro da rotina do escritório e faz parte de uma reformulação baseada em “legal design” e “visual law”. Os modelos utilizaram de identidade visual já desenvolvidas. Em anexo estamos incluindo um exemplo sobre um dos modelos.

€147 Average bid
€147 Média
4 ofertas

Design logo e personalização do website atual no ; otimização de website para mecanismos/motores de pesquisa/busca SEO; criação e implementação de publicidade online Google Ads Google AdWords.

€36 Average bid
€36 Média
9 ofertas
I need a writer.
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write me a 2000 word essay......

€162 Average bid
€162 Média
21 ofertas
Trophy icon Narrative essay
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Small narrative essay 2/1/2 to 3 pages

€9 Average bid
2 inscrições

(English) VISUAL IDENTITY FOR A LAW FIRM 1. We are looking for a minimalistic, simple yet elegant, logo/logotype for a law firm called "Herman & Elias Advogados"; or, alternatively, "Herman & Elias Advogados Associados". 2. We want a discrete color scheme that will be used on all our material. 3. We need not only the logo/logotype, but also a template for all our documents (i.e. header, footer, etc.) that includes the following information: - logo/logotype - address: Rua Javaés 409, Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, CEP 01130-010 - phone: (11) 3223.4588 - contact: contact@ 4. We also need a template for our e-mails (e.g. header or footer). 5. We want YOU to pick a font for use in all our documents, one that goes well with the font/t...

€139 Average bid
125 inscrições

Nome do escritório: Cândido Coelho & Salazar Advogados Associados Destacar: Cândido Coelho & Salazar Escritório atuante na área de direito voltado para empresas. Passando a ia...Coelho & Salazar Escritório atuante na área de direito voltado para empresas. Passando a iagem de solidez e confiança aos empresários. O escritório possui estilo tradicional, sóbrio e elegante (A decoração do escritório é voltada para móveis de madeira estilo inglês). Name of the office: Cândido Coelho & Salazar Advogados Associados Highlight: Cândido Coelho & Salazar Office working in the area of law aimed at companies. Turning the brand of solidity and confide...

€37 Average bid
35 inscrições

...votação das deliberações da assembleia pelo aplicativo (maiores explicações no projeto/mockup). A segunda é o controle das atividades do síndico (coisa bem simples, como, por exemplo, do aplicativo Trello). Já havia iniciado o projeto com outro profissional, mas tive problemas no desenvolvimento, portanto, peço para que somente bons programadores aceitem o desafio. Atenciosamente, VM LAW FIRM Application for condominium. The complete project will be sent after the closing of the contract, with a clause of secrecy. Initially, to facilitate the budget, we inform that the application should have, among others, two functionalities. The first is to allow voting of the deliberations of the assembly b...

€325 Average bid
€325 Média
14 ofertas

Comparing essay

€83 Average bid
€83 Média
27 ofertas

Comparing essay

€25 Average bid
€25 Média
21 ofertas

...Marketing the web system to attract students and other teachers who want to use the system to advertise their classes online. The investment for the founding member will be of time and skills for those who are selected, among the following profiles: Android Application Developers Webdesigners Web Developers Video editors Teachers of different disciplines (Portuguese, Mathematics, Languages, Law, etc) Make your offer if you show interest and we will contact you as soon as possible. If you do not want to be a founding member, but only use the system to post your classes online, make that clear in your offer. In this case you will be charged a fee to be set on the amount of your course. Valid for people in any country....

€575 Average bid
€575 Média
4 ofertas

...trabalhar com equipes. Não concentrar tudo na mão de uma única pessoa. Pois as habilidades demandadas são diversas (Seo, Maketing Digital, integrações Wordpress, Capmpanahs de E-mail Marketing). E o projeto poderia ficar travado se concentrassemos tudo em uma única pessoa. Eu tenho um Site na área de Marketing Jurídico e Coworking Voltado para Advogados. O nome do Projeto se chama Start Office Law. Em síntese, as propostas do nosso projeto são as seguintes: 1) Propiciar a imersão do Novo Advogado em um Ambiente Corporativo (Serviço -> Coworking). 2) Garantir a formação compartilhada que potencialize o aprendizado e Networking na Carreira. ( Serviço ->...

