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2,000 accountant cpa trabalhos encontrados

...Ativar as campanhas nas plataformas escolhidas e monitorar o desempenho inicial. Otimização Contínua: Ajustar segmentações, lances e criativos com base no desempenho dos anúncios para maximizar os resultados. Monitoramento e Análise: Relatórios de Desempenho: Fornecer relatórios regulares sobre o desempenho das campanhas, incluindo métricas como CTR (Taxa de Cliques), CPC (Custo por Clique), e CPA (Custo por Aquisição). Análise de ROI: Avaliar o retorno sobre o investimento e fazer recomendações para melhorias contínuas. Ajustes e Otimizações: Teste A/B: Realizar testes A/B para avaliar diferentes versões de anúncios e estratégias pa...

€8 / hr Average bid
€8 / hr Média
15 ofertas

...Facebook para rastrear e otimizar as conversões, ajustando continuamente a campanha para maximizar o retorno sobre o investimento (ROI). Além disso, o freelancer deverá monitorar o desempenho das campanhas de forma contínua, realizando ajustes e otimizações necessárias para melhorar os resultados. Relatórios semanais detalhados sobre o desempenho das campanhas, incluindo métricas-chave como CTR, CPC, CPA e ROI, são essenciais para acompanhar o progresso e tomar decisões : Pesquisa e Planejamento: Conduzir uma análise detalhada do mercado e do público-alvo no Brasil. Definir objetivos de campanha claros e mensuráveis focados em gerar vendas. Criação de Conteú...

€157 Average bid
€157 Média
6 ofertas

...Gestão de Campanhas: Configurar e otimizar campanhas no Google Ads, Instagram Ads e Facebook Ads. Criar anúncios atraentes e persuasivos que ressoem com nosso público-alvo. Implementar estratégias de remarketing para reengajar visitantes anteriores. Monitoramento e Análise: Monitorar o desempenho das campanhas em tempo real e fazer ajustes conforme necessário. Analisar métricas chave (como CPC, CPA, CTR e ROI) para avaliar a eficácia das campanhas. Gerar relatórios detalhados e fornecer insights acionáveis para otimização contínua. Otimização: Testar e otimizar criativos, textos de anúncios, segmentações e estratégias de lance para melhorar o de...

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Média
8 ofertas

...separado onde o afiliado vai poder puxar a data especifica do dia, com as seguintes informações: Rev. Share; CPA; Comissão; Depósitos (Valor Total); Total FTD (Quantidade de Depósitos) o REVSHARE é referente as perdas do usuário na plataforma, então o afiliado só vai receber a % em cima do quanto o usuário perdeu na plataforma ex: se João cadastrou no link do afiliado pedro e o pedro tem uma porcentagem de 50% sobre as perdas do João... Se o joão perder 100 reais no dia 11 de set o Pedro vai ganhar 50 reais, mas no dia 12 de set o joão ganhou 50 reais, então o João perdeu 25 reais, ai é negativado 25 reais na comissão/dashboard do pedro. totalizando 25 r...

€436 Average bid
€436 Média
16 ofertas

...separado onde o afiliado vai poder puxar a data especifica do dia, com as seguintes informações: Rev. Share; CPA; Comissão; Depósitos (Valor Total); Total FTD (Quantidade de Depósitos) o REVSHARE é referente as perdas do usuário na plataforma, então o afiliado só vai receber a % em cima do quanto o usuário perdeu na plataforma ex: se João cadastrou no link do afiliado pedro e o pedro tem uma porcentagem de 50% sobre as perdas do João... Se o joão perder 100 reais no dia 11 de set o Pedro vai ganhar 50 reais, mas no dia 12 de set o joão ganhou 50 reais, então o João perdeu 25 reais, ai é negativado 25 reais na comissão/dashboard do pedro. totalizando 25 r...

