Hawaii state tax refund trabalhos
EN: I need a web-based software for internal use that will receive .PDF files and with the information contained will be calculating for tax calculation. These accounts are divided between the 4/four markets of the financial market and their specifications following the business rules and material that will be made available, present the data contained after calculation and be able to extract the information via .PDF in a certain format. You must have a way to manually enter information if necessary and register customers and partner offices. A final vision of the project would be: Upload the PDF file and the program will accurately calculate and return the requested information on the respective screens. PTBR: Preciso de um software web-based para uso interno que vai receber arqu...
Everything is already in production, I need to implement some adjustments. Implement adjustments to web panel and applications already in production. Description of adjustments: Panel Web: - Driver evaluation report. Inform which drivers are rated better or worse. - Reversal - refund / credit of the passenger amount if necessary (must be entered as a balance in the passenger's account). - Enable or not enable the new functions created for users. - Map - travel option in progress - track vehicles after refresh / in the case of a travel in progress for a selected vehicle. - In the map list, put the selected one marked with color. And the screen refresh should not change the current tab (selected tab). - Trip history - display the actual date that the trip took place. - Monthly t...
Estou em busca de um programador com grande experiência para me ajudar com a construção de uma plataforma própria de marketplace e tudo que seja necessário para a operação do "shopping virtual", com possibilidade de conectar com outros ecommerces, realizar pagamentos, analise de fraudes e automatização de comunicação/marketing.. Tenho um projeto no segmento de moda e estou na etapa de definição da tecnologia.
... man:pluto(8) man:(5) Process: 3741 ExecStopPost=/usr/sbin/ipsec --stopnflog (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 3739 ExecStopPost=/sbin/ip xfrm state flush (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 3736 ExecStopPost=/sbin/ip xfrm policy flush (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 3735 ExecStartPre=/usr/libexec/ipsec/addconn --config /etc/ --checkconfig (code=exited, status=3) Dez 19 20:40:57 semffw03 systemd[1]: Failed to start Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Protocol Daemon for IPsec. Dez 19 20:40:57 semffw03 systemd[1]: Unit entered failed state. Dez 19 20:40:57 semffw03 systemd[1]: failed. Dez 19 20:40:57 semffw03 systemd[1]: holdoff time over, scheduling restart. Dez 19 20:40:57 semffw03 systemd[1]:
...Fontes podem ser alteradas. Por favor coloque sua arte em mockup para que possamos melhor visualizar #########English I would like a complete design for a musical group. "Iberê Martins and Los Companheiros". Here's a model of what we want. I would like you to have an appeal to the American country, but it is necessary to keep the roots of the Gaucho tradition that lives in Brazil in the state of Rio Grande do Sul! For the bus the predominant color must be black: we want the very large horses and the names written in full. For the truck: the predominant color should be blue Other free Fonts can be changed. Please put your art on a model so that we can visualize better...
Gostaria da criação de quatro textos para blog, com o mínimo de 200 palavras. Baseados em temas Real State - Mercado Imobiliário - Imóveis e dicas relacionadas.
I would like a system that would have the following characteristics a back-up system (where the products would be registered the electronic invoice issuer series only control of financial inventory of customer and user / staff register among some other functions and a point-of-sale system (pdv) where I would be able to perform all the necessary functions of a box with the support of nfc-e working normally in it below I will provide all the features of the rear and front of box (pdv) Gostaria de um sistema que tivesse as seguintes características um sistema de retaguarda ( onde seria cadastrado os produtos funcionaria o emissor de nota fiscal eletronica serie unica controle de estoque financeiro cadastro de cliente e usuarios/funcionarios dentre algumas outras funçoes e um ...
...ofrece un porcentaje del valor de la venta (antes del IVA o TAX) cerrada. Se paga por transferencias bancarias nacionales o internacionales, giros internacionales, PayPal o cualquier otro medio. Se requieren vendedores para Chile, Bolivia, Perú, Brasil y Colombia. Eu tenho algumas representações de software, eu preciso expandir radicalmente o número de clientes. O objetivo é buscar perspectivas e nos ajudar a fechar as vendas. Eles são um software amplamente reconhecido nas áreas educacionais e corporativas, treinamento, publicidade, software e contratos de licenciamento, são enviados on-line. Oferece todo o suporte de materiais de marketing, treinamento e demonstrações. Uma porcentagem do valor de ...
