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2,000 design proposal sample trabalhos encontrados

...containerization (Docker) and orchestration of CI/CD pipelines and automated testing :Strong understanding of web security practices (SSL/TLS, OAuth, JWT).Experience in implementing secure data handling and compliance measures (GDPR/LGPD). Project Management:Experience with Agile methodologies, sprint planning, and version control (Git). Please submit your proposal including: Price Your relevant portfolio and past project examples (preferably with similar integrations, AI/NLP work, and ERP connectivity). Detailed resume of your team (or agency) outlining expertise in the required skills.A high-level project plan with estimated timelines and cost breakdown. References or case studies from previous projects (if available). Communication:We expect regular

€4491 Average bid
€4491 Média
17 ofertas

...Requirements: Experience in analyzing climate data and time series. Knowledge of statistical tools and programming for data analysis (Python, R, MATLAB, etc.). Familiarity with national and international meteorological databases. Knowledge of GIS for mapping and spatial analysis. If you have experience in the area and would like to collaborate on a relevant study on climate in Brazil, please send your proposal detailing your experience and work methodology....

€41 Average bid
€41 Média
7 ofertas

...(to be agreed upon). Detailed handover of prospect notes for each scheduled call. ONGOING WEEKLY REPORTS (Milestone 4, repeated) Updates on the number of outreaches sent, responses received, calls booked, and any feedback or insights gained. Suggestions for refining approach and messaging. WHAT YOU SHOULD INCLUDE IN YOUR PROPOSAL: Methodology & Tools: How you will identify, qualify, and reach out to prospects (e.g., LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Apollo, Clearbit, etc.). Sample Outreach Message: A brief example of an initial message you would send to a decision-maker in a relevant organization. Pricing & Milestone Structure: Indicate whether you prefer fixed project pricing, hourly rates, or a pay-per-appointment model. Provide cost estimates and expected results. Pas...

€24 / hr Average bid
€24 / hr Média
1 ofertas

React Native Developer for Football Statistics App with AI We are seeking an experienced React Native developer to create an innovative mobile application focused on football statistics and analysis. Project Description: Develop a React Native application that will provide detailed...Ability to optimize API consumption API Usage Optimization: Implement efficient caching system Use GraphQL for optimized queries Implement pagination and on-demand loading Data compression to reduce bandwidth usage Limit OpenAI API requests to crucial analyses Timeline and Budget: Estimated timeline: 2-3 months Budget: To be discussed based on your proposal Please include in your proposal your portfolio, relevant experience, and approach for MVP development and ...

€1363 Average bid
€1363 Média
66 ofertas I already have well-established projects and am starting a new one. Project Details: - This is not a one-off project for just one video. I’m looking to build a long-term partnership with a dedicated professional who is passionate about video editing. - The average editing time per video will be approximately 20 minutes. Please include your pricing for this format. - We will provide sample videos to serve as inspiration and reference for the desired editing style. Requirements: - English proficiency: Advanced or fluent. - Experience in YouTube video editing: It's essential to have expertise in editing videos for YouTube, ensuring no copyright or reused content issues. - Editing level: Intermediate. If you believe you meet this requirement, please send u...

€22 / hr Average bid
€22 / hr Média
20 ofertas

...Adults with Diabetes: Seeking solutions to manage glucose levels. Pre-Diabetic Individuals: Those with elevated glucose levels. Health-Conscious Individuals: Aiming to maintain healthy weight and regulate sugar levels. Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts: Improving physical performance while managing glucose. Collaboration Proposal I am looking for a freelancer to assist in promoting Sugar Defender through various digital marketing strategies. Here are the details of the proposal: Commission-Based Compensation: I propose a commission of 30% on each sale generated through your promotional efforts. This model allows you to benefit directly from the sales you drive. Goals: We need to establish clear goals for the product promotion, including: Increasing brand visibility throu...

