In short points:
· Through my experience in consultancy, I provided full design of solar systems, project assessment, and guide to go solar. Additionally, I conducted several feasibility studies for various energy resource projects to be implemented.
· Through my research experience, I published many publications and among them here are two publications regarding novel solutions for solar PV plants:
L. Al-Ghussain, M. A. Hassan, and A. Hamed. (2023). “Modeling and techno-economic optimization of overhead panels and reflectors in near-wall mounted PV systems”. Solar Energy, 249, 624-641. DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2022.12.014
A. Hamed, L. Al-Ghussain, M. A. Hassan, and A. Annuk. (2022). “Techno-Economic Analysis for Optimal Configurations of PV Systems with Back Reflectors”. Energy Report, 8(982), 14979-14996. DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2022.11.053
· Through my practical and research experience, I'm expert in design of renewable energy systems, energy auditing, energy and sustainability planning, and feasibility studies of resource efficiency projects.
· I'm experienced in optimizing energy systems performance such as solar systems, HVAC systems, refrigeration systems, pumping systems, compressed air systems, steam systems... etc.