Maya animations trabalhos
I’m developing a Beat 'n Up-style game and need sprites for the following elements: Protagonist: Including full animations (movement, attacks, etc.). Common enemies (mobs): Three different types, each with their own animations. Boss: A unique character with complete animations. The artistic style can be hand-drawn, sprites derived from 3D models, or cut-out animation. However, pixel art is not within the scope of this project. If you believe that cartoon-style 3D models might be a more practical or efficient option, I’m open to suggestions. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to hearing from you!
...espreguiçando, esse tipo de coisa e o que vocês julgarem relevante para o personagem vivo) 3 - Animação do personagem pulando 4 - Animação do personagem efetuando o pulo duplo 5 - Animação do personagem planando Observações: Para todos os desenvolvimentos, necessitarei dos arquivos fontes, arquivos finais e orientações básicas. Por exemplo, quais ferramentas foram utilizadas (Zbrush, Blender, Autodesk Maya, Cinema 4D, etc.) E suas respectivas versões para fins de documentação. Eu busco por alguém que consiga fazer um personagem que esteja “vivo”. Eu não quero ter a sensação de estar olhando para um “boneco”; os olhos p...
I'm developing a game and I need someone to do the artistic part of a game that will be in pixel art
Preciso de fazer uma pequena historia 3d e estou a procura de um animador 3d que me possa realizar o mesmo. Preciso de alguem experinete em animaçao no Maya. e em animar personagens. É so pegar e animar, ja esta tudo montado e com rigs. É um projeto pequeno e simples, mas acredito que seja bom para pratica e portefolio. E basicamente fazer um walkciclye e masi 3 ou 4 poses consoante o restante da historia. Tenho todo o gosto em aprofundar o assunto melhor pessoalmente. Preciso ASAP.
Tenho habilidades para está função, gosto de criar vídeo reels diversos com tema específicos. Sou responsável e criativa. Consigo imprimir a mensagem no vídeo de forma atraente e objetiva.
Football Game Character. Basic naked character, fully textured and 'skeleton' rig for animations. No animations are needed. The skeleton does not need to include finger movements or face features. Only the normal movement joints... head, arms, legs, etc... See attached picture for reference of design for the desired proportions, the character must be bald and in underwear, can have a random stylized face. We also need additional assets that can fit the model, allowing multiple different combinations of the assets. The assets should be delivered with texture, allowing for further customization if needed. (Shirts for example, should be simple to customize by changing the texture) Assets should fit seamlessly with the model, allowing to easily swap and create dif...
Olá ICAD Animations, eu notei seu perfil e gostaria de lhe oferecer meu projeto. Podemos discutir quaisquer detalhes pelo chat.
...fields we can add or remove, the content or quantity of; Include/implement the Stripe ***subscription with a price/product model starting with 10 hours per week, maximum of 60hrs p/w; Add a minimum subscription sign for 3 months, at least; customer must receive an email after signed, with instructions Do the diagram for the pages, together, should look similar to with some JS effects/animations during scroll; As well as a similar layout to pages, with bigger typography, less margins, so there's no waste of space in relation with the size of the full page, etc. (This will be talked about in the call); The diagram design (responsiveness) needs to be corrected for mobiles and desktop, of all sizes. This includes the images inside of the cards (they distort when on mobile); R...
...Signage market, which uses multimedia content to display messages to employees and customers through displays (TVs, monitors, LED panels). We use a digital communication platform (uSign) for which we need to develop html templates to display dynamic messages on the displays. These templates consume dynamic data from this platform that must be injected into the specified layout and animation. Animations are usually transitions in and out of dynamic elements (texts, images, videos), “power point” style. The templates must be produced using HTML5 / CSS / Javascrit. The html design, animation references and all the assets for its construction, will be provided for the execution of this project, that is, this project does not include the design work, only the assembly, ani...
Preciso de um logotipo desenhado.
Olá, minha empresa se Chama (Richard Arquitetura Virtual), totalmente direcionada para projetos de arquitetura, Design arquitetônico, Renderizações, Imagens de alta qualidade, animações, modelagem de projetos de arquitetura em BIM e documentação Técnica. Hello, my company is called (Richard Virtual Arch... (Richard Arquitetura Virtual), totalmente direcionada para projetos de arquitetura, Design arquitetônico, Renderizações, Imagens de alta qualidade, animações, modelagem de projetos de arquitetura em BIM e documentação Técnica. Hello, my company is called (Richard Virtual Architecture), totally directed to architecture projects, Architectural Design, Renderings, High q...
Eu preciso do HTML e CSS de um site bem simples. Onde os dados do menu carregarão na div da direita. Animações e JS eu posso fazer, eu só preciso de muita ajuda no CSS e que o site seja bem simples. Onde os dados do menu carregarão na div da direita. Animações e JS eu posso fazer, eu só preciso de muita ajuda no CSS e que o site seja responsivo. A estrutura está anexada. O único conteúdo que se altera entre as páginas é texto e será carregado por JS na div da direita. I need the HTML and CSS of a very simple website. Where the menu data will load into the right div. Animations and JS I can do, I just need a help in CSS and that the site is responsive. The structure is attach...
Criar video curto (mp4) com narração em português e imagens semelhantes ao arquivo anexo. Esse video será postado no facebook, por isso o video deve ser leve. Exemplo:
