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2,000 dancewear programmer needed trabalhos encontrados

...freela e já trabalhou em projetos que possui um pré-produzido de algo começado que iria fornecer a outra Empresa ou e deseja continuar o desenvolvimento eu tambem tenho interesse, Fico no aguardo das propostas Hello, If you have a pre-produced e-commerce and with pre-modeled registered products for the sales job and want to sell, I would like to know your project. In case you are Programmer, Designer, or Freelancer and have worked on projects that have a pre-produced something started that would provide the other company or want to continue development I also have interest, I keep waiting for proposals...

€581 Average bid
€581 Média
15 ofertas

Hello! I need a programmer who has worked with travel agency site. I want to put on my web page a search engine for flights passages. The search engine needs to find in 4 companies Brazilian flights. Examples Skyscanner Skiplagged. Olá! Preciso de um programador que já tenha trabalhado com site de agencia de turismo. Eu quero colocar na minha pagina da web um mecanismo de busca para passagens aereas. O motor de busca precisa buscar em 4 empresas aereas brasileiras. Exemplos Skyscanner , Skiplagged

€523 Average bid
€523 Média
16 ofertas

1-I want create app for access an offline catalog for an specific market. I have the Database on MS Excel format. 2-Need create web based plataform to import database and updates by non programmer people. In option this catalog can be totally offline. has interest?

€395 - €790
€395 - €790
0 ofertas

Totally 30 comments in Portuguese needed. The language should be in Portuguese. For each comment, please write with no less than 20 words. A title is needed.

€15 Average bid
€15 Média
12 ofertas
Web programmer
Encerrado left

Compramos um WordPress template, e começamos a desenvolver, mas realmente precisamos de um bom profissional para o desenvolver até ao fim. Aqui está o link do template: Se acha que consegue desenvolver este site, usando as várias técnicas que o template fornece e implementar outros plug-ins

€162 Average bid
€162 Média
16 ofertas

...clients and their history, currently stuck over a disrupted theme, onto a brand new Magento install, same version, now using native Magento theme. We use PagSeguro and Cielo payment gateways. Although I marked location Rio de Janeiro/BR, any Brazilian developer or any developer acquainted to Brazilian procedures is welcome. If this first task is well done, we would consider to use the programmer service in a regular, recurring monthly basis. Grato/Thank you Paulo Pinheiro ...

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr Média
1 ofertas
Website Design
Encerrado left

Hi all, I need a website programmer/designer to program a website that has been designed by another web designer. The website main language is Portuguese however, it should also be displayed in english and french if possible. The website is for a real estate agency based in Angola. Below is how the site map looks like: HOME PESQUISAR IMÓVEIS Arrendar Comprar Vender IMÓVEIS NO ESTRANGEIRO Arrendar Comprar Vender AVALIAÇÃO DE IMOVEIS CONTACTOS Olá a todos, Preciso de um programador / designer de site para programar um site que foi projetado por um outro web designer. A língua principal do site é Português no entanto, também deve ser exibido em Inglês e Francês, se poss&iacu...

€1065 Average bid
€1065 Média
50 ofertas
resume needed
Encerrado left

as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed.

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Média
1 ofertas

<strong>Preciso de professores para estes cursos, somos uma empresa com mais de 10 anos no mercado, oferecemos cursos para profissionais que queiram se capacitar ou agregar conhecimentos. São cursos presenciais, aos sabado e intensivos oferecidos a empresas.</strong>

€199 Average bid
€199 Média
8 ofertas will have an average of 8 pages, including checkout . The store should follow exactly the layout that will be provided in PSD . The tasks should be : - Install the template , - customize the theme , - install checkout module , - deploy payment modules (Paypal , PagSeguro and MundiPagg ) program categories, products , video page and text page The project is 70 % complete , the programmer needs to finish the job which is focused on developing two pages and adjustments to other pages. --------------------------------------------------------------- Desenvolvimento de uma Loja Virtual em template responsivo Magento com tema fornecido pela empresa contratante. A Loja terá em média 8 páginas, incluindo checkout. A loja deverá seguir ...

