Soa j2ee trabalhos
É movido pela ideia de trabalhar em algo que faz a diferença? Na mySheepi, estamos numa missão para revolucionar o sono com produtos que definem novos padrões de qualid...recente, remuneração competitiva com revisões salariais regulares e um esquema de bónus da empresa, e formação formal e informal abrangente (incluindo formação em alemão). Esta função não é para quem procura um trabalho descontraído e orientado para o estilo de vida. Procuramos alguém que prospere num ambiente de rápido crescimento e aprendizagem intensa e que queira causar um impacto real. Se isso soa como você, adoraríamos ouvir de você. Se estiver interess...
Olá! Estou procurando um freelancer para me ajudar a otimizar meus anúncios e campanhas do Google para um novo empreendimento comercial. Escolhi usar os dois métodos para o meu projeto, mas sou um novato nas técnicas de otimização - embora esteja disposto a aprender para obter os melhores resultados possíveis. Estou procurando ...empreendimento comercial. Escolhi usar os dois métodos para o meu projeto, mas sou um novato nas técnicas de otimização - embora esteja disposto a aprender para obter os melhores resultados possíveis. Estou procurando um profissional qualificado que possa ajudar a garantir que meus anúncios sejam apresentados da maneira mais eficaz e, ao mesmo tempo, me ajudar a ficar dentro...
Procuro um freelancer em java web com jpa, j2ee, hibernate e primefaces responsivo.
Nome do projeto: UNO. Prazo do projeto: 10 meses. Local: Porto, Portugal. Objetivo do projeto: alteração de framework extJS para Angular no sistema de informação de cuidados de saúde primários e de proximidade. Tarefas: analisar a atual estrut...para integrar equipa multidisciplinar numa entidade de saúde reputada situada no centro do Porto, com os seguintes perfis: Perfil 1: Front End - Experiência / conhecimentos sólidos em Angular JS, HTML, CSS, Javascript, typescript, node.js; - Conhecimentos de metodologias e notações de desenvolvimento de software (AGILE / Scrum). Perfil 2: Java / SQL - Experiência / conhecimentos sólidos em JAVA (J2EE), SQL, Maven, Jenkins, Docker, Vagrant e Virtualbox; ...
Requisitos Técnicos:<br /><br />- Experiencia avanzada en desarrollo en JAVA J2EE.<br />- Experiencia avanzada en SPRING.<br />- Experiencia nivel intermedio en AngularJS.<br />- Experiencia nivel intermedio en Hibernate.<br />- Experiencia en Base de Datos Oracle.<br />- Experiencia en Metodología Ágile SCRUM.
Requisitos:<br />• Estudiante Terciario o Universitario de carreras de sistemas o afines;<br />• Experiencia mínima de 5 años en posiciones similares;<br /><br />Conocimientos requeridos: <br />Transact SQL<br />SQL Server<br />Windows Server<br /><br />Conocimientos deseables:<br />Oracle<br />MySQL<br />SOA<br />.Net Framework<br />Webservices (SOAP, REST)
Es muy importante que cuentes al menos con 3 años de experiencia en las siguientes tecnologías:<br />Bases de datos: SQLServer Oracle<br />Experiencia en programación C/C++ en Visual studio 10 o superior <br />Experiencia en programación J2EE.<br />Experiencia en programacion PL SQL<br />EXperiencia en tunning de aplicaciones contra BDD Oracle
<p>Desenvolvedor java sênior<br />Irá desenvolver e dar suporte em aplicações distribuídas com base na arquitetura orientada a serviços SOA, aplicar padrões de design para desenvolver soluções que se integram com uma ampla gama de sistemas, incluindo portais da web, instâncias de ERP.<br />Beneficios: A Combinar;<br />Formação Acadêmica: Superior completo<br />Experiência: Experiência como desenvolvedor java sênior.<br />Salário: A combinar<br />Cargo: Programador<br />Empresa: MAZZATECH<br />Consultoria em tecnologia da informação.<br /> </p>
En SCI Serviclients buscamos un Programador Java Freeelance para trabajar en proyecto.<br /><br />Tareas<br /><br />- Programación en Java y J2EE.<br />- Participación en todas las fases de desarrollo.<br /><br />Requisitos:<br />- Titulación requerida: Ingeniero técnico en Informática o FP II en Informática.<br />- Nivel de inglés alto. <br />- Experiencia mínima de 4 años como desarrollador Java/J2EE.<br />- Dominio en J2EE, Hibernate, Struts, JSP/Servlet, JQuery, SQL.<br />- Entorno tecnico de trabajo: eclipse, Resin, mySQL, Debian, Windows<br />- Buscamos una persona con una clara orientación al cliente, responsabl...
