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    2,000 find unique articles trabalhos encontrados
    Write some Articles
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    escrevo sobre vários conteúdos,com vários públicos alvo em diferentes línguas e qualidade excepcional e novas ideias.

    €373 Average bid
    €373 Média
    2 ofertas
    Crie um Website
    Encerrado left

    Necessito de um desenvolvedor para projeto de um site institucional com galeria de fotos, post de noticias, post de colunista com artigos, fale conosco, e agenda com datas. I need a developer to an institutional site design with photo gallery, news post, columnist with post articles, please contact us, and calendar with dates.

    €208 Average bid
    €208 Média
    34 ofertas
    Venda algo para mim
    Encerrado left

    InterGate is a trading company focused on international business. We import and export portuguese products. We have our headquarters in Portugal, but we also have offices in Spain, Poland and Romania. Therefore we aim to find a sales representative, in other markets, to sell our products. At the moment we have a wide range of products in our portfolio: 1. Building materials (such as ceramic products; automatic doors; natural stones - marble and granite) 2. Agrofood (such as portuguese wine, fruits, jam, traditional sausages, cheese, traditional cookies, olive oil, among others). For further information, please feel free to contact us! A InterGate é uma trading que se dedica ao comércio internacional. Em linha gerais, importamos e exportamos produtos portugueses. ...

    €8 / hr Average bid
    €8 / hr Média
    4 ofertas
    procura de serviços
    Encerrado left

    ...sobre pessoas que prestam os serviços apenas na zona oeste (Torres vedras e arredores). A ideia é a pessoas preencher um formulário rápido e a partir daí eu reencaminhar para a pessoas especializada que em 24h terá que entrar em contaco com o cliente. Disponho de $100 para tal. --------------------- I need something like this where people in my country will access to find services (like architects, painters, plumbers, computer repairs and so on) and people can ask for estimates for any kind of service they need. I want the website to be very very simple and cheap for now, because if something goes wrong and it wouldn´t work, i don´t want to loose money. Later if it will go well, i´ll need something better...

    €510 Average bid
    €510 Média
    2 ofertas

    Translate knowledge base for Portuguese and Spanish. Traduzir base de conhecimento, para português e espanhol. 80 artigos/80 articles

    €135 Average bid
    €135 Média
    36 ofertas

    ...revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was the other site where have good articles and high cpc. 2 site is the site where articles have good high cpc of $ 0.50 - $ 3.00 per click, and all clicks generated on the site of the link 1 which is the mule site will be seen as Site 2. More information can ask! I wonder evaluating someone can make this system, and how serious the deadline for delivery and the value to pay for it. thank you!...

    €563 Average bid
    €563 Média
    4 ofertas

    Some of our Menu pages have been replaced with node and the original pages have disappeared. Possibly through use of the node convert module. I can not access the "All Content" in Admin to find pages missing to re-add to the menu. I get error "EntityMalformedException: Missing bundle property on entity of type node. in entity_extract_ids() (line 7663 of /home4/medit96m/public_html/includes/)." I need the status reports checked and error to be fixed. A new version of Drupal is also available to update that we need done

    €70 Average bid
    €70 Média
    1 ofertas

    ...revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was the other site where have good articles and high cpc. 2 site is the site where articles have good high cpc of $ 0.50 - $ 3.00 per click, and all clicks generated on the site of the link 1 which is the mule site will be seen as Site 2. More information can ask! I wonder evaluating someone can make this system, and how serious the deadline for delivery and the value to pay for it. thank you!...

    €2919 Average bid
    €2919 Média
    2 ofertas

    ...revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was the other site where have good articles and high cpc. 2 site is the site where articles have good high cpc of $ 0.50 - $ 3.00 per click, and all clicks generated on the site of the link 1 which is the mule site will be seen as Site 2. More information can ask! I wonder evaluating someone can make this system, and how serious the deadline for delivery and the value to pay for it. thank you!...

