Opengl vertex trabalhos
Opa Samuel, boa tarde, gostaria de ter contratar em um projeto envolvendo o OpenGL.
Implementar aplicativo para leitura de objetos 3D (formato OBJ) e renderização com shaders (OpenGL 4+). Deve ser seguida a estrutura de dados definida no material de modelagem e implementada a visualização de objetos 3D (com arquivos OBJ, MTL e texturas conforme definido no material sobre formato OBJ).
#Dev# Games Antigos Projeto: Dev jogo antigo Linguagem : c++ Source: Usando directx 7, compilando com VS 2010 Média de compatibidade no momento: de 1 a 10 Win xp ,7,8 = 6 , para win 10 = 1 Objetivo do projeto: ganho de performance FPS, compatibidade win10. Efeitos nos itens, armaduras. Preciso de algo que fique compativel...compilando com VS 2010 Média de compatibidade no momento: de 1 a 10 Win xp ,7,8 = 6 , para win 10 = 1 Objetivo do projeto: ganho de performance FPS, compatibidade win10. Efeitos nos itens, armaduras. Preciso de algo que fique compativel com win 7.8.10, talvez a troca pra dx 11 nao seria uma boa ideia ,pelo motivo de teocar linha por linha Após algumas pesquisa achei mais viável trocar o dx por opengl, mas fica a crité...
Preciso entregar alguns exercícios em Python com PyOpenGL. Desenhar um quadrado, retângulo, etc..
Pretende-se a implementação de um jogo em C/C++ usando o OpenGL. O Jogo é em 2D e deve ser implementado tendo em consideração os pontos que a seguir se indicam. 1. O jogo base é constituído por uma bola que se movimenta numa qualquer direção; quando a bola toca no limite da janela faz ricochete e perde vidas; a bola muda de direção quando o jogador clica em cima dela; a bola desaparece quando ficar sem vidas e o jogo termina; O jogador ganha pontos com o passar do tempo; Quando o jogo terminar indica os pontos conseguidos. 2. O Jogo tem um ecrã de configuração: cores, número de bolas, tamanho das bolas, velocidade das bolas (igual para todas), número de vidas, etc. 3. Quan...
Um jogo para projeto de faculdade, o mais básico possível. • Aplicação Interativa 3D em Qt usando OpenGL/GLSL • É obrigatório o uso de Shaders • Não é permitido usar pipeline fixo • A aplicação tem que ser interativa (uso de mouse, teclado) • Utilização de mapeamento de texturas, múltiplas iluminações, quatérnios, leitura de arquivos, múltiplos shaders serão levados em consideração
Pretende-se a implementação de um jogo em C/C++ usando o OpenGL. O Jogo é em 2D e deve ser feito tendo em consideração os pontos que se seguem. - O jogo é constituído por uma bola que se movimenta numa qualquer direção; quando a bola toca no limite da janela faz ricochete e perde vidas; a bola muda de direção quando o jogador clica em cima dela; a bola desaparece quando ficar sem vidas e o jogo termina; O jogador ganha pontos com o passar do tempo; Quando o jogo terminar indica os pontos conseguidos. - O Jogo tem um ecrã de configuração: cores, número de bolas, tamanho das bolas, velocidade das bolas (igual para todas), número de vidas, etc. - Quando há vá...
Eu preciso de você para desenvolver um software para mim. Gostaria que este software fosse desenvolvido no codeblocks usando c e OpenGL , preciso de um labirinto simples 30x30, com 2 inimigos que se movam de forma aleatória e 10 itens (quadradinhos) para serem capturados que estavam fixos
Preciso de um ficheiro .c OpenGL que corra uma mangueira.
...model a 3D simple robot using OpenGL / C++. The robot model needs to have at least one complete arm divided in arm, forearm and a claw (or tweezer) in place of a hand. The robot has to move and rotate his all body and the claw has to open, close and spin. The arm need to be articulated as well. All types of movement have to become by input (keyboard keys or mouse) The scene needs a font of light and the camera has to be puted on a projective transformation. The libraries allowed to this project are the Glew, Glut and RbImage. Textures are welcome too. Budget starts at 5 and can go up to 25. It depends on how well the project will be delivered. You can see some reference examples attached. PT-BR Estou procurando alguém capaz de modelar um robô 3D simples usando o ...
Preciso de um programador com bastante experiência na Linguagem OPENGL, para criação e diagramação de 2 projetos: 1- Um jogo simples de colisão com pelo menos 4 objetos e dois se movimentando (um por tempo e outro por interação com o teclado). Por exemplo: Enduro, bomber man, Pac man, Mario, Asteroides, entre outros. Ex: 2- Um ambiente 3D com 5 objetos e variações de luminosidade e ângulo de visão (interação com usuário via teclado e mouse). Uma sala de aula, sala de tv, quarto, laboratório etc.) Alguns requisitos para os sistemas: Ser desenvolvido em Python utilizando a biblioteca OpenGL; Ter uma pontuação na tela; Identificar colis&ot...
Preciso de um programador com bastante experiência na Linguagem OPENGL, para criação e diagramação de 2 projetos: 1- Um jogo simples de colisão com pelo menos 4 objetos e dois se movimentando (um por tempo e outro por interação com o teclado). Por exemplo: Enduro, bomber man, Pac man, Mario, Asteroides, entre outros. Ex: 2- Um ambiente 3D com 5 objetos e variações de luminosidade e ângulo de visão (interação com usuário via teclado e mouse). Uma sala de aula, sala de tv, quarto, laboratório etc.) Alguns requisitos para os sistemas: Ser desenvolvido em Python utilizando a biblioteca OpenGL; Ter uma pontuação na tela; Identificar colis&ot...
Empresa de Desenvolvimento de Software de Gestão Temos como principal objectivo o desenvolvimento de so...Linux, SSH. Competências acrescidas: Domínio das seguintes Linguagens de Programação, e respectivas técnicas de Desenvolvimento, nomeadamente (Java, C/C++,C#). Criação de Bases de Dados Relacionais. (MySql / Sqlserver). Programação Web (jsp, servlets, php, asp, e intregração com HTML, Flash (Actionscript) Domínio de Sistemas Operativos Windows e Unix. Noções de OpenGL e computação gráfica e multimédia. Metodologias UML e Engenharia de Software Oferece-se remuneração compatível co...
Preciso de um aplicativo para Android. Gostaria que seja desenhado e construído.
Tenho um código em C usando OpenGL desenvolvido para construir o Jogo Tetris. O código possui funções que não estão funcionando e ele interrompe no meio do jogo, enfim, preciso de um programador experiente que depure e termine o jogo.
Preciso de alguem que saiba implementar isto em Linguagem C, a parte grafica ja esta ok, estou usando a Glut.h da openGl, entao voce tera que baixar/instalar no seu pc esta biblioteca para implementar.<br />
Simulador de voo usando OpenGL, simples não é necessário muitos detalhes.
Interface de game em OpenGL para Android. Projeto de uma UI utilizando OpenGL para o jogo quebra cabeça de números. A lógica do jogo não é necessária. Requisitos: -Possibilidade de especificar o tamanho da matriz do jogo. Exemplo: 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, etc.. -Implementar o movimento de arrastar o número para o espaço vazio (vide foto). -Aparência de madeira (vide foto). -Notificar os listeners sobre o movimento (qual peça foi movida e para onde) -Receber notificação (chamada de método) sobre final de jogo (vitória). Gerar uma animação de final de jogo.
I'm in need of a seasoned QT developer to build an instrument cluster UI us...responsiveness, and high-performance rendering. - Fine-tune the UI for embedded hardware, as needed. - Troubleshoot and enhance the application according to feedback. Required Skills: - In-depth knowledge of QT/QML and C++. - Previous experience in developing instrument clusters or similar real-time UI applications. - Proficient in multithreading, data handling, and API integration. - Comfortable with OpenGL, Vulkan, or GPU acceleration for seamless rendering. - Familiarity with Linux-based embedded systems is a plus. Design Assets: I have provided APIs and UI/UX design. Deployment: The instrument cluster will be used on embedded systems. Hardware: There are specific models to consider, but flexibil...