€1004 Average bid
€1004 Média
3 ofertas

...3G modem. The LCD displays the first line of the bus situation (Later, Jumping ahead, Spot) the second line is for communication between the central and the bus, this line can be sent messages short on change of course. It will be very welcome proposals for programmers to program also Android and if you do not, but keep in mind that this system should communicate with Android applications. The programmer should also keep in mind that this is the first phase of a project that is always changing and updating, for example, in the second stage a login permission will be created with access only to sending a message to the bus, the purpose will make this available to the city traffic department. All system code must be made available, also want it to be very well commented....

€266 Average bid
€266 Média
2 ofertas

...3G modem. The LCD displays the first line of the bus situation (Later, Jumping ahead, Spot) the second line is for communication between the central and the bus, this line can be sent messages short on change of course. It will be very welcome proposals for programmers to program also Android and if you do not, but keep in mind that this system should communicate with Android applications. The programmer should also keep in mind that this is the first phase of a project that is always changing and updating, for example, in the second stage a login permission will be created with access only to sending a message to the bus, the purpose will make this available to the city traffic department. All system code must be made available, also want it to be very well commented....

€718 Average bid
€718 Média
5 ofertas will have an average of 8 pages, including checkout . The store should follow exactly the layout that will be provided in PSD . The tasks should be : - Install the template , - customize the theme , - install checkout module , - deploy payment modules (Paypal , PagSeguro and MundiPagg ) program categories, products , video page and text page The project is 70 % complete , the programmer needs to finish the job which is focused on developing two pages and adjustments to other pages. --------------------------------------------------------------- Desenvolvimento de uma Loja Virtual em template responsivo Magento com tema fornecido pela empresa contratante. A Loja terá em média 8 páginas, incluindo checkout. A loja deverá seguir ...

€27 / hr Average bid
€27 / hr Média
1 ofertas

Conhecimentos e experiência e...Frameworks: Sprint framework (MVC, core) e Hibernate Experiência com servidores de aplicação: JBoss, Jetty, Tomcat Experiência com webServices(SOAP/Rest) e SOA Gerenciar o processo de build utilizando maven Capacidade de planejar e desenvolver arquiteturas de software modularizadas e considerando padrões de projetos Desenvolvimento Ágil – Scrum. Diferenciais: Certificação: Oracle Certified Java Programmer (OCJP) Certificação: Oracle SOA Conhecimento de tecnologias de testes: Sonar, Findbugs Conhecimento de buid contínuo: Jenkins/Hudson Experiência com TDD Conhecimento de Objective-C (IOS) Conhecimento de desenvolvimento Java para Android Conhecimento de banco ...

0 ofertas
logo work needed
Encerrado left

logo for crea8ive, as discussed.

€51 Average bid
€51 Média
4 ofertas

Temos um portal imobiliário. Preciso apenas otimizar a pesquisa para que seja registrada no banco as informações da busca junto com os dados do internauta que realiza a procura pelo imovel. Confira detalhes do projeto no arquivo em anexo. Eu tenho uma PROPSOTA DE UM IDIANO DE 4 HORAS PARA ESTE PROJETO. Por favor me informe se pode fazer neste prazo e insira o menor valor por hora. Quero dar preferencia para um Brasileiro ou Portugues. Alquem que fale portugues para mim seria melhor.

€62 Average bid
€62 Média
2 ofertas

I'm looking for a *Brazilian* Ruby developer, please don't bid except you understand Portuguese. The following description is in Portuguese: Eu procuro um desenvolvedor Ruby para trabalhar algumas melhorias em um Website. Por favor, veja os detalhes do projeto em anexo.

€28 - €231
€28 - €231
6 ofertas

Estou à procura de um programador Unity 3D experiente para trabalhar em um app 3D. Daremos todos os elementos necessário para criar o sistema (cenário, objetos, texturas). Será necessário criar os elementos necessários para visualização das trocas de cenários, cores dos objetos e otimizá-lo para funcionar sem problemas. o modelo do app é igual ao deste link: preciso dos fontes do sistema. Os detalhes serão fornecidos em parte da mensagem.