    €232 - €695
    €232 - €695
    0 ofertas
    Tourism Articles
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    we are looking for someone who can write some articles on activities, culture, history, gastronomy and others of a particular region in Portugal. Each article will require a minimum of 250 and a average 300 characters more or less, and will be a work for a indefinite period of time and to be done with some frequency (between 2 and 3 articles per month)

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Média
    25 ofertas

    Article as discussed

    €8 / hr Average bid
    €8 / hr Média
    1 ofertas
    Write some Articles
    Encerrado left

    Olá, Preciso de redatores para trabalho de longo prazo (caso queira) na criação de artigos sobre: [Decoração, Papel de Parede, Quarto de Bebê etc Os artigos devem seguir as seguintes regras: - O retador deve ter pelo menos um pouco de conhecimento em SEO, apenas para trabalhar a palavra chave durante o texto; - Artigos entre 600 a 800 palavras, nunca menos; - Os artigos devem ser escritos em frases curtas, parágrafos curtos e simples. - Comunicação pessoal, um para um; - Usar subtítulos para quebrar o texto; - Usar listas (bullet points) sempre que possível; - Nunca podem ser cópias, todos os textos serão testados com a ferramenta copyscape; - Textos devem ter qualidade,...

    €28 Average bid
    €28 Média
    5 ofertas

    as discussed... as discussed... as discussed... as discussed... as discussed... as discussed...

    €2 / hr Average bid
    €2 / hr Média
    2 ofertas

    Olá. Tenho em vista os dois sistemas: O funcionamento é da maneira que eu quero, porém preciso de um template semelhante a esse: (template limpo e mapa em "full screen"). É um "Guia Comercial" utilizando o mapa. Para começar imediatamente.

    €179 Average bid
    €179 Média
    13 ofertas

    Preciso de redatores para um blog especializado em "Lavagem e Detalhamento" de carros. Os assuntos envolvem lavagem de carro, polimento, cristalização, cuidados com a pintura, cuidados com rodas e pneus, cuidados com vidro, tipos de lavagem, dicas em geral, etc. Irei inaugurar um portal e preciso de artigos para o portal e para redes sociais (facebook, google plus). A redação é em língua portuguesa mas é desejável que o redator saiba inglês para buscar fontes internacionais também. Ofereço acordar um preço fixo por artigo. Cada artigo pode ser tratado como um "Micro Projeto", com preço a ser combinado. Terei uma demanda semanal de publicação de artigos e not...

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Média
    5 ofertas
    Find me some Leads
    Encerrado left

    I need responsive US email list

    €147 Average bid
    €147 Média
    9 ofertas

    Enter data into a e-commerce website

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Média
    59 ofertas

    plz help how tipe do as demo !!!

    €255 Average bid
    €255 Média
    11 ofertas
    Website articles
    Encerrado left

    Create content as discussed.

    €23 / hr Average bid
    €23 / hr Média
    1 ofertas

    Eu fiz um esboço de como quero que seja meu blog e está em Lá já tem do que se trata o blog. Eu quero apenas que o webdesiner Eu quero apenas que o webdesiner trabalhe a estética do blog, deixa-lo bem bonitão mesmo, a parte de redação e outras coisas eu faço, preciso que o profissional apenas deixe o site com uma aparencia muito agradável. Eu pago entre R$ 100,00 reais até R$ 200,00, pagamento somente após o término dos serviços. I want to improve the design of my blog, you can find it on If you are a webdesigner and you can improve and make my site in a very beutiful desing I pay you U$ 50 to U$ 100,00 for the entire work, payment only a...

    €108 Average bid
    €108 Média
    15 ofertas

    ...conhecimento nessa marca de gateway ou encontrar a solução para integração. Support for integration Quescom 300/400 for sending bulk SMS. The application is ready and operational and works with GSM modem USB type. So I need to add 300 or 400 Quescom gateway to extend operation. Please advise the price of this service for immediate start. P.S. You must have knowledge in Gateway brand or find a solution to integration....