Preciso um novo site Desenhar e construir Site para pequenas empresas Site (em inglês) para investidores interessados em oportunidades de compra de Real State nos EUA. Objetivo do site é nós informarmos os imóveis (endereço) entendidos pelo site como oportunidade e rating ( 1 a 10) e a partir do endereço ele busca informações do imóvel de outros sites (Google Maps/Trulia/Zillow/ZipRealty/greatschools) Para buscar a descrição do imóvel / preço médio - valos segundo os sites/ fotos/média do rating das escolas. Na primeira página no formato lista terá informações menos endereço e informações incompletas dá descriç&ati...
...para magento, wordpress ou opencart. Precisamos de uma loja mais profissilnal, até o momento tinhamos a loja efetuando poucas vendas mais para divulgação. Somente precisamos da loja pronta e o gerenciamento e hospedada de preferencia em um servidor com ssl certificate. o Gerenciamento nós mesmo iremos fazer Somente para brasileiros com CNPJ Only for brasilian business with TAX Number nosso site ...
Preciso customizar alguns campos no meu template. - incluir/modificar alguns campos do real state plugin - incluir alguns campos na públicacao do item - corrigir os filtros laterais, depois que é feito a pesquisa. Gostaria de trabalhar com um projeto fixo e curto prazo
Local Project, near São Paulo state, Brazil. Projeto piloto: Região Sul e Sudeste. Parceria com engenheiro Civil em projeto de individualização de instalação de agua e gás. Seu objetivo é : 1) Assessoria na instalaçao de medidores (agua e gás) em projetos de individualização. 2) Indicar oportunidades de negocio em sua região. A assessoria pode envolver: a) A revisão do projeto original( em CAD 2D) ( para predios preparados para receber individualização). b) O projeto de obra de reforma com registro no CREA seguindo as normas vigentes em caso de necessidade de obra civil. Considere que : - Para participar é necessário ter um projeto/...
Pretendemos que seja criado um modulo para integrar as faturas automaticamente geradas pelo prestashop de acordo com as finanças portuguesas. Modulo SAFT-PT (Standard Audit File for Tax purposes, portuguese version). Toda a informação necessária está aqui:
Preciso de uma designer para desenhar um Logo que tenho pronto, em boa resolução e fazer uma foto de capa para o Facebook (851x315px). O assunto da capa é o ramo imobiliário, pensei em algo com uns vetores de prédios e o logo junto na imagem. Hello, I need a Designer draw a Logo and a Facebook Cover Image (851x315px). The subject of Facebook Cover is Real State, realty. I thought about Vector buildings, etc.
Preciso de uma designer para desenhar um Logo que tenho pronto, em boa resolução e fazer uma foto de capa para o Facebook (851x315px). O assunto da capa é o ramo imobiliário, pensei em algo com uns vetores de prédios e o logo junto na imagem. Hello, I need a Designer draw a Logo and a Facebook Cover Image (851x315px). The subject of Facebook Cover is Real State, realty. I thought about Vector buildings, etc.
Pretendemos utilizar o software opensource ODOO v8 como nosso ERP e precisamos de integração com as finanças portuguesas, modulo SAFT-PT (Standard Audit File for Tax purposes, portuguese version). Toda a informação necessária está aqui: É também necessária toda a configuração e instalação em google cloud compute engine ou app engine.
Pretendemos utilizar o software opensource ODOO v8 como nosso ERP e precisamos de integração com as finanças portuguesas, modulo SAFT-PT (Standard Audit File for Tax purposes, portuguese version). Toda a informação necessária está aqui:
I would like to make my classified ads site known by Brazilians in the state of Rio de Janeiro, so it could become a referent of ads website. Start your bid with RIO or you will be ignored. I need real life samples of your work. Only 5 star bidders. - - - Estou procurando fazer conhecido o meu site de anúncios classificados para os brasileiros que moram no estado de Rio de Janeiro. Por favor começa a tua resposta com RIO ou vou ignorar o teu mensagem. Preciso exemplos do teu trabalho. Somente ofertantes 5 estrelas.
Realizar um programa de contabilidade (não de faturação) a ser certificado pela Autoridade Tributária de Portugal. O mesmo deve ter uma base de dados de linguagem baseada no SQL (mysql, sqlite, access etc) Pode ou não ter front-ofice baseado on-line. Mais informação SAF-T PT (Standard Audit File for Tax purposes) - Versão Portuguesa
...dos usuarios e alguns ADS via webadmin, falta algumas paginas para calculo de custos tipo o cliente consumiu x produtos num pediodo de xx/2013 a xx/2014 quanto custou isso? Application ios / android to calculate the average values, the application consists of the intersection inserted in the database fed by each User, when requesting the value of a given product oriented list the city and state information will provide a mean value of their locality more next sample shown below. User 1: $ 4 Gas User 2: U $ 5 Gas User 3: Gas $ 7 Users of the same city. Medium price 4 + 5 + 7/3 = U $ 5.33 I need to manage the users and some ADS via webadmin, missing some pages to calculate the customer cost type x consumed products in period xx / xx 2013/2014 as it cost?...
...dos usuarios e alguns ADS via webadmin, falta algumas paginas para calculo de custos tipo o cliente consumiu x produtos num pediodo de xx/2013 a xx/2014 quanto custou isso? Application ios / android to calculate the average values, the application consists of the intersection inserted in the database fed by each User, when requesting the value of a given product oriented list the city and state information will provide a mean value of their locality more next sample shown below. User 1: $ 4 Gas User 2: U $ 5 Gas User 3: Gas $ 7 Users of the same city. Medium price 4 + 5 + 7/3 = U $ 5.33 I need to manage the users and some ADS via webadmin, missing some pages to calculate the customer cost type x consumed products in period xx / xx 2013/2014 as it cost?...
...dos usuarios e alguns ADS via webadmin, falta algumas paginas para calculo de custos tipo o cliente consumiu x produtos num pediodo de xx/2013 a xx/2014 quanto custou isso? Application ios / android to calculate the average values, the application consists of the intersection inserted in the database fed by each User, when requesting the value of a given product oriented list the city and state information will provide a mean value of their locality more next sample shown below. User 1: $ 4 Gas User 2: U $ 5 Gas User 3: Gas $ 7 Users of the same city. Medium price 4 + 5 + 7/3 = U $ 5.33 I need to manage the users and some ADS via webadmin, missing some pages to calculate the customer cost type x consumed products in period xx / xx 2013/2014 as it cost?...
Deployment and configuration of routers and vpn in state of Rio de Janeiro, Recife, São Paulo, São Luis, Migration VMWare environment
...in city TWERK TOUR 2013 CitiesnOf the possible 31 available dates in the month of October. n1. SFA (Steven F. Austin) - Nacogdoches, Txn2. Howard - Washington D.Cn3. Bethune/Cookman- Dayton Beach, FLn4. PVAMU - Prairie View, Tx n5. Lamar University- Beaumont, Txn6. UTSA - San Marcos, Txn7. Grambling- Grambling, LAn8. Tougaloo - Tougaloo, MSn9. Langston - Langston, OKn10. Savannah State - Savannah, GAn11. Southern University - Baton Rouge, LAn12. Alabama A&M - Huntsville, ALn13. Houston, Txn14. Dallas, Txn15. San Antonio, Txn16. Austin, Txn17. Lubbock, Txn18. Tyler, Txn19. El Paso, Txn20. College Station, Txn21. Tulsa, Okn22. Lake Charles, LAn23. Shreveport, LAn24. Texarkana, ARn25. Little Rock, ARn26. Pine Bluff, ARn27. Wichita, KSn28. Denver, COn29. Memphis, TNn30. Jackson
Necessito de um Modulo para Joomla. Funcionalidades: 1) Formulário de Pesquisa com os seguintes campos: Tipo_De_Negocio, Tipo_De_Imovel, Tipologia_Min, Tipologia_Max, Preço_Min, Preço_Max, Distrito, Concelho, Freguesia, Localidade, Referencia. Neste formulário deve ser tidoem conta que: - os campos Tipologia_Min, Tipologia_Max que correspendem a Limite minimo e máximo para o campo Tipologia; - os campos Distrito, Concelho, Freguesia, estão interligados sequencialmente pela ordem apresentada, isto é, após a escolha do Distrito, podemos escolher o Concelho, e após a escolha deste podemos escolher a Freguesia. Para efectuar a pesquisa não é necessário o preenchimento de qualquer campo. 2) O result...
Incorporate LLC in Brazil More details: What type of LLC do you want to incorporate? Multi-member LLC Do any of the members have non-Brazilian nationality? Yes Do you need assistance with obtaining any required visas for the non-Brazilian members? This question was skipped by the user Please assist with local tax registration and compliance. No assistance with visas is needed. Ongoing accounting services are not required.
Project goal Create a modern PHP webpage to display real-time weather information. We need the customer-view webpage done. All of the backend information is being pulled about the weather. Variables from mySQL date time city state temperature today_forecast tonight_forecast tomorrow_day_forecast tomorrow_night_forecast Scope of work - Develop a PHP page to display current weather details in an aesthetically pleasing format. - Incorporate weather icons based on the forecast - Forecasts are currently retrieved from API, so icons need to match the shortForecast information put out by the API. Example: ,83/forecast Additional information - Use weather icons from: Weather Displays I'd like to
Upload file from T-Shirt Design for Ocean Swim Race in Hawaii' (2024 Contest). File needs to be in Adobe Illustrator. Also add 'Swim' to design so it reads 'North Shore 5K / 10K Swim'
I need an engineer to design a concrete footer detail for a metal truss pole barn. The barn is intended for residential use, so the design will need to comply with state residential building codes. Ideal Candidate: - Must be a licensed engineer with experience in designing pole barn footers. - Familiarity with state residential building codes is a plus. - Previous experience with residential metal truss structures. - Able to provide stamped engineering drawings.
...immediate purchase or saved for later. • Shipping Tracking and Preferences: • Users can choose delivery or pickup options (depending on vendor availability) and track shipping with detailed timelines and a countdown calendar. Vendor Workflow: • Registration and Setup: • Vendors must register and create a business profile. • Business Address and Delivery Rules: • Cuban Vendors: • Must provide city and state details. • Specify if products are available for delivery, pickup, or both. • If offering delivery, vendors must set delivery rates and specify cities they can serve (as there are no internal delivery companies in Cuba). • U.S.-Based Vendors: • Must integrate with FedEx, UPS, and USPS for shipping rate calculations from the...
for Canadian taxes I'm in need of a professional for annual bookkeeping and corporate tax services for my small Canadian company (2 employees). Key Responsibilities: - Annual Bookkeeping: Using QuickBooks to maintain accurate financial records. - Tax Services: Preparing and filing corporate taxes. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in QuickBooks - Experienced in Canadian corporate tax filing - Strong bookkeeping skills. Please provide your relevant experience and qualifications.
We are looking for a skilled web designer to help us create a professional and user-friendly website for Kazmo Genetics LLC on WordPress. This is a contest, so we want to see your best work in action. You'll be responsible for using the provided materials to set up the website, ensuring that it reflects our brand and meets our business needs. Pages: Home About us Service Pricing Con...create a professional and user-friendly website for Kazmo Genetics LLC on WordPress. This is a contest, so we want to see your best work in action. You'll be responsible for using the provided materials to set up the website, ensuring that it reflects our brand and meets our business needs. Pages: Home About us Service Pricing Contact us Legals pages Terms and conditions Privacy policy ...
I'm seeking an expert in educational curriculum development for high school covering Mathematics, Science, and History. The scope of the project involves creating a comprehensive curriculum case study for a school Trips business to ...technology and digital tools into the curriculum. - Skilled in developing curricula that cater to diverse learning abilities and styles. - Expertise in incorporating project-based learning into the curriculum. - Experience in aligning curriculum with national and state education standards. - Ability to develop culturally responsive curriculum content. - Record of providing professional development and training for educators. - Strategies for involving parents and guardians in the educational process. The curriculum should adhere to State ...
...Create a balance sheet to summarize assets, liabilities, and equity. - Include a cash flow projection to predict future financial health. - Summarize financials in a yearly overview sheet. - Add alerts for upcoming due payments or invoice deadlines. - Section to track any loans, debts, and repayment schedules. - Maintain a log of all transactions for auditing and review purposes. - Include automated tax calculation based on income and expenses. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in Google Sheets - Experience in financial management and inventory tracking - Ability to create user-friendly, efficient spreadsheets. The Google Sheet should include partial automation for key data entry points to enhance the efficiency of financial tracking and inventory updates. The G...
I need a custom sales order entry screen that pulls i...pricing calculations for Msf, Mbf, and Mlf - Develop a user-friendly interface similar to the sample code provided in the link: - Add real-time inventory check functionality to ensure accurate stock levels during order entry. - Integrate automatic tax calculation based on the user's location to ensure compliance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in modern web framework language like js react with experience in creating custom interfaces - Familiarity with QuickBooks POS and the QODBC driver - Ability to develop pricing algorithms The screen will be hosted on a web-based platform.
...Subscription Management System: Controls access based on user payments • Database (Optional): Stores chat history & user preferences 4.2. Workflow 1️⃣ User sends a message on WhatsApp 2️⃣ Twilio Webhook forwards the message to the Flask server 3️⃣ LlamaIndex retrieves relevant mental health documents 4️⃣ GPT-4 generates a therapy-based response 5️⃣ Sentiment analysis determines user emotional state 6️⃣ Subscription status is checked before allowing chatbot access 7️⃣ Chatbot replies via Twilio back to the user on WhatsApp 5. Deployment Steps 5.1. Setup Twilio API for WhatsApp 1️⃣ Register at Twilio Console 2️⃣ Verify a WhatsApp Business Number 3️⃣ Get Account SID, Auth Token 4️⃣ Add a Webhook URL (your server’s endpoint) in Twilio settings 5.2. Deploy Bac...
...format, orders tracking and printing, google analytics, Reports, pushing orders from admin panel to shipping delivery partners, stock maintenance, billing details(which can be sent to customer on phone and email) & few other features if any as per the tracker • Combo pages with conditions as explained high level in walk-through and in detailed will be explained once you take up the project • return/refund/cancellation pop-up options • setting up delivery partners for tracking order • setting up delivery Payment gateway (Pay U or Phone pay) Expected Timeline is -30-35 days and Quote we need to discuss Figma model/prototype is available but that is only for idea purpose and its not a response figma 3rd Party API: Delivery partner, SMS Pa...
...Impenetrable Door": Part 1: The Setup The Invitation: The reclusive millionaire, Elliot Grayson, invites a small group of acquaintances to his mansion for a weekend gathering. Each guest has a complicated history with him. The Arrival: The guests arrive at the sprawling, isolated mansion, each with their own secrets and motives. The atmosphere is tense. The Tour: Grayson shows off his prized possession—a state-of-the-art, impenetrable vault room, which he claims is the safest place in the world. The Dinner: Over a tense meal, Grayson hints at a dark secret he plans to reveal the next day, unsettling his guests. The Storm: A violent storm cuts off all communication and traps the guests in the mansion. Part 2: The Crime The Discovery: Grayson is found dead inside the l...
As a sole proprietorship, I need someone to file my GST returns for the past 6 months. The returns that need to be filed include both GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B or any other GSTR. Also, Respond with a genuine price..if you can work with...e-invoicing under GST and its compliance requirements - Mastery of GST registration and its amendments - Expertise in reconciliation of GSTR-2A/2B with purchase registers - Strong problem-solving skills to address GST related discrepancies - Knowledge in claiming Input Tax Credit (ITC) correctly - Ability to provide advisory on the impact of GST changes and updates - Experience with cloud-based accounting systems for easier GST filing Please also assist with specific GST reconciliations or adjustments as needed. Also, assist with Input Tax Credit...
I'm looking for a skilled iOS developer with expertise in SwiftUI to assist me with an ongoing project. Key Project Details: - The primary purpose of this project is to develop an iOS map application. - Your role will primarily focus on the user interface design aspects of SwiftUI. - A strong understanding of SwiftUI's state management is essential, as well as experience with the integration of the Combine framework. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Swift and SwiftUI. - Extensive experience in iOS app development. - Solid understanding of UI/UX principles. - Familiarity with map-based applications is a plus. Please note that this is an ongoing project, and your ability to communicate and collaborate effectively will be key to our mutual success. Looking forward to your p...
I'm looking for a talented documentary filmmaker to create a social documentary film in rural Raigad, focusing on education and literacy issues. The film's primary objective is to raise awareness about the challenges faced in this area. Key Aspects: - The documentary should highlight the current state of education and literacy in rural Raigad, showcasing personal stories and local culture. - The target audience is primarily local residents, so the film should be relatable and accessible to this group. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in documentary filmmaking. - Excellent storytelling skills. - A deep understanding of, and sensitivity towards, social issues. - Ability to connect with and represent local voices. - Experience filming in rural and remote ar...
...website, fastbarndominiums.com. The project involves creating SEO-optimized landing pages for all 50 U.S. states to enhance local search rankings and attract targeted leads. Scope of Work: SEO Content Writing: Write high-quality, SEO-optimized content for 50 state-specific landing pages. Each page must be unique, engaging, and tailored to the barndominium market in that state. Implement on-page SEO best practices, including proper keyword placement, metadata, and internal linking. Landing Page Design (Squarespace): Create and design 50 state-specific landing pages on Squarespace. Ensure fast-loading, mobile-friendly, and visually appealing designs. Implement SEO-friendly layouts with proper headings, alt text, and meta descriptions. Follow the structure of refere...