€3372 Average bid
€3372 Média
1 ofertas

...diabetes. Health-Conscious Individuals: Those who wish to maintain a healthy weight and regulate their sugar levels as part of a balanced diet. Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts: People who engage in sports and seek to improve their physical performance and recovery while maintaining healthy glucose control. Collaboration Proposal I am looking for a freelancer to assist in promoting Sugar Defender through various digital marketing strategies. Here are the details of the proposal: Fixed Fee: I offer a fixed compensation of $700 for your promotional work. This ensures that you are adequately compensated for your time and effort. Goals: We need to establish clear goals for the product promotion, including: Increasing brand visibility, measured by social media engagement ...

€934 Average bid
€934 Média
16 ofertas

Número de slides: 3 Objetivo: Melhorar o design visual e a estrutura da apresentação, mantendo o conteúdo existente. Estilo desejado: Moderno, limpo e profissional. Paleta de cores: De acordo com nossa identidade visual (forneceremos detalhes). Elementos visuais: Gráficos, imagens, ícones e infográficos relevantes. Prazo de entrega: 2 dias

€27 Average bid
€27 Média
64 ofertas

... including potentiometers for fine calibration. On/Off Function: The board should allow the option to switch between input voltage (off) and amplified output voltage (on), controlled via the shunt resistor. Automatic Voltage Control: Ability to automatically reduce the output voltage to maintain the set current by the user. Preference for using TL494 in the converter design. Documentation: Provision of schematic and PCB design compatible with Isis Proteus software. Components: Preference for SMD components, with potentiometers being multi-turn trimpots for precise adjustments. PWM Frequency Adjustment: Inclusion of a trimpot for adjusting the PWM frequency, aiming for a target frequency of 80kHz. Attached Files: An initial sketch of the project (). Reference image of a si...

€255 Average bid
€255 Média
2 ofertas

Important: Please provide your final, non-negotiable price for the complete project execution. Proposals with initial low offers followed by higher charges will not be accepted. I require a proficient professional capable of integrating Botpress or Voiceflow with a non-official WhatsApp API, named Evolution API. It's essential to note that thes...available here: Should you possess expertise in another open-source API capable of similar functionalities, I am willing to consider such alternatives as well. The primary objective of this project is to achieve a seamless integration of the selected chatbot platform with the WhatsApp API, aiming to enhance user engagement and functionality. Please ensure your proposal includes the total cost for the entire project.

€223 Average bid
€223 Média
11 ofertas

Exciting Opportunity: Professional Marketing and Design Services for Carel Online Store We are launching an exciting project to establish an online store, , dedicated to selling Carel products such as controllers, humidifiers, spare parts, and more. As a distributor for Carel in Portugal, we aim to expand our reach and offer our products to a global B2C market, focusing on Europe and North Africa. ( Working for the moment in two languages : English & Portuguese We are seeking an experienced and creative marketing and design expert to join our team and play a vital role in promoting our online store. The chosen freelancer will be responsible for implementing comprehensive marketing strategies and designing captivating visuals to enhance the customer experience. About

€1013 Average bid
€1013 Média
31 ofertas

Tenho uma planilha em excel, os titulos de produtos estão abreviados, preciso descreve-los melhor, para depois eu inserir em meu e-commcerce. cerca de 15mil titulos Sample attached. On the Left is the abbreviated title - Right is improved title if you add short title to google, it will give an improved title (see boots image sample) the title order should be: (PRODUCT NAME) - (BRAND) - (MANUFACTURING CODE) I have a preference for a freelancer who speaks Portuguese Brazil

€164 Average bid
€164 Média
4 ofertas

Criar um aplicativo sample com gateway de pagamento integrado para que possamos replicar em aplicativos em produção. Nossos aplicativos são jogos para android desenvolvidos em Java. O trabalho consiste em criar um aplicativo usando os samples fornecidos pelo próprio serviço de pagamento e fazer ele rodar com nossa conta e depois fornecer suporte para que possamos aplicar aos nossos aplicativos.

