Descriptive statistics for data science trabalhos
React Native Developer for Football Statistics App with AI We are seeking an experienced React Native developer to create an innovative mobile application focused on football statistics and analysis. Project Description: Develop a React Native application that will provide detailed statistics and analysis of football matches, integrating sports data APIs and the OpenAI API. MVP (Minimum Viable Product): User authentication List of leagues and matches Match detail page with basic statistics Integration with football data API Integration with OpenAI for analysis and predictions Interface to request specific AI-powered analyses Technical Requirements: Proven experience in React Native Knowledge of RES...
Data Science Movie: desenvolvendo modelo de recomendação de filmes Projeto Você foi contratado como cientista de dados por uma plataforma de streaming de filmes, que está passando por um momento de expansão. O objetivo principal da empresa é aumentar o tempo de engajamento dos usuários e melhorar a satisfação geral com o serviço. Atualmente, os usuários estão sobrecarregados pela vasta quantidade de filmes disponíveis e muitas vezes têm dificuldades em encontrar títulos que correspondam aos seus gostos pessoais. Para resolver esse problema, você foi incumbido de desenvolver um sistema de recomendação de filmes eficiente, capaz de sugerir títulos ... in the dietary supplement industry, I have dedicated the past few years to studying consumer needs and market trends. I believe that health should be accessible and understandable for everyone, and my goal is to facilitate this journey through effective and trustworthy products. I am committed to improving people's quality of life by providing them with products that truly work and are backed by science and research. With a solid background in nutrition and digital marketing, I have developed a deep understanding of how to position products in the market and which marketing strategies are most effective for reaching different target audiences. I have experience in successful marketing campaigns and know what it takes to convert leads into loyal customer... in the dietary supplement industry, I have dedicated the past few years to studying consumer needs and market trends. I believe that health should be accessible and understandable for everyone, and my goal is to facilitate this journey through effective and trustworthy products. I am committed to improving people's quality of life by providing them with products that truly work and are backed by science and research. With a solid background in nutrition and digital marketing, I have developed a deep understanding of how to position products in the market and which marketing strategies are most effective for reaching different target audiences. I have experience in successful marketing campaigns and know what it takes to convert leads into loyal customer...
...em mãos mais de 2000 dados obtidos em 20 anos de estudos de diferentes concretos e gostaria de verificar se com o aprendizado de máquina seria possível realizar a predição da deterioração para os anos seguintes. Entretanto, este projeto não se funda apenas na aplicação do machine learning, mas também no tratamento do banco de dados. Gostaria de encontrar especialistas em machine learning e data science para me dar suporte e realizar as etapas conforme estabelecido no projeto de pesquisa. O arquivo em anexo apresenta um artigo equivalente à proposta deste projeto. Ele mostra como os autores utilizaram o aprendizado de máquina para prever a deterioração do concreto, ta...
Preciso de um desenvolvedor python Data science par desenvolver um robô de operações binárias, integrado a quotex, e/ou iqoption. *Robô de estratégias* IqOption e quotex Executar todas as estratégias em todos os pares abertos, em M1, M5, M15 para escolher a mais assertiva sem gale. - não entrar em Payout abaixo de x - Fazer ou não até x gale - Escolher fazer gale na próxima vela ou próxima entrada. - Fazer soros ou não, até x soros. - fazer soros somente após 3 wins, fazer x soros (soros conservador, usar apenas x% do lucro) *Após monitorar as estratégias mais assertivas* - fazer entradas na corretora no devido time M1, M5, M15. - Fazer entradas com % da...
...about and why is it so important? The science that has been produced in this area has come to the conclusion that the early human being had an omega 6 to omega 3 ratio of 3:1. With the changes in lifestyle and especially after the introduction of the food industry, which feeds animals with seeds, soy, flour (ie Omega 6), humans have been showing since 1960 (turning point), a ratio of 4 :1, and today 15:1 in Europe. In the US the ratio is 25:1. What's the problem with a 15:1 ratio? Our cells to summarize in a simple way can be compared to a filter. If this filter is clogged, nutrients have difficulty getting in and waste has difficulty getting out of the cells. This causes anomalies at the cellular level in the long term. A ratio of 1:1 or 3:1, as science says, is th...