- ลงลายเซ็น digital signature ไฟล์ XML และ PDF - ไม่ต้องการหน้า UI - ต้องการไฟล์เป็นลักษณะ Lib ไปเรียกใช้งาน
...website, fastbarndominiums.com. The project involves creating SEO-optimized landing pages for all 50 U.S. states to enhance local search rankings and attract targeted leads. Scope of Work: SEO Content Writing: Write high-quality, SEO-optimized content for 50 state-specific landing pages. Each page must be unique, engaging, and tailored to the barndominium market in that state. Implement on-page SEO best practices, including proper keyword placement, metadata, and internal linking. Landing Page Design (Squarespace): Create and design 50 state-specific landing pages on Squarespace. Ensure fast-loading, mobile-friendly, and visually appealing designs. Implement SEO-friendly layouts with proper headings, alt text, and meta descriptions. Follow the structure of refere...
...instructions: -Tee Shirt will be GREEN; design and lettering PRIMARILY IN WHITE (open to black or 3rd color as well) - Improve Stone Wall to look more authentic, rounder stones, older, dilapidated likes ones found in Ireland; perhaps grass along the bottom of the wall, open to the wall being curved as well as straight - Add a star in the Map of NY State indicating approximately where the City of Rochester would be located; make the overall Map of the State of NY slightly smaller than shown; looks too dominant now. - Balance the Shamrock and the Braided Bread so that the line thickness and overall look is similar in terms of size and lines - Creative Irish Flair is a plus - Font of letters that make it look and feel like a sports jersey is a plus -Looking for final design ...
I need assistance in converting a list of businesses from Google Sheets into Avery 8160 labels in PDF format. Details: - The business addresses are formatted in multiple columns in the Google Sheets (i.e., street, city, state). - Please use the Standard Avery font for the labels. - The labels should include the business name and address only.
I'm seeking a professional to create a sales invoice for me. The invoice should include: This work is complex because the invoice cannot have errors. It's for eBay verification. - 500 products in 6 invoices - use AI to create references for each lot - total of 6 invoices - be formatted as a PDF Ideal candidates should have experience in invoice creation and a strong understanding of sales tax. Please be proficient in PDF formatting.
...post-cleanup - Ensuring column titles remain consistent - Combine records with identical names, ensuring that the most complete information is retained. - Standardize the format of phone numbers to ensure consistency (e.g., (123) 456-7890). - Perform data integrity checks to ensure there are no corrupt entries or inconsistencies. - Ensure that the addresses follow a consistent format, including state abbreviations and ZIP codes. Please note, the 'Emails' column should never be altered. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficient in Microsoft Excel - Experience in data organization and cleaning - Attention to detail - Ability to follow specific instructions and rules Standardize all phone numbers to a consistent format. The final combined Excel file should be saved ...
...complaint and demand for out of pocket costs. The issue arises from an unfulfilled contract, and it needs to be addressed to the CEO or higher management of the company. I would like the letter to have a lawyers header, so it is coming from a lawyer. Key aspects of the project include: - Articulating the complaint about an unfulfilled contract in a clear, concise and impactful manner. - Demanding a refund and compensation for out of pocket costs. - Writing in a professional tone suitable for a letter to a high-ranking company official. Ideal skills for the job include: - Excellent command of English language and writing skills. - Experience in corporate communication or legal writing. - Understanding of contract law and consumer rights. Please apply if you can deliver a compe...
...Lip-Syncing • Real-Time Input: Use the provided audio stream for immediate lip-sync without file-based processing. • Preferred Technology: Potentially leverage NVIDIA’s Audio2Face Live Link or an equivalent solution to ensure accurate mouth movement. • Accuracy: Aim for natural, accurate mouth movements matching live speech, with low latency for real-time interactivity. 3. Animations • Idle State: An animation state for when the avatar is not speaking. • Smooth Transitions: Seamless shifts between idle, speaking, and gesturing. • Multiple Gestures: Incorporate two to three dozen full-body gestures (e.g., waving hello, pointing, bowing) to add realism and variety. 4. Visual Quality • High Fidelity: Match or exceed visual quality seen...