St paul police department trabalhos
Quero criar um programa baseado no já existente Royal Q, que trabalha na Binance, mas acrescentar e mudar algumas coisas pra operar na B3. Outro programa que opere nas plataformas de opções binárias, sem ser OTC, baseado na mesma ideia do Bot "ST automatizado ", que usa mais de 25 análises para entrar em uma operação, assim como a primeira opção, quero somente modificar e incluir alguns detalhes no mesmo. Programa executável em PC e/ou dependendo pode ser Android.
Olá Paul G., eu vi seu perfil e gostaria de lhe oferecer meu projeto. Nós podemos discutir os detalhes pelo chat.
Preciso de um programador que crie uma aplicação Desk Top (de preferencia em JAVA) que tenha por finalidade realizar o calculo de ICMS-ST. O sistema deve realizar as seguintes rotinas. * Importar arquivos XML's de NFE, NFC_e, SAT-CF_e. * Alimentar informações no estoque de Produtos com informações sobre ICMS-ST (Ficha Modelo 3). * Criar uma ficha de controle de estoque referente a saldo, entradas e saídas de cada produto, constante nos arquivos XML's. * Exportar ficha modelo 3 em EXCEL e em PDF * Exportar arquivo TXT com informações da Ficha Modelo 3 - Conforme lay out da Portaria CAT 42/2018 Eu tenho todo o conhecimento da regra de negócio, inclusive tenho até um escopo de um software ...
Oi <font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Paulo G. </font></font>, reparei no seu perfil e gostaria de oferecer a você meu projeto. Podemos discutir quaisquer detalhes no chat.
...yet performed) Register volunteers (invitation will arrive by email) remove volunteers For volunteers we will have the following features: Login Password recovery (via email) Editing personal data schedule lock Events view Confirm attendance at events 2. Full Estimate (Responsive Web Only) Simplified Estimation with the addition of: Notifications event stages songs user type "department leader and/or pastors" 3. Full Estimate (Responsive Web + Android & iOS) For the development of the responsive web system + the mobile app, some more features for mobile would be added: push notification offline operation For all estimates, also consider the points below: setup email provider front Domain Backend Database Mobile Android Mobile iO...
Preciso criar um software desktop/web Para cálculo de ressarcimento de ICMS st de SP e demais estados. O software fará basicamente o seguinte. Importar arquivos de XML as notas fiscais e as obrigações fiscais sped fiscal em formatado de TXT. Também arquivos auxiliares em Excel. Com isto irá efetuar o cálculo de ressarcimento do ICMS st. Onde será aplicada as regras necessárias.
We are creating a platform for the student to resolve issues online. Quizz format. The questions are evidence from military academies. Brand Name: QCMILITAR Colors: Green (mandatory), Black, White, Gray QCMILITAR was born from the idea of creating a portal for auxiliary candidates who are studying for military competitions in the Navy, Air Force, Army, Police and Security Forces. There are several portals on the internet, however, our differential is that we will be focused on military public tenders. The platform's concept is that the candidate can resolve issues directly on the screen just by applying a few filters. Use your creativity!
...content in Portuguese. • Must be active during major sports events. • Must work on weekends • Availability to work remotely Some Bonus Skills are: • Active tracking on personal social accounts and sports. Daily tasks • Must be updated with the latest trends and sports news. • Posting the response for sport events must be fast as possible • Create a calendar based on the content that the SEO department generates • Weekly reports for each social media. • Real-time answers to comments and questions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ O Gerente de Mídia Social estará envolvido nas operações de conteúdo do dia-a-dia do n...
Precisamos d...Também precisamos do arquivo em .psd pq precisamos mudar a data e local todo mês. Estou disposto a pagar mais CAD$20 em cima do valor do concurso. O flyer precisa ser em inglês. Posso ajudar com qualquer dúvida. Também estou anexando os flyers que usamos no passado como exemplo. ------------------------------------------ Titulo do evento: Baila Toronto Social Local: Trinity St. Paul's United Church Endereço: 427 Bloor St. W., Toronto Data: Sunday, March 31st Horário: 8-10 PM Outros detalhes: - DJ with the best selection of Samba and Forró - Custo $7 Contato e social media: - info@ - - - ------------------------------------------ Muito obrigado, Victor
app em Android st para o registo do utilizador na aplicação, autenticação e manutenção/manipulação dos dados do mesmo.