Vou aumentar o preço!! Mas Yunelsy preciso mt de ajuda em perguntas de statistics e quality!!
Profissional com larga experiencia de uso de Inteligencia Artificial para leitura de imagens com objetivo de identificar elementos específicos na imagem. Solução semelhante:
Olá Júlio pretendo ter um tutor para iniciação ao data science em particular usando Python e MySQL
Preciso de redator para criar 5 (cinco) artigos para blog cujo nicho é Data Science, Inteligência Artificial e Machine Learning, divididos da seguinte forma: - 2 Artigos falando sobre os avanços, benefícios e aplicações de Inteligência Artificial no mundo; - 1 Artigo falando sobre carros autônomos e como empresas como a Google, Tesla e Uber estão investindo no setor; - 1 Artigo falando sobre cidades inteligentes, e das soluções de Data Science/Inteligência Artificial para os problemas urbanos modernos; e - 1 O que é Deep Learning, uma técnica avançada de Machine Learning. Esses artigos visam atrair visitas para um site voltado para Data Science, e s...
... Para a criação dos Sctipts pode ou não utilizar o CCXT. Não são todas as códigos que estão em que precisam ser implementandos, somente os relacionados abaixo: -------------------------- Kline/Candlestick Data (MARKET_DATA) /fapi/v1/klines Mark Price (MARKET_DATA) /fapi/v1/premiumIndex Get Funding Rate History (MARKET_DATA) /fapi/v1/fundingRate 24hr Ticker Price Change Statistics (MARKET_DATA) /fapi/v1/ticker/24hr Symbol Price Ticker (MARKET_DATA) /fapi/v1/ticker/price Get all Liquidation Orders (MARKET_DATA) /fapi/v1/allForceOrders New Order (TRADE) /fapi/v1/order (HMAC SHA256) Query Order (USER_DATA) /fapi/v1/order (HMAC SHA256) Cancel Order (TRADE) /fapi/v1/order (HMAC SHA256)
Estamos em busca de um nome bem criativo, fácil de ler e escrever. É uma nova empresa que irá atender na criação de websites, sistemas web, aplicativos e consultoria de mídias sociais. Gostaríamos de algumas idé...criativo, fácil de ler e escrever. É uma nova empresa que irá atender na criação de websites, sistemas web, aplicativos e consultoria de mídias sociais. Gostaríamos de algumas idéias com nomes de animais, ciência ou algo que seja interessante. De preferência em apenas 1 palavra. We are looking for a very creative, easy-to-read and write name. It is a new company that will meet in the creation of websites, web systems, applications and social media ...
Bom dia precisamos de algum com conhecimento de data science para projecto de machine learning. Experiência em PIO será obrigatório. Obrigado,
Preciso encontrar correlações entre os dados de um cliente e dados do IBGE, para isso preciso de uma pessoa que consiga fazer essas correlações e analises. Há urgência na contratação desses serviços.
...10 points hit only one winning part of the match = 5 points User profile they can buy buy free or premium plans send photo / avatar register your team scoring statistics, won bets have already won prizes and rewards: the points earned can be exchanged at the site store. bets: must be configurable by sport or match and debited directly from the balance of the wallet example: the end of the championship may set up a match larger than normal matches. ranking championships disputes: calculate general ranking ranking wins monthly / weekly championship premium members can create teams or groups to compete for the ranking between them results with week / monthly / by sport or championship ranking among teams / teams / groups of premium users with the re...
Objetivo: Construir um processador web com capacidade de tratamento de big data e analytics e que seja flexível para criação de novos segmentos/mercados e novos controles de qualidade segundo demanda O projeto está inicialmente dividido em três etapas: 1-Input A-Consideramos nesta etapa a chegada dos dados de tickets(nota fiscal da boca do caixa) dos clientes varejistas, que podem ser de diferentes formatos e diferentes acessos. Formatos: Cada varejista trabalha com seu formato previamente definido em seu sistema, que podem ser diferentes layouts, com diferentes posições e tamanhos de variáveis, com mesma variável e nome diferente, e necessário atender a todos os formatos dos varejistas para não gera...
