Land lakes monkey trabalhos
Hi! Our Port and Logistic Company has added some new activities to its portifolio. Instead of only navigation (we have boats that help exportation vessels with small trips land-sea, mooring, surveilance..) now we are able to also offer manpower for industries, car rental with driver and some sort of other types of logistic. We are looking for a new logo that can express the company's image in just one figure/form/shape with the company's name, it can be geometric or whatever your creativity can do. COMPANY'S NAME: SILMAR (high quality .jpg and .cdr .pds file if that's the case) Nossa empresa está passando por um processo de renovação e gostaríamos de um novo logo que pudesse expressar essas novas atividades ingressadas. Nós ...
Oi ART LAND DESIGN, reparei em seu perfil e gostaria de lhe oferecer meu projeto. Podemos discutir quaisquer detalhes no chat.
Criar uma página de vendas com o Profit Builder EM REVISÃO Criação de página de vendas Usando o Profit Builder criação da página de vendas land page apresentação do serviço, produto, seus benefícios, características e demais argumentos para persuadir o visitante a fazer a compra. boa página de vendas que responde todas as dúvidas e objeções do cliente, porque eu devo comprar esse produto , , é seguro fazer essa compra? Deixe claro na apresentação os benefícios que você oferece e os resultados que o comprador pode obter com seu produto. Caso essa pessoa manifeste interesse, ela é direcionada para uma página de checkout,
Oi ART LAND DESIGN, reparei em seu perfil e gostaria de lhe oferecer meu projeto. Podemos discutir quaisquer detalhes no chat.
Oi ART LAND DESIGN, reparei em seu perfil e gostaria de lhe oferecer meu projeto. Podemos discutir quaisquer detalhes no chat.
Construir uma Land PAGE em Português usando Tecnologia Python com Gatway de pagamento configurado para Venda de um Produto pela Internet. O Hot Site terá as seguintes informações: 1) Sobre (Informações sobre a Empresa) 2) O produto 3) Preços 4) Contratar Serviço
Oi ART LAND DESIGN, reparei em seu perfil e gostaria de lhe oferecer meu projeto. Podemos discutir quaisquer detalhes no chat.
Oi ART LAND DESIGN, reparei em seu perfil e gostaria de lhe oferecer meu projeto. Podemos discutir quaisquer detalhes no chat.
Elaborar o design de um questionário para pesquisa de mercado e me orientar quanto ao praxe da atividade.
Preciso do desenvolvimento de uma plataforma "web" igual ao Survey Monkey, mas menos robusto. Ou seja, pegando como base o Survey Monkey, necessito que na ferramenta seja possível criar questionários de pesquisa, liberar um link para que as pessoas acessem e preencham este questionário (o que representa uma das 6 possibilidades do Survey Monkey), e a plataforma consiga gerar uma página onde estes resultados podem ser acompanhados em tempo real. Esta plataforma precisa de também acessos login e senha. um admin libera o acesso para uma empresa e ela pode fazer uso dos formulários específicos para cada login.
Oi ART LAND DESIGN, reparei em seu perfil e gostaria de lhe oferecer meu projeto. Podemos discutir quaisquer detalhes no chat.
Oi ART LAND DESIGN, reparei em seu perfil e gostaria de lhe oferecer meu projeto. Podemos discutir quaisquer detalhes no chat.
O projeto está dividido em mais etapas, portanto é bastante trabalho, segue um exemplo: 1) acertar as traduções internas no software (é um arquivo com vários textos, já estão em inglês mas precisam de revisão); são aproximadamente umas 1000 frases ou apenas palavras, por exemplo: lOR := 'OR (+)'; lAND := 'AND (*)'; e mais extensos tipo: lSelectDesktopArea := 'Click left mouse to define the start area. Move the mouse to create a selection area. Release the mouse button to define the end point.'; 2) tradução de 4 manuais: (br) (br).pdf (br).pdf (br).pdf c) refilmagem de alguns
Oi ART LAND DESIGN, reparei no seu perfil e gostaria de lhe oferecer meu projeto. Podemos discutir quaisquer detalhes no chat.
