Hi ,
I am Mohamed , Software Developer,
I can build your application that i have more than 3 years experience in using C# ,
I am also have knowledge in :(Data structures, algorithms ,OOP ,OODP)
I can create all the functions you mention .
Depth (int v): void
highlights the tree generated by the walk in depth from the vertex v,
chosen by the user.
Width (int v): void highlights the tree generated by the walk in amplitude starting from the vertex v, chosen by the user.
IsArvore (): bool returns true if the graph is a tree, false otherwise.
AGM (): int highlights the minimum spanning tree and returns the total cost.
MinimumPath (int vi, int vj): void highlights the lowest cost path between vi and vj and returns its cost.
NumCromatico (): void colors the vertices with the least number of colors and returns the chromatic number X (G).
I will be very happy if we work together.
thanks alot