Hi, We are two developers had 10+ and 8+ years of experience in Web Development. We are doing full time freelancing now and fully worked on PHP / Wordpress / Laravel / Drupal projects.
Also we understand that you have a Job portal for students with all job details with categories like Govt Jobs, Tech Jobs, Intenships etc, along with courses and admission details as well.
And UI/UX has been built and have to implement a backend system for User Registration with different roles, Job Creation, publish jobs, Create course with details, Publishing results and many more features.
Your recommendation for back end is Wordpress, but we recomment LARAVEL for this system as backend because it has Eloquent ORM ie, Object relational model that helps us to create seamless database relations for this kind of system.
Also it has many features like Bus, Event listeners, queue, notifications, custom commands etc so that we can build the system as fast as possible.
Please post your view on this, also if you need it on complete in Wordpress we shall go with that, Lets discuss more on chat to proceed further.