Oi ART LAND DESIGN, reparei em seu perfil e gostaria de lhe oferecer meu projeto. Podemos discutir quaisquer detalhes no chat.
Procuramos profissional especialista em CRO para otimizar as páginas principais de nosso site de modo permanent...apresentado seria para a primeira otimização da Home, grupo de 12 Lands identicas e Checkout. Porém desejamos separar o pagamento por página ou grupo de página nos períodos seguintes para o avanço de uma não atrapalhar a outra e também para podermos aplicar um política de pagamento de bônus por resultados. Por gentileza aplicar respondendo: 1 - Quais são os aspectos mais importantes de uma home, land e checkout para venda de Cursos Online? 2 - Quais ferramentas você utiliza para análise de conversão, e qual é a quantidade de sessões seguras ...
...adicionar a nossa loja. Dividimos metade do lucro com o autor das estampas. Segue abaixo lista de filmes que serão lançados estes ano (filmes já lançados também são bem vindos, mas estes tem mais chances de vender pelo timing): JANEIRO - 05/01 Moana Passageiros A Qualquer Custo Sete Minutos Depois da Meia-Noite - 12/01 Assassin's Creed A Criada Eu Fico Loko - 19/01 La La Land Manchester à Beira-Mar Triplo X: Reativado Os Penetras 2: Quem dá mais? - 26/01 Resident Evil 6 - O Capítulo Final (mais sobre Resident Evil aqui) Aliados Max Steel Até o Último Homem Beleza Oculta Quatro Vidas de Um Cachorro FEVEREIRO - 02/02 Fences Estrelas Além do Tempo ...
Criar uma land page e desenvolver um canal de comunicação via newsletter
Preferencialmente que esteja em Recife/PE. Design de novo App/Mobile android com criação de identidade visual. App para gerenciamento de determinada atividade em grupos de usuários. Criação de design para web site para apresentação do app (land page), banners, etc.
Fazer um upgrade no site, inserção de land pages, páginas, conteúdos, monitoramento e SEO.
Quero valores justos e uma boa imagem representativa da empresa O nome da empresa é, Real Monkey, entao gostaria de um macaco na logo mais quero escrito tambem, quero algo que seja unico, bonito, chamativo e sem misturas de cores, de prefencia uma cor só, a empresa tem a ver com roupas e acessorios esportivos.
...que faça a caricatura e desenvolva em 2D ,,,segue exemplo de um mascote interessante, gostaria que fosse nesses moldes - perfil e capas paras as principais redes sociais; - favicon - layout para e-mail marketing e assinatura - layout para meu marketplace; - layout para landing page, será mais que uma land; - layout para landing em parallax, isso envolve desenhar cenários e personagens, posteriormente o programador irá desenvolver o processo de animação. - 4 vídeos em motion graphics, pode ser feito after effects, gostaria que o meu mascote participasse e interagisse com as animações. 3 vídeos com duração de 3 minutos e 1 vídeo com duração de 1 minuto. no...
Trabalho com o impressão de livros e apostilas sob demanda. Gostaria de um formulario de contato e de um formulario de orçamento Site rápido e sucinto, melhor gráfica digital do mercado atendimento a todo mercado nacional. Se houver uma programação ou ate mesmo uma land page onde a pessoa preencha os dados rapido, o melhor dos horizontes seria que o preço baseado em metricas ja fosse postado no site. mais isso acredito que é base de programação.
apoio de 2 a 3 horas na resolução de duvidas sobre edição e envio de questionário no survey monkey
...a new search for osclass software. A search engine that does not have the main text box, but only selects dynamic (chained) of categories and subcategories, with a total of three up. For example, create two categories, real estate and cars, button properties within Land, houses and apartments, and in cars, fiat and ford button, and within fiat palio button, and within boto ford fiesta. Want a search engine that does not have that the original text box, but only selects. When I select properties, a second select appears with land, houses and apartments, and if I choose to seek and apartments, all apartments registered will appear, and so on....