    €1536 Average bid
    €1536 Média
    4 ofertas
    Plataforma WEB
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    ...- menus where the admin can change them ) ; - Health - Guide ( various sub - menus where the admin can update easily) . - Website Statistics - Condition : diseases and conditions , statistically people by gender and age . Treatment - % of the amount of people taking certain medication , dosage , effects , duration , average cost . Symptoms - color grade as the symptom . - Blog - publication articles, - Events - have an agenda , and points in several days , the activities that the admin can put . - Gallery - Images can place an image and a short essay . System ATM , Visa, mastercard , paypal , and payment by SMS . - Verification / confirmation of registration by email and SMS confirmation in some cases . Sites to consider : online store statistics

    €2940 Average bid
    €2940 Média
    27 ofertas
    Create a Video
    Encerrado left

    Hello I would like to find someone who make a video like this: and The video whitout actors and voices just animation, music and text. Im interesting a create a logo. ------------------------------------------------------------- Olá Estou a procura de uma pessoa para criar um vídeo no estilo destes: e O vídeo não necessita de ator e voz, apenas animação, texto e música (leve). Depois de encontrar a pessoa para criar o vídeo passo a sequencia de textos. Tenho interesse em criar um logo tipo também.

    €395 Average bid
    €395 Média
    8 ofertas

    Este projeto trata sobre ENTREVISTAR via Telefone, escrever e publicar alguns artigos falando bem da minha pessoa, para valorizar um pouco o meu passe e apagar algumas coisas passado através de um "flood" na linha de pesquisa do google. Uma espécie de assessoria de imprensa somente para mídias online. Os artigos a serem escritos deverão ser indexados nos principais mecanismos de pesquisa como Google, yahoo, bing, etc Buscaremos alguns pontos fortes e fatos que possam ser publicados, gerando credibilidade, não será muito difícil, pois já tenho bastante histórias para contar, só preciso de alguém BOM em escrever e publicar as coisas, que possa liderar este processo, me ajudando a antever as consequê...

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr Média
    1 ofertas

    ...can resolve using Google Translate. Please only undertake this project bid if you are a professional translator or experienced in proper language and grammar. Google Translations are NOT accepted. The job must be unique. We are creating a classifieds directory and I want to get the list attached to be translated from English to Brazilian & Portugal Portuguese. But I don't want two different lists of translations, instead I want one common list which can be used simultaneously in both Brazil and Portugal. The words should be translated and put in the same format as you will find it in English. Sections & Subsections. Please try to use the words that have higher commonality between both Brazil and Portugal and have a positive connotation....

    €26 Average bid
    €26 Média
    4 ofertas
    Write some Articles
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    Ganhar dinheiro online escrevendo artigos

    €140 Average bid
    €140 Média
    1 ofertas

    Vendas em espaço online, alguém que trabalhe por um mês e que gerencie o departamento de vendas. Será necessário identificar o que é necessário para atrair anunciantes e determinar o discurso para as vendas. Temos hoje 6.871 Page Views e 2.094 Unique Visitors em nossa página. Queremos que esse profissional precifique os espaços publicitários. Nosso site é voltado para o público masculino, A e B. Publicamos conteúdo relacionados a esporte, moda, cultura e lifestyle. Interessados, enviar proposta com valores e portfólio.

    €226 Average bid
    €226 Média
    6 ofertas

    as discussed, as discussed, as discussed, as discussed, as discussed, as discussed, as discussed, as discussed,as discussed, as discussed, as discussed,as discussed,as discussed,as discussed,as discussed,as discussed,

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Média
    1 ofertas

    Eu tenho trabalho contínuo relacionado ao nosso projeto anterior Find Portugal'

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr Média
    1 ofertas

    Nishikigoi Site Articles

    €70 Average bid
    €70 Média
    1 ofertas

    Dear Freelancer, I need to hire someone who speaks PORTUGUESE to write articles to my blog for me and do posting in my facebook page, twitter and so on. Gostaria de contratar um assistente virtual para escrever artigos em Português para o meu blog e também cuidar da minha página no facebook e twitter. Thank you, Tiago

    €125 Average bid
    €125 Média
    29 ofertas

    Articles as discussed.......Articles as discussedArticles as discussedArticles as discussedArticles as discussedArticles as discussedArticles as discussed

    €2 / hr Average bid
    €2 / hr Média
    1 ofertas
    articles writing
    Encerrado left

