Outsourcing advantages and disadvantages ppt trabalhos


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    2,000 outsourcing advantages and disadvantages ppt trabalhos encontrados

    Os modelos já estão prontos, o que é necessário: - Copiar do modelo antigo e colar no novo modelo; - Adicionar imagens, conforme modelo. (Será disponibilizado um banco de imagens) - Diagramar o novo ppt Temos em torno de 150 ppts.

    €840 Average bid
    €840 Média
    29 ofertas
    PPT para Html5
    Encerrado left

    Tenho uma apresentação em powerpoint que gostaria de transformar em site animado. São 59 telas, todos os efeitos de animação e imagens estão dentro da apresentação. Tenho um prazo curto para o projeto. Pago por hora de trabalho. Interessados, enviar proposta com o valor da sua hora.

    €226 Average bid
    €226 Média
    35 ofertas

    Basicamente tenho que excluir algumas informações e incluir outras. A estrutura atual será mantida. Segue detalhamento: ATUALIZAÇÃO DO SITE: 1) HOME: • Retirar parcei...informações e incluir outras. A estrutura atual será mantida. Segue detalhamento: ATUALIZAÇÃO DO SITE: 1) HOME: • Retirar parceira com tio Julio • Colocar Saída da Escola (vide detalhes em produtos - arquivo PPT anexo) 2) PARCERIAS • Incluir: 3 Logos (vide arquivo Word anexo) 3) Participação em eventos e mídia • Incluir um novo evento: Educar 2014 (vide arquivo Word anexo) 4) PRODUTOS: • Retirar ...

    €907 Average bid
    €907 Média
    15 ofertas

    Criação de um protótipo em IOS que permita inserir tags em fotos e realizar uma busca para achar as fotos que tem determinada tag buscada. Em anexo eu coloquei um PPt com wireframes desejados. O protótipo utiliza um banco de dados interno no celular e tudo é salvo na memória do celular, não precisa trabalhar com servidores.

    €762 Average bid
    €762 Média
    14 ofertas
    Prototipo iOS
    Encerrado left

    Criação de um protótipo em iOS que permita inserir tags em fotos e realizar uma busca para achar as fotos que tem determinada tag buscada. Em anexo eu coloquei um PPt com wireframes desejados. O protótipo utiliza um banco de dados interno no celular e tudo é salvo na memória do celular, não precisa trabalhar com servidores. Interessados, enviar propostas com valores.

    €226 Average bid
    €226 Média
    7 ofertas

    Bom dia, Existe possibilidade de parceria entre a nossa empresa e a vossa para realizar por outsourcing os trabalhos de SEO dos nossos clientes? tiago@

    €18 - €18 / hr
    €18 - €18 / hr
    0 ofertas

    Procuro profissional para atuar de forma constante na finalização de apresentações de resultados de pesquisa de mercado para instituto de pesquisa na cidade de São Paulo. Buscamos profissionais com ampla experiência em ferramentas gráficas e de imagem.

    €226 Average bid
    €226 Média
    51 ofertas

    Olá, Clarissa. Tudo bem?! Preciso traduzir dois documentos em espanhol da Espanha para nosso porruguês do Brasil. Um deles trata de prescrições técnicas, de 43 páginas, com imagens contendo també...selecionáveis. É possível "colar" a tradução sobre os textos e palavras no documento da apresentação? Você teria interesse e pronta e integral disponibilidade? Quanto tempo acreditada que levaria para concluir as traduções? Grato, Pedro Gomes PS. Seguem os links para os referidos documentos. Por gentileza, peço discrição quanto a suas divulgações.

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Média
    1 ofertas

    Em anexo segue a apresentação de um projeto que será apresentado para o ministério dos petróleos de guinea ecuatorial. A apresentação trata-se de uma proposta para a construção de uma fábrica para o Engarrafamento de GLP naq...dos títulos da apresentação podem ser modificadas, assim como as fontes. 4. A disposição do espaço reservado para os textos, também podem ser modificados. 5. Lembrando que a apresentação será impressa e não para ser apresentada em retro projetor, portanto, não é necessário efeitos de powerpoint para transição de imagens. 6. As imagens podem ser trabalhadas no photoshop e depois inse...