€1293 Average bid
€1293 Média
12 ofertas

We are developing a slot game for iOS devices and we need a talented artist / illustrator / studio designed to make all the images of the game (gameplay, worlds and menu). Here's what we need from the artist: - That is capable of making high quality finish art - Great at handling / creating bright and colorful environments - Great with cartoon design and the creation of captivating characters - Bonus if the artist has already experimented with games - Communicative, we don't want to be in the dark while someone else develops the art of the game alone; the artist will work together with our art director, sending sketches and models as he / she progresses and adjusting them according to our feedback - Creative, great with details, transforming something ordinary into a...

€542 Average bid
€542 Média
10 ofertas

Hello, I need some gear for a thank you card that I will send along with my products by mail to my customers. I already have a text proposal for the letter but you can also use your creativity. I resell nike sneakers, supreme t-shirts, fear of god, palace, etc. My instagram is @ The store idea refers to a VX1000, a camera known worldwide as the classic one for skate videos.

€24 Average bid
€24 Média
27 ofertas
Logo Design
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I need to develop a logo for a sports arena. The venue will have indoor football, beach volley, footvolley and beach tennis. I have the concept, name and proposal. More information inbox

€45 Average bid
€45 Média
8 ofertas

Knn para classificação de Breast Cancer Patients Você vai agora aplicar do modelo Knn dataframe biopsy (MASS). Após executar o comando library(MASS) você pode executar o coamndo help(biopsy) para conhecer mais sobre esse conjunto de dados. Ele traz dados sobre biopsias e classifica seus resu...exemplo, se vamos executar para k=2, 5 e 12, o código pode estar referenciando apenas o k=12 e sendo substituído seu valor para as demais execuções. DICAS 1. Para obter a média de 100 diferentes execuções empregue o comando for (1 in 1:100) e não fixe o seed! 2. Comandos que você pode achar útil neste exercício (), summary(), attach() 3. Para obter os elementos de teste empregue: L <...

€8 - €14 / hr
€8 - €14 / hr
0 ofertas

...Orar: Espaço para registrar pontos de oração Importante: As áreas precisam ser identificadas, seja por cores (nesse caso com uma sigla), ou seja por algum elemento iconográfico ou o próprio título. Deve ser entregue o arquivo aberto, textos como texto para se for necessária fazer alguma adaptação textual, eu ter a liberdade de fazer. ---------------------------------------- I need a layout proposal for the attached wireframe. The page must have an A5 size, the areas must have guidelines. The number of guidelines can be greater than the proposals in the wireframe. The content is divided into 5 different areas: 1 - Read: Space to write a Biblical reference and space for the date 2 - Writing: This part is sub...

€10 Average bid
8 inscrições

Preciso colocar via wordpress uma pesquisa de múltiplas escolhas, que no final do quiz apresente um gráfico radar (igual a imagem anexa). Sobre minha necessidade, acredito que podemos utilizar plugins de formulários para gerenciar as perguntas, definir seus pesos e ao final definir uma ação para apresentar o grafico e deixar um link par...Para ficar mais fácil de explicar a minha necessidade, dei um print em um site modelo - Projeto seria igual essas telas: Tela 1 - Bem vindo Tela 2 - Perguntas e Respostas Tela 3 - Conclusão da Pesquisa Tela 4 - Exibição do gráfico e link para a pessoa receber um arquivo em pdf com explicações O relatório final será um arquivo de somente 1 paginas (modelo ...

€93 Average bid
€93 Média
4 ofertas

We are starting a new YouTube channel that focuses on creating list videos about CATS. They can be Top 5 or 10 style videos or about curiosities, race comparison etc. Any other type of subject related to the world of cats. We are contacting you because we are looking for a dedicated content creator for the channel. The proposal is to create videos between 10 to 13 minutes at the most, making an average of 15 to 20 videos per month. If you are interested, include some samples of your previous work and we will contact you with more details Thank you Em portugues: Estamos iniciando um novo canal do YouTube que se concentra em criar vídeos da lista sobre GATOS. Podem ser vídeos estilo Top 5 ou 10 ou assuntos de curiosidades, comparação de raças e...