We are seeking a skilled logo designer to create a modern, minimalist, and professional logo for Seven Lakes Capital, a fund holding company managing multiple businesses. The logo should include: An emblem/icon featuring only “7” and “L” in a clean and structured way. The full company name, "Seven Lakes Capital", written in a sophisticated, professional typeface. The design should reflect stability, trust, and financial expertise while remaining elegant and versatile. More details: Which color scheme would you prefer for the logo? Blue and gray Do you have any specific font styles in mind for the company name? Sans-serif Where will you primarily use the logo? Website and digital platforms Design Requirements: ✅ Typography-based logo &ndas...
I'm looking for a creative, cartoonish t-shirt design for our upcoming event, the Kansas OutKast Gambler 500. The design should prominently feature the monkey from the Wizard of Oz, as he's been our main design in the past. We would like the design to be bright and vibrant, in line with the event's spirited atmosphere. Key Requirements: - Incorporate the event name and date into the design—just the year—2025 - Use a cartoonish style - Bright and vibrant color scheme The theme is car related NOT gambling for money like Vegas. The ideal designer for this project would have a strong portfolio in cartoonish designs and experience with event-related merchandise. Creativity and the ability to capture the lively essence of the event in the design are key.
...faster and more efficiently, giving me an edge in every fight. Another key skill that I need to work on is aiming. While I land some good shots, my aim is inconsistent, especially when using shotguns or long-range weapons like snipers. A Fortnite coach could help me refine my aim by guiding me through aiming drills, sensitivity settings, and tracking techniques. With better aim, I would be able to eliminate opponents more efficiently and win more battles. Knowing where to land is also crucial in Fortnite, and this is another area where I could benefit from a coach. Sometimes, I land in locations that don’t have enough loot, which leaves me at a disadvantage. Other times, I land in hot spots and get eliminated too quickly. A coach could teach me the be...
...faster and more efficiently, giving me an edge in every fight. Another key skill that I need to work on is aiming. While I land some good shots, my aim is inconsistent, especially when using shotguns or long-range weapons like snipers. A Fortnite coach could help me refine my aim by guiding me through aiming drills, sensitivity settings, and tracking techniques. With better aim, I would be able to eliminate opponents more efficiently and win more battles. Knowing where to land is also crucial in Fortnite, and this is another area where I could benefit from a coach. Sometimes, I land in locations that don’t have enough loot, which leaves me at a disadvantage. Other times, I land in hot spots and get eliminated too quickly. A coach could teach me the be...
Interior and exterior banner design for mother land Cafe
...developer to create a property management web application. The application should facilitate efficient management and reporting of various aspects such as partner shares, agent commissions, customer transactions, and land-wise calculations. Key Features: - The application should cater to three types of users: Admins, Partners, and Agents. - It should include core functionalities like Partner Share Management, Agent Commission Tracking, and Customer Transaction Reporting. - The application should be capable of performing calculations and generating reports for different pieces of land. Additionally, I require the application to generate automated daily reports. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web application development with proven experience in creating pr...
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I'm seeking a designer to conceptualize a farm-to-table hospitality mini resort layout. This will be on a compact parcel of land, roughly 2 plots in size. The project will involve creating a minimalist accommodation design, specifically bungalows, and producing both 2D and 3D layouts to help visualize the concept for a prospective site is 31m x 35 m long Key Requirements: - Design needs to incorporate a dining area, swimming pool, and outdoor lounge - Accommodation styled as comfortable, minimalist bungalows - Dining experience is a casual, farm-to-table concept possibly farm, plat and animal areas. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 2D and 3D design software - Experience in hospitality and resort design - Understanding of minimalist design principles - Ability to deliver visu...