<p><strong>Perfil</strong></p><p>Analista Funcional Java<br />-Experiencia de al menos 3 años como Analista Funcional Java, J2EE.<br />-Experiencia funcional en seguros<br />-Entorno tecnológico: Java, J2EE, Weblogic, Flex, Action Script.<br />Grupo Solutio selecciona un Analista Funcional Java para incorporarse en cliente líder de su sector ubicado en Madrid.</p>
...proyectos<br />? Participación e implicación en un equipo de desarrollo ágil (Scrum)<br /><strong>REQUISITOS MÍNIMOS:</strong> Buscamos profesionales que aporten las siguientes competencias:<br />? Titulado/a universitario/a (medio o superior), preferiblemente en Informática o Telecomunicaciones.<br />? Perfil Analista Programador/Programador Sénior J2EE<br />? Residente en las comarca de Barcelona o Baix Llobregat<br />? Experiencia mínima de 3 años<br />Conocimientos y experiencia requeridas:<br />? Java Enterprise Edition 5+: Servlets, JSP, JPA<br />? Uso extensivo de frameworks Java: o “Spring Web MVC” / “Struts 1”o “Spri...
Sobre a vaga Salário A combinar Descrição Área e especialização profissional: Informática, TI, Telecomunic...e especialização profissional: Informática, TI, Telecomunicações - Programador / Desenvolvedor Nível hierárquico: Analista Local de trabalho: Campinas, SP Regime de contratação de tipo Efetivo – CLT Jornada Período Integral Superior completo em Processamento de dados, análise de sistemas, ciência de computação, engenharia de computação ou área relacionada. Necessário experiência em JAVA E WEB (J2EE). Inglês nível intermediário. Residir em Campinas ou regi&atil...
Por favor, Cadastre-se ou Faça Login para ver os detalhes.
Buscamos un formador en desarrollo web MEAN (Mongo Express Angular Node).<br />Para impartir esta formación en Pais Vasco para reciclaje de programadores.<br />Formación de corta duración a impartir en periodos intensivos de media jornada.<br />
Elaboração de conteúdo e instrução de cursos JAVA WEB para turmas de até 8 pessoas.<br /><br />CURSO JAVA <ol><li>Módulo J...<br /><br />CURSO JAVA <ol><li>Módulo JAVA e Orientação a Objetos (carga horária 16h)</li><li>Módulo JAVA para Desenvolvimento Web (carga horária 16h)</li><li>Módulo Laboratório com Testes, JSF e Design Patterns (carga horária 16h)</li><li>Módulo Persistência com JPA, Hibernate e EJB Lite (carga horária 16h)</li><li>Módulo Web rica com JSF 2, Primefaces 4 e CDI (carga horária 16h)</li><li>Mó...
Busco ayuda para desarrollar una aplicación web basada en AWS con las características siguientes: <br /><br />- Registro / Login <br />- Webservices con MongoDB en backend <br />- API basada en interfaz de servicio web para Webservices <br /><br />Habilidades clave: <br /><br />Java, MongoDB, Diseño Sensible, JSP, Webservices <br /><br /><br />Hyderabad.<br />Habilidades necesaria...para desarrollar una aplicación web basada en AWS con las características siguientes: <br /><br />- Registro / Login <br />- Webservices con MongoDB en backend <br />- API basada en interfaz de servicio web para Webservices <br /&...
.../> Conhecimentos em banco de dados relacional: MySQL e SQL Server<br /> Conhecimentos com suite de testes: RSpec e FactoryGirl<br /> Conhecimentos em controle de versão: GIT<br /> Experiência com plataforma Linux<br /> Experiência com WebServices<br /> &...