€520 Average bid
€520 Média
5 ofertas
Site Wordpress
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I need a PHP developer to finish a Wordpress project, which is practical and easy to work with templates. The base template used is BeTheme, in the "events" variation. - Events - - BeTheme - Documentation - creating shortcodes * Experience with post types * Experience with reCaptcha implementation * Creativity to join elements (from the documentation) creating new elements * Write clear code and keep it documented Tasks will be created as issues directly on the project's github, to facilitate management, and we will be able to meet periodically to check how everything is going. Just submit a proposal if you are: A) Ok to use a time tracking software (hubstaff) B) Ok with all requirements

€10 / hr Average bid
€10 / hr Média
11 ofertas

Estou a desenvolver um trailer para um livro, com cerca de 1 minuto. Preciso de uma voz jovem (masculina), para narrar um pouco da história. Antes de aceitar o trabalho, preciso de um sample da voz para ver se se adequa ao projecto. Tenho uma storyboard animada do spot, para que mais facilmente possam entender o projecto e os timmings do texto, que poderei fornecer em privado. Preciso apenas que me forneçam o ficheiro audio final (com qualidade).

€24 Average bid
€24 Média
1 ofertas

...will be modules with some components. After each module release (concluded by you, and accepted), we will hire the next task, and so on. It will be like this: 1) We will always start from a standardized code, very simple. 2) We will indicate the desired features, with detailed specifications. 3) You will provide us the estimation for the effort, costs and the deadline. 4) We will evaluate your proposal and, if it is reasonable, we will hire that job. 5) You will develop the module and release the code. 6) We will deploy and test it here in our lab. 7) If necessary, to understand your solution, we can request a web-conf to explain your code to us. Hiring and payments according to the platform. You need to inform us of the expected hourly rate and show us your knowledge in Angular...

€412 Average bid
€412 Média
13 ofertas

I need game app developer with a sample

€696 Average bid
€696 Média
6 ofertas

...styles. -Excellent persuasion and negotiation skills. Out of the box thinking and collaborative spirit. -Assist in other marketing areas as requested or assigned. -Written and spoken ***English 85% and Portuguese skills (native or bilingual, 95% to 100% proficient)*** This person will have the next responsibilities: • Assist coordinators and senior coordinators in content development • Assist in proposal layout and presentation • Collaborate with marketing team members in business development and marketing activities. • Maintain brand efforts • Support cross-industry initiatives, working under the general guidance of senior team members • Support data integrity through Vision Minimum Requirements: • Creative person, communicative with basic kno...

€548 Average bid
€548 Média
17 ofertas

...styles. -Excellent persuasion and negotiation skills. Out of the box thinking and collaborative spirit. -Assist in other marketing areas as requested or assigned. -Written and spoken ***English 85% and Portuguese skills (native or bilingual, 95% to 100% proficient)*** This person will have the next responsibilities: • Assist coordinators and senior coordinators in content development • Assist in proposal layout and presentation • Collaborate with marketing team members in business development and marketing activities. • Maintain brand efforts • Support cross-industry initiatives, working under the general guidance of senior team members • Support data integrity through Vision Minimum Requirements: • Creative person, communicative with basic kno...

€428 Average bid
€428 Média
6 ofertas
Project for Rohit S.
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Dear sir i see that you are a talented and experiences worker. Itryed to pally for italian version of the customer form portugal. But for the 1st time i can't apply. Bom dia....vida não é tão alto quanto na Itália, por isso proponho um custo menor. Mesmo na esperança de ter outros empregos. Agradeço a sua atenção e os melhores cumprimentos. Na fé: Guido Martinelli você pode me escrever em inglês ou português. Eu traduzo manualmente, mas quando eu preciso (algumas palavras desconhecidas, ou clientes que não falam italiano / inglês) eu também uso o google tradutor was my proposal. i will pay you 10$ if you can introduce me to the customer for italian version. https://www.freelan...