...precisa ser tanto de pessoa jurídica quanto de pessoa física. Cadastro de Clientes - Pessoa Jurídica; - Código da Empresa; - Empresa Ativa, sim ou não; - Tipo de tributação, para cada ano. - Razão Social; - CNPJ; - Endereço; Logradouro, número, bairro, cidade, UF, País, CEP. - Telefone (campo para fixos e celulares) - Email (uns 3 ou 4 campos) - Site - Inscrição Estadual - Inscrição Estadual ST - Inscrição Municipal - NIRE - Data de registro do NIRE - Natureza Jurídica - Inicio de atividades - CNAE, Código Nacional de Atividade Econômica. - As empresas tem diversas senhas, preciso de um campo para cada uma: SEFAZ SIMPLES NACIONAL ...
I need to get original url text from encrypted url. Who can get the url from below, message me. {"t3l458/*-stga":{"ct":7266421,"f":"downloader","m":"{"DLReq":{"a":"Warsaw/2.0;x64 Mustache/ PAiDw9XS39I9v5Rx0oMnmUzMn/cXi8a0gfLxVxhjfxlys2g=n","i":18,"p":"","spw":false,"t":1,"u":";g8...OM+p7edHc4LA5X6R9UDZ7blKC4CaK1skmanTvZ;2hsQ3;CHVpfLySQ5n5jgGJpytjB6dtNSK0VJBPNedVP6hDaby1aLj1wKb96SAAmcbxANpCQwDXws0MtFv432PfFTexLKqKPFLBqHKA05Tnz+AUd4MfsYF1lH2hIo3vIDXE4EuMKF0Pgw5LEF;rsyUq4J6xGi2avONzni07d0GspdwtzCD8uyEFepzwUWAGoGQDnKLC;qWaGfn2VJm85ns12y1umg9kAKwkNTtlPte54mzBkxMZakCizrPbFZCtlXvKnWuchirEeI;sL+Ggs0qUc1bpejf+CTjQgsfBT...
...tanto de pessoa jurídica quanto de pessoa física. Cadastro de Clientes - Pessoa Jurídica; - Código da Empresa; - Empresa Ativa, sim ou não; - Tipo de tributação, para cada ano. - Razão Social; - CNPJ; - Endereço; Logradouro, número, bairro, cidade, UF, País, CEP. - Telefone (campo para fixos e celulares) - Email (uns 3 ou 4 campos) - Site - Inscrição Estadual - Inscrição Estadual ST - Inscrição Municipal - NIRE - Data de registro do NIRE - Natureza Jurídica - Inicio de atividades - CNAE, Código Nacional de Atividade Econômica. - As empresas tem diversas senhas, preciso de um campo para cada uma: SEFAZ SIMPLE...
Eu preciso de um design de flyer para a minha escola de dança em Toronto (Canadá). A escola oferece aulas de Forró e de Samba de Gafieira. Eu preciso que o flyer seja em...Usamos bastante "Learn Brazilian dances in Toronto" ou "Learn Samba de Gafieira in Toronto" nos nossos videos. Ou "Como dance with us". Eu adicionei a nossa logo em high rez e também uma imagem que usamos nos nossos videos do IG (para inspiração). => Informações para o flyer Nome da Escola: Baila Toronto Tipos de aula: . Forró . Samba de Gafieira Local: Luanda House - 974 Bloor St W, Toronto Yauca's Lounge - 755 Dovercourt Rd, Toronto Contato: info@ Social: Tags: #osamba...
...da Receita Federal ou pelo arquivo recebido por e-mail, com manifesto eletrônico; Cadastramento automático dos produtos, fornecedores e transportadoras pela importação do XML; Devolução de compra integrado as operações financeiras de crédito no fornecedor e caixa; Vendas Vendas Cálculo automático de impostos para industrialização, revenda e uso e consumo, para todos os estados (ICMS, IPI, ST, PIS, COFINS, ISS); Destaque do valor aproximado dos impostos, conforme a Lei 12741/2012, com atualização automática; Devolução de venda integrado as operações financeiras de crédito de cliente e caixa; Nota Fiscal Avulsa; EMISSÃO ...