€2194 Average bid
€2194 Média
18 ofertas
Logo design needed
Encerrado left

logo as discussed.

€3 / hr Average bid
€3 / hr Média
1 ofertas

Temos um portal imobiliário. Preciso apenas otimizar a pesquisa para que seja registrada no banco as informações da busca junto com os dados do internauta que realiza a procura pelo imovel. Confira detalhes do projeto no arquivo em anexo. Eu tenho uma PROPSOTA DE UM IDIANO DE 4 HORAS PARA ESTE PROJETO. Por favor me informe se pode fazer neste prazo e insira o menor valor por hora. Quero dar preferencia para um Brasileiro ou Portugues. Alquem que fale portugues para mim seria melhor.

€192 Average bid
€192 Média
4 ofertas

Temos um portal imobiliário. Preciso apenas otimizar a pesquisa para que seja registrada no banco as informações da busca junto com os dados do internauta que realiza a procura pelo imovel. Confira detalhes do projeto no arquivo em anexo. Eu tenho uma PROPSOTA DE UM IDIANO DE 4 HORAS PARA ESTE PROJETO. Por favor me informe se pode fazer neste prazo e insira o menor valor por hora. Quero dar preferencia para um Brasileiro ou Portugues. Alquem que fale portugues para mim seria melhor.

€28 Average bid
€28 Média
1 ofertas

Preciso de um programador PHP para auxiliar em pequenas tarefas de um sistema imobiliário que tenho. Hoje trabalho sozinho e contrato alguns programadores para auxiliar neste trabalho. No momento preciso criar um formulario de pesquisa e cadastro de clientes; um site antigo. Meu desejo é realizar a tarefa, conhecer o profissional e indicar algumas tarefas como estas para dar manutenção em nosso sistema antigo. Temos uma pesquisa no portal GeoImob com br /v2/ desenho deixar esta pesquisa na primeira. Desejo criar uma pesquisa similar ao site Fisgo com br (procure por um imovel na pagina) ao pesquisa, ele da um opção para se registrar. Preciso que estas pesquisas fiquem tambem registradas no banco mysql. Tenho uma proposta de um Indi...

€25 / hr Average bid
€25 / hr Média
10 ofertas

logo design $35

€32 Average bid
€32 Média
1 ofertas

as discussed, as discussed, as discussed, as discussed, as discussed, as discussed, as discussed, as discussed,as discussed, as discussed, as discussed,as discussed,as discussed,as discussed,as discussed,as discussed,

€10 / hr Average bid
€10 / hr Média
1 ofertas

Preciso de um programador, preferencialmente um estudante (Junior) para auxiliar na seleção de um programador Indiano, um ou dois programadores para desenvolver um sistema imobiliário Veja o projeto:

€23 Average bid
€23 Média
6 ofertas

Preciso de um programador ASP/Javascript com disponibilidade de trabalhar em recife para um projeto de 6 meses a 1 ano. Contrato CLT ou via MEI (Pessoa Jurídica). Salário CLT R$ 2.000,00 + Benefícios. I need a ASP programmer with disposability to work in loco in Recife/Brazil for 6 months to 1 year. Urgentely

€1333 Average bid
€1333 Média
2 ofertas
fb likes needed now
Encerrado left

skype as discussed......................................................................................

€9 - €9 / hr
€9 - €9 / hr
0 ofertas

1) Desenvolvimento em DELPHI XE5, Android e IOS 2) Não divulgaremos a finalidade do programa, usaremos o programa desenvolvido como modelo, como exemplo, cadastro de auto...options should be in settings.     i) On the Home screen will be displayed indicating if the records have been transferred to the server or not. j) Data must be synchronized with the server indicating which have not yet been synchronized.     k) All data must be sent to the MYSQL database including photos.     l) The program should be commented to ensure we understand the idea of the programmer.     m) Model Creation of the local database (on the device)     n) Model Creation of the database server, MYSQL.  &...

€1564 Average bid
€1564 Média
7 ofertas

...deste script: - Todas as imagens tem fundo. O script calcula o canvas da imagem e tira o fundo, como em uma imagem .PNG. - As imagens são carregadas de sites de terceiros (talvez através de algum aplicativo). Quando o usuário clica em alguma imagem aparecem informações da loja, como preço, modelo etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I need a programmer to do something like this app: with ALL the features, for example, rotate image, bring forward, seek etc. Some important details I could with the creator of this script: - All images have background. The script calculates the canvas image and draws the background, as in a picture .PNG. - Images are uploaded (automatically, perh...

€1193 Average bid
€1193 Média
12 ofertas
indian meds needed
Encerrado left

i need the following items sourcing and securely shipping to the uk in amounts starting at 100 of each and moving up to 5/10k a week of at least 3 of the listed items Clonosham (5 mg) Dipax (10 mg) Diaz (10 mg) Alzepam (10 mg) Dizy Tab (10 mg) Diazeco (10 mg) Silprex (10 mg) Anxol (10 mg) Elpose (10 mg) Placidox (10 mg) DPM (10 mg) Pralam (1 mg) Zolinox (7.5 mg) Zopenta (7.5 mg) Zonap (7.5 mg) Ketotal (500 Mg)

€262 - €785
€262 - €785
0 ofertas
Cursos Online ebooks
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Curso Online Educação - Web - Construir um site de curso on-line de educação. Prototipo é semelhante ao https://den...Este projeto não envolve design, é apenas necessário desenvolvimento. Orçamento da cotação em Preço Fixo ou Valor Hora e Grade de Horas -- Aproximadamente um valor do custo para esse projeto cobrará por ele, pois o projeto pode ser pago por hora ou por um valor fixo, porém, preciso saber aproximadamente o tempo que você levará para finalizar o projeto. Você deve inserir "Web Developer / Programmer" na linha de assunto. Todas as outras respostas serão ignorados. Enviar 3 referências de site desenvolvidos Dev...

€646 Average bid
€646 Média
5 ofertas

Curso Online Educação - Web - Construir um site de curso on-line de educação. Prototipo é semelhante ao https://den...Este projeto não envolve design, é apenas necessário desenvolvimento. Orçamento da cotação em Preço Fixo ou Valor Hora e Grade de Horas -- Aproximadamente um valor do custo para esse projeto cobrará por ele, pois o projeto pode ser pago por hora ou por um valor fixo, porém, preciso saber aproximadamente o tempo que você levará para finalizar o projeto. Você deve inserir "Web Developer / Programmer" na linha de assunto. Todas as outras respostas serão ignorados. Enviar 3 referências de site desenvolvidos Dev...

€13 / hr Average bid
€13 / hr Média
6 ofertas
Curso Online
Encerrado left

Curso Online Educação - Web - Construir um site de curso on-line de educação. Prototipo é semelhante ao https://dent... Cliente será capaz de fazer o teste online. Ao formulário de teste está completo, o formulário deve classificar o teste, e gerar automaticamente um certificado impresso que será acessível no painel do cliente. Este projeto não envolve design, é apenas necessário desenvolvimento. Orçamento da cotação em Preço Fixo ou Valor Hora e Grade de Horas Você deve inserir "Web Developer / Programmer" na linha de assunto. Todas as outras respostas serão ignorados. Enviar 3 referências de site desenvo...

€13 / hr Average bid
€13 / hr Média
9 ofertas

...--------------------------------------- I am looking to create a website for customize things and sell products ready and start'll start just like cell phone covers have 3 sites reference. That has integration with paypal and pagseuro I have a very low budget, I believe in growing and increasingly will need support so that programmer can always work on the site....

€989 Average bid
€989 Média
17 ofertas

Procuro programador para integrar sites já fatiados com WP-Ecommerce. Pessoas que já tenham experiencia e tenham algum trabalho ja realizado com este plugin. Queremos analisar um trabalho ja realizado antes de fechar acordo. REQUISITOS Programar o site

€224 Average bid
€224 Média
12 ofertas
Custom UAV Firmware Development
22 horas left

I'm in need of a talented UAV programmer who can write a tailored firmware for a new quadcopter. The firmware needs to incorporate autonomous flight modes and mechanisms for protection against spoofing and jamming. Must be located in EU or China. Key Features: - The firmware should enable the quadcopter to operate in various autonomous flight modes. - Integration of security measures against potential spoofing and jamming attacks. Compatibility: - The firmware is intended for use on custom-built systems, so experience with custom UAVs is a must. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in UAV programming and firmware development. - Familiarity with creating customized firmware for quadcopters. - Experience with implementing autonomous flight modes in UAV firmware. ...

€1385 - €2770
Urgente ADC
€1385 - €2770
0 ofertas

I'm looking to convert images into videos with special effects. This project involves transforming still images into dynamic video content. Key Responsibilities: - Creating special effects for video - Converting photos into engaging video sequences Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in VFX, particularly for special effects in videos - Proficiency in 3D modeling and animation - Understanding of AI tools for VFX - Creative mindset with an eye for detail

€22 Average bid
€22 Média
2 ofertas

I'm looking for a professional with Sage and bookkeeping experience.

€589 Average bid
€589 Média
9 ofertas

I'm in urgent need of a seasoned UX designer for a new directory listing website. The site will have over 10 main pages, including but not limited to the homepage, product page, search page, dashboard, and others. Minor design elements such as a Chatbot, Login/Logout, and subscription dialogue box will also be part of the task. Your role will be pivotal in shaping an intuitive user experience that meets the needs of our potential users. Key Requirements: - Extensive UX design experience - Portfolio with similar projects - Immediate availability and readiness to collaborate with our development team Please include links to your past work on comparable directory or listing sites in your proposal. I look forward to working with you.

€227 Average bid
€227 Média
21 ofertas

Our 501(c)3 is seeking an accountant with significant experience in nonprofit accounting. We need help reviewing, categorizing, and reconciling our 2024 expenditures. The accountant will then prepare reports for our CPA who files our taxes. We will provide prior tax reports and assist in setting up the proper categories and subcategories. Gross revenues from 2022 & 2023 were between $650,000-$700,000. Key Tasks: - Review, categorize, and reconcile expenses from one bank account, two credit card accounts, and a PayPal account. - Provide detailed categorization of expenditures with subcategories - Ensure compliance with nonprofit accounting standards You will receive the expenditure data as Excel/and or PDF downloads, as we have not yet transitioned to accounting software. Qualifica...

€1215 Average bid
€1215 Média
11 ofertas

I have a running project that requires an integration of the UI. The HTML, CSS, and JS files are ready, and will only require minor adjustments. There are approximately 7 pages that will create a flow, with data being sent to the MongoDB of the project. Key Requirements: - Integrate the provided UI files (HTML, CSS, JS) into the project with slight modifications - Ensure smooth data flow to MongoDB Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with - Proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Familiarity with MongoDB - Ability to understand and implement minor UI changes - Good problem-solving skills to ensure a seamless integration Unfortunately, I have not specified any particular UI interactions or animations, additional functionalities, or critical UI components at this tim...

€61 Average bid
€61 Média
24 ofertas

I'm in need of Swedish transcribers to assist with an upcoming project. Task Details: - Nature of Audio: The content primarily consists of day-to-day conversations. - Audio Length: Each audio file is approximately 30-60 minutes long. Requirements: - Fluency in Swedish is a must. - Willingness to complete a short trial for quality assurance. - Experience with AI-assisted transcription software is beneficial but not required as we will provide training. Compensation: - Pay starts at $25 per audio hour, negotiable based on experience and quality of work. Looking forward to your applications!

€21 / hr Average bid
€21 / hr Média
6 ofertas

I'm seeking a Windows Server specialist to host my static website on IIS. While my domain and DNS configuration are already in place, I do require assistance with securing the server. Your expertise in security configurations for IIS is crucial. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Windows Server and IIS - Experience with hosting static websites - Strong background in server security configurations - Familiarity with DNS and domain setup

€3 / hr Average bid
€3 / hr Média
3 ofertas

I'm seeking a skilled programmer to create three fundamental programs for my Shelly Plus Uni device. These scripts will run on a modified version of Espruino. The functionalities of these programs should include: - Monitoring temperature using temperature sensors and activate output according to change in temperature - Reading input from a switch and switch on output - Controlling an output based on a specific type of pulses Ideal candidates for this project should: - Have experience in programming for Shelly devices and Espruino - Be proficient in handling temperature sensors and switches - Understand how to create interactive programs based on manual inputs Please note, all of the above programs should send email and mobile notification when a specific output...

€246 Average bid
€246 Média
3 ofertas

Project Overview: I am seeking a highly experienced UI/UX designer to create a complete, high-fidelity Figma design for a mobile application inspired by Too Good To Go. This app aims to reduce food waste by connecting consumers with local businesses offering surplus food at discounted prices. The app must be fully localized in Persian (Farsi) with RTL support and cater to three distinct user groups: consumers, local businesses, and administrators. Additionally, the project includes creating a unique, trademarkable logo and a consistent visual style that is applied uniformly across all screens. ⸻ Project Scope: The designer will develop a comprehensive design package covering all necessary screens, flows, and interactions for each user role. This project focuses solely on the design phase...

€480 Average bid
€480 Média
83 ofertas

I have some initial plans for a residential tiny home that need to be transformed into professional, full-scale construction plans. The final documents should include detailed specifications with materials and structural details. Key Responsibilities: - Review the initial plans and convert them into comprehensive construction documents - Ensure all plans meet modern architectural standards - Ask diligent questions to clarify any uncertainties and ensure accuracy Skills and Experience Required: - Proven experience in architectural design and construction planning - Strong understanding of modern architectural styles - Excellent attention to detail - Able to work under tight deadlines I need this done as soon as possible. Please only apply if you can start immediately and are able to deli...

€410 Average bid
€410 Média
2 ofertas

I'm a complete novice in Spanish and I'm looking for a tutor who can offer personalized one-on-one lessons. My primary goal for learning Spanish is not clearly defined yet, but it is likely going to revolve around travel and personal enrichment. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in teaching Spanish, particularly to beginners. - Ability to provide engaging and tailored lessons based on my pace and learning style. - Flexible and patient, with good communication skills. - Ideally, a native Spanish speaker or someone with near-native proficiency. Please include your teaching methodology and any relevant qualifications in your proposal.

€8 Average bid
€8 Média
1 ofertas

I'm seeking a GEM expert to help enhance the design and usability of my seating furniture, which includes chairs and sofas. The focus will be on improving an existing product, so your role will primarily involve: - Assessing the current design and usability of the seating furniture - Proposing and implementing improvements to the design and usability - Ensuring that the improved design is both functional and aesthetically pleasing Ideal candidates will have extensive experience with furniture design, particularly seating, and a solid understanding of GEM principles. Your expertise will be crucial in transforming my current seating furniture into a more user-friendly and desirable product.

€8 - €13 / hr
€8 - €13 / hr
0 ofertas

I'm looking for a professional crowdfunding expert to help me secure funds for a house. The primary goal of this campaign is to raise the full purchase amount. Key Responsibilities: - Design an engaging crowdfunding campaign - Create compelling content to attract potential backers - Suggest the most suitable crowdfunding platform - Provide strategies to maximize the campaign's reach and success Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in crowdfunding - Excellent content creation skills (written, visual, and audio) - Strong understanding of various crowdfunding platforms - Marketing and promotion skills The right candidate will have a track record of successful campaigns and the ability to create captivating content that can engage and attract potential investors.

€150 Average bid
€150 Média
12 ofertas

We are looking for a QuickBooks Certified Bookkeeper to assist with 2024 annual financial reporting, including Profit & Loss (P&L) and Balance Sheet preparation for: • 2 rental properties • 1 commercial trucking business Key Responsibilities: - Reconcile more than 5 bank accounts in QuickBooks Online. - Accurately categorize both income/expenses and assets/liabilities transactions. - Generate and finalize P&L and Balance Sheet reports for tax preparation. - Ensure compliance with all tax reporting requirements. - Provide a final review for accuracy before submission. Online Certification (Required) • Experience with rental property accounting and trucking business financials • Ability to work independently and meet tight deadlines • Strong atten...

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Média
24 ofertas