Web design standards and best practices trabalhos


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2,000 web design standards and best practices trabalhos encontrados

...Module:Extract and validate data from invoices using AI-enhanced OCR. Cross-check data with purchase orders/contracts and flag anomalies. PO-to-Sales Order Conversion Module:Parse purchase orders (POs) to extract key POs to internal SKUs and automatically create corresponding sales orders in ERP/CRM predictive analytics to forecast potential order issues. Email Classification & Sorting Module:Utilize NLP to classify incoming emails into categories (e.g., Sales, Support, Urgent).Automatically sort and label emails, optionally triggering auto-responses or alerts for urgent messages. Smart Operations Analytics & Optimization Dashboard:Provide real-time KPI monitoring across modules (processing times, error rates, etc.). Offer predictive analytics, a...

€4314 Average bid
€4314 Média
17 ofertas

We Need a Web Application Security Specialist for Penetration Testing We are looking for an Information Security Specialist with expertise in Web Applications to conduct penetration tests, including SQL Injection, Pentesting, and other security assessments, to ensure the robustness of our software. We are a SaaS company specializing in dealership management systems and would like to perform comprehensive security tests on our platform to ensure it meets the highest security standards. We have already conducted multiple security tests and made significant improvements to our systems. The primary goal of this engagement is to receive a detailed security report highlighting specific vulnerabilities and corrective actions. Technology Stack: ...

€149 Average bid
€149 Média
11 ofertas

Hello! I am looking for a video editor to collaborate on a YouTube channel. I already have well-established projects and am starting a new one. Project Details: - This is not a one-off project for just one video. I’m looking to build a long-term partnership with a dedicated professional who is passionate about video editing. - The average editing time per video will be approximately 20 minutes. Please include your pricing for this format. - We will provide sample videos to serve as inspiration and reference for the desired editing style. Requirements: - English proficiency: Advanced or fluent. - Experience in YouTube video editing: It's essential to have expertise in editing videos for YouTube, ensuring no copyright or reused content issues. - Editing leve...

€21 / hr Average bid
€21 / hr Média
20 ofertas

...Avaliação:** - **Relatórios de Desempenho:** Geração de relatórios periódicos sobre a eficiência do sistema de transporte, tempos de espera e utilização de recursos. - **Feedback de Funcionários:** Mecanismo para coleta de sugestões e melhorias por parte da equipe médica e de transporte. 22. Integration with HIS: Seamless integration with the Hospital Information System (HIS) for real-time updates and records. ### Tecnologias Utilizadas: - **Frontend:** React Native para desenvolvimento multiplataforma (iOS e Android). - **Backend:** Node.js com Express para gerenciar a API do aplicativo. - **Banco de Dados:** MongoDB para armazenar informações sobre recursos, transport...

€268 Average bid
€268 Média
21 ofertas

...etc., along with standard features like password reset and email verification. 1.1.2 Multiple User Profiles: Job Seekers: Users create profiles to find job opportunities. Company Representatives: Allows company users to manage and submit job listings. 1.1.3 Customizable User Information Form: A form for users to fill in personal details, with admin control over adding/removing fields and marking fields as required. 1.1.4 Job Publication Panel: Companies can submit job offers, and the system relates submissions to the best candidates based on their profiles. 1.1.5 Job Matching Based on Profiles: Candidates see recommended job offers based on their profile information. 1.1.6 Social Features: Users can post content, create groups, and share le...

€579 Average bid
€579 Média
50 ofertas

Overview: For this project, we need the setup of two containers to run in OpenShift v4. One application container and one database container. These containers should be able to run an application based on the Laravel framework (PHP 8.x /MySQL 8.x ). We also need all the configuration files for the OpenShift and the instructions for the installation. Generic Details: - These containers can only use RedHat official images. - Both containers should be fine tune to run a Laravel application following the standard best practices for the framework. - Both containers should go through a hardening process. - Both containers should be fully operational after restarting or rebuilding without human intervention. - The OpenShift en...

€532 Average bid
€532 Média
6 ofertas

...uma aplicação web com React.JS para exibição / edição de dados de geolocalização de automóveis; O escopo terá a duração de 8 horas e sua data para a realização do desafio será postado nesse canal. As dúvidas sobre o escopo poderão ser tiradas comigo. Os conhecimentos mínimos necessários para a realização do desafio são: HTML, CSS, Javascript, React-JS, REST, GIT. A utilização de Typescript e React Table serão diferenciais; Será permitido implementar melhorias na aplicação que não retirem as funcionalidades solicitadas. O design desta aplicação não...