É parte de um trabalho de conclusão de curso de gerencia de banco de dados O tema é "Es...palavras do aluno” acrescido das devidas referências conforme normas ABNT, ou seja, não será tolerada cópia parcial ou total de outros trabalhos (plágio), salvo trecho com citação direta. Foque em referências a partir de artigos científicos, no mínimo, 5 artigos nacionais e um internacional. Algumas fontes de pesquisa: • PORTAL CAPES • PORTAL SCIELO • PORTAL EMERALD • PORTAL EBSCO • PORTAL SCIENCE DIRECT • REVISTAS ESPECIALIZADAS DA ÁREA Quanto a orientação das referências (5 artigos nacionais e 1 internacional), estas são ...
É parte de um trabalho de conclusão de curso de gerencia de banco de dados O tema é "Es...palavras do aluno” acrescido das devidas referências conforme normas ABNT, ou seja, não será tolerada cópia parcial ou total de outros trabalhos (plágio), salvo trecho com citação direta. Foque em referências a partir de artigos científicos, no mínimo, 5 artigos nacionais e um internacional. Algumas fontes de pesquisa: • PORTAL CAPES • PORTAL SCIELO • PORTAL EMERALD • PORTAL EBSCO • PORTAL SCIENCE DIRECT • REVISTAS ESPECIALIZADAS DA ÁREA Quanto a orientação das referências (5 artigos nacionais e 1 internacional), estas são ...
Instalação de módulos SPSS, Statistics e Modeler.
Instalação de módulos SPSS, Statistics e Modeler.
Estou precisando de um Sistema (Plataforma) de Notificação Push. Que Envia Notificação ao usuário Cadastrado em Minha Lista. Segu...notificação ele será adicionado em minha lista e recebera notificações futuras na tela do seu dispositivo. então é hora do usuário que tem login e senha configurar o envio de notificação. Selecionando o Titulo da MSG. Corpo da MSG. Um Ícone (logomarca) URL (ao clicar na msg ele sera direcionado para o site desejado). Horário do envio (na mesma hora ou mais tarde) Opção com Statistics para ver quantos cliques teve na msg etc... Caso precise saber mais sobre Notificação Push entre ...
I need a freelancer for my project. I need content for websites. The posts must contain between 500 and 800 words, with original content. The theme is quite varied, sometimes I can even let free to the author talk about what you want (counting with my approval). There is two different websites: Games and Apps / Curiosities, tech, science, etc. Content can be created in English or Portuguese. Contact us to talk better. '' Eu preciso de freelancer para o meu projeto. Preciso de conteúdo para websites. Os posts devem conter entre 500 e 800 palavras, com conteúdo original. O tema é bastante variado, algumas vezes posso até deixar livre para o autor falar sobre o que quiser (contando com a minha aprovação...
Criação de um video promocional . 1- Estilo drawing( DRAW MY LIFE...ASAP SCIENCE) 2- Edição do video 3- Fotografia e filmagem 4- Gravação e edição de voz. Creating a promotional video. 1 drawing style (DRAW MY LIFE ... ASAP SCIENCE) 2 Video Editing 3 Photography and filming 4 recording and voice editing.
Tenho 4 grupos de números. Cada grupo vai de 1 até 10, décimo por décimo: 1,0 1,1 1,2...10 Eu quero listar no Excel todas as combinações de acordo com a planilha anexa (apenas as células em amarelo tem o número variável. I have 4 groups of numbers . Each group is from 1 to 10 , tenth by tenth : 1.0 1.1 1.2 ... 10 I want to list in Excel all the combinations according to the attached spreadsheet (only the yellow cells have variable number . -------------------------------------------
Criação de logotipo para uma empresa especializada em análise de dados. A empresa se chama "Sphaera Data" e nos propomos a trabalhar com Data Science (Big Data). Logo design for a company specializing in data analysis. The company is called " Sphaera Data" and we intend to work with Data Science (Big Data).