...engagement. 2) Image and Video Analysis: Incorporate AI to analyze multimedia content for filtering inappropriate content or enhancing user experience. 3) Sentiment Analysis: Utilize AI to gauge user sentiment based on interactions and responses for content moderation and improved experience. Technologies to Utilize: 1) Google Places API: For location-based features and review management. 2) Google Vertex AI: For advanced machine learning capabilities and AI integration. 3) OpenAI: For content generation and user engagement strategies. 4) DALL·E & Google Imagen: For image generation and enhancement based on user interactions. Responsibilities: 1) Backend Development: Extend and optimize the existing backend using Laravel (PHP), Node.js, or Django/FastAPI (Python). 2)...
Overview: We are seeking a 2D artist experienced in OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) and the Interactive Shader Format (ISF) to develop bespoke, interactive 2D scenes. The visuals should evoke a sci-fi aesthetic while being designed to respond dynamically to audio and MIDI inputs via Max MSP and Ableton Live. Scope of Work: 1. Create five unique 2D scenes, each corresponding to a distinct instrumental composition. 2. Develop shaders using GLSL and ISF, ensuring intimate familiarity with both. 3, Explore complex parameter mappings beyond simple visuals, while maintaining an approachable aesthetic. 4. Work closely with our team; a private link to the audio compositions will be provided for accurate interpretation and synchronization. Requirements: 1. Proven expertise in GLSL and IS...
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Hi. I am creating a server in Minecraft and I need a customized client for it. If you are asking what kind of features it will contain, it will consist of various modes, features such as movement and decoration. In the cosmetic part, nice looking things like hats, capes and wings should be added, other than that, we should do these features in connection with my server. If you think it is suitable for you, contact me and let's work together.
I'm seeking a skilled developer familiar with Google Cloud's Vertex AI to create GEN AI agents. These agents should be capable of reading a GIS vector map and generating reports or summaries based on the identification of both natural and man-made features. Key Responsibilities: - Develop GEN AI agents in Google Cloud's Vertex AI - Ensure agents can analyze GIS vector maps - Design agents to identify specific features and landmarks, both natural and man-made - Enable agents to generate comprehensive reports or summaries Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Google Cloud's Vertex AI - Experience with GIS vector maps - Ability to create AI agents for specific tasks - Strong background in geographic data analysis - Excellent report generation...
I'm seeking an expert to integrate Gemini with Vertex AI with the primary objective of enhancing our machine learning models, specifically classification models. We will deploy this in our current site that is about digital transformation of our business process, that relates to authenticating market acceptance of internet of things products in the marketplace. The focus will be on utilizing image and video data for these models. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI and machine learning, with a focus on classification models. - Extensive experience working with image data. - Strong understanding of Gemini and Vertex AI platforms. - Ability to optimize and improve machine learning models.
I'm seeking a skilled Unity C# programmer to create a script that optimizes 3D meshes by eliminating redundant vertices. The key goal of this project is enhancing performance through mesh optimization. Key requirements: - The script should be capable of processing the 3D mesh and remove the unnecessary vertices in runtime. - Since the vertices has vertex color, the vertex color of other vertices must not be lost. - The requirement is not to make a LOD system rather make a script to remove redundant vertices. - The model's must retain its original form/size. Ideal skills: - Proficiency in C# and Unity. - Previous experience with mesh optimization in Unity. - Ability to write clear, maintainable code.
I'm seeking a seasoned AI/ML developer to enhance our content generation process. Your main tasks will include: - Creating custom embeddings from scraped text content using Google Vertex AI, with the primary aim of improving content relevance. - Incorporating metadata from the website to increase the relevance and accuracy of the generated content. Moreover, you'll need to build mechanisms to verify and refine the generated content based on the source data. A key part of this project involves leveraging LLM queries for high-quality text generation. Ideal candidates should possess: - Proficiency in AI/ML, particularly in working with embeddings and LLMs. - Prompt engineering with RAG based content generation and perfection. - Strong experience in data scraping and conte...