€10 / hr Average bid
€10 / hr Média
1 ofertas

I'm about to launch a product and I need a professional that can help me to manage the community group in order to engage with the new members. Honestly, I have no idea how many hours will be needed per day and I don't believe there will be so much work per hour, so I would like to receive a proposal for 1 week of work based on flexible working hours. The website is about remote work, freelancer and digital nomad lifestyle, so it's important you understand about these topics.

€468 Average bid
€468 Média
2 ofertas

...proposta. ____ THE WORK Produce photos at a sports event of the obstacle course that will be held in the city of Campinas, at the external facilities of Parque das Bandeiras Shopping, on April 28, 2019. WHERE'S THE JOB City of Campinas-SP PROFILE WE LOOK FOR Moving photos. HOW TO APPLY Send a proposal with your portfolio, description of your equipment and an example session (photos of your house, for example). Only proposals addressed to this proposal will be considered....

€562 Average bid
€562 Média
6 ofertas

... Gostaria que as cores sejam em tons de marrom, bordô e laranja. Por favor apresente o logo em modo de perspectiva em alguma superfície. ########### Contest Brief I would like a logo for the name: >> Agroindústria Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora << It is important to perform a graphical representation that reminds wheat and mill / That makes a statement to wheat and wheat mill. Here's a sample photo and the color tones we'd like to see. I would like the colors to be in shades of brown, burgundy and orange. Please present the logo in perspective mode on some surface....

€20 Average bid
40 inscrições

Olá! Temos um projeto fechado para o desenvolvimento de um simples App para Android que tenha o seguinte objetivo: Ser uma ferramenta para atualização dos dados do usuário, meio de recebimento de notificações e por fim uma alternativa para que o cliente possa cotar seguros e visualizar suas apól...cores esperadas. Projeto Fechado. Plataforma: As páginas de cotação que serão abertas são em php e estarão otimizadas para mobile o desenvolvedor não terá que se preocupar com isso. O banco de dados utilizado é mysql. Temos logo? Sim Temos o padrão visual? Sim Você terá que desenvolver o back end? Sim Dúvidas? É só perguntar Abraços Ps ...

€470 Average bid
€470 Média
9 ofertas

We are looking for very established and experienced company which will build Real Estate website for us. As a first step is necessary to send us your company profile (or CV) with the link to your portfolio with your reference works! To elaborate the proposal for the best optimal structure of Real Estate website with internal CRM system for agents and marketing/lead generation from visitors of the website. Website to follow: Need to reach top result in google for my keywords in areas of Boston, Worcester, Randolph, Dorchester, Back Bay. ONLY APPLY IF YOU HAVE DONE SEO FOR RANKING FOR REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT SITES THAT RANK FOR THE FOLLOWING "WE BUY HOUSES" "SELL MY HOUSE FAST" MUST HAVE GOOD PAST AND CURRENT EXPIERENCE RANKING FOR THESE KEYWORDS WIT...

€275 Average bid
€275 Média
19 ofertas

...Prazo para entrega. ---------- Work to be carried out site 1 - SEO - Making all necessary SEO adjustments, being able to add or add plugins in WP 2 - Rewrite (SEO Friend) each text of each page. 3 - 10 Articles Mixed in Visual Communication, Facade in ACM, Brise and Letter Box for publication with blog image of the site. The blog is disabled. Please send proposal with values separately from each service. I will not answer by phone until hiring. Delivery time....