Construção de sistema de coleta de dados (banco de dados) para educadores ambientais, que visa agregar dados de produtividade (indicadores de atendimento, atividades, projetos, campanhas, etc.) suas respectivas instituições e educadores para fins de avaliação quantitativa do ramo. O projeto em poucas palavras envolve entrada de dados em tempo real pelos usuários (educadores), e visualização dos mesmos por categoria, região, e outros identificadores. Interessados, enviar propostas!
Desenvolver APP da equipe de administração e publicação de conteúdos (equipe de comunicação e marketing do cliente). Develop APP for ANDROID to a health club with audience of women and men 20-35 years. Functionality to facilitate training at the gym, promote interactivity among students: training worksheet update, challenge between friends of the academy by the frequency, feeding records, location of nearest academies, the type of flow of people (high, medium, low ), perform check-in. Possibility to upload content with institutional material for customer marketing team and also allow users to feed with information as well. The APP shall also provide tools metrics and statistics for download manageme...
Desenvolver APP da equipe de administração e publicação de conteúdos (equipe de comunicação e marketing do cliente). Develop APP for ANDROID to a health club with audience of women and men 20-35 years. Functionality to facilitate training at the gym, promote interactivity among students: training worksheet update, challenge between friends of the academy by the frequency, feeding records, location of nearest academies, the type of flow of people (high, medium, low ), perform check-in. Possibility to upload content with institutional material for customer marketing team and also allow users to feed with information as well. The APP shall also provide tools metrics and statistics for download manageme...
Desenvolver APP da equipe de administração e publicação de conteúdos (equipe de comunicação e marketing do cliente). Develop APP for iPhone to a health club with audience of women and men 20-35 years. Functionality to facilitate training at the gym, promote interactivity among students: training worksheet update, challenge between friends of the academy by the frequency, feeding records, location of nearest academies, the type of flow of people (high, medium, low ), perform check-in. Possibility to upload content with institutional material for customer marketing team and also allow users to feed with information as well. The APP shall also provide tools metrics and statistics for download manageme...
Traduzir 5 laudas de informação científica, sobre ciências e biologia. Translate 5 pages of scientific information on science and biology
...divided by specialty, health insurance and city resident ; - Scheduling / appointments system , local health care providers ; - '' Online pharmacy '' - ( pharmacy chain with personalized service for information / advice , review of medication and pharmacotherapy follow-up ) 7/24horas -chat - Video call - Online Store - Social Networking - Be a follower or being followed by another user, send internal messages , etc. ; - InfoFarmácia - ( various sub - menus where the admin can change them ) ; - Health - Guide ( various sub - menus where the admin can update easily) . - Website Statistics - Condition : diseases and conditions , statistically people by gender and age . Treatment - % of the amount of people taking certain medication , dosage...
The MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology sends out christmas cards to their key stakeholders including government departments, universities and other science institutions. Please have a look a the website to find out more about us : The design should be no smaller than DLE and no larger than A5. The budget is $50
...files based on their content and the ideas they convey. This is a long-term position with steady daily work. Responsibilities: - Rename 1,000 files per day, 6 days a week. - Create descriptive and meaningful file names with a minimum of two words (preferably more, if it enhances clarity). - Use underscores (_) instead of spaces in file names (e.g., ). - Retain the original file name and append the new name to it (e.g., becomes ). - Focus on conveying the concept or meaning of the image rather than describing it literally. For example, an image of a person holding a flag on a mountain should reflect themes like "achievement," "success," or "leadership," rather than "man_with_flag_on_mountain." - Have at least
I am seeking a skilled freelancer to help paraphrase sections of my work on field of computer science to enhance clarity and originality. The ideal candidate should have experience in academic writing and be able to maintain the original meaning while improving the language and flow. If you have a keen eye for detail and can deliver high-quality work within the specified timeframe, I'd love to hear from you. Unlimited revision is mandatory. Additionally, I’d like to know the cost if I need extra work on the same document later, such as adding more text to specific sections or revising them. I am looking for very competitive pricing for this as well. Requirements: -Signing the NDA and agreement -Generating AI and plagiarism reports -Paraphrasing probl...