€465 Average bid
€465 Média
23 ofertas
Designer Best
Encerrado left

Eu pretendo trabalhar pela internet pela internet sou do Brasil.

€269 Average bid
€269 Média
11 ofertas

Um site que dá vários opções e variedade de trabalho de empregador que ajuda muito que está necessitando de confiança e trabalho

€413 Average bid
€413 Média
15 ofertas
the best project
Encerrado left

Preciso de um aplicativo para Android. Gostaria que seja desenhado e construído.

€46 / hr Average bid
€46 / hr Média
2 ofertas

Sou jogar de VALORANT, capturo cenas e faço EDITS com essas cenas gravadas juntamente com uma música, procuro alguém que faça uma edição mais profissional, tenho as cenas, a música e uma ideia de produção.

€19 Average bid
€19 Média
21 ofertas

...Esta logomarca representa uma empresa de alto padrão, moderna e exigente de doces e salgados. Pode ser nas cores marrom, branco e preto. A imagem é livre na ideia de cabelos ao vento. Uma mulher motoqueira doida. Uma mulher escabelada, desarrumada, ... #INGLÊS Create a logo with the slogan "Louca como tu MADRE". This logo represents a company of high standards, modern and demanding sweet and savory. It can be in brown, white and black. The image is free in the idea of hair blowing. A crazy biker woman. A messy, messy woman ... #ESPANHOL Crea un logo con el eslogan "Louca como tu MADRE". Este logotipo representa una empresa de alto nivel, moderna y exigente dulce y salada. Puede ser de color marr&oac...

€28 Average bid
55 inscrições

Oi blackeagle86, reparei no seu perfil e gostaria de oferecer a você meu projeto. Podemos discutir quaisquer detalhes no chat.

€46 Average bid
€46 Média
1 ofertas

Programo em PHP, mysql.. Ótimo para correção de projetos prontos!!SOU responsável..

€9 Average bid
€9 Média
1 ofertas

Olá, me chamo Willian. Recentemente estou tirando do papel uma empresa do ramo de marmitas saudáveis, onde estou precisando criar um logo para ela, a princ...ideia seja aprovada, mas bem, será um anel que envolve a marmita, não muito largo, assim como o do anexo, um pouco maior só). Pra esse logo eu pensei em algo tipo a imagem da mão segurando o prato estilo garçom, porem substituir o desenho do prato por uma embalagem de marmita. Enviei também a imagem da maquina de custura meio old também, pra despertar a criatividade. O nome da empresa vai é " Best Food (em letras pequenas: Marmitas saudáveis e saborosas). Eu quero trabalhar com alguem criativo e principalmente, alguem que vista a camisa ...

€47 Average bid
€47 Média
42 ofertas

Olá bintehawa086, eu notei seu perfil e gostaria de lhe oferecer meu projeto. Nós podemos discutir os detalhes pelo chat.

€175 Average bid
€175 Média
1 ofertas

Necessitamos programador web PHP com experiência em Wordpress (CMS) para atuar no desenvolvimento e manutenção de sites comerciais e ferramentas exclusivas. Desejável boa experiência em Woocommerce (Woothemes). Trabalho remoto, flexibilidade de horários. Disponibilidade mínima de 30h semanais. Salário: R$ 13/hora. Será aplicado um teste de Wordpress standards ao candidato.

€2 / hr Average bid
€2 / hr Média
14 ofertas

...comunicar com este servidor e fazer o download e instalação. cms utilizado e tera que personalizar: pagekit I need to change the structures of a CMS in php to work my own modules , which have to level up on my server. I need to customize this cms to see my modules , download and install. following his architecture standards already . The project is in symfony php I need a restful api where I climb the modules and the CMS system will have to communicate with this server and download . more details in box. cms used and will have to customize: pagekit...