€944 Average bid
€944 Média
28 ofertas
Essay Writing
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Essay Writing Essay Writing Essay Writing Essay Writing Essay Writing Essay Writing Essay Writing Essay Writing Essay Writing Essay Writing Essay Writing Essay Writing Essay Writing Essay Writing Essay Writing Essay Writing Essay Writing

€46 Average bid
€46 Média
1 ofertas
€46 Média
1 ofertas

Solicito a redação de alguns academic essays: Fable Narrative, Evaluation, Application, Proposal Letter, Illustration e Classification Essay. As instruções para cada um estão em anexo (exceto fable e proposal que envio depois, se for o caso), posso também explicar as propostas individualmente se você preferir. É importante atentar que o trabalho deve ser 100% original, pois será submetido a uma ferramenta anti-plágio, com grande acuracidade. O prazo para entrega seria 24/05. Obrigada.

0 ofertas
assignment law
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€6 - €6
€6 - €6
0 ofertas
€86 Média
1 ofertas

Template do THEMEFOREST: Nenhuma customização, exceto remover algumas partes que não serão utilizadas.

€133 Average bid
€133 Média
14 ofertas

Sorting "Ortho ME + Ortho ESSAY" into a "Sample Format" style

€284 Average bid
€284 Média
1 ofertas
Logo Design Law Firm
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Logo design & corporate idenity Letterhead 210 x 297 (A4) Envelope 229 x 114 Business card 85 x 55

€44 Average bid
€44 Média
1 ofertas
Write an Essay
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3 pages essay

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Média
1 ofertas
Academic Writing2
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as discussed 2500 essay

€139 - €139
€139 - €139
0 ofertas
Plataforma WEB
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...diseases and conditions , statistically people by gender and age . Treatment - % of the amount of people taking certain medication , dosage , effects , duration , average cost . Symptoms - color grade as the symptom . - Blog - publication articles, - Events - have an agenda , and points in several days , the activities that the admin can put . - Gallery - Images can place an image and a short essay . System ATM , Visa, mastercard , paypal , and payment by SMS . - Verification / confirmation of registration by email and SMS confirmation in some cases . Sites to consider : online store statistics and social profile social part of the user profile helpsaude and doctoralia schedule and / reference marking I'm waiting soon as

€2930 Average bid
€2930 Média
27 ofertas
Encerrado left

write a essay

€111 Average bid
€111 Média
1 ofertas

I'm in need of a legal expert specializing in contract law and employment law. The tasks primarily involve reviewing contracts, specifically focusing on non-compete agreements. Key Responsibilities: - Review of various contracts - Detailed analysis of non-compete agreements Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in contract law - Specialization in employment law is a plus - Excellent analytical skills - Ability to clearly communicate complex legal concepts

€79 Average bid
€79 Média
32 ofertas

I'm seeking a skilled developer to create an engaging Android roulette mobile app. Key Features: - Core functionality revolves around identifying a winner in accordance with the "Law of Thirds." The app should be able to simulate a roulette game and determine a winner in a fair and entertaining manner. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Android app development - Experience with game development, particularly casino-style games - Understanding of the "Law of Thirds" and its application in game mechanics - Ability to create a user-friendly interface and enjoyable user experience

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Média
89 ofertas

I'm looking for a website that can facilitate both the submission and assessment of exams and homework. The site will handle multiple choice questions, essay prompts, and mathematical problems, catering to both students and teachers. Key Features: - Diverse Assessment: The website should be capable of correcting various types of exams and homework, including multiple choice questions, essay questions, and mathematical problems. - User-Friendly Interface: The platform will be utilized by both students and teachers, so an intuitive, easy-to-navigate interface is essential. - Comprehensive Feedback: The site will need to provide a range of feedback, including automated responses, space for teacher's comments, and grading. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in...