€430 Average bid
€430 Média
21 ofertas

...separado onde o afiliado vai poder puxar a data especifica do dia, com as seguintes informações: Rev. Share; CPA; Comissão; Depósitos (Valor Total); Total FTD (Quantidade de Depósitos) o REVSHARE é referente as perdas do usuário na plataforma, então o afiliado só vai receber a % em cima do quanto o usuário perdeu na plataforma ex: se João cadastrou no link do afiliado pedro e o pedro tem uma porcentagem de 50% sobre as perdas do João... Se o joão perder 100 reais no dia 11 de set o Pedro vai ganhar 50 reais, mas no dia 12 de set o joão ganhou 50 reais, então o João perdeu 25 reais, ai é negativado 25 reais na comissão/dashboard do pedro. totalizando 25 r...

€523 Average bid
€523 Média
16 ofertas

Olá! Faço parte de uma pequena empresa de educação à distância e gostaríamos de saber quanto sairia para produzir um app similar ao do nosso concorrente, Topinvest Simulados para CPA-10 e outros cursos preparatórios. Aguardo um retorno. Obrigado, Geraldo Godoy

€702 Average bid
€702 Média
4 ofertas

...getting sales or leads. here is what we have so far: 1. installed pmta 4.5 and mailwizz, working good on servers with 8 ips. 2. purchased/aquired a lot of emails lists. total 100millions (5m are verifies others needs to be verified) 3. an ecommerce website for dropshipping. we looking for a consultant to give us tips and strategies to search for producs and cpa. do warmups. getting inboxes. designing emails and how to write it... we are just starting up. we need someone who is very good in this business. even a good spammer. who will give us his knowledge and answer our questions. and for that, if we succeeded in getting revenues he will have a commission maybe become a future partner everyone who is interested in our offer. please convince us you are

€39 / hr Average bid
€39 / hr Média
1 ofertas

...the password for the person to log in to my site 2nd Source and the responsiveness of the site. The source of my site is not very cool, but nothing that open the file path and edit a line in css 3º The slider just below the introduction of the site, it is not full in the container, I would like it to occupy all the space 4º In the area of ​​"plans" in make your plan I would like to clear the accountant because it is not going out the way I would like 5th In the testimonial area, I would like 2 columns with 4 messages, the name of the person, and the city where she lives, to be made visible to the visitors. 6º In the "FAQ" section, I would like each item to turn a link so that the answer appears just below the question 7º create or add...

€23 Average bid
€23 Média
5 ofertas
AcheiConsórcio - v2
Encerrado left em todas as páginas da plataforma; - Preciso que seja criada uma página de confirmação de pagamento: precisamos levar o usuário para alguma página de confirmação de pagamento dentro da plataforma após o mesmo confirmar o pagamento no PagSeguro. Isso vai ajudar o google e o facebook a mensurar da forma correta as conversões, além do google Adwords liberar um método de cobrança chamado CPA Desejado, o que vai aumentar o potencial de novas conversões. Colocaremos a tag de conversão do Adwords e o Pixel do Facebook nesta página; - Preciso que seja criada uma página de confirmação de cadastro de usuário: o mesmo caso do item anterior, ...

€108 Average bid
€108 Média
2 ofertas
Find an Accountant
Encerrado left


€68 Average bid
€68 Média
11 ofertas

Desejamos baixar para menos de 4.0sec as principais páginas de venda do site em wordpress Páginas que serão medidas, todas muito parecidas: Método de medição: Por favor aplicar respondendo: 1. O que você fará para baixar o carregamento destas páginas para 4.0sec ou menos? 2. Quais acessos você precisa para executar o trabalho? Agenda da Seleção: 31/05-02/06 - recebimento de propostas 02-05/06 - esclarecimentos de dúvidas 06/06 - escolha e início do trabalho Obrigado!

€96 Average bid
€96 Média
33 ofertas
Find an Accountant
Encerrado left

Desejo prestar assessoria de contabilidade, departamento pessoal e recursos humanos online para pessoas fisícas e jurídicas; Sou formada em contabilidade, Pós graduada em Controladoria e finanças coorporativas, trabalho com departamento pessoal e RH, Alem de gerenciar um escritório de contabilidade, estando apta para prestar serviços no ramo para ambas as categorias sendo jurídicas ou fisícas.