€105 Average bid
€105 Média
14 ofertas
Newspaper Ad
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Hi I have a recycling company and I purchased a placeholder on a local newspaper. The paper sent an ad proposal but it doesn't look very professional. The add must contain the address Laranjeiro & Alcaide Lda R. Direita, Zona Industrial de Nariz, 3810-568 Aveiro Aveiro, Portugal Contacts: 916347474 234758189 966296548 And provided services: - Gestão de resíduos de construção e demolição - Contentores em Obra (transporte e recolha) - Recepção de residuos não poluentes

€22 Average bid
€22 Média
41 ofertas

... Digital Image Processing and Mathematical Modeling for future works. The service consists of reproducing results of a study / article, where the codes (MatLab) I have with me, and later help me to propose improvements in the code, such as reproduce the same results, being in real-time videos. (I have the codes). The service will be divided into the following steps: 1- Understand the proposal, identify the entries, compile the codes and reproduce the same results of the study / article; 2- Make the adaptations and improvements (automate) in the codes (GUI and Videos RealTime); 3- The final codes should be compiled on a remote computer that access will be provided after completing the above two steps. The release of funds will be made available to Workana gradually (...

€87 Average bid
€87 Média
3 ofertas

Eu tenho um código js, que busca arquivo txt para leitura. Ele vem nesse formato: [item] | SNo | nome | vencimento | valor | Quitado? Preciso de 3 alterações: 1 - Permitir que isso fique na resolução de mobile (tablet e smartphone) 2 - Criar um design elegante, que não demonstre uma tela estática, e sim interativa (tons de azul com cinza é preferível). 3 - Permitir que no campo, "Quitado?" eu consiga marcar sim (pago) ou não (pago) e salvar isso no txt para futura leitura. E permitir que some a coluna de valores dando um total por exemplo. O código precisa ser em java script mesmo, mas segue um exemplo aqui de outra linguagem VEJA NO MEU BLOG: A amostra está aqui ...

€16 Average bid
€16 Média
5 ofertas
€335 Média
16 ofertas

..."references" in word to generate indexes for keywords. When marking words in text that contain hyperlinks, word does not keep them in the index. I would like to keep the hyperlinks inserted in the indexes as well, by marking the entries. Each word can have several entries in the indexes, there is no limit. I would also like, in the index, page to the indicated page. I ask you to submit a proposal Thanks! Olá, Utilizo a opção "marcar entrada" em "referências" no word para gerar índices por palavras-chave. Ao marcar palavras no texto palavras que contenham hyperlinks, o word não os mantêm no índice. Gostaria de manter os hyperlinks inseridos nos índices também...

€16 Average bid
€16 Média
1 ofertas

Olá? Busco freelancer que tenha experiência na produção de cursos online com ...experiência na produção de cursos online com a ferrameta Adobe Captivate para modalidade EAD, os conteúdos dos cursos serão fornecidos e orientados por mim. Requisitos: Criatividade e noção de design. Contratarei apenas com experiência, mais precisamente com Adobe Captivate, 2D, interação em scorm, caso contrário será rejeitado. Imprescindível enviar amostras de trabalhos já executados. Tempo: Estou com grande demanda de projetos e preciso muito de ajuda, dependendo da qualidade do trabalho iremos manter contato para mais projetos. Segue link como exemplo do que espero: Aten...

€17 Average bid
€17 Média
2 ofertas
Design a flyer.
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Make a flyer with the following: -Please put your portfolio in the proposal -Use the colors and size of my model. -Make a new flyer completely different from the model. -I can give the logo in EPS format. -You get new photos in some image bank -Featured text: (Parcelamos em 12x sem juros no cartão e no carnê) -Text: Atendemos aos seguintes convênios: Apas Auto posto Carvalho Funerária da Paz Jowi Calçados MediPlan Sabesprev Unimed -Text: Realizamos coleta a domicílio: Idosos Paciente acamado -Text: Há mais de 10 anos cuidando da sua saúde! Model: ~,h_840,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/2442bb_f137b504d26c4892983e39656128bfc7~mv2_d_3500_3500_s_4_2

€29 Average bid
€29 Média
53 ofertas

Read before and understand, test, ante to post your proposal already FIXED value. Tenho uma página , onde preciso colocar um script que faça URL encurtada, baseado já na aplicação elucidada em: e Na minha página, o resultado precisa está ao lado de 3 botões compartilhar (Face tweeter e Google+) Leia antes e compreenda, teste, ante de postar sua proposta já com valor FIXO.