As part of a big project of modding motorsport racetracks for the video game Assetto Corsa, I would need these 4 buildings modded to recreate a particular city ( game Assetto Corsa, I would need these 4 buildings modded to recreate a particular city (attached file) Key requirements: - Low Poly - Texture of the sponsor on top of the garage can be changed. - Windows and glass have specific textures so it can be made shiny in the night - Diffuse only textures as the object doesn't need to become heavy on gaming performance The focus is on low polys and vertex and good textures. Expected output is a blender file with all textures so I can export in .fbx format and import in the game. Or the .FBX with textures properly packed and functioning. I'll test in game. Op...
...The text should wrap and resize automatically similar to the way does. - The method used should be able to be processed quickly on both iOS and mobile devices. - You need to develop scalable script or algorithms to track surface areas, vertex movements, and distortions on animated surfaces (e.g., a shirt in a GIF). - Implement motion-tracking techniques to ensure accurate mapping of vertices across multiple frames. - Apply the tracked data to a text layer, enabling the text to inherit the same distortions, bends, and vertex animations as the background surface. - Ensure real-time or near-real-time updates to text as per user input. - Create a scalable solution that can adapt the same approach to multiple surfaces or animations. - Test the solution across...
I'm seeking an expert to configure (and potentially build) a minimal Buildroot environment for my Raspberry Pi 400. This should include hardware-accelerated SDL2 with OpenGL ES 3 support via Mesa, the Gallium v3d driver, and audio support through ALSA. Key Requirements: - Buildroot: Use the latest stable release. - Purpose: This environment will primarily be used for development and testing. - Graphics: Integrate OpenGL ES 3 with hardware-accelerated graphics. - Audio: Configure ALSA as the sole audio solution. - Drivers: Include only necessary drivers, with the RPi 400 Wi-Fi as the only network driver. - Boot Time: Strip the kernel and OS to their minimum for the fastest boot time. - Environment: Ensure the setup is minimal, excluding anything we don't need. For ...
I'm looking for a small graphic design project in OpenGL, specifically focusing on 3D graphics. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in OpenGL and 3D graphics design - Prior experience with small scale projects in OpenGL - Creative and able to produce visually appealing designs - Good understanding of graphic design principles - Able to work independently and deliver quality work within set deadlines., including Vertex AI for machine learning capabilities (if applicable - specify use case, e.g., appointment recommendations, demand forecasting) and BigQuery for efficient data management. * Implement Telnyx integration for SMS communication, including appointment reminders, notifications, and updates. * Build RESTful APIs to facilitate communication between the backend and frontend applications. * Ensure code quality, security, and performance optimization. * Collaborate effectively with the frontend development team and other stakeholders. Qualifications: * Proven experience in backend development using Django Python. * Strong understanding of relational databases and data modeling. * Hands-on experience with Google Cloud Platform (GCP), specifically Vertex...
...Store and the Google Play Store Excellent communication skills Experience working with Unity Experience working with an object-oriented programming language like C++, C#, Java, etc Sound fundamentals in 3D game development (like 3D math, rendering, materials/shaders, etc) An ideal candidate also has experience: With animation systems Working with a 3D game engine like Cocos2D-X, Unreal, etc With OpenGL ES or DirectX Please apply for this position by emailing our contact address with your resume, and the answers to the following three questions: How does your skill set make you a good fit for this role What games have you published in the pastWhat was your role on these projects What kind of games do you play/enjoyWhy Role: Game Developer / Programmer Industry Type: Miscellaneous ...
I want to update a comprehensive machine learning application encompassing predictive analytics, natural language processing (NLP), and image recognition. A particular focus will be on sentiment analysis within the NLP component. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in machine learning algorithms and techniques. - Extensive experience in predictive analytics, an advantage. - Good understanding of app development principles. Your task will be to create a machine-learning application that can: - Analyze and predict trends based on data (predictive analytics). - Understand and interpret human language and sentiment (NLP and sentiment analysis). - Recognize and interpret visual data (image recognition). NEED FREELANCER THAT UNDERSTANDS GOOGLE CLOUD VERTEX - AI MACHINE-LEARNING T...
Add to an existi...incompatibilities with the Deferred rendering type, transparent pixels will be removed (discarded) from the textures used. Also, the particle system for the cascade must have the depth test activated. Fix the existing project by making both skybox cube and lights appear in the same time. Currently they appear so only if the blend effect is activated after the cube is rendered. The project simulates in OpenGL a mountain lake, into which a waterfall flows. The simulation is done at night, with dynamic light sources present on stage. What is already done is the mountain, the curbe in the terrain where the waterfall will end. Also what is already done is the lighting with deffered rendering and a skybox with a cubemap. What is already impleented will be provided a...