I'm looking for a professional who can stage a house and garage/guest house building on bare land/lot in a modern style to provide potential buyers with ideas on what is possible to build. Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio in modern residential property staging, with experience in working with vacant land properties (mountain top lot). Excellent design skills and a keen eye for detail are essential, as well as the capacity to manage the project from start to finish.
I'm in need of a professional who can create a blueprint-style rendering of a two 3-acre home sites on a 7-acre parcel of land in Charlotte County, VA. This rendering will be used for marketing purposes. Key Requirements: - The rendering should include all roads and driveways within the parcel. - It should be designed in a blueprint-style, which is clear and precise, yet visually appealing for potential buyers. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling and rendering software. - Prior experience with creating marketing materials. - Strong understanding of blueprint-style design.
I'm in need of a professional who can create a blueprint-style rendering of a two 3-acre home sites on a 7-acre parcel of land in Charlotte County, VA. This rendering will be used for marketing purposes. Key Requirements: - The rendering should include all roads and driveways within the parcel. - It should be designed in a blueprint-style, which is clear and precise, yet visually appealing for potential buyers. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling and rendering software. - Prior experience with creating marketing materials. - Strong understanding of blueprint-style design.
...opportunities. ✅ Automate lead tracking & CRM integration for follow-ups. ### **3. Due Diligence (DD) Automation** ✅ Integrate Land Registry, HM Land Registry, EPC Ratings, and Planning Permission APIs. ✅ Automate financial due diligence: ROI calculations, rental comparables, and mortgage affordability. ✅ Risk analysis: Crime rates, flood risks, leasehold/freehold checks, and local planning restrictions. Must-Have Skills ? **Programming:** Python (Scrapy, Pandas, Selenium), JavaScript (Node.js, React.js for UI) ? **Machine Learning & AI:** NLP (Chatbots, GPT/OpenAI API), Scikit-learn, TensorFlow ? **Web Scraping & API Integration:** Rightmove, Zoopla, Land Registry, Planning Portal ? **Automation & Workflow:** Zapier, Make (Inte...
Recent college grad in Computer Science with some prior IT experience. I'm seeking a career coach specializing in the tech industry to help me secure a full-time role as a...optimization to reflect the skills and experiences pertinent to software engineering. - Guidance on applying for remote jobs, as I prefer a flexible work environment. - Utilizing AI tools and techniques for job search optimization to increase my visibility and chances of success. Ideal Skills: - Experience in career coaching, particularly in the tech field. - Proven track record of helping individuals land entry-level software engineering positions. - Expertise in resume and LinkedIn optimization. - Proficient in AI tools for job search optimization. - Knowledgeable about remote job opportunities in softwa...
...called "Busy on Country." This project will provide employment opportunities for Indigenous communities and reflect the strength, culture, and connection to the land. The design should incorporate elements of Aboriginal dot art and culturally relevant symbolism, celebrating the power of community and work. Design Style: Aboriginal Dot Art: Use traditional Aboriginal dot painting techniques to create patterns and textures that evoke connection to Country and culture. Cultural Sensitivity: Please ensure the design respects Aboriginal culture and symbolism, incorporating traditional patterns and motifs like animals, the land, and community. Earthy, Natural Colours: Think earthy tones such as ochre (red, yellow, brown), as well as vibrant accents like t...
I'm seeking assistance to find a legitimate remote job, which could include customer service or data entry. I'm new to using but will propose a payment of $30- $250 for assistance with my job hunting. Payment will be provided upon the moment I actually land a job. The $50 goes to the freelancer I choose to help me gain employment. Once the project is progressing in the right direction I will award milestones to the best of my ability; as I am new to Defining my needs and Goals: I will not require assistance with my resume or cover letter I am new to using LinkedIn, I could use a walk through with LinkedIn In terms of Job Search Strategy and Research I am curious which specific companies or applications have high acceptance rates; I like well...