Note: the whole budget for this project is 20$ The Idea: A Secret Task System with Points and Hidden Rewards: Build web application that operates as a secret facilitator and motivator for fulfilling users' dreams and desires. Each user privately submits their wishes or needs to the application. The application then generates specific, secret tasks and distributes them individually to other users. Each user earns "secret points" upon successful completion of their assigned tasks, without knowing the ultimate goal of their actions or who will benefit. These secret points are later used by the user to have their own desires and needs fulfilled, as the application secretly orchestrates plans to make their wishes come true based on their accumulated points. Exam...
Proposed Milestones Milestone 1 ($25): - Fix Bug 1: Resolve the redundant intensity level input at the "stuck" point. - Update the display of `problem name` and `SUDS` to occur before process blocks. Milestone 2 ($25): - Fix Bug 2: Standardize recursion behavior for all levels, ensuring consistent handling of underlying issues. Milestone 3 ($25): - Fix Bug 3: Correct report generation to include: - Level six problem name and statistics. - Proper handling of "Ghostbusters" transitions, recursion, and checks for underlying issues. Milestone 4 ($25): - Final optimization: - Consolidate as much code as possible into the main procedure. - Ensure alignment with the flowchart. - Conduct thorough flow testing to verify functionality.
We are looking for a skilled development team to build a multi-platform business services platform that enables clients to purchase and manage various business services, including branding, printed materials, social media management, and ERP software solutions. Project Overview Platforms: Web Application Mobile Applications (iOS and Android using React Native Expo) Dashboards: Client Portal Admin Portal Employee Portal Guest Portal Preferred Tech Stack: Frontend: React (Web) and React Native Expo (Mobile) or Flutter Backend: NestJS or Database: Prisma ORM Core Features Guest Portal (Web & Mobile): Welcome screen showcasing platform highlights. Options to sign in, sign up, or continue as a guest. Menu with sections: Products, About Us, Portfolio, Branches, and Client Portal...
Note: the whole budget for this project is 20$ The Idea: A Secret Task System with Points and Hidden Rewards: Build web application that operates as a secret facilitator and motivator for fulfilling users' dreams and desires. Each user privately submits their wishes or needs to the application. The application then generates specific, secret tasks and distributes them individually to other users. Each user earns "secret points" upon successful completion of their assigned tasks, without knowing the ultimate goal of their actions or who will benefit. These secret points are later used by the user to have their own desires and needs fulfilled, as the application secretly orchestrates plans to make their wishes come true based on their accumulated points. Exam...
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a professional and sleek Facebook promo picture for my web hosting company. The primary goal of this image is to generate leads and sales, so it needs to be compelling and persuasive. -it must look really professional. -Dont forget to use our logo -it must have the below text: WEB TV HOSTING Starting at 5$/month Stream without restrictions or copyright worries. 1024-5120 Kbps Bitrate Autodj Feature 50-300 Simultaneous Viewers Unlimited Bandwidth MediaCP (Wowza Streaming Engine) Real Time Statistics Geo-Block Feature Restream Feature (5 Stream Targets) HLS/MPEG-DASH-10 Secs Delay EU/US Server Location Our company name is Crystalweb LLC You can include our email info and/or whatsapp +1(681)454-0255 P.S Please refer t...
I'm seeking an Android app developer who can create a application for statistical analysis. This app should allow users to input data through a simple form and receive output ranging from basic summary statistics to various hypothesis tests. Key Features: - Data Input: Users should be able to input data in the form of a list or table via a simple form. - Statistical Output: The app should compute and display basic summary statistics (mean, median, mode, variance etc.) and the results of hypothesis tests (t tests, chi square tests, ANOVA etc.) as a text summary. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Android app development. - Experience with statistical analysis software/tools.