€367 Average bid
€367 Média
3 ofertas

LEIA COM MUITA ATENCAO ANTES DE FAZER SUA OFERTA!!!!<br /><br />Nossa empresa busca um(a) profissional com experiência nas áreas mencionadas ou "habilidades necessárias".<br /><br />SOBRE O PROFISSIONAL<br /><br />Além de conhecimentos em UX Design, Responsive Design, HTML5, WEB STANDARDS, WordPress, XML, CSS3, Video Editing ADOBE (desejado) e Video Production (nao obrigatorio) o candidato precisa ter fluência na língua inglesa para melhor absorção do tema em pauta.<br /><br />É de suma importância que o candidato tenha com comprovar experiência apresentando projetos e websites que possam ser visitados para análise do trabalho...

€226 Average bid
€226 Média
1 ofertas
Encerrado left

LEIA COM MUITA ATENCAO ANTES DE FAZER SUA OFERTA!!!!<br /><br />Nossa empresa busca um(a) profissional com experiência nas áreas mencionadas ou "habilidades necessárias".<br /><br />SOBRE O PROFISSIONAL<br /><br />Além de conhecimentos Responsive Design, HTML5, WEB STANDARDS, WordPress, XML, CSS3, Video Editing ADOBE (desejado) e Video Production (nao obrigatorio) o candidato precisa ter fluência na língua inglesa para melhor absorção do tema em pauta.<br /><br />É de suma importância que o candidato tenha com comprovar experiência apresentando projetos e websites que possam ser visitados para análise do trabalho efetuado. Vale ressa...

€195 Average bid
€195 Média
6 ofertas
Concluir website
Encerrado left

LEIA COM MUITA ATENCAO ANTES DE FAZER SUA OFERTA!!!!<br /><br />Nossa empresa busca um(a) profissional com experiência nas áreas mencionadas ou "habilidades necessárias".<br /><br />SOBRE O PROFISSIONAL<br /><br />Além de conhecimentos em UX Design, Responsive Design, HTML5, WEB STANDARDS, WordPress, XML, CSS3, Video Editing ADOBE (desejado) e Video Production (nao obrigatorio) o candidato precisa ter fluência na língua inglesa para melhor absorção do tema em pauta.<br /><br />É de suma importância que o candidato tenha com comprovar experiência apresentando projetos e websites que possam ser visitados para análise do trabalho...

€294 Average bid
€294 Média
5 ofertas

LEIA COM MUITA ATENCAO ANTES DE FAZER SUA OFERTA!!!! OFERTA VALIDA PARA TODO BRASIL!<br /><br />Nossa empresa busca um(a) profissional com experiência nas áreas mencionadas ou "habilidades necessárias".<br /><br />SOBRE O PROFISSIONAL<br /><br />Além de conhecimentos em UX Design, Responsive Design, HTML5, WEB STANDARDS, WordPress, XML, CSS3, Video Editing ADOBE (desejado) e Video Production (nao obrigatorio) o candidato precisa ter fluência na língua inglesa para melhor absorção do tema em pauta.<br /><br />É de suma importância que o candidato tenha com comprovar experiência apresentando projetos e websites que possam ser visitados...

€226 Average bid
€226 Média
5 ofertas

...HTML e CSS. Ser curioso e motivado em solucionar os segredos mais obscuros da world wide web e desenvolver soluções simples para problemas complexos. Capacidade de tomar e sustentar decisões junto ao time.<br /><br />Seu papel dentro do time será implementar/codificar de modo otimizado as regras apresentadas pelo time de designer através de ferramentas conhecidas de front (HTML, CSS e Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap).<br /><br />Trabalhar junto a equipe de design para criar a melhor experiência possível <br />Assegurar compatibilidade cross-browser <br />Produzir código limpo fazendo uso de boas práticas priorizando o reaproveitamento <br />Otimizar o carreg...

€207 Average bid
€207 Média
9 ofertas

Preciso de uma ajuda com relação ao posicionamento nas pesquisas orgânicas do Google (Acho que o Bing seguiria automaticamente, né?). O site foi construído tentando seguir <em>best practices</em> de SEO, mas claro que está longe de ser perfeito. Trata-se de um portal imobiliário ao estílo do Zap, Imóvelweb, etc... Tem 2 meses de funcionamento e tem foco em apenas uma cidade no momento. A cidade em questão é uma cidade de interior de estado com cerca de 200 mil habitantes. Atualmente cinco imobiliárias são clientes e, dessas, duas têm bastante renome na cidade (e estão classificadas entre as primeiras na busca orgânica). Nada de muito complexo de enten...

€251 Average bid
€251 Média
8 ofertas

...communication/translation/transcription/subtitling business for 5 years, we are ready to grow our team. We have full time and part time positions available. These are entry-level positions as you will have to give continuous proof of your work and commitment. Salary revisions for the best performers are available yearly, as well quarterly bonus. More than extremely qualified or experienced (but if you are that’s even better) people, we are looking for individuals eager to work, learn and grow professionally with us. So if you are unexperienced but longing to gain experience, you are also welcome to send us your application. He/she should be professional, committed and reliable. The work will be done remotely at your own pace (as long as...

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Média
88 ofertas
Encerrado left

Nossa empresa busca um(a) profissional com experiência nas áreas mencionadas ou "habilidades necessárias". SOBRE O PROFISSIONAL Além de conhecimentos em UX Design, Responsive Design, HTML5, WEB STANDARDS, WordPress, XML, CSS3, Video Editing ADOBE e Video Production o candidato precisa ter fluência na língua inglesa para melhor absorção do tema em pauta. É de suma importância que o candidato tenha com comprovar experiência apresentando projetos e websites que possam ser visitados para análise do trabalho efetuado. Vale ressaltar que nenhum trabalho submetido como referência deve ter mais de 2 anos de conclusão. Todos os trabalhos apresentados como re...

€11 / hr Average bid
€11 / hr Média
7 ofertas
Encerrado left

Nossa empresa busca um(a) profissional com experiência nas áreas mencionadas ou "habilidades necessárias". SOBRE O PROFISSIONAL Além de conhecimentos em UX Design, Responsive Design, HTML5, WEB STANDARDS, WordPress, XML, CSS3, Video Editing ADOBE e Video Production o candidato precisa ter fluência na língua inglesa para melhor absorção do tema em pauta. É de suma importância que o candidato tenha com comprovar experiência apresentando projetos e websites que possam ser visitados para análise do trabalho efetuado. Vale ressaltar que nenhum trabalho submetido como referência deve ter mais de 2 anos de conclusão. Todos os trabalhos apresentados como re...

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr Média
10 ofertas
Programador Java
Encerrado left

Programa Java que usa backtracking para achar caminho em labirinto. Deve usar as classes de posição, mapa(criado de mapa ja feito) e caminho percorrido. Implementar a classe backtracking que chama a classe EP1(nome da classe que vai ser construida) Precisa usar Orientação objeto e best practices. Urgente! Interessados, enviar propostas!

€226 Average bid
€226 Média
4 ofertas

Desenvolver o plano de marketing da BookOnline teve como objeto a análise da situação do Negócio Eletrónico no mundo e especificamente em Portugal, para em seguida desenvolver o meu plano de negócio que incorpore os learnings e best practices de algumas das empresas bem sucedidas nesta área. Neste sentido, desenvolvi um plano de negócio para uma plataforma do tipo e-marketplace, que tem algumas características de um modelo de e-procurement, que facilita o encontro e o negócio entre compradores e fornecedores de um vasto leque de serviços, e tem por base um modelo de negócio não dependente das tradicionais receitas de publicidade, mas sim de comissões e fees sustentados pela pr...

€514 Average bid
€514 Média
1 ofertas
Celular best
Encerrado left

Nessa tarde de domingo 06/10 por volta de 16:45hs a equipe do portal freelance24horas registrou uma ocorrência no mercado central, fomos informados que a lanchonete do marciano teria sido furtado, fomos até o local e constatamos a veracidade do fato De com o proprietário o ladrão subiu pelo um poste que tem enfrente a sua lanchonete, o individuo arrancou uma proteção que tem na parede por traz entrou e levou alguns pertence, e de lambuja abriu...

€231 - €694
€231 - €694
0 ofertas

Buscamos desenvolvedor front-end para um freela de cerca de 1/2 mêses (com possível extensão do prazo ou contratação), precisamos desenvolver uma guia urbana pra uma marca importante. Segue abaixo o perfil: - HTML5, CSS3, Web Standards, crossbrowser etc

€226 Average bid
€226 Média
1 ofertas

... specifically its policy and regulation aspects within Asia. The article should explore the intricacies of policy frameworks that govern urban transportation systems in various Asian countries, highlighting the challenges, opportunities, and potential solutions. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - A strong background in Urban Planning, particularly in public transportation. - Excellent research and writing skills suitable for academic publications. - Familiarity with the policy landscape in Asia's urban transportation. - Experience with peer-reviewed articles is a plus. The project involves: - Conducting thorough research on the subject. - Writing a comprehensive, insightful, and well-structured article. - Ensuring the article meets th...

€13 / hr Average bid
€13 / hr Média
7 ofertas

...appeal of a Kanban board and workflow design for an AI-based SaaS recruiting tool. This project aims to create a user-friendly interface that boosts efficiency and simplifies task management for recruiters. Key Responsibilities: - Design an aesthetically pleasing and intuitive Kanban board - Incorporate task progress tracking features - Integrate collaboration tools - Develop analytics and reporting capabilities within the design Additional Responsibilities: Design a clean and efficient Kanban board for managing multiple job descriptions and batches of resumes. Create a visual workflow for recruiters to upload job descriptions and candidate batches, track progress, and view results. Design the T...

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr Média
62 ofertas

I'm seeking a qualified auditor for my UAE based entity in DMCC for the year 2024. The auditor will primarily need to conduct a financial statement audit. Given the minimal transactions for the year (only one sale and purchase transaction and less than 10 bank transactions), this should be a straightforward task. Requirements: - Must present a practice license and a reputable Firm profile. - Extensive knowledge and experience with both DMCC regulations and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). - Previous experience in auditing companies with minimal transactions is a plus. Please note, the project scope does not currently include any additional services such as tax advisory or financial consulting. However, the ability to provi...

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr Média
3 ofertas

I'm seeking a qualified auditor for my UAE based entity in DMCC for the year 2024. The auditor will primarily need to conduct a financial statement audit. Given the minimal transactions for the year (only one sale and purchase transaction and less than 10 bank transactions), this should be a straightforward task. Requirements: - Must present a practice license and a reputable Firm profile. - Extensive knowledge and experience with both DMCC regulations and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). - Previous experience in auditing companies with minimal transactions is a plus. Please note, the project scope does not currently include any additional services such as tax advisory or financial consulting. However, the ability to provi...

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Média
1 ofertas

...keyword research and identify the most effective terms for our target audience. - Implement on-page and off-page SEO strategies to improve our site’s visibility. - Monitor and report on SEO performance and make necessary adjustments. - Perform competitive analysis to identify SEO opportunities and threats in the translation services market. - Conduct technical SEO audits to ensure our website is optimized for global SEO best practices. - Develop and implement a content strategy that aligns with our SEO goals and attracts the target audience. - Develop a robust link-building strategy to enhance our website's authority and ranking. - Localize SEO efforts to cater to different regions and languages effe...

€55 Average bid
€55 Média
23 ofertas

I'm seeking an experienced academic writer to help me with a research paper in the field of humanities, specifically focusing on history. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in writing academic papers, particularly in the field of history. - Strong research skills and ability to critically analyse historical sources. - Excellent command of English and ability to write in a clear, concise, and academic style. - Experience with formatting and referencing according to academic standards.

€13 Average bid
€13 Média
16 ofertas

I'm in need of plans for a detached garage designed in a traditional style. The primary use of this garage will be for vehicle storage, specifically accommodating three or more vehicles. Ideal Skills: - Architecture - Structural Engineering - CAD What I Am Looking ...need of plans for a detached garage designed in a traditional style. The primary use of this garage will be for vehicle storage, specifically accommodating three or more vehicles. Ideal Skills: - Architecture - Structural Engineering - CAD What I Am Looking For: - Design plans that are aesthetically pleasing in a traditional style - Plans that consider storage and accessibility for multiple vehicles - Expertise in creating structural plans that are safe and durable Must be cbs construction to mee...

€303 Average bid
€303 Média
49 ofertas

I'm looking for a professional who can set up valid Office365 and Roundcube emails for my company. These emails will primarily be used for our marketing campaigns. Skills and experience required: - Proficient in setting up Office365 and Roundcube emails. - Previous experience in email setup for marketing campaigns is a plus. - Knowledge in email deliverability best practices.

€131 Average bid
€131 Média
6 ofertas

I'm seeking a skilled technical writer to create a comprehensive best practice guide for glasswool insulation installation, aimed specifically at professional contractors. Key Guide Components: - Preparation Steps: Detailed, step-by-step overview of the necessary pre-installation procedures. - Installation Process: Clear, concise instructions for the proper installation of glasswool insulation. - Maintenance Tips: Insightful advice on how to maintain the insulation post-installation. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in technical writing, particularly in the field of construction or insulation. - Excellent understanding of glasswool insulation and its installation process. - Ability to convey complex information in a clear, accessible manner for professional contra...