    €27 Average bid
    €27 Média
    3 ofertas

    ...direcionada ao público GLS, entretanto, isto não deve ficar explícito. A identificação com o público deverá aparecer de acordo com o o perfil do público. Os materiais precisarão ser criativos, modernos e principalmente divertidos, sem contudo, fazer alusão direta ao tema. Peças que precisamos: Logomarca da Festa, Capa para página no Facebook, Imagem para “foto” do perfil no Facebook e Plano de fundo .ppt e para Twitter. IMPORTANTE: esta é apenas a primeira fase do projeto, precisaremos ainda criar inúmeros materiais para divulgação da festa, como: site, banners, flyers, ingressos, etc. O profissional precisa se identificar com o projeto e abraçar a ...

    €140 Average bid
    €140 Média
    8 ofertas

    Solicito o encaminhamento de Leads Qualificados para o serviço que está anunciado na página: Contratarei somente brasileiros que falem Português do Brasil. Grato,

    €118 Average bid
    €118 Média
    2 ofertas

    - Redesenho do logo - Criação de 03 modelos de PPT, que possam ser utilizados para apresentações diversas.

    €61 Average bid
    €61 Média
    4 ofertas
    web designer
    Encerrado left

    Gostaria de enviar minha apresentacao em PPT via dropbox para que possam reduzir a resolucao das fotos e que possam melhorar o layout.

    €226 Average bid
    €226 Média
    136 ofertas

    Vaga: Designer de apresentações Demanda: Criar o layout e a interatividade de apresentações em Keynote e/ou PPT. Softwares: Photoshop, Illustrator, Keynote e Power Point Tempo: Freela para 1 mês Para se candidatar, a pessoa deverá enviar um link com p

    0 ofertas
    Encerrado left

    A demanda consiste em ilustrar cenários, personagens, elementos visuais etc., de acordo com especificações vindas em um roteiro em ppt. Público-alvo: estudantes do ensino médio e fundamental.

    0 ofertas
    Encerrado left

    A demanda consiste em animar cenários, personagens, elementos visuais etc., de acordo com especificações vindas em um roteiro em ppt. Público-alvo: estudantes do ensino médio e fundamental. Necessário conhecimento em animação 2D timeline.

    0 ofertas

    Investor Targeted Company Profile PPT Creation I'm looking for a skilled professional who can help me create a top-notch PowerPoint presentation of my company profile aimed at potential investors. The presentation should incorporate the following key sections: - Company history: A brief yet compelling narrative about our journey, milestones, and achievements. - Products and services: An overview of what we offer, highlighting our unique value propositions and market positioning. - Case studies: Real world examples showcasing our success, resilience, and potential for growth. I have specific branding guidelines and a style guide that I will provide to ensure the presentation aligns with our corporate identity. Your task is to apply these guid...

    €39 Average bid
    €39 Média
    20 ofertas

    Purpose of the PPT & Graphical Representation We need a highly visual, infographic-style PowerPoint for our sales team to present during Zoom meetings with USA students. The goal is to sell our high-end IT training workshops by making the presentation engaging and easy to understand. Graphical Elements to Include: Infographics Instead of Text Use icons, charts, and visuals instead of long paragraphs. Example: Instead of writing "We offer visa assistance," show an icon of a passport & visa stamp. Flowcharts & Timelines Show the workshop journey in a step-by-step flowchart (from training to interview & visa assistance). Use a timeline graphic to represent course duration. Comparison Tables & Graphs Highlight the benefits of our workshop ...

    €59 Average bid
    €59 Média
    20 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled professional to create high-quality PPT investment decks. The ideal person should be able to design custom illustrations and visually convey complex ideas effectively. I work in the medical sector and prefer minimalist, clean designs. Key Requirements: - Deep understanding of what VCs look for in an investment - Ability to clearly articulate our growth potential and funding needs - Strong design skills to create a visually appealing and professional deck - Excellent storytelling ability to pitch our business compellingly

    €30 / hr Average bid
    €30 / hr Média
    88 ofertas

    I'm seeking a freelancer to create a professional and conservative PowerPoint presentation for a corporate training workshop. The presentation will be aimed at clients in the USA and will need to incorporate graphical representations of the content, such as pie charts, bar charts, and line charts, as well as relevant images and clips. Key Requirements: - Transform workshop content into an engaging PPT - Create visually appealing and informative graphs and charts - Use of appropriate corporate images and clips - Ensure an elite, professional and conservative representation Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PowerPoint and graphic design - Experience with corporate presentation design - Excellent understanding of visual ...