€11 / hr Average bid
€11 / hr Média
131 ofertas

I'm seeking a skilled Laravel developer to finalize my 80% complete custom project. It's designed for managing a Law Firm and includes features like Twilio SMS integration, a dashboard, and more. The task involves adding some features, fixing bugs, and enhancing the user interface for client login. NO PRICE TO BE OUT OF FREELANCER , NO FAKE BIDDING THEN ASKING FOR DIFFERENT AMOUNTS , YOUR BID IS WHAT YOU GET . Key responsibilities: - Manage and implement email notifications for appointment confirmations and expiry dates. - Fix bugs in update and delete operations in CRUD. - Improve the UI for client login. - Comment on existing code for better understanding. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Laravel framework. / livewire / i am using metronic laravel template but thinking ...

€165 Average bid
€165 Média
142 ofertas

I'm looking for a professional to revise my existing service agreement with clients. The main focus area for this revision will be the 'Terms of Service'. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Expertise in contract law, particularly in service agreements - Strong understanding of 'Terms of Service' clauses - Previous experience in drafting or revising client service agreements - Excellent attention to detail - Strong communication skills for potential clarifications

€248 Average bid
€248 Média
14 ofertas

I'm in need of a professional who can assist me in drafting a Divorce Retirement Order (DRO). The ideal freelancer should be well-versed in family law and have experience in preparing DRO documents.

€380 Average bid
€380 Média
23 ofertas

I’m looking for an experienced Virtual Assistant to help manage and scale my credit repair company. The ideal candidate should have prior experience in credit repair operations, dispute processing, customer service, and CRM management. Responsibilities: ✅ Manage credit repair disputes (dispute letters, consumer law, and credit bureau communications) ✅ Handle client onboarding and support ✅ Track client progress and manage dispute timelines ✅ Use and update CRM (GoHighLevel preferred) ✅ Knowledge of business credit building is a plus ✅ Assist in marketing and lead generation efforts (social media, email outreach, etc.) Requirements: ? Prior experience in credit repair (personal credit repair, business credit knowledge is a plus) ? Strong understanding of credit bureaus (Exp...

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Média
18 ofertas

To assist me in creating a professional CV, I'm searching for a skilled CV writer. I'll use my resume to apply for security or law enforcement positions. Your advice is really helpful in modifying my resume to best showcase my abilities and expertise. If you have any relevant CV writing experience, please share it.

€34 Average bid
€34 Média
97 ofertas
Patent Assistance for drop box
6 dias left

I need professional help to secure patents for my physical device in the UK and the USA. About the Product: - I have a working prototype ready for inspection and testing - Preliminary patent research has been done, but not exhaustive Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in patent law, particularly within the UK and USA - Prior experience in patenting physical devices - Strong background in engineering or product design - Excellent research skills to ensure thorough patent search - Ability to communicate technical details to patent offices I have CAD drawings etc. Please bid to do all the application for both the UK and USA.

€409 Average bid
€409 Média
22 ofertas

I am seeking a talented designer to enhance my existing law firm letterhead. The final product should be delivered as a Word document. Key Aspects: - The letterhead should incorporate my firm's logo and contact information. - I prefer a minimalist style. - Since I do not have a specific color scheme, please suggest suitable colors that align with a professional law firm aesthetic. Ideal Candidates: - Proven experience in graphic design, particularly in corporate or legal branding. - Strong understanding of minimalism in design. - Ability to suggest and implement a professional color scheme.

€27 Average bid
€27 Média
123 ofertas

A London-based lawyer with a contract law specialization is needed to review and sign off on a demand letter drafted by a friend. The letter pertains to an investment in cryptocurrencies that has not been returned. Key Responsibilities: - Review the attached demand letter and sign off on it to enhance its credibility and impact. - Add your name, credentials, and contact information as the reviewing lawyer. Please note that no changes should be made to the draft. The aim is to convey to the recipient that this is a serious legal matter. Ideal Qualifications: - Specialization in contract law - General legal practice - Based in London We are not seeking any additional legal advice or services beyond the sign off. If you're available and interested, please let me know...