€101 Average bid
€101 Média
3 ofertas
Find an Accountant
Encerrado left

Preciso de um contador para uma pequena alteração no contrato social. Incluir um novo Cnae

€15 Average bid
€15 Média
4 ofertas
Find an Accountant
Encerrado left

abrir micro empresa

€87 Average bid
€87 Média
6 ofertas

...que me ajude na organização do meu orçamento e das minhas métricas. O que preciso na planilha é: 1 - Planejador de orçamento, pra mim saber quantos devo investir no anúncio sem sair fora do orçamento planejado. 2 - KPY e ROI 3 - Planejador de métricas pra mim ter uma base de quantos pagar por cada uma delas pra mim não sair fora do orçamento planejado. Preciso sabe quantos pagar por CPA, CPC, CPM e as métricas demais. Preciso ter o minimo e máximo. OBS: Não quero cópias da internet! Já tenho conhecimento de algumas ferramentas que estão por ai, fiz uso mas nenhuma me convenceu. Por isso estou optando por algo EXCLUSIVO. Caso eu veja ou sinta que o ...

€50 Average bid
€50 Média
1 ofertas
Find an Accountant
Encerrado left

Ola! Busco oportunidade para desenvolver meus conhecimentos contábeis. Trabalhei na KPMG Brasil, atividades de auditor.

€324 Average bid
€324 Média
9 ofertas

Oi, estou em busca de tráfego para o Brasil. Tenho várias campanhas, tanto CPL quanto CPA. [Removed by Admin]

€14 Average bid
€14 Média
2 ofertas

Planejamento e gestão de mídia online (links patrocinados, afiliados, comparadores de preço, programática, etc.) , - Experiência em otimizações (diárias, semanais, mensais e pontuais) de mídia: controle de KPIs (ROI, CPA, CPL), controle de budget, etc. - Conhecimento avançado de apresentações (PPT) e análises em Excel - Experiência em criação de plano de mídia - Participação em planejamentos, briefings, projeções - Reunião/Relacionamento com veículos e clientes - Tagueamento de banners e e-mail marketing

€232 Average bid
€232 Média
1 ofertas
Find an Accountant
Encerrado left

prestação de serviços de contabilidade

€18 Average bid
€18 Média
6 ofertas

Reformulação/Criação de campanha no AdWords para venda de Cursos Online para Bancários e Correspondentes Bancários no Brasil. Nós vendemos Cursos Online preparatórios para certificações bancárias (CPA-10, CPA-20, CEA, FBB-300, CA-300, CA-600 e ANEPS). Temos campanhas amadoras no AdWords, com histórico de 1 ano e meio (também no Analytics) e desejamos agora profissionalizar. Atualmente investimos cerca de R$1000,00/mês com adwords. Target: Bancários e correspondentes bancários de todo o brasil Produtos: Curso Online Descomplicado para CA-300, para CA-600, para CPA-10, para CPA-20, para CEA, para FBB-300 e para ANEPS completa O ...

€175 Average bid
€175 Média
6 ofertas

Reformulação/Criação de campanha no AdWords para venda de Cursos Online para Bancários e Correspondentes Bancários no Brasil. Nós vendemos Cursos Online preparatórios para certificações bancárias (CPA-10, CPA-20, CEA, FBB-300, CA-300, CA-600 e ANEPS). Temos campanhas amadoras no AdWords, com histórico de 1 ano e meio (também no Analytics) e desejamos agora profissionalizar. Atualmente investimos cerca de R$1000,00/mês com adwords. Target: Bancários e correspondentes bancários de todo o brasil Produtos: Curso Online Descomplicado para CA-300, para CA-600, para CPA-10, para CPA-20, para CEA, para FBB-300 e para ANEPS completa O preç...

€107 Average bid
€107 Média
7 ofertas

Escopo: Criar um pixel genérico para mapear a venda dentro do salesforce qual é a origem da URL (facebook, facebook Ads, regua de relacionamento, landing pages genericas) Importante é que o pixel não é apenas para saber a origem da página no analytics, ele levará um campo para o salesforce quando o usuário preencher o formulário e lá no CRM conse...salesforce qual é a origem da URL (facebook, facebook Ads, regua de relacionamento, landing pages genericas) Importante é que o pixel não é apenas para saber a origem da página no analytics, ele levará um campo para o salesforce quando o usuário preencher o formulário e lá no CRM conseguiremos ver o lead, entende...