    €61 Average bid
    €61 Média
    36 ofertas

    I need a PowerPoint presentation designed for a real estate project in Bangalore, aimed at potential home...estate project in Bangalore, aimed at potential home buyers. This presentation will be used as a sales tool. Key Focus: - The primary objective of this presentation is to highlight the advantages of the project's location. These should be presented in an engaging, persuasive manner. - The design of the presentation should be clean and modern, in line with contemporary design trends. It should appeal to the average home buyer, without being overly complex or cluttered. Ideal Skills: - Experience in creating sales presentations, preferably in the real estate sector. - Strong understanding of PowerPoint and its design features. - Ability to convey information...

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Média
    25 ofertas

    I'm looking for a professional web developer to help me migrate and redesign my existing website () which showcases conferences and webinars from the past 8 years. Key tasks include: - Copying content from around 60 pages of the existing site to the new one. This includes text, images, attachments like PPT-files, and links to YouTube videos. - Transitioning from a 2015 WordPress template to a new 2025 one-page design. - Implementing a fully responsive design for mobile and tablet viewing. I work on a staging site, where I can see changes before I move to new website. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with WordPress and web development. - Prior experience with website migration and redesign. - Ability to create a...

    €209 Average bid
    €209 Média
    127 ofertas

    I'm seeking a thorough evaluation of my business including my website and social media presence. This audit should cover: Website Assessment: - I want a complete SEO performance review, user experience analysis, and content quality check. - Social Media Evaluation: Primarily focusing on my Instagram and LinkedIn accounts. - Pros & Cons Analysis: An in-depth evaluation of my product quality, customer service, and pricing. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in business auditing, SEO, content evaluation, and social media analysis. A background in product quality assessment and customer service evaluation would also be highly beneficial.

    €56 Average bid
    €56 Média
    14 ofertas

    ...we run a Swedish outsourcing company called “Fonir Consulting Handelsbolag”. We are two people who own and manage the company. Our company offers various IT solutions, which can include everything from web development, AI implementation, graphic design, and production of materials for campaigns/advertisement videos, among others. Our company will act as an intermediary, meaning that we contact potential customers where we see development potential within the digital aspect of their business, or they reach out to us. Upon a successful deal, we hire freelancers who create the "product" that we have sold. The freelancer(s) receive specific instructions and requirements on what needs to be done and what the work should contain. They ...

    €442 Average bid
    €442 Média
    178 ofertas

    Update basic slides into a new ppt slide deck.

    €139 Average bid
    €139 Média
    1 ofertas

    I'm a professor seeking assistance to create a PowerPoint presentation for a detailed case study on Corporate Communications and Public Relations within the Business and Management realm. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proficiency in PowerPoint - A strong understanding of Business and Management - Experience in Corporate Communications and Public Relations - Ability to create engaging and informative presentations - Excellent writing skills - Creativity in visual design

    €62 Average bid
    €62 Média
    47 ofertas

    Convert InDesign file into PPT file format as discussed

    €93 Average bid
    €93 Média
    1 ofertas

    Project Title: Enhanced Map Design - Chile's Strategic Advantages for Sustainable Data Centers Project Description: I need a professional redesign of the "Chile Digital Hub of the South Pacific" map that specifically highlights Chile's unique geographical advantages for sustainability and climate change data storage. The redesigned map should emphasize Chile's strategic location outside the Pacific Ring of Fire, cold climate regions ideal for energy-efficient data centers, and potential for renewable energy generation. Core Improvements Required: Improve the connection with Antarctica, the connection to networks in South America, Australia and Africa through submarine cables. Highlight Chile's Geographical Advantages...