...Balloon construction The balloons in the scene are built using a series of primitives. The recommended version has the following components: Nacelle – parallelepiped Balloon body – sphere (with the deformation proposed below) Connectors – 4 parallelepipeds (See attached image) Deformation in Vertex Shader To get a result that is close to the real appearance of a hot air balloon body, we need to apply a simple elongation deformation to a sphere. The process involves programmatically moving, in the Vertex Shader, the vertices in the lower half of the sphere vertically. A visual representation of the result you will get is attached. You will do this deformation by referring to the object coordinates of the sphere. A simple check of the model available in ...
...seeking a proficient developer to create a simple, minimalist web application using Google App Script. This webapp will allow users to upload images and PDFs, compare them, and obtain results from the Vertex AI Gemini model, all without the need for an API key. Key Features: - **Image and PDF Upload**: The application should enable users to seamlessly upload images and PDFs. - **Comparison Tool**: An integral component of the app will be a tool that facilitates comparison of the uploaded image and PDF, using Google AI. - **Vertex AI Gemini Integration**: The webapp will need to interact with the Vertex AI Gemini model to retrieve comparison results. - **Minimalist UI**: The user interface should epitomize visual simplicity, prioritizing clean lines and uncluttered...
General description In this topic, we are looking at processing an image to obtain a stylized version of it in the form of a sketch. A sketch image has the following characteristics: It's black and white with no shades of gray. Preserves image contours. Contours are made using Sobel filter + binarization The hatching lines show where the image is darker. The denser the hatching lines are in an area, the darker the image colors are in that area. In the attached image1, you can see several results obtained from applying the approach you need to implement within this topic. As part of the assignment, you must implement a specific proposed method, which is described in the following sections. An overview of the steps for creating a sketch using this method can be seen in the image ...
I'm looking for an experienced full stack AI engineer to help improve my existing application. The role is quite front-end heavy, necessitating skills in React, as well as some experience with Langchain and Node.js. Your primary responsibilities will include: - Enhancing the user interface design - Improving overall performance of the application - Adding new features to the front-...Performance optimization skills - Experience implementing interactive elements in web applications - Familiarity with designing and implementing onboarding flows. The ideal freelancer would have a strong background in full stack development with a proven track record of improving and enhancing web applications. AI experience would be a significant advantage. Nice to haves: Sagemaker, hugging face, ...
...Deliverables: • Full architectural and structural plans for 3-4 modular units. • Eurocode 3 compliant designs for steel connections (bolted/welded). • Fireproofing guidelines and material recommendations. • 3D Models (Revit, Tekla, or Vertex BD preferred). • Structural analysis reports and building compliance certificates. • Assistance in certifying our demo modular home. Ideal Candidate: • Experience in modular construction or prefabricated steel/timber homes. • Familiar with Irish building regulations and Eurocode 3. • Proficiency in Tekla, Revit, Vertex BD, or similar CAD/BIM software. • Background in sustainable design and non-concrete foundation systems. Budget: • Open to competitive bids – look...
I'm seeking a Python expert well-versed in Generative AI and Vertex AI for this project. The purpose of this project is to enhance capabilities for my existing business. Requirements: - Detailed project proposals are essential. Your proposal should outline how you intend to approach this project and the methodologies you plan to use. - Demonstrated experience and expertise in Python, Generative AI, and Vertex AI. - Ability to deliver the project within a month. Please ensure your proposal is comprehensive and clearly demonstrates your understanding of the project.
I'm seeking a seasoned AI/ML developer to enhance our content generation process. Your main tasks will include: - Creating custom embeddings from scraped text content using Google Vertex AI, with the primary aim of improving content relevance. - Incorporating metadata from the website to increase the relevance and accuracy of the generated content. Moreover, you'll need to build mechanisms to verify and refine the generated content based on the source data. A key part of this project involves leveraging LLM queries for high-quality text generation. Ideal candidates should possess: - Proficiency in AI/ML, particularly in working with embeddings and LLMs. - Strong experience in data scraping and context-aware content processing. - Ability to ensure generated output close...