€966 Average bid
€966 Média
29 ofertas

I'm looking for a professional web designer to create a Shopify-based E-commerce website for me. The primary purpose of this site will be to sell physical goods. Key requirements include: - Extensive experience in designing e-commerce websites, specifically on the Shopify platform. - A strong portfolio showcasing previous work with physical goods e-commerce sites. - Understanding of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) best practices to create a seamless shopping experience. - Ability to integrate necessary e-commerce features (shopping cart, payment gateway, product display, etc.) into the design. - Knowledge of SEO best practices to enhance site visibility. Please attach your relevant work samples and previous Shopif...

€143 Average bid
€143 Média
86 ofertas

I'm seeking a proficient SEO expert with a special focus on on-page optimization for Jobsora. The primary goal is to enhance the visibility and ranking of our listings on this platform. Key Responsibilities: - Audit and optimize existing meta tags and descriptions for our Jobsora listings. - Implement SEO best practices to improve on-page elements. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in SEO, particularly on-page SEO. - Familiarity with Jobsora is a plus. - Strong skills in meta tag and description optimization. - Ability to deliver results in a timely manner.

€73 Average bid
€73 Média
74 ofertas

I'm seeking a skilled Laravel developer to assist in the development of a new web application. The project will involve: - Working closely with me to understand the vision for the application - Writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code - Implementing best practices for web development The ideal candidate for this project should: - Have extensive experience with Laravel - Be proficient in PHP and web development in general - Have a keen eye for detail and a commitment to quality Please note, the specific core features of the application are yet to be determined. Flexibility and creativity in suggesting features will be greatly appreciated.

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Média
91 ofertas

...data pipelines and data modelling in delta should have a deep understanding of Databricks advanced features, including Unity Catalog, Delta Lake optimizations, storage efficiency techniques, and security best practices. Key Responsibilities: Design and develop scalable, high-performance ETL/ELT pipelines using Databricks and Apache Spark. Implement Delta Lake best practices, including schema evolution, vacuum, and optimization for efficient data storage and query performance. Manage security, access control, and data governance using Unity Catalog and other Databricks-native security features. Optimize query performance by leveraging Z-Order indexing, data skipping, caching, and cluster...

€28 / hr Average bid
€28 / hr Média
5 ofertas

Hi, I’m looking for someone with strong Identity and Access Management (IAM) experience to assist me with my project. This role involves working on an Enterprise IAM Platform, focusing on feature development, access certifications, provisioning, RBAC implementation, workflows, and automation. Responsibilities: ✅ Participate in daily meetings to discuss and solve the tasks. ✅ Provide guidance on best practices and approaches. ✅ Take responsibility for task management and delivery Ideal candidates should have hands-on experience with: ✅ SailPoint IdentityIQ, IdentityNow, or similar IAM tools ✅ IAM best practices and governance ✅ Development skills – Git, Java, JavaScript, PowerShell, SQL ✅ Agile project mana...

€435 Average bid
€435 Média
29 ofertas

...need of a seasoned web developer to craft a sleek, modern and minimalist e-commerce website using the Magento platform. The site needs to be responsive and user-friendly, featuring: - Comprehensive product listings - An intuitive shopping cart - Seamless payment gateway integration - Robust user account management Beyond basic e-commerce functionalities, I also want the site equipped with: - Product reviews and ratings - A Wishlist feature - Live chat support The ideal candidate should boast a rich experience with e-commerce platforms, particularly Magento, and have a strong portfolio of previous web development projects to showcase. Knowledge of SEO best practices is essential to ensure the site ranks well and attracts ...

€13 / hr Average bid
€13 / hr Média
56 ofertas

...skilled web developer with experience in website hosting and backend database management. The project involves creating a folder in File Manager/public_html, where an HTML script will be saved and published as a tool page on the internet and social media platforms. This page will extend our main website (e.g., ). The final goal is to convert the HTML file to PHP, create a backend database for storing customer inquiries, and ensure the tool functions correctly. Additionally, the developer will train me via MS Teams to ensure I understand the process for future maintenance. The intention is to publish the tool successfully and correct any issues in the PHP script and backend setup during the process. Scope of Work: 1. Folder Creation & ...

€127 Average bid
€127 Média
142 ofertas