<p>Irá atuar com modelagem de processos e de dados, especificação técnica, especificação e construção de programas e serviços, execução de testes unitário e integrados, para implementação dos requisitos definidos no desenho funcional dos sistemas BOL.</p><p>Beneficios: A Combinar;</p...programas e serviços, execução de testes unitário e integrados, para implementação dos requisitos definidos no desenho funcional dos sistemas BOL.</p><p>Beneficios: A Combinar;</p><p>Formação Acadêmica: Ensino superior completo ou cursando.</p><p>Experiência: Experiência em tibico, J...
Nossa necessidade é a seguinte: Precisamos de um programa / Aplicativo semelhante ao “MSQRD” ou o “Snap Chat” que possa transformar o rosto da pessoa em outra.<br /> <br />Precisamos das faces dos artistas que participaram da música “We are the World”, somente das vozes principais que são:<br /> <br />Lionel Richie<br />Stevie Wonder<br />Paul Simon<br />Kenny Rogers<br />James Ingram<br />Tina Turner<br />Billy Joel<br />Michael Jackson<br />Diana Ross<br />Dionne Warwick<br />Willie Nelson
Já disponho de algumas definições; Todavia, o sistema é complexo e exige experiência no assunto. Exemplo, sistema para atender a distribuidores, quanto a formação dos preços conforme o cliente final, se CNPJ ou CPF, se CNPJ com inscrição ou sem inscrição; conforme ainda a UF do destinatário; sem contar as regras próprias de Substituição Tributária (ST) do ICMS, como as regras do IPI.<br />Em tempo, uso a plataforma Magento versão. <br />Somente envie proposta se você tiver tal solução. Ou seja, o objetivo é fazer com que os clientes da , ao acessarem a home page, sejam direcionados para a opção ...
Oi meu querido(a), eu vi seu perfil em um projeto de games e resolvi dar uma olhada. Muito legal seu trabalho, já fiz alguns freelas em um studio de um amigo com as mesmas ferramentas. Estou mandando essa mensagem para oferecer, de graça mesmo, melhorar o texto do seu perfil em inglês e fazer uma amizade ou contato de trabalho. Abraços, Paul.
I'm working at logistics' department of an industry, and I have the task to improve the delivery of our products (juice in cups). I've searched about routing software, but they seem to follow a pattern, and I'd like to see something personalized. One industry at the same city uses something with PHP and MySQL, but I couldn't have access to that. We need something to plan our daily routs (they are different everyday), with a place to import files with the daily rout, with the code of client and the range of time to deliver to each one. Thanks. Trabalho no setor de logística de uma indústria, e me foi incumbido o dever de melhorar esse segmento, mais especificamente na parte de entrega dos produtos aos clientes. Já pesquisei, e vi qu...
Gestora área fiscal e analise Licitação junto as órgãos publicos Analise envolvendo a rotina fiscal, Notas fiscais de Entrada e Saidas, creditos dos impostos, geração e analise dos impostos a pagar,EFD Contribuições, PIS/COFINS Credito,E-Social, completa organização de relatórios reportando a diretoria,analise das contas contábeis,ATIV...(Prefeitura) Responsável entregas das Obrigações Fiscais Responsavel analise e conciliação de contas, visando avaliar a consistência e confiabilidade nas informações contidas Responsavel pelo calculo,conferencia,contabilização e conciliação dosImpostos (Icms,Ipi,Irrf,Iss,entre outr...
Desenvolver um software que comunique com a Consola XboX One, via Cronusmax utilizando a API deles, pode obter mais informaçoes na pagina: O software terá de ser capaz de introduzir uma sequência de teclas e ele envia-las para a consola de preferencia ser capaz de preencher campos de texto na consola. Mais informações envie mensagem ou diga-nos a sua proposta. Skype: teuboss
Desenvolver um software que comunique com a Consola XboX One, via Cronusmax utilizando a API deles, pode obter mais informaçoes na pagina: O software terá de ser capaz de introduzir uma sequência de teclas e ele envia-las para a consola de preferencia ser capaz de preencher campos de texto na consola. Mais informações envie mensagem ou diga-nos a sua proposta. Skype: teuboss
Desenvolver um software que comunique com a Consola XboX One, via Cronusmax utilizando a API deles, pode obter mais informaçoes na pagina: O software terá de ser capaz de introduzir uma sequência de teclas e ele envia-las para a consola de preferencia ser capaz de preencher campos de texto na consola. Mais informações envie mensagem. Skype: teuboss
...Android and if you do not, but keep in mind that this system should communicate with Android applications. The programmer should also keep in mind that this is the first phase of a project that is always changing and updating, for example, in the second stage a login permission will be created with access only to sending a message to the bus, the purpose will make this available to the city traffic department. All system code must be made available, also want it to be very well commented....
...Android and if you do not, but keep in mind that this system should communicate with Android applications. The programmer should also keep in mind that this is the first phase of a project that is always changing and updating, for example, in the second stage a login permission will be created with access only to sending a message to the bus, the purpose will make this available to the city traffic department. All system code must be made available, also want it to be very well commented....
Ex-jogador do Manchester United Paul Scholes fez belo gol no amistoso entre veteranos consagrados, realizado na Tailândia. O ex-meio-campista encobriu o goleiro Lehmann, ex-Arsenal. Aos 40 anos, Scholes virou auxiliar técnico do United.
Escrituração Fiscal, Apuração dos Tributos DAS (Simples Nacional) ICMS, ICMS-ST, ISS, IPI, PIS, COFINS e IRPJ e CSLL(Lucro Presumido/Real), Obrigações EFD- Contribuições, SPED-Fiscal, SINTEGRA, STDA, DAM, Atendimento ao Cliente, Fisco Estadual, Federal,
Hello, nOctober 2013, C3Entertainment will present TWERK TOUR College/University Homecoming targeted tour nfeaturing (confirmed) National ArtistsnBeatKing, KStylis, Lil Ronny MothaF, Fat Pimp, and ... Txn19. El Paso, Txn20. College Station, Txn21. Tulsa, Okn22. Lake Charles, LAn23. Shreveport, LAn24. Texarkana, ARn25. Little Rock, ARn26. Pine Bluff, ARn27. Wichita, KSn28. Denver, COn29. Memphis, TNn30. Jackson, MSn31. Kansas City, MOn32. Jacksonville, FLn33. Oklahoma City, OKn34. Charleston, NCn35. Norfolk, VAn36. Macon, GAn37. Atlanta, GAn38. Birmingham, MS39. Omaha, NEn40. Columbus, OHn41. St. Louis, MOn42. Tuscaloosa, ALn43. Tallahassee, FLn44. Athens, GAn45. Monroe, LAn46. Mesa, AZn47. Louisville, KYn48. Mobile, ALn49. Biloxi, MSn50. Phoenix, AZnnContact Tasha Felder n832.212.5...
Precisamos de um freelancer que entenda bastante de usabilidade e experiência do usuário para criar as telas de uma aplicação web para comércio eletrônico. O freelancer precisa saber usar o Axure e o Photoshop e precisa estar próximo ao centro de São Paul
I'm in need of a comprehensive corporate training curriculum tailored for the judicial systems department. The primary focus should be on the criminal justice process, with a blend of engaging and informative content. Key Requirements: - Development of a corporate training curriculum focusing on the judicial systems - Comprehensive coverage of the criminal justice process - Incorporation of engaging content and training methodologies Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in corporate curriculum development, particularly for the judicial systems - In-depth understanding of the criminal justice process - Excellent content creation and instructional design skills - Ability to incorporate engaging training methodologies
...User-Friendly Interface: The platform should be intuitive, with clear navigation menus, dashboards, and search functionality. Notifications & Alerts: Real-time notifications for important events (task assignments, approvals, etc.). Email or in-app notifications when needed. Security & Permissions: Secure login with username/password (and optional 2FA). Ability to restrict data access on a role or department basis. Scalability & Performance: The system must handle a growing number of users, data, and transactions without performance issues. Cloud-Based (Preferred): Ideally accessible from anywhere via web browser. Option for on-premise installation if necessary. Reporting & Analytics: Comprehensive reporting tools for sales, financials, HR, tasks, and other modules...