Note: the whole budget for this project is 20$ The Idea: A Secret Task System with Points and Hidden Rewards: Build web application that operates as a secret facilitator and motivator for fulfilling users' dreams and desires. Each user privately submits their wishes or needs to the application. The application then generates specific, secret tasks and distributes them individually to other users. Each user earns "secret points" upon successful completion of their assigned tasks, without knowing the ultimate goal of their actions or who will benefit. These secret points are later used by the user to have their own desires and needs fulfilled, as the application secretly orchestrates plans to make their wishes come true based on their accumulated points. Exam...
I'm looking for a talented educator with significant experience in curriculum design to develop a comprehensive and engaging digital curriculum for a primary school. This curriculum should cover the key subjects of Mathematics, Science, and Languages. Key Requirements: - Design a curriculum that is age-appropriate and aligns with standard primary school education benchmarks. - Create engaging and interactive digital materials that will capture the attention of young learners. - Incorporate a variety of teaching strategies and methods to cater to different learning styles. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in primary school education and curriculum design. - Proficiency in using digital tools for creating educational content. - Strong understanding of t...
...into the fascinating intersection of behavioral finance and data science. We aim to analyze ptivided data through the lens of investor psychology, identifying behavioral biases and sentiment drivers that influence market trends. Using R and statistical modeling, we will examine historical market data, news sentiment, and social media trends to develop predictive models of market movements. This project offers a unique opportunity to contribute to a cutting-edge research initiative with real-world applications in investment strategy and risk management. Key Deliverables: Quantitative analysis of market data and investor behavior. Development of predictive models incorporating behavioral finance insights. Comprehensive report with data visualiza...
I'm looking for a professional 3D animator to create an educational animation explaining how HIV has spread across the world. The animation should be aimed towards healthcare professionals and should highlight the following key aspects: - Transmission methods: Show how HIV is transmitted from person to person, exploring different transmission methods in a clear and informative way. - Prevention strategies: Illustrate various strategies that have been put in place to prevent the spread of HIV, highlighting their effectiveness and importance. - Global statistics: Incorporate key global statistics into the animation, providing context and scale to the information being presented. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in 3D animati...
We are seeking a creative and detail-oriented Graphic Designer to enhance our product images for Amazon listings. The role involves editing and resizing images, integrating product information (e.g., how to use, features, and what's included), and creating composite images for product variants. Responsibilities: Edit and enhance product images to align with Amazon's quality standards. Resize images for different product variants (e.g., size, color) while maintaining quality and consistency. Add text overlays, icons, and visual instructions to highlight product features, how to use the product, and included items. Create visually appealing composite images showcasing all product variants. Ensure all images are engaging, informative, and aligned with branding...
...aspect of this task is maintaining the essence of the paragraphs and phrases within the thesis. The original meaning cannot be changed or paraphrased too drastically. • Subject Area: The thesis is in the field of Science and Technology, specifically focusing on Artificial Intelligence. • Technical Detail: The text should maintain a medium level of detail, incorporating some simplified terms, but not oversimplifying to the point of losing essential technical content. The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong understanding of artificial intelligence and science and technology, as well as experience in academic writing and editing. They should be able to write in a way that is engaging and accessible without losing the complexity of t...
If you you bid to consider, please send me in message .. a sample infographic/chart based on the excel file I am attaching here: _____________________ I'm in need of a freelancer skilled in database analysis and Microsoft Excel. The project involves analyzing demographic data from an Excel spreadsheet. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct descriptive analysis on provided demographic data. - Create charts and infographics to illustrate findings. Freelancer Requirements: - Proficiency in Microsoft Excel. - Experience in data analysis, particularly with demographic data. - Ability to create visual representations of data (charts, infographics).
...backtesting pipeline for options trading strategies using AI/ML techniques. The pipeline will incorporate: GDFL 1-minute OHLCV data. Level 2 order book data (market depth). Computed Greeks (Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, etc.). AI/ML models for generating trading signals and evaluating performance. Scope: Acquire, clean, and store the relevant data. Calculate and integrate Greeks for each option contract. Engineer features from OHLCV, Level 2 order book, and Greeks. Develop AI/ML models for predictive signals or strategy optimization. Backtest and analyze strategy performance. Provide documentation, deliverable code, and a final report. 2. Key Deliverables Data Management & Integration Scripts/Processes to fetch and organize GD...