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Chang Shan W.
Sr. Software Engineer - Python | Node.js
$30 USD / hora
China (4:46 PM)
Entrou em janeiro 26, 2021
$30 USD / hora
Experienced Software Developer adept in bringing forth expertise in the design, installation, testing and maintenance of software systems. Proficient in various platforms, languages. Experienced with the latest cutting-edge development tools and procedures. Able to effectively self-manage during independent projects, as well as collaborate as part of a productive team.
Skillset & Experience:
- Web development:
* Back-end: NEST/NodeJS, Django/Flask, Express.js, Celery, RabbitMQ
* Database: Reddis, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firestore
* Cloud services:
AWS (EC2, S3, Lambda, API Gateway, RDS, DynamoDB, SES, SQS, SNS, Cloudfront),
GCP (Compute Engine, App Engine, Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Pub/Sub, Cloud Functions),
* Front-end: React.js/Vue.js
- Data Engineering
* Apache Airflow with Celery, Redis
* Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana
* AWS Data Engineering Services - S3, Redshift, RDS, DynamoDB, Lambda, Kinesis, Athena,
QuickSight, AWS Data Pipeline, Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow
* GCP Data Engineering Services - BigQuery, Cloud Dataflow, Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage,
Cloud SQL, Cloud Functions, Cloud Composer, Cloud Run
* Kubernetes on Digital Ocean, AWS and GCP
- NLP & Computer Vision with ML/DL
* Natural Language Processing: Embedding feature extraction, Semantic meaning analyzing and
classification, Similarity analyzing
* Computer Vision: Image filtering, Geometric or radiometric calibration, Lens distortion,
Stabilization, Stitching, Similarity analyzing, Object detection, Recognition, Tracking,
Identification, Segmentation
* Chatbot: RASA, Google Dialogflow
* Libraries and frameworks: Spacy, NLTK, Gensim, Tensorflow, Keras, PyTorch, Sklearn
If you want to turn your ideas into working software and make your business thrive, please feel free to contact me.