Por favor, Cadastre-se ou Faça Login para ver os detalhes.
I need a skilled professional to convert a fire department patch into an SVG. This SVG is intended for 3D print usage, so attention to detail and quality is crucial.
...lead generator and industry researcher utilising LinkedIn, ZoomInfo and similar with a focus on the healthcare, fintech, manufacturing, private hospitals, and ecommerce sectors. The project involves gathering key contacts, particularly CEOs/Executives and Department Heads ( CTOs and CISOs) within these industries. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct comprehensive industry research across one of the mentioned sectors with validation via Linkedin / Zoominfo. - Generate 50 leads and gather key contacts, focusing on top level executives and department heads in healthcare organizations, private hospitals and fintech firms. You could choose a market and go from there, 200-5000 employees enterprises must be targeted. - Deliver a well-organized contact list for potential business ou...
Hi Swapnil, please can you remove the background of all 95 of these images? Please can we have them back in both JPG & PNG, 2000x2000 & 600x600 The link to the images is here:
I'm looking for an experienced FiveM developer to create a UK-based server reflecting the CMG community's features. The server should encompass a mixed environment, with both urban and rural elements. Key Features: - **Job Integration**: The server needs to include a variety of jobs such as Police Officer, Doctor, Mechanic, Pilot, Delivery Driver, Truck Driver, Taxi Driver, Postal Service Employee, Restaurant Staff, and Diver. - **Licensing System**: A realistic licensing system is crucial. Players should require licenses for various activities and jobs, including Pilot, Driving, Firearms, Mining, and Diving. This system should also apply to illegal activities and firearm acquisition. - Custom cars and custom clothing. The cars will need to be de-badged to comply with Ro...
...Excellent organisational and communication skills i have a detailed how to from chat gpt tep 1: Open Microsoft Access Open Microsoft Access on your computer. Click Blank Database and name it, e.g., PerformanceReviewSystem.accdb. Step 2: Create Tables Employees Table Go to Create > Table Design. Add the following fields: EmployeeID (Short Text, Primary Key) Name (Short Text) Position (Short Text) Department (Short Text) MonthOfHire (Date/Time) CurrentWage (Currency) Save the table as Employees. PerformanceCriteria Table Go to Create > Table Design. Add the following fields: CriteriaID (AutoNumber, Primary Key) CriteriaName (Short Text) Description (Short Text) Save the table as PerformanceCriteria. Reviews Table Go to Create > Table Design. Add the following fields: Revie...
...payment processing for restaurants. Additionally, I require a customer website, a restaurant website for menu updates, and a website for delivery drivers, as well as an admin website and a website for customer support team members. The application must integrate geolocation functionality and settings for restaurants, customers, and delivery drivers, while ensuring compliance with Australian tax department requirements. Furthermore, I need to establish settings for charging restaurants per delivery or monthly. In the future, I aspire to utilize this system globally, ensuring seamless scalability. I also require a global custom-made HR system and global payroll management, as I envision expanding worldwide, necessitating separate entities, such as companies in Australia and the USA... immediately recognisable. o The design should be adaptable across future hydration products (e.g., smaller/larger bottles, tumblers, or travel mugs). 3. Material Specifications: o Double-walled stainless steel construction for optimal insulation. (we will deal with factory on these specs so no work need in this department) o Exterior with a powder-coated finish to ensure durability and a premium look. (we will deal with factory on these specs so no work need in this department) 4. Capacity: o The bottle should have a 750ml capacity. 5. Inspiration: o Draw inspiration from Coolgear products, frank green aesthetics, Stanley for their functionality , car friendly and silicone grips, and owala for their shape, and sipping mechanism. This is just what we like product design ...