Precisamos de um sistema web funcional para upload de arquivos PDF, com assinatura digital nos formatos A3 (via leitora de cartões), A1 eToken(pendrive). A entrega deverá ser uma aplicação J2EE em java (pode ser JSP puro com servlets) com uma tela para upload de 1 ou mais arquivos em formato PDF (deve restringir). Esta tela deverá pedir o certificado do usuário, em A3 (abrir applet para se conectar com a leitora), em A1 (solicitar o PFX ou ler do browser) e Token (pendrive), o usuário deverá poder optar sobre qual forma de assinatura ele quer escolher. Uma vez escolhido o(s) arquivo(s) e a forma de assinatura o sistema deverá fazer upload. No destino deverá ser gravado em uma pasta qualquer o arquivo &ia...
as discussed, as discussed, as discussed, as discussed, as discussed,as discussed,as discussed,as discussed,as discussed,as discussed,as discussed, Thank u
Desenvolvimento de sistemas DESKTOP, WEB ou aplicativos ANDROID utilizando a linguagem JAVA. As principais tecnologias de desenvolvimento da Primebean abrangem o Model Driven SOA, Java, CSS 3, HTML 5, Android e a computação nas nuvens. Além de técnicas e métodos adequados ao desenvolvimento de soluções para a Web 2.0, incluindo redes sociais e interfaces flexíveis são algumas das tecnologias e padrões utilizados. Desenvolvimento de web sites ou sistemas web utilizando os últimos recursos e tecnologias disponíveis no mercado, dessa forma é possível desenvolver sites ou sistemas web totalmente adaptáveis para qualquer tipo de aparelhos, ou seja, computadores, tabl...
...Experiência com Java Web: JSF, Javascript, JQuery, , Html (desejável 5), CSS (desejável 3) Experiência com SOA e Web-Services Java; Experiência com Java EE: EJB, JMS, JPA Experiência com automação de testes (JUnit, Selenium, EasyMock/Mockito) Experiência com Frameworks: Sprint framework (MVC, core) e Hibernate Experiência com servidores de aplicação: JBoss, Jetty, Tomcat Experiência com webServices(SOAP/Rest) e SOA Gerenciar o processo de build utilizando maven Capacidade de planejar e desenvolver arquiteturas de software modularizadas e considerando padrões de projetos Desenvolvimento Ágil – Scrum. Diferenciais: Certificação: Oracle Certified Java Programm...
Hola, O Trabalho e bem Objetivo. E um "Censo Cultural Avaliativo" ou Simplesmente uma "Pesquisa de Mercado" Mas no primeiro formato soa melhor!! São Trés perguntas. Ex 1ª Considera importante o Inglês hoje na tua profissional ou Pessoal mesmo?, 2ª Qual motivo ate hoje não esta fazendo Inglês. Tempo? Financeiro? Metodologia? 3ª Se encontrando uma proposta que te atenda o motivo pelo qual não esta fazendo Inglês. Aproveitaria? Se programaria para iniciar? Finaliza com o preenchimento dos dados; Nome?, Telefone?, Profissão?
<br />Se tiene que realizar un sistema web en spring con hibernate y jsp. El elemento seleccionado solo participara en un...bootstrap)<br />Iniciar sesion<br />Menu<br />Formularios (alta, edicion, consulta y cancelacion)<br />Reportes<br /> Exportar a pdf y excel<br /><br />Se proporcionará el diagrama entidad relacion y mockups con las pantallas a realizar<br /><br />Conocimientos requeridos.<br /><br />Manejo de Bases de Datos:<br />• Oracle<br /> MySQL<br /><br />Lenguaje de Programación<br />Java- J2EE<br /><br />Frameworks<br />Spring<br />Struts 2<br />Hibernate<br /><br />Deseable: Grails<br /&g...
sgas;og;asdbg;asbdgln soa sdgh[oasijdgp ahsdg[ob s[odgh [OSDG[Os[dogbS[ODGN[O nsdg[oasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffsgas;og;asdbg;asbdgln soa sdgh[oasijdgp ahsdg[ob s[odgh [OSDG[Os[dogbS[ODGN[O nsdg[oasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffsgas;og;asdbg;asbdgln soa sdgh[oasijdgp ahsdg[ob s[odgh [OSDG[Os[dogbS[ODGN[O nsdg[oasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffsgas;og;asdbg;asbdgln soa sdgh[oasijdgp ahsdg[ob s[odgh [OSDG[Os[dogbS[ODGN[O nsdg[oasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffsgas;og;asdbg;asbdgln soa sdgh[oasijdgp ahsdg[ob s[od...
INFORMAÇÕES COMPLETAS (EM ANEXO) Portal de Intranet deverá ser desenvolvido utilizando a seguinte arquitetura tecnológica: Linguagem de programação: Padrão do CMS: JavaServer Pages (JSP) e J2EE/JEE. Linguagem de programação suportada: Padrão do CMS: JavaScript, Ruby, PHP e Python. Frameworks: Padrão do CMS: JSF 2.0, Jboss Seam, Ajax, Spring 3.0, Lucene, Struts 2 e Tiles. Acessos ao banco de dados: Padrão do CMS: Hibernate e JPA. Banco de dados: Oracle 11g ou PostgreSQL 8.4 ou superior. Repositório versionador: SVN. Desenvolvimento: IDE Liferay Developer Studio (Eclipse). Modelagem: Plugin SDE (Eclipse) ou Jude (atual Astah). Ger...
Desenvolver uma plataforma de crowdsourcing integrada com o Facebook, Google Plus e Linkedin. Desejável conhecimento em J2EE, JSP, JSTL, etc.
Freelancer com mais de 6 meses de experiência em J2EE. Desejável MySQL., we want to hear from you! Required Qualifications 7+ years of software development experience with a focus on delivering robust and efficient solutions. Strong proficiency in Java and its latest versions and expertise in developing Java-based applications. Hands-on experience with relational databases and proficiency in writing complex SQL queries. Familiarity with Enterprise Java (J2EE / JavaEE / Spring) application architectures. Demonstrated history of delivering modern, high-cadence applications using: Agile methodologies and test-driven development (TDD). CI/CD pipelines for streamlined deployment and updates. Git version control for collaborative development. Preferred Skills Knowledge of microservices architectures and Domain-Driven Design (DDD). Worki...
I am looking for an experienced developer or a team of developers to help me in migrating from Oracle SOA to Java Spring Boot. The migration will primarily involve: -Need to migrate existing Oracle SOA webservices to Springboot microservices. -If you have done it in the past only then apply it . No experiments please . -Should be able to understand the existing Oracle soa services and convert them to springboot services. - Business Processes: All the existing business processes in the Oracle SOA system need to be replicated in the Java Spring Boot environment. - Data Services: The data services are also key components that need to be migrated. It's important to note that this project does not require the addition of any new functionalities. The goal is...
Kindly review the below JD and let me know if you have any further questions. Overview: As a Java/J2EE Backend Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining scalable and high-performance backend systems and APIs. You will work closely with cross-functional teams to understand requirements, architect solutions, and deliver robust software solutions that meet business needs. This role requires strong technical expertise in Java/J2EE, Meta developer and Kafka technologies, along with proficiency in database design and integration. Responsibilities: 1. Backend Development: Design, develop, and maintain backend systems and APIs using Java/J2EE technologies, adhering to best practices and design patterns. 2. API Development: Design a...
Project Description: We are seeking an experienced .NET developer with expertise in e...development, including C#. Expertise in ebMS3 and AS4 messaging protocols. Familiarity with SBR frameworks and standards. Ability to work independently and as part of a team. Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Desirable Skills: Knowledge of ATO compliance requirements. Experience with secure communication and encryption techniques. Strong understanding of web services and SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture). If you have a proven track record in developing similar solutions and are passionate about creating robust and secure messaging services, we would love to hear from you. Please provide details of your relevant experience and any projects you have worked on in ...
We are seeking a seasoned Full Stack Developer with extensive experience in Angular and Java. We have an opening for a full-stack java developer w Angular front-end experience. Java core, J2EE knowledge, MySQL, MariaDB Front-end: AngularJS JSON API experience helpful This is for an existing web application project, to maintain codebase and update for bugfixes and features. The ideal candidate should also have a strong background in utilizing AI tools such as Bolt, Claude, and ChatGPT for coding. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Angular and Java for full stack development. - Experience in AI tools (Bolt, Claude, ChatGPT). - Previous work on web applications. Main Responsibilities: - Developing a web application with robust functionalities. - Implementing user authenticatio...
...and be capable of coding for positive/negative scenarios • Must have experience with production deployment using CI/CD tools like GitHub, Gitlab, Bamboo, Copado etc, change-set/eclipse/ANT migration tool, and working on solving deployment errors. • Knowledge on HTML/HTML5, CSS, XML, AJAX, Web-services, Google APIs, JQuery/any other java-script framework. Object oriented programming experience in J2EE/.Net platforms. • Candidate should have very good understanding of Salesforce Admin activities like – user creation, role/profile set up, Security set up etc… • Strong hands-on experience with administration, configuration, customization and development within , and also in reports and dashboards • Customize and configure SFDC objects, data field...
We are looking for an experienced Oracle BPM and SOA expert to configure a **complex payment approval workflow** in Oracle Fusion Financials (Accounts Payable module). The primary requirement is to utilize the **Approver Name** captured in a **Payment DFF** (Descriptive Flexfield) to drive approval routing in Oracle BPM. ### **Key Deliverables:** 1. **Requirement Analysis:** - Understand the existing business process for payment approvals. - Analyze how the Approver Name captured in the Payment DFF can be utilized in the BPM workflow. 2. **Workflow Configuration:** - Configure the approval workflow in Oracle BPM Worklist using BPMN. - Identify and map the DFF attributes from the `IBY_PAYMENTS_ALL` table to the BPM workflow. 3. **Custom Logic Implementa...
...for an engineer to create our app. ,the profil we're looking for must be an engineer that knows the job tricks very well ,the architectures that exists and how to use them ; the app must be made with O.O.P of course following the M.V.C. model ,the unit tests ,the integration tests and the other tests should be taken in consideration while creating the app. ,the application may be monteletic ,as an soa or as a microservices app. or following any other architecture depending on the pre-production study you will do ,and of course it must be done with a framework such SPRING or DJANGO (LARAVEL may be accepted to depending on the engineer level) The project it's a full stack app. that can work (using the api logic) with all the platforms ,but for now will only work with the...
I'm looking for an expert in Oracle SOA to help configure file transfers to and from an FTP server. Skills & Experience: - Proven experience with Oracle SOA - Familiarity with FTP configurations - Prior work with file transfer protocols The main task will involve setting up the necessary configurations to facilitate seamless file transfers. Please note that the specifics about the types of files (binary or text) haven't been determined yet, so flexibility and adaptability will be key. A successful project will lead to potential future collaborations.
I am seeking a proficient full-stack software developer based in Doha, ...jQuery, etc. Should be able to develop websites from scratch or by using WordPress templates. Experience in building desktop applications (Java or C#) and mobile applications (native Android or iOS or hybrid) will be an added advantage. Should be well-versed with SQL and Databases such as MySQL, MSSQL and SQLite. Candidate should have previous experience in developing REST APIs and should understand SOA concepts. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with NodeJS and full-stack development. - Proven track record of developing web applications with similar features. - Strong understanding of implementing user authentication systems. - Experience in creating applications with real-time data synchr...
I'm looking for a seasoned Java, J2EE, Spring Boot, and Microservices expert to design and implement a Final State Machine Framework. This framework's primary role is to facilitate an Event-Driven Architecture, executing various capabilities configured externally, predominantly Transaction Management. Key Requirements: - The framework should be able to manage transactions effectively within an event-driven context. - It should utilize external configurations, specifically YAML files and database configurations. - A deep understanding and experience in using Java, J2EE, Spring Boot, Microservices, and YAML is crucial. Ideal Skills: - Strong expertise in designing event-driven architectures. - Proficiency in transaction management within state machine frameworks. - ...
Job Title: Backend (Spring Boot, J2EE, Microservices, Cloud) Technical Skills * Experience developing microservices and cloud native apps using Java/J2EE, REST APIs, Spring Core, Spring MVC Framework, Spring Boot Framework JPA (Java Persistence API) (Or any other ORM), Spring Security and similar tech stacks (Open source and proprietary) * Experience working with Unit testing using framework such as Junit, Mockito, JBehave * Build and deploy services using Gradle, Maven, Jenkins etc. as part of CI/CD process * Experience working in Google Cloud Platform * GCP knowledge is mandatory for offshore * Experience with any Relational Database (Oracle, PostgreSQL etc.) Responsibilities Be part of a team of engineers in developing elegant and high performant code * Ensure qu...
I'm seeking an experienced Java Struts developer to assist with my existing project. The project currently has bugs across various aspects, including user interface issues, backend logic errors, and database problems. Key Responsibilities: - Debug...interface issues - Resolving backend logic errors - Troubleshooting database problems - Adding new functionalities such as user authentication and reporting tools -Able to work on the remote system. Unfortunately, I do not have any documentation for the existing project, so the developer will need to work from scratch to understand the system. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Java Struts, CSS, JSP, J2EE, MySQL - Strong debugging skills - Experience with implementing user authentication and reporting tools - Knowledge of database ...