    €27 Average bid
    €27 Média
    49 ofertas

    Redesign of M&C Capital Management Business Plan Objective: Complete overhaul of the existing business plan presentation to enhance clarity, investor appeal, and professionalism. Scope of Work: Content Update: Streamline text, update financials, and expand market analysis. Visual Upgrade: Improve layout, introduce infographics, and ensure consistent branding. Narrative Refinement: Develop a compelling story that highlights the unique investment strategy and competitive advantages. Technical Enhancements: Add interactive elements and optimize for digital and print formats. Compliance Review: Update regulatory and legal information to current standards. Deliverables: A polished, concise PowerPoint presentation designed for invest...

    €131 Average bid
    €131 Média
    51 ofertas

    ...to clarify the legal avenues available, the cost range, and the potential difficulties I may encounter. Project Requirements 1. Analyze the relevant legal issues, such as determining whether there is an infringement and the details of the infringement according to the local laws and regulations of the Netherlands. 2. Outline the available legal actions (such as filing complaints, initiating lawsuits, etc.), and analyze the advantages, disadvantages, and consequences of each option. 3. Estimate the cost of legal actions, including the approximate range of lawyer fees, litigation costs, compensation fees, etc. 4. Have experience in data privacy, tort law, international law, and cross-border legal affairs, and be familiar with...

    €345 Average bid
    €345 Média
    18 ofertas
    Gambito Rey
    4 dias left

    Hola buenas tardes , tengo mi pagina diseñada hace unos años , pero requiero de modificaciones y tambien de carga de productos( página diseñada para cursos de ajedrez venta de articulos de ajedrez , enfocada para niños y adultos tea-tdah ) . Es a etapa inicial , lo cual pretendo ir requiriendo otras cosas , como diseño de ppt para clases , por ejemplo. dejo mi pagina

    €86 Average bid
    €86 Média
    39 ofertas

    ...healthcare business, we are seeking reliable and expert outsourcing solutions in Medical Billing, Revenue Cycle Management (RCM), and AR Follow-ups. Why Collaborate with Us? - We are an established business looking to enhance our operational efficiency and revenue maximization. - We appreciate cost-effective, scalable solutions that can grow with us. - We value end-to-end project management, allowing us to focus on our core operations while you handle the rest. Ideal Freelancer Profile: - Proven experience and skill in RCM and Medical Billing. - Excellent track record in AR Follow-ups. - Understanding of healthcare industry standards and requirements. - Ability to provide cost-effective and scalable solutions. We look forward ...

    €90 Average bid
    €90 Média
    2 ofertas
    White Hat SEO
    7 dias left

    ...Doc Website Analysis Report in PDF ✅ On-Page SEO Optimization: Title Tag Optimization Meta Description Optimization URL Optimization File Optimization Image Analysis and Optimization of Alt Tags Hyperlink Analysis and Optimization External Links Optimization Audit of Broken Links Quality of Page Content & Density Suggestion Checking of Canonicalization Error Website URL Redirection Optimized XML Site Map Creation ✅ Google Search Console & Analytics Setup: Google Search Console Installation Google Search Console Analysis & Overview Google Analytics Installation Google Analytics Analysis & Overview Crawl and Rectifying Errors International Targeted Area Setup Sitemap Submission in Google Search Console Testing Testing on Manual Action & Securit...

    €293 Average bid
    €293 Média
    1 ofertas

    Do you have a passion for editing about Geography? Do you want to create the highest quality videos possible and be part of a young and driven team? Then we have the dream job for you! We are looking for an experienced video editor with proven experience to video edit videos about Crazy Geography for our YouTube channel. SEE THESE LINKS BEFORE YOU APPLY: - -@reallifelore?si=UAXs1sjL3xVmd9vN - Requirements: 1) Capable of using multiple editing styles 2) Capable of using real footage 3) Switch music often and add music in line with the feeling and flow of the story 4) Clear communication 5) Capable of searching for specific footage 6) Knows your way around Elevenlabs for

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Média
    30 ofertas
    €23 Média
    1 ofertas

    I'm seeking a modern and sleek logo for my company, Medlysis. This company is a reliable partner in Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) in the UK market and a top provider of Medical Record Retrieval (MRR), Release of Information (ROI), and Medical Billing solutions for the US healthcare sector. Key Requirements: - The logo should embody a modern and sleek aesthetic. - Use of abstract shapes is encouraged. - Colour palette is flexible, any colour can be used. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design with a strong portfolio of modern logo designs. - Experience in creating logos for healthcare or recruitment industries is a plus. - Excellent understanding of abstract design.