I need an image designed for a banner ad. The banner will be placed at the top of this page: I need one for mobile and one for desktop. The banner and one for desktop. The banner will be an ad for Dr. Rocio Vargas Forero, a Colombian cannabis specialist. The image of the doctor is attached For text on the ad, perhaps we could add something like: Colombian Medical Cannabis Specialist Dr. Rocio Vargas Forero Schedule your medical cannabis consultation for 210,000 COP (or $45) Medical Cannabis Prescription Avoid Issues with Colombian Police The site we are going to link to with the banner is The banner image for desktop should be 970x250 The banner image for mobile should be 300x250
...The system should include role-based access control, approval workflows, and basic analytics. Key Functionalities: User Management & Authentication: Users can register and log in with roles: Requester (can submit requests) Department Manager (can approve/reject requests) Engineering Manager (final approval and assignment) Passwords should be securely stored (hashed). Session-based authentication to restrict access. Request Submission: Dynamic form with the following fields: Auto-filled: Requester Name, Department, Date & Time, Sequential Request Number (per department). User Inputs: Area (dropdown, multi-selection) Line (dropdown, multi-selection, filtered by Area) Room (dropdown, multi-selection, filtered by Line) Equipment (dropdown, multi-selection, fi...
...Palace Theatre Wyndham's Theatre LW Theatres Cambridge Theatre Gillian Lynne Theatre His Majesty's Theatre London Palladium Theatre Royal, Drury Lane Nederlander Adelphi Theatre (LW Theatres/Nederlander) Aldwych Theatre Dominion Theatre Independents Young Vic (Kwame Kwei-Armah, AD) Bridge Theatre (London Theatre Company, Nicholas Hytner, AD) Old Vic Theatre (Matthew Warchus, AD) Stephen Walley-Cohen St Martin's Theatre Nimax Apollo Theatre Duchess Theatre Garrick Theatre Lyric Theatre Palace Theatre Vaudeville Theatre Access Industries Theatre Royal Haymarket BKL Other Palace Theatre Criterion Theatre Trust Criterion Theatre (Mark Rubenstein) DLT Entertainment Shaftesbury Theatre (James Williams) Elaine Bedell Southbank Centre ENO Coliseum Theatre Lizzie Scott Arts... recommendation tailored to the manager or employee. Constraints: The system will provide recommendations within 10 seconds. Recommendations will be presented in a clear and non-intrusive way. 1. System Purpose The system's purpose is to provide a solution for managing projects, tasks, employees, and reports in an efficient and smart manner. It will allow managers to monitor project and department progress, generate reports, and optimize processes to improve overall organizational efficiency. Employees will have easy access to task management, real-time updates, and performance improvement suggestions. 2. Project Execution Phases The main phases for executing the project include: System Planning: Define all system requirements, such as user needs, functionalities for ...
I'm looking for a skilled professional with experience in disaster recovery and business continuity planning, who can create a comprehensive Word document template for my law firm's departments. This template will be essential for each department (Operations, HR, Accounting, Marketing, Investigation, Legal) to fill out. The template should include: - Step-by-step recovery procedures - Resource inventory list The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of law firm operations and the unique challenges they face in disaster recovery and business continuity. The ability to present complex information in a clear, concise and easily understandable manner is crucial.
Por favor, Cadastre-se ou Faça Login para ver os detalhes.
...preferably inside too. Download app for geotagged pics from the link: If you can't get the app, just note down the latitudes and longitudes of the location when you're there and get simple pictures. 2- Get the verification forms filled, signed and stamped by the HR or relevant authority of these locations. 3- Get the details of verifier that is their name, designation, Department and Contact. 4- In case of refusal to fill form, take the written refusal statement with stamp or sign as a proof. If they don't give written, ask them that you want to record them saying their reason and take their details like name designation contact etc. If both isn't possible, just take their details like name of person whom you met, their designation, contact, or their visit...
I'm seeking a minimalist-styled postcard design aimed at high-ranking police officials. The design should be conservative, avoiding brightly colored elements, and should include: - Both ISAG and TIU - Content from Postcard You can use either of the attached postcard images or an image of your choice. The primary purpose of this postcard is to convey important information. Ideal skills for this job include graphic design, familiarity with minimalist design principles, and experience designing for a corporate or formal audience.