Write a Micropython script that runs on Raspberry Pi pico on start-up. Project contains RFID, airtable. Make an electric wiring scheme(diagram) for this script.
An RFID tag will be scanned be RFID readers. Each time a tag is scanned, a record should be made in Airtable.
When a RFID tag is scanned by the RFID reader:
• The buzzer should make a beep (0,5s)
• A record is added to Airtable. The record contains the name of the RFID reader and the data that’s been read from the RFID tag.
The job for the freelancer is:
• write a python script. named [login to view URL]
• make an electric wiring scheme for the hardware components.
Used hardware
See pictures as attachment, this is the hardware that should be used.
• Raspberry pi pico
• RFID-RC522, the RFID reader
• 5V buzzer, so we can hear if there is a successful scan of a tag by the RFID reader
• LAN 8720 ethernet board, to connect the raspberry pi pico to the internet, so there can be new records on airtable.
Used software
We will foresee a test account. Use variables, so I can change the API key etc to the actual API key afterwards.
Make a new record according to this explanation. [login to view URL]
Fase is the name of the RFID reader. Projectnummer is the information stored on the RFID tag.
Rest API of test account
Make sure to use variables, so I can change the API key from the test account to the actual account.
once the project is awarded, I will send api information of the test account.
curl -v -X POST [login to view URL] \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"records": [
"fields": {
"Fase": "Fase 1",
"Projectnummer": "2022326"
"fields": {
"Fase": "Fase 5",
"Projectnummer": "2022326"
"records": [
"id": "recf0sfsmzBMOQfxB",
"createdTime": "2022-05-28T15:48:39.000Z",
"fields": {
"Fase": "Fase 1",
"Projectnummer": "2022326"
"id": "recCWs96M6UVMdqaH",
"createdTime": "2022-05-28T15:48:39.000Z",
"fields": {
"Fase": "Fase 5",
"Projectnummer": "2022326"
Variables in the script:
we should be able to adjust:
• the api key
• there will be 10 RFID readers. we must be able to change the name of the RFID reader as a variable. This name of the RFID reader is send to airtable as ‘fase’.
Electric wiring scheme
This illustrates the connection between the pins on the raspberry pi pico and the other hardware components.
So that the pins used in the python script are according with the actual hardware configuration.
• first milestone: 10% after being awarded with the project.
• second milestone of 40% after the delivery of the electric wiring scheme and python script
• third milestone of 40% after debugging and testing. preliminary acceptance
• fourth milestone of 10% after 30 days , final acceptance