    Bom dia! Estamos agora no processo de elaboração do projeto. Criamos os sites da web. Vc deve escrever uns artigos para a categoria de palavras-chave em Portugues. Os topicos são Jogos online, Casino e muitos outros. Note-se que todos os textos devem ser 100 por cento unicos. Um artigo consiste de 1000 - 1500 caracteres. Quantos artigos deve escrever por dia depende da sua carga de trabalho. Oferecemos 2 - 2,5 $ para 200-250 palavras. If you accept all the conditions - let`s text in S-k-y-p-e:

    €139 Average bid
    €139 Média
    1 ofertas
    unique articles
    Encerrado left

    Bom dia! Estamos agora no processo de elaboração do projeto. Criamos os sites da web. Vc deve escrever uns artigos para a categoria de palavras-chave em Portugues. Os topicos são Jogos online, Casino e muitos outros. Note-se que todos os textos devem ser 100 por cento unicos. Um artigo consiste de 1000 - 1500 caracteres. Quantos artigos deve escrever por dia depende da sua carga de trabalho. Oferecemos 2 - 2,5 $ para 200-250 palavras. If you accept all the conditions - let`s text in S-k-y-p-e:

    €139 Average bid
    €139 Média
    1 ofertas
    creating articles
    Encerrado left

    Bom dia! Estamos agora no processo de elaboração do projeto. Criamos os sites da web. Vc deve escrever uns artigos para a categoria de palavras-chave em Portugues. Os topicos são Jogos online, Casino e muitos outros. Note-se que todos os textos devem ser 100 por cento unicos. Um artigo consiste de 1000 - 1500 caracteres. Quantos artigos deve escrever por dia depende da sua carga de trabalho. Oferecemos 2 - 2,5 $ para 200-250 palavras. If you accept all the conditions - let`s text in S-k-y-p-e:

    €139 Average bid
    €139 Média
    1 ofertas
    writing articles
    Encerrado left

    Bom dia! Estamos agora no processo de elaboração do projeto. Criamos os sites da web. Vc deve escrever uns artigos para a categoria de palavras-chave em Portugues. Os topicos são Jogos online, Casino e muitos outros. Note-se que todos os textos devem ser 100 por cento unicos. Um artigo consiste de 1000 - 1500 caracteres. Quantos artigos deve escrever por dia depende da sua carga de trabalho. Oferecemos 2 - 2,5 $ para 200-250 palavras. If you accept all the conditions - let`s text in S-k-y-p-e:

    €139 Average bid
    €139 Média
    1 ofertas

    I need a hook to WHM that send me an email for me, every time when someone send more than 50 emails in the same time I want to block the spammers. Preciso de um hook em WHM que envie um e-mail para mim toda vez que alguem mandar mais de 50 emails de uma vez. Quero bloquear os Spammers.

    €449 Average bid
    €449 Média
    2 ofertas
    Encerrado left

    Totally unique images taken from a mobile device, and thus giving effects and changing the resolution. Imagens totalmente originais tirada a partir de um dispositivo movel e assim dando efeitos e alterando a resoluçao.

    €156 Average bid
    €156 Média
    4 ofertas

    69 articles - 39 + 30 as discussed

    €192 Average bid
    €192 Média
    1 ofertas

    I need someone to make a meta-analyses related to the theme of cardiac rehabilitation and its relation to quality of life. All articles needed to do the work would be provided. Needs to be a work done by someone who has done an academic work before with efficiency and attention to detail, especially with the statistic data. All the rules for the work will be straightly explained. For more details please contact with PM. Preciso de algu´wm ue consiga fazer um trabalho académico de metanálise relacionado com o tema de rabilitação cardíaca e a sua relação com qualidade de vida. Preciso de alguém com experiência em trabalhos académicos fiáveis e com especial atenção para detalhes, bem c...

