Freelancer: rihanwibowo
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Printing UI Revamp

Hi there. Based on your feedback, I adjusted the design. I hope this version can meet all your needs. Still, feel free to contact me for any changes.

Inscrição nº 21 do Concurso para                                                 Web Page UX/UI Overhaul
Inscrição nº21

Painel de Comentários

  • DarkyUK
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 1 mês atrás

    I have an issue with this white space, if collapsed, maybe the print specification and buttons should utilise more space?

    • 1 mês atrás
    1. rihanwibowo
      • 1 mês atrás

      Or how if I move the Print Specifications to the bottom of Print Settings?

      • 1 mês atrás
  • DarkyUK
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 1 mês atrás

    I have added a couple of comments to the images, you are still the best entry so far

    • 1 mês atrás
    1. rihanwibowo
      • 1 mês atrás

      Thanks, can you chat me? So I can send the adjusted design through the chat

      • 1 mês atrás
  • DarkyUK
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 1 mês atrás

    This left bar should always be the same height as the form

    • 1 mês atrás

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