...Interface: An intuitive design to make the app easy to set up and use. 5. Platform Compatibility: • Version 1: Focus on one platform (either iOS or Android) • Future goal: Cross-platform compatibility. Developer Requirements: • Experience in mobile app development (iOS or Android). • Knowledge of real-time image processing or similar technologies. • Familiarity with graphics libraries (e.g., OpenGL, Metal, or other rendering frameworks). • Strong focus on user experience (UI/UX design). • Willingness to collaborate closely and explain technical details clearly to a non-technical founder. Preferred Qualifications (Optional): • Background in vision science, optics, or similar fields. • Experience with healthcare or assistive ...
Description: I need a GLSL expert to create an image depth viewer using an image and its depth map. The goal is to produce a depth effect that makes the image look 3D. Requirements: - Experience with GLSL and shader programming - Familiarity with depth maps and parallax effects - Proficiency in OpenGL/WebGL Deliverables: - GLSL shaders and project files - A simple demo showing the depth effect How to Apply: Share examples of similar GLSL or shader projects you've worked on.
I need a skilled freelancer with Qt, OpenGL,irrlicht and 3D voxel editing experience to work on my project. ivoxed folder has irrlicht version Todo qvoxed tile placement/removal fix when scrolling in and out double click tile to set texture with saving ivoxed placing voxels visibly while using keyboard/mouse to view them would also like saving / loading with gui buttons Skills & Experience: - Strong Qt,OpenGL,irrlicht experience is a must. - Experience working on 3D voxel editing projects is a plus. - Proven track record of handling similar assignments within tight deadlines preferred.
I'm looking for a Flutter expert who can help me implement a 3D library (like flutter OpenGL) in my app. The task is to merge two .glb models dynamically while the app is running. The two glb models have attachment points through which they attach to each other, I just want to do it when the user presses a button in the app.
I'm in need of a seasoned Google GCP developer who can build a suite of serverless analytical and BI tools. These tools will leverage Looker canvas, Vertex AI and Gemini, and should seamlessly connect with a REACT frontend. Key Features: - The primary goal of these tools is to facilitate data-driven decision making, event prediction, health care data and financial management. - These tools must be able to connect with a variety of data sources including internal databases, third-party APIs, and user-generated content. They should also allow for embedding based on the user's choice of data. - The BI tools should offer a broad range of data visualizations, from basic charts and graphs to interactive dashboards and geospatial maps. Additionally, there should be a 'drag ...
...Optimierung von Machine-Learning-Modellen, der Implementierung von KI-Lösungen sowie der Integration dieser Modelle in bestehende Systeme. Anforderungen für das Projekt: Technologien & Tools: Programmiersprachen: Python (z. B. TensorFlow, PyTorch), R Frameworks: TensorFlow, PyTorch, scikit-learn Datenbanken: SQL, NoSQL (MongoDB, Cassandra) Cloud-Plattformen: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud (SageMaker, Vertex AI, etc.) API-Integration: REST, gRPC Big Data Tools: Hadoop, Spark, Kafka Erfahrung: Mehrjährige Erfahrung in der Entwicklung und Implementierung von Machine-Learning-Algorithmen. Kenntnisse in Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision oder Reinforcement Learning sind ein Plus. Erfahrung in der Optimierung und Skalierung von Modellen für den prod...
Description: We are working on a Python-based 3D rendering project and need an experienced developer to enhance it with new features and optimizations. The current project includes procedural ...Tasks: Improve visual effects, such as fog and lighting, to enhance realism. Integrate provided 3D models into the environment. Refine and optimize rendering for performance and seamless integration. Deliverables: Updated project with all requested enhancements implemented. Clean, modular code that integrates smoothly with the existing setup. Clear documentation on the changes made. Required Skills: OpenGL Development Python (PyOpenGL) 3D Rendering and Shaders (GLSL) Experience with 3D Model Integration Additional Information: The project uses PyOpenGL and pygame. All required assets will be...
i am trying to create a gaming machine using debian 12 gnone i keep gettong errors