I'm looking for a modern, sleek UI/UX design for a simple 5-button smartwatch interface, specifically tailored for women. The primary focus of this design is to ensure ease of use, given the watch's function as a health monitor and emergency alert device. Key Features: - A 44mm screen interface with minimalistic icons - 5 main buttons for home, alerts, health reminders, and emergency - A color palette of blue, pink, and black Ideal candidates will have a strong background in UI/UX design, with a proven track record of creating user-friendly interfaces. Experience designing for women's products is a plus. Understanding of modern, sleek design principles will be key to delivering a successful project.
...scenario: Considering potential adverse developments in claims or economic conditions. 10. Report Signature, Compliance, and Professional Standards: The actuarial report must be signed and stamped by a trained actuary with a minimum of 5 years of experience. The actuary must indicate their affiliation with a recognized actuarial society (e.g., Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) or Society of Actuaries (SOA)), demonstrating adherence to professional standards. The report must be organized and formatted in a manner consistent with standard property and casualty actuarial reports, ensuring it meets the expectations of both insurance and reinsurance carriers. It is critical that the report contains all necessary elements required to pass review and gain approval from the carriers...
I'm seeking an experienced Java Struts developer to assist with my existing project. The project currently has bugs across various aspects, including user interface issues, backend logic errors, and database problems. Key Responsibilities: - Debug...interface issues - Resolving backend logic errors - Troubleshooting database problems - Adding new functionalities such as user authentication and reporting tools -Able to work on the remote system. Unfortunately, I do not have any documentation for the existing project, so the developer will need to work from scratch to understand the system. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Java Struts, CSS, JSP, J2EE, MySQL - Strong debugging skills - Experience with implementing user authentication and reporting tools - Knowledge of database ...
...clients to gather business requirements and translate them into technical solutions within the Oracle Fusion ecosystem. • Design, develop, test, and deploy custom reports using Oracle BI Publisher, Oracle Reports, and other reporting tools within Oracle Fusion. • Develop and maintain integrations between Oracle Fusion applications and external systems using Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC), Oracle SOA Suite, or other integration platforms. • Configure and customize Oracle Fusion applications to meet client-specific requirements. • Design and build user interfaces and applications using Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS) to enhance the functionality and user experience of Oracle Fusion applications. • Perform system analysis, troubleshooting, ...
I'm seeking a professional with great experience in preparing spreadsheets. The main task is to make a Bordereau Excel template. It should contain insurance policies data (gross rate, net rate, premium for the insurance company and ...with great experience in preparing spreadsheets. The main task is to make a Bordereau Excel template. It should contain insurance policies data (gross rate, net rate, premium for the insurance company and the reinsurers, retention percentage, and claims data). More importantly, there should be a separate sheet that can generate a reinsurance statement of account (SOA) for me by only adding the policyholder name in the search box. (SOA is basically the reinsurer premiums minus claims.). Ideal Candidates: - Experience in Micro...
...clients to gather business requirements and translate them into technical solutions within the Oracle Fusion ecosystem. • Design, develop, test, and deploy custom reports using Oracle BI Publisher, Oracle Reports, and other reporting tools within Oracle Fusion. • Develop and maintain integrations between Oracle Fusion applications and external systems using Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC), Oracle SOA Suite, or other integration platforms. • Configure and customize Oracle Fusion applications to meet client-specific requirements. • Design and build user interfaces and applications using Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS) to enhance the functionality and user experience of Oracle Fusion applications. • Perform system analysis, troubleshooting, ...
I'm looking for someone who can help in installation of Oracle SOA & JDeveloper on Linux OS. Please notice that I can raise up the price once we meet and discuss further extra scope of work, for example navigation and how to use regarding xml & xsd for making api connection and integration. Thank you very much.
...existing Java applications. Develop and implement new features using Core Java and J2EE components Utilize JBoss and the Spring framework for application development and maintenance. Write clean, efficient, and well-documented code. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features. Perform code reviews and provide constructive feedback to peers. Troubleshoot and resolve issues in a timely manner. Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability. Ensure the performance, quality, and responsiveness of applications. Work with MySQL databases to ensure data integrity and optimize queries. Required Skills: Very strong in Java and J2EE Technologies. It includes EJB, JSP, Servlet, Java Scripting, XM...