I can do data analysis and prepare reports on the basis of analysis findings. I can teach Statistics online at each level. I can do any task related to subject Statistics.
Muhammad A. has been very professional, delivering high quality econometrics tutoring.
Please take my word for it as I will use his service for my next project again!
Delivering on time and under my budget. A+++ from a happy client.
I am very much satisfied from Muhammad A. He is very professional and proficient in his work. He is Stats and SPSS expert. Highly recomended. He completed my work on time and helped me more than my requirements. I will surely work with him again.
Malik S. is very sincere. Project is delivered and he is very professional and honest.
For this project, Malik S. doesn't want any money. He just genuinely wanted to help and feedback given based on his effort.
His effort is delivered on time, professional with in-depth knowledge of the subject matter. He is polite, very communicate and respectful. I will work with Malik S. for my future projects.