€125 Average bid
€125 Média
16 ofertas

Job Description: We are seeking an experienced Intellectual Property (IP) Attorney registered in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to ass...September 27, 2024. Conduct a preliminary trademark search, if necessary, to assess potential conflicts. Manage communications with the UAE Ministry of Economy and address any objections or requirements. Provide updates on the trademark registration timeline and next steps. Requirements: Registered IP Attorney in the UAE with a valid license. Extensive experience in UAE trademark registration and IP law. Strong knowledge of priority-based trademark applications and international trademark processes. Based in the UAE, as local representation is required for this filing. Proven track record of successfully registering trademarks with the Ministry o...

€430 Average bid
€430 Média
10 ofertas

I'm seeking a lawyer with expertise in Canadian real estate law to assist with a small claims case. The claim is related to property damage or defects, specifically the property not being compliant with CSA standards. The scope of the project includes: - Providing legal advice on the next steps - Reviewing relevant documents - Helping to represent me in court Ideal skills for this job include a strong background in real estate law, experience with small claims court, and ability to provide clear and concise legal advice.

€32 / hr Average bid
€32 / hr Média
19 ofertas

I am involved in a litigation concerning a breach of a purchase agreement in real estate. The specific breach pertains to the failure to deliver the property as stipulated in the contract. I am seeking monetary compensation for this breach. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in real estate law - Proven track record in litigation - Excellent negotiation skills - Proficiency in drafting legal documents - Strong analytical and research skills Please bid only if you are confident in your ability to navigate this complex legal situation and secure a favorable outcome.

€1651 Average bid
€1651 Média
24 ofertas

I own a Single Member LLC based in Colorado, registered on December 13, 2024. As a non-US citizen, I am seeking professional assistance to accurately and efficiently dissolve my LLC,...- Preparing and filing dissolution - Preparing and filing final income tax return - Preparing and mailing EIN closing letter I would also need your expertise to decide whether legal documentation for the dissolution is necessary, and assistance in calculating taxes for the final income tax return. Please provide a detailed cost breakdown for these services. A strong background in US corporate law, tax preparation, and LLC dissolution is essential. Experience working with non-US clients would be an advantage. I am keen to ensure this process is handled properly and in compliance with all relevant re...

€11 Average bid
€11 Média
9 ofertas

...reflect the serious content of the book with bold and thought-provoking elements. I require the Freelancer to produce three concepts of different aspects of the book, from which I will pick one for a high-resolution cover design. Concept 1. A group of black clad, masked protestors with the people at front holding various placards reading: • Sharia law • Climate justice • Destroy white supremacy • Free Palestine The protestor holding the Sharia law placard should be wearing a keffiyeh Concept 2 Rioters burning buildings, as in the attached image Concept 3 Black-clad rioters kicking a statue face down on the ground as in the attached image. The statue should be recognisable as George Washinton or Christopher Columbus, The four main rioters should e...

€56 Average bid
€56 Média
50 ofertas

Project Overview I have discovered that a database provided by a Dutch service provider involves the infringement of the privacy of my client. I intend to resolve this issue thro...the local laws and regulations of the Netherlands. 2. Outline the available legal actions (such as filing complaints, initiating lawsuits, etc.), and analyze the advantages, disadvantages, and consequences of each option. 3. Estimate the cost of legal actions, including the approximate range of lawyer fees, litigation costs, compensation fees, etc. 4. Have experience in data privacy, tort law, international law, and cross-border legal affairs, and be familiar with the laws and judicial procedures of the Netherlands. 5. If I decide to take legal action in the future, I will consider further cooperat...

€351 Average bid
€351 Média
19 ofertas