    €41 Average bid
    €41 Média
    37 ofertas

    I'm looking for a freelancer to create an educational PowerPoint presentation (PPT) focused on the tourism of Manipur. The content should appeal to a wide audience, including students, tour guides, and history enthusiasts. Key Requirements: - Create informative, engaging, and visually appealing PPT content about Manipur's tourism. - Ensure the PPT is educational and can be understood by 'anyone'. - The presentation should be suitable for use in schools, training sessions for tour guides, and for history enthusiasts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating educational content. - Strong understanding and knowledge of Manipur's tourism and history. - Excellent PowerPoint skill...

    €195 Average bid
    €195 Média
    85 ofertas

    My curren... - Current Formats: The logo is available in JPEG and PNG. - Vector Conversion: I'm uncertain about converting the logo to a vector format. I would appreciate more information on the benefits of this. - Design Modifications: While the primary task is to adjust the font thickness, I am open to any other minor design changes that could enhance the logo. **We use this logo for digital marketing, and print marketing - from small documents to large yard signs. We'd like the logos to be easy to read no matter what the product is. Ideal skills for this project include graphic design and familiarity with print quality requirements. Experience with logo design and modifications is a plus. Understanding of vector graphics and their ad...

    €64 Average bid
    €64 Média
    160 ofertas

    I'm looking for a professional to create a compelling sales deck for my B2B Industrial Lubrication Management Company. The primary goal of this deck is to attract new clients, specifically large corporations. Key Focus Areas: - Cost-effectiveness: Highlight the economical advantages of our services compared to competitors. - Expertise and Experience: Convey our company's extensive knowledge and proficiency in the field. The ideal candidate for this project should have a solid background in B2B sales, and experience in creating sales decks for industrial products or services. Understanding of the lubrication management industry will be a plus. Your ability to create engaging, persuasive content tailored to large corporations will be crucial for the su...

    €323 Average bid
    €323 Média
    58 ofertas

    We’re looking for an individual Full-Stack Developer to join our team—not a company ...Full-Stack Developer to join our team—not a company or agency. If you’re a skilled developer who enjoys working on both frontend and backend technologies, we want to hear from you! What You’ll Be Doing: Developing and maintaining modern web applications Building dynamic UIs with React, Angular, and Vue Creating and optimizing backend services using Node.js Working with APIs, databases (SQL & NoSQL), and cloud platforms What We’re Looking For: An individual developer (no agencies or outsourcing firms) Strong experience in React, Angular, Vue, and Node.js Proficiency in RESTful APIs, cloud services, ...

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr Média
    40 ofertas

    I'm looking for a professional to create a compelling PowerPoint presentation tailore...presentation should effectively showcase: - Our company's unique value proposition: Clearly articulating what sets us apart from our competitors. - Success stories and case studies: Demonstrating our track record and the value we've delivered to previous clients. - Details of services or products offered: Providing a comprehensive overview of what we can deliver. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in sales and marketing, with a proven track record of creating impactful sales presentations. Excellent PowerPoint skills are a must, along with the ability to present complex information in a clear and engaging manner. Experience with...

    €64 Average bid
    €64 Média
    38 ofertas

    I'm looking for a freelancer to create an educational PowerPoint presentation (PPT) focused on the tourism of Manipur. The content should appeal to a wide audience, including students, tour guides, and history enthusiasts. Key Requirements: - Create informative, engaging, and visually appealing PPT content about Manipur's tourism. - Ensure the PPT is educational and can be understood by 'anyone'. - The presentation should be suitable for use in schools, training sessions for tour guides, and for history enthusiasts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating educational content. - Strong understanding and knowledge of Manipur's tourism and history. - Excellent PowerPoint skill...

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Média
    58 ofertas

    ...a straightforward and simple yet enlightening 2D explainer video. The video should highlight the advantages and impacts of implementing a KNX system in a classroom or similar settings. It should effectively illustrate how KNX automation improves energy efficiency, manages lighting, regulates climate, and supports comprehensive smart building oversight. Key Aspects: - Target Audience: The primary viewers of this video will be school administrators and studen, so the content should be tailored to their perspective and needs. - Animation Style: The video should be created in 2D animation style, making it visually appealing and easy to understand. Short Video less than 1min - Key Benefits: The video should particularly emphasize the energy e...