€14 Average bid
€14 Média
4 ofertas

Desenvolvimento de robo trade para moeda digital bitcoins e outros, por favor somente desenvolvedor experiente e que tenha um sample para mostrar

€506 Average bid
€506 Média
3 ofertas

Somos uma plataforma de ensino online musical, procuramos um app com afinador e metrônomo. O afinador, capta pelo mic e compara as frequências, dessa forma mostrando para o usuário qual nota está, se deve apertar ou afrouxar a tarracha para afinar corretamente. O metrônomo é simples, contador de velocidade, onde seleciona o tempo, o sample do som, a forma de compasso do tempo. Tudo de forma bem simples e limpa, um menu em cima separando o afinador do metrônomo, ambos exibidos na tela do celular de forma bem organizada para que não precise rolar a tela. Todo o layout, imagens e sons conseguimos produzir, precisamos de alguém que programe e programe a ação do microfone para identificar a frequên...

€302 Average bid
€302 Média
8 ofertas

Develop the design of a budget proposal to present to our company's customers. It should be prepared in Word. Desenvolver o design de uma proposta de orçamento para apresentar a clientes da nossa empresa. Deverá ser elaborado em Word.

€22 Average bid
€22 Média
39 ofertas
Bug on app type Uber
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Hello! I have a complete platform type Uber, the Play Store is the name Taxi Anytime she is presenting some bugs, my proposal is to change the app source code and web interface for maintaining the code. If I give a complete copy of the system to solve those bugs. Olá! Tenho uma plataforma completa do tipo Uber, na Play Store o nome é Taxi Anytime, ela está apresentando alguns bugs, minha proposta é trocar o código fonte do app e da interface web pela manutenção no código. No caso eu entrego uma copia completa do sistema a quem resolver os bugs.

€668 Average bid
€668 Média
36 ofertas

I am looking for a specialist in Magento SEO (On Page) to configure my ecommerce and get the best ranking as possible in google. I want to perform all the products in the 1st google page. Please be specific in the proposal otherwise proposal will be rejected.

€91 Average bid
€91 Média
24 ofertas

Desenvolver site auto biografico. Design e toda a estrutura do site. Site deve ter componente de Blog + Agenda sample example of something close to what i would like. Not interested in Joomla or wordpress variations.

€159 Average bid
€159 Média
9 ofertas

A WEBSITE like e n z o - c a r o n e - r e a l - e s t a t e c o m with modifications

€182 Average bid
€182 Média
13 ofertas

...possui o UP_ID sendo o ID do resultado da "linha 9" Prazo de entrega imediato. ENGLISH: We need a SQL script to search a database. There is a table, where this table has a UP_ID field and ID. Each line in the database has the ID that is self-improvement and linked to an existing UP_ID in the table. We need the result is a complete line (SELECT *), and it should display 10 lines. Sample result which put WHERE ID = XX Line 1: Line where there is "ID = XX" 2 line: line that has UP_ID being the result of the ID "line 1" Line 3: line that has UP_ID being the result of the ID "line 2" 4 line: line that has UP_ID being the result of the ID of "line 3" Line 5: line that has UP_ID being the result of the ID "...

€16 Average bid
€16 Média
2 ofertas

...possui o UP_ID sendo o ID do resultado da "linha 9" Prazo de entrega imediato. ENGLISH: We need a SQL script to search a database. There is a table, where this table has a UP_ID field and ID. Each line in the database has the ID that is self-improvement and linked to an existing UP_ID in the table. We need the result is a complete line (SELECT *), and it should display 10 lines. Sample result which put WHERE ID = XX Line 1: Line where there is "ID = XX" 2 line: line that has UP_ID being the result of the ID "line 1" Line 3: line that has UP_ID being the result of the ID "line 2" 4 line: line that has UP_ID being the result of the ID of "line 3" Line 5: line that has UP_ID being the result of the ID "...

€2 - €8 / hr
€2 - €8 / hr
0 ofertas