    €615 Average bid
    €615 Média
    6 ofertas

    The MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology sends out christmas cards to their key stakeholders including government departments, universities and other science institutions. Please have a look a the website to find out more about us : The design should be no smaller than DLE and no larger than A5. The budget is $50

    €56 Average bid
    €56 Média
    9 ofertas

    ...Editor for my non-fiction manuscript. I am seeking a skilled developmental editor to refine my completed non-fiction manuscript, "Mind Mastery." This book introduces models for understanding the mind and its functions, enabling readers to manage their thoughts and processes effectively. While the book touches upon concepts found in works on the subconscious mind and emotional mastery, it presents unique models not found elsewhere. Key Responsibilities: Provide a comprehensive developmental edit of the manuscript, focusing on: Overall structure and flow. Clarity and coherence of arguments. Consistency of voice and tone. Identification and resolution of any gaps or inconsistencies in content. Suggestions for strengthening the manuscript's appeal to potential lite...

    €696 Average bid
    €696 Média
    6 ofertas

    ...460 different sports authorities around the world. Job Summary: We are seeking a Filipino creative and detail-oriented graphic designer to develop engaging visual content for our website, social media, and promotional materials. The ideal candidate should have knowledge of combat sports and a knack for creating designs that resonate with sports fans. Responsibilities: Design and produce unique graphics for our website, including banners, event promotions, fighter profiles, and interactive elements. Create visually appealing content for social media platforms to increase engagement and attract a broader audience. Develop in-house digital ads to inform our user base about subscription opportunities. Collaborate with our marketing team to brainstorm ideas and incorporate ...

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr Média
    11 ofertas

    ...excellence in athletic wear. Scope of Work We seek a modern, monochromatic logo and brand identity, including: 1. Logo Variations - TENZ – A clean, professional design with uppercase and lowercase variations. - 10Z– A creative fusion of "10" and "Z" representing high performance and elite status. - X Z version of symbol to complement logo/brand using X (10 in roman numeral) and Z XZ - Unique Logo Symbol – A distinct simple symmetrical emblem symbolizing movement, precision, and power. 2. Brand Identity & Mockups - Apply logo designs to mockup on compression sleeves, shorts, socks, and hats for realistic branding visualization. - Develop high-resolution marketing mockups showcasing the brand’s impact in the sportswear ...

    €100 Average bid
    881 inscrições

    ...of a long-term contract, we prefer to pay per update based on work needed. ? Bug fixes & troubleshooting – ($50–$200 per fix, depending on complexity) ? Performance improvements – ($100–$300 per optimization) ? New feature integrations – (To be quoted per request) ? Scaling assistance – (Hourly rate negotiable) ✅ Flexible ongoing work – No long-term commitment required. --- 4. Why This is a Unique Opportunity ✅ Proven Market Demand – 7,000+ home service businesses (250k-1M) target clients in Alberta, Canada. ✅ High-Profit Margins – Low-cost, high-retention (AI)aaS business model. ✅ Scalability Without Extra Overhead – AI tools reduce manual labor & increase efficiency. ✅ Continuous Improvement – We wi...

    €1047 Average bid
    €1047 Média
    29 ofertas

    We're building a comprehensive directory of Trading Card Game (TCG) stores across the United States and need a skilled data scraper to collect detailed information about these businesses. This data will power a user-friendly directory website that helps TCG players find local stores, events, and products. ## Project Scope Collect detailed information on all TCG stores (Magic: The Gathering, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, etc.) in the United States from multiple online sources. We estimate there are 2,000-3,000 relevant stores nationwide. ## Required Data Fields ### Core Store Information - Store name - Complete address (street, city, state, ZIP) - Phone number - Website URL - Email address (if publicly available) - Latitude/longitude coordinates - Operating hours - Ratings and...

    €140 Average bid
    €140 Média
    32 ofertas

    I'm in need of a designer who can create 2 to 3 mockups for a gym belt. The style should resemble a 3D printing type, which I believe provides a modern and unique look. Key Requirements: - Modify the existing gym belt design by changing both pictures and names on the belt. - Come up with a color scheme for the belt, as I'm open to suggestions. Please feel free to reach out for further details.

    €30 Average bid
    €30 Média
    22 ofertas

    I'm in need of three unique, bold and colorful T-shirt design concepts. Ideal skills for this project include: - Graphic Design - T-shirt Design - Understanding of bold and colorful aesthetics Please note that the themes and slogans for the T-shirt designs have yet to be determined. Open to suggestions.

    €297 Average bid
    €297 Média
    10 ofertas