    €101 Average bid
    €101 Média
    51 ofertas
    Awards Entry PowerPoint Creation
    2 dias left

    I'm looking for an visually inspirating and professional PowerPoint presentation to submit for an upcoming awards entry. The presentation should have an inspirational tone and include a range of visuals. I will provide all the content - a 2500 word document with images, and a ppt template I would like you to put it all together. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Microsoft PowerPoint - Experience in designing presentations for awards entries - Strong graphic design skills - Ability to create an inspirational tone There will be four versions required. All will have the same images and charts, but slightly different copy - which I will supply. It will need to be complete in 24 hours.

    €131 Average bid
    €131 Média
    111 ofertas

    I'm seeking an experienced app developer to create a unique automation app for generating diet charts. Key Features: - Users should be able to input images and diet plans. - The app should automatically format these inputs into a professionally designed PPT or PDF. - The designs must be visually appealing, surpassing standard Canva templates. - A straightforward, user-friendly interface is crucial. - High-quality, customizable design options. - The app should offer high-quality export options. The app needs to be developed for Android. It should embody a professional and corporate design style. In terms of user authentication, I require a simple email login system. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in app development, particularly for Android. - Strong ba...

    €126 Average bid
    €126 Média
    4 ofertas

    ...Spain, specifically Madrid, to promote our custom-designed, affordable, and quickly-deliverable website services to small restaurants. Key Responsibilities: -Able to speak Spanish and English - Contact small restaurant owners in Madrid using provided contact details. - Articulate the advantages of our bespoke, budget-friendly, and swiftly-implemented digital services. - Adhere to a supplied sales script to guide discussions. - Propose adaptable monthly payment plans. - Successfully close deals and oversee client onboarding. Ideal Candidate: - Previous experience in sales or telemarketing is preferred but not essential. - Excellent communication and persuasive abilities are a must. - Capable of working autonomously and maintaining profe...

    €77 Average bid
    €77 Média
    8 ofertas

    I have a PowerPoint presentation in Hindi that needs to be visually appealing. The goal is to make it more attractive using transitions and complex object animations. Key requirements: - Improve transitions between slides to keep the audience engaged - Apply complex object animations to make the presentation lively - Ensure the overall flow of the presentation remains smooth and professional Ideal skills: - Proven experience in creating visually appealing PowerPoint presentations - Expertise in using complex object animations - Excellent understanding of transitions in PowerPoint Please note, the focus is primarily on transitions and object animations, with a specific preference for complex styles. The ability to subtly integrate these elements without making the pr...

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Média
    12 ofertas

    I have an unfinished WordPress site that requires a professional touch to help me complete it. I'm looking for a UK-based developer who will be able to take on this project without outsourcing. A key consideration for me is building a long-term working relationship with the right freelancer. Key Responsibilities: - Complete the design and layout of the site as per the existing site design and adding anything new and important as needed - Implement required functionality and plugins - Integrate content and images We can have a meeting to review/go over what is needed as the description here is a rough guide only.

    €1173 Average bid
    €1173 Média
    142 ofertas

    Hi mohammed! I have a transcription task again - only one group so I would like to add another task so we keep the same level of payment as for two transcriptions. The PPT task is to adust text size on about 200 slides - I estimate about one hour of work Let me know if you are available

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Média
    1 ofertas

    ...Points: Clearly identify and comprehensively address the problem using relevant knowledge from course materials and credible sources. Support with Evidence: Provide supporting reasons drawn from course materials to strengthen your analysis. Demonstrate Understanding: Show a strong grasp of the issue with critical insights. Feasible Recommendations: Offer practical and mature responses with actionable recommendations. Simulation Techniques: Examine real-life problem modeling using Monte Carlo simulation. Utilize Excel's built-in simulation tools for solving complex problems. Analyze using the @RISK add-in for enhanced simulations. Spreadsheet Simulation Steps: Plan and translate to a spreadsheet. Generate random numbers for input-output relations. Create ...

    €46 Average bid
    €46 Média
    9 ofertas