hi what will do in this phase work on email form to send an email to the user - then we will work on login and signup page (on index page) where users can log in or sign up when land on index page thanks
...research, economic statistics, and expert opinions. Thought-Provoking & Accessible: Making complex economic ideas understandable for a wide audience. Structure & Key Themes: Introduction: The pivot from a bottom-up to a top-down economy—are we repeating history? Part 1 – The Colonial Blueprint: How the East India Company drained India’s wealth. Case studies: Bengal Famine, textile industry collapse, land revenue policies. Part 2 – The Modern Parallel: Post-2014 economic policies and their impact. Case studies: Corporate dominance, rising unemployment, wealth disparity. Part 3 – The Oligarchic Shift: India’s growing stagflation and economic stagnation. Part 4 – Lessons from the Past & The Way Forward: Strategies for individual... planning expert with hands-on experience in Australia to support our land assessment and development projects. This role involves evaluating land potential, conducting feasibility studies, and preparing development strategies that align with local planning regulations and zoning laws. Requirements: • Demonstrated expertise in Australian town planning and land assessment • Proven ability to conduct detailed land use analyses and development feasibility studies • Familiarity with local planning regulations, zoning laws, and approval processes • Strong communication skills and attention to detail • Ability to work on individual projects with terms negotiated on a project-by-project basis Deliverables: • Detailed land a...
I've set up four new email addresses on my domain and I'm gearing up for large-scale prospecting. I need an expert who can help me warm-up these email addresses to ensure they don't land in the spam folder when I start sending out emails. - Email Service Provider: My emails are not hosted on Gmail or Microsoft Outlook, but on a different service : hostinger - Sending Volume: I plan to send between 500 to 1000 emails per day from each address. - Email Content: The emails will primarily be text with attachments (YouTube Link and website link) Your expertise in email deliverability and warming strategies is essential for this project. Please apply if you have a proven track record in this area. Thank you.
I'm in need of a skilled drone photographer to capture aerial photos of a piece of land for real estate marketing. The images should not just showcase the property, but also highlight key aspects such as: - Property Boundaries: Clear, defined shots that show the extent of the land. - Nearby Amenities: Capturing the proximity and accessibility of local facilities, parks, schools, etc. - Natural Features: Emphasizing the appealing natural attributes of the land. The ideal candidate has significant experience in aerial photography, particularly for real estate, and has the skills to produce high-quality, compelling images that will attract potential buyers.
I'm seeking assistance to find a legitimate remote job, which could include customer service or data entry. I'm new to using but will propose a payment of $10- $30 for assistance with my job hunting. Payment will be provided upon the moment I actually land a job. The $30 goes to the freelancer who helps me to gain employment. Anything less than gainful employment will receive $10; if there is a rule requiring me to pay for this request, otherwise $0 for failing the task. Contact: - I prefer to be contacted by this app [Removed by Admin] Key Requirements: - The job must be remote - It shouldn't require a credit check - It shouldn't involve paying for leads - It must be free of scams I would like a job which specializes in: - Phone support - Emai...
I'm in need of a seasoned photographer who can capture compelling images of a piece of land for a real estate listing. The focus should primarily be on the topography and terrain of the property. Key Requirements: - Demonstrable experience in real estate photography, specifically land - Strong understanding of how to capture the topography and terrain - Ability to highlight the unique features of the land - Quality equipment to ensure high-resolution images Ideal Skills: - Real Estate Photography - Landscape Photography - Aerial Photography (if applicable) - Photo Editing - Understanding of Real Estate Market Please share your portfolio showcasing similar work.
...for purchasing farm equipment and tools, acquiring organic seeds and livestock, and necessary infrastructure development. - Equipment Needs: We are in need of tractors and plows for tilling and preparing the land, as well as irrigation systems to ensure our crops receive adequate water. - Land Utilization: The land will be used for multiple purposes including crop cultivation, animal grazing, and building necessary farm structures. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in agricultural grant writing - Strong understanding of farm equipment and infrastructure needs - Ability to articulate land utilization plans effectively - Experience in securing funds for organic or all-natural farming initiatives This project has a total estimated budget of $479,750 and we are...