€94 Average bid
€94 Média
8 ofertas

...analise de relatórios para comprar sempre um melhor publico, com qualidade e bom preço; O que você já precisa ter: - Conhecimento avançado da ferramenta de campanhas do Facebook; - Conhecimento avançado do Power Editor do Facebook; - Conhecimento avançado de Google Adwords e Analytics; - Sólidos conhecimentos em estratégias de captação de usuários; - Conhecimento de métricas e KPIs: CPI, CPA, etc. - Conhecimento de testes AB em ferramentas de performance e aquisição; Habilidades comportamentais que procuramos: Foco em resultado, resistência à pressão (principalmente de prazos), relacionamento interpessoal, capacidade de negociaç&atild...

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr Média
4 ofertas

Me gustaría crear un blog para ganar dinero por CPA, Adsense, etc... Necesito alguien que tenga un cursos de marketing como (), (Curso de Chuiso), etc.<br /><strong>Requisitos</strong>:<br />-Casos de éxito<br />-Blogs de ejemplo<br /><br /><br />

€221 Average bid
€221 Média
4 ofertas

...aplicando por exemplo: - Definição em conjunto com o cliente das diretrizes do anúncio ou post, como pro exemplo o objetivo, Target, Audiencia, Behaviors, Hashtags (quando aplicável), Localização, Core Audiences, etc. - Definições de nome da campanha, headline, texto, formato de anuncio, imagens, Hide Advanced options, etc... - Definir em conjunto com o cliente os valores da campanha (CPC< CPA, Etc...) - Criar as diretrizes e condutas para a publicação dos posts (a princípio o profissional não precisaria ficar responsável pelos posts) com base no perfil do público alvo. - Indicar uso de programas específicos (hootsuite, likealyzer, para otimizar a presen&cce...

€10 / hr Average bid
€10 / hr Média
8 ofertas

I need a professional bookkeeper and accountant to manage my financial records from May 2025 to the present for a services-based company. Approximately 500 transactions (till Feb 2025) need to be accounted for, with the end goal of producing a balance sheet and income statements for the year ending December 2024. Key Tasks: - Manage and categorize about 500 transactions - Prepare a balance sheet and income statements - Create a cash flow statement I currently use Excel for my accounting and I am open to your professional suggestions for templates and formats for the balance sheet and income statements. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in bookkeeping and accounting, particularly for service-based companies - Proficiency in Excel, with the ability to create comp...

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Média
27 ofertas

I'm seeking a Google Ads expert who can help us drive up sales of our physical products, both online and offline. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record of increasing ROAs and lowering CPAs on a national scale. Key Responsibilities: - Optimize Google Ads to boost Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) and decrease Cost per Acquisition (CPA) - Drive sales of physical products through effective ad targeting and campaign management The perfect freelancer for this project will have extensive experience in Google Ads, particularly with physical products, and a deep understanding of the national market. They should be able to demonstrate their ability to create effective campaigns that reach and engage a national customer base. Skills in Tiktok and Native ads would be a bonus. ...

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr Média
35 ofertas

I need a QuickBooks expert to clean up my expense and revenue accounts. These accounts have not been reviewed for over a year. Expect to be here an entire week (5 days), and clean up at least 3 companies (1 that's been established since 2008, 1 since 2011, and 1 that's was established last year.) all are current to 2023 in taxes, and ready to file 2024 (for which we have an established accountant already.) Key Issues: - Duplicate transactions - Misclassified entries - Uncertainty about the correctness of my chart of accounts Ideal Skills: - Proficient in QuickBooks Desktop and/or Enterprise edition - Strong attention to detail - Experience in accounting and financial management - Ability to identify and rectify discrepancies in financial data

€1957 Average bid
€1957 Média
19 ofertas
Small Company CPA & Tax Expert
6 dias left

I am seeking a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) to assist with tax preparation and filing for my small company. Key Responsibilities: - Tax Preparation and Filing: I need a professional who can efficiently handle my company's tax obligations ensuring compliance and minimizing potential liabilities. - Payroll Processing: I will require assistance with managing payroll. This will involve ensuring all employee compensation is processed accurately and on time. Skills & Experience: - Proven experience as a CPA with a focus on small businesses. - Expertise in tax preparation and filing. - Experience with payroll processing. - Excellent knowledge of bookkeeping and accounting principles.

€50 / hr Average bid
€50 / hr Média
11 ofertas

As a Chartered Accountant, I'm seeking a professional to manage my bidding process on freelance platforms. The ideal candidate should have a proven track record in writing compelling proposals, identifying high-potential projects, and improving the chances of winning bids. Responsibilities: ✅ Research and find relevant projects in the accounting and related project according to my description field ✅ Write personalized and persuasive proposals ✅ Maintain a good response rate and follow up with clients ✅ Optimize bidding strategy for better conversion Requirements: 1) Proven experience in managing bids on freelance platforms 2) Excellent writing and communication skills 3) Ability to understand client needs and tailor proposals accordingly 4) Reliable and result-driven Note ...

€74 Average bid
€74 Média
3 ofertas

I am seeking an experienced accountant to help with my retail business bookkeeping. My account is on Xero, and I need assistance with: - Recording daily transactions: Keeping track of every sale, expense, and other financial transactions in a timely and accurate manner. - Bank reconciliation: Ensuring that my bank statements align with my recorded transactions to maintain accurate records. - Preparing financial reports: Generating regular financial statements to help understand the business's financial health. The ideal freelancer should have a strong background in accounting, retail bookkeeping experience, and proficiency in using Xero.

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Média
52 ofertas

I'm looking for an experienced accountant or bookkeeper who can assist with year-end clean up for my small LLC. The project involves reconciling a relatively small number of 2024 bank transactions with QuickBooks Online (QBO), as well as prepping everything for my CPA to file both UT state taxes and U.S. federal taxes. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in QuickBooks Online - Strong understanding of U.S. tax regulations - Excellent reconciliation and categorization skills Specific Tasks: - Reconcile 1-2 bank accounts - Assist in categorizing some transactions - Prepare and organize documents and information for CPA

€425 Average bid
€425 Média
68 ofertas

We are seeking a seasoned accountant to support our financial operations with a strong focus on US GAAP, compliance management, and corporate records organization. This role emphasizes managing payments and providing project tracking support while ensuring that our financial processes meet regulatory standards and internal controls. Key Responsibilities: 1. US GAAP & Compliance Management: -Prepare and review financial reports to ensure compliance with US GAAP. -Implement and monitor compliance management processes. -Assist with audits by organizing and maintaining necessary documentation. 2. Corporate Records & Payments Management: -Maintain accurate and organized corporate records and financial documents. -Oversee payments processing, ensuring timely and accurate vendor a...

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr Média
26 ofertas

I'm seeking a professional with expertise in lead generation via Facebook, specifically tailored for my accounting firm. The primary objective of this campaign is to generate appointments / leads with potential clients in our local area. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a Facebook lead generation campaign targeting local businesses in need of accounting services. - Collect specified information from potential leads including their Name and Email Address, Phone Number and Best Time to Call, and their Business Details and Accounting Needs. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in Facebook marketing and lead generation. - Excellent understanding of the accounting industry. - Proficient in data collection and analysis. - Strong communication skills for engaging with potential...

€154 Average bid
€154 Média
28 ofertas

I'm in need of a seasoned accountant who can assist with financial accounting and various tax-related services. Key Responsibilities: - Financial Accounting: Help manage and interpret my financial data. - Tax Services: - Prepare and file taxes on my behalf. - Provide support during tax audits. Additionally, I need assistance with the preparation and analysis of key financial statements: - Balance Sheet - Income Statement - Cash Flow Statement Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in financial accounting - Extensive experience in tax preparation and audit support - Strong understanding and capability in preparing and analyzing balance sheets, income statements and cash flow statements.

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Média
64 ofertas optimize my CPA website and generate leads and conversions. In addition to standard SEO tasks, you will be responsible for writing and posting engaging blogs that cover industry news and updates. We expect minimum of 4 blogs to be published each month. These blogs should be written with a human touch, not just AI-generated content. Our team will be monitoring the content for quality and authenticity. Key Responsibilities: - Implement comprehensive SEO strategies to boost our website's visibility and lead conversions on a national scale. - Write and publish engaging, industry-focused blog posts that resonate with our target audience. - Ensure all content is original, high-quality, and has a human factor. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in SEO, particularly for ...

€167 Average bid
€167 Média
71 ofertas

...será gestionar y optimizar campañas, asegurando que los clientes obtengan leads de calidad y tengan una excelente experiencia con nuestras soluciones. Responsabilidades: ✅ Crear, gestionar y optimizar campañas de Meta Ads para maximizar la conversión de leads. ✅ Implementar y supervisar campañas en Taboola Ads y Outbrain para tráfico frío y de retargeting. ✅ Analizar métricas clave (CTR, CPL, CPA, ROAS) y hacer ajustes estratégicos. ✅ Acompañar a los clientes en la optimización de sus embudos de conversión. ✅ Brindar soporte y asesoramiento estratégico, asegurando una excelente experiencia del cliente. ✅ Seguimiento exhaustivo de tus clientes asignados, forzando su éxito (ir por d...

€7 / hr Average bid
€7 / hr Média
10 ofertas

I'm looking for an experienced accountant or financial expert to help set up my Reckon Hosted template along with 3 additional attachment templates. This is a one-time project where you will: • Populate the Reckon Hosted template with the data I supply. • Populate the 3 additional attachment templates, ensuring all documents reflect the same information. • Ensure seamless formatting and data consistency across all templates. • Provide any advice or improvements to optimize the setup if needed. Recommendations: • Since you’ve received a prompt response from Arwa M., it’s a good idea to check with her if she can complete this project within the fixed budget of $100 AUD. • Confirm her availability, experience with similar tasks and comfor...

€3 / hr Average bid
€3 / hr Média
8 ofertas

I'm seeking a certified CPA or lawyer to provide me with advice on filing taxes for my sole proprietor LLC. My primary concern is avoiding penalties. In your bid, please highlight: - Your qualifications and certifications - Experience with sole proprietor LLCs - Track record of helping clients avoid tax penalties

€183 Average bid
€183 Média
7 ofertas

I am seeking a highly experienced (6+ years) Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and Cost and Works Accountant (CWA) to join our manufacturing business. This role involves: - Financial Planning and Analysis: Developing strategies to ensure the financial health and growth of our company. - Cost Management and Reduction: Identifying areas for cost savings and implementing effective measures for cost control. - Auditing and Compliance: Overseeing our auditing processes and ensuring we adhere to all necessary regulations and standards. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in the manufacturing sector, demonstrating a strong ability in financial planning and cost management. They should also possess in-depth knowledge of auditing processes and compliance requireme...

€7 / hr Average bid
€7 / hr Média
5 ofertas

Our CPA firm is looking for a skilled professional to automate our year-to-year tax return Excel working papers. The project involves: - Updating dates and references - Carrying over balances and data - Clearing out old data While our team can be trained on basic macro/VBA use, we are completely open to solutions outside of Excel if they are more efficient. An ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience with Excel, VBA, and potentially other automation tools. Please provide a brief proposal on how you plan to tackle this project. Thank you!

€714 - €1428
€714 - €1428
37 ofertas

I'm looking for an experienced data analyst who can create a comprehensive QBR deck based on two separate campaigns from our platform. The campaigns are geared towards an on-demand app, with metrics focusing on both supply and user acquisition. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze both App User Acquisition campaigns (CPI focused) and App Retargeting campaigns (CPA focused). - Assess campaign achievements, shortcomings, and issues. - Provide insightful optimization recommendations. - Create a clean, comprehensive overview/deck suitable for a monthly review with the client team. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in data analysis and campaign evaluation. - Experience in creating professional, client-ready presentations. - Ability to derive actionable optimization recommendations. -...

€18 Average bid
€18 Média
3 ofertas

...Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) ✔ Optimize campaigns for maximum conversions and ROI ✔ Design and run high-performing ad campaigns across: -- Meta Ads (Facebook & Instagram) -- Google Ads (Search, Display, YouTube, Performance Max) --LinkedIn Ads (Targeting healthcare professionals, and decision-makers) ✔ Landing page optimization and A/B testing for better conversion rates ✔ Ad creatives and copywriting that appeal to the healthcare sector ✔ Audience segmentation and retargeting to maximize engagement Requirements: ✔ Proven experience in Meta Ads, Google Ads, and LinkedIn Ads ✔ Experience in healthcare, SaaS, or B2B lead generation campaigns ✔ Strong understanding of targeting and lead nurturing strategies ✔ Ability to track, analyze, and optimize campaigns for lower CP...

€94 Average bid
€94 Média
30 ofertas

I'm looking for an experienced accountant or financial expert to help set up my Reckon Hosted template along with 3 additional attachment templates. This is a one-time project where you will: • Populate the Reckon Hosted template with the data I supply. • Populate the 3 additional attachment templates, ensuring all documents reflect the same information. • Ensure seamless formatting and data consistency across all templates. • Provide any advice or improvements to optimize the setup if needed. Recommendations: • Since you’ve received a prompt response from Arwa M., it’s a good idea to check with her if she can complete this project within the fixed budget of $100 AUD. • Confirm her availability, experience with similar tasks and comfor...

€53 Average bid
€53 Média
6 ofertas

I'm looking for an experienced accountant or financial expert to create a comprehensive budget in Reckon Hosted for my small business. I have provided the templates that you would need to populate and upon selection of the right person for this job I will provide the numbers. I am also looking for additional advice or improvement on these templates. Key Requirements: - The budget should cater to both expense management and revenue forecasting. - It must include detailed expense categorization and monthly revenue projections. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in using Reckon Hosted. - Strong background in small business finance. - Excellent at creating detailed and forward-thinking budgets.

€86 Average bid
€86 Média
20 ofertas

Human Resources Specialist 2.5$/h for the first month, Timedoctor for time tracking: if you don't accept this don't bide. You need to post job offer on and other platforms You will receive access to job descriptions, including tasks and salaries, which need to be posted on and other relevant platforms. Clearly explain our rules,...Content & Description Writing (Using ChatGPT & DeepSeek) – 3 people Posting Ads on Free & Paid Websites (Europe, USA, Canada) – 15 people + 1 Manager Data & Web Scraping – 5 people + 1 Manager Purchasing Manager (New Products & Advertising Research) – 1 person After-Sales Service – 5 people + 1 Manager Webmasters (WordPress Management & Development) – 3 people Tra...

€511 Average bid
€511 Média
20 ofertas

I need a skilled accountant with extensive experience in eUnify to help me with reconciliations, trial balances, and managing both Accounts Payable (AP) and Accounts Receivable (AR). Adherence to GAAP is crucial.

€22 / hr Average bid
Destacado Urgente
€22 / hr Média
17 ofertas

I am looking for a qualified CPA to assist with the tax filing for a business that was sold in March 2023. This was an asset sale of a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in California, with no intangible assets involved in the sale. The ideal candidate will have: - Extensive experience in business taxation - Solid understanding of implications of selling a business - Familiarity with California state tax regulations Key responsibilities include: - Preparing and filing necessary federal and state tax documents - Advising on tax liabilities related to the sale - Ensuring compliance with IRS and California state regulations Attention to detail and timely delivery are critical. Please provide your qualifications and experience in business tax matters.

€427 Average bid
€427 Média
16 ofertas

I'm in need of a qualified Chartered Accountant (CA) to assist with filing my individual tax returns for the current year and the past seven years. Key Responsibilities: - Review and file individual tax returns for the current and previous seven years - Provide guidance and assistance on income tax filing - Help identify potential deductions and credits Qualifications: - Chartered Accountant (CA) certification - Excellent knowledge of individual tax laws and regulations - Strong attention to detail I have most of the necessary documents but may require some assistance in gathering additional paperwork. An ideal candidate would be someone who can provide comprehensive support in this area.

€72 Average bid
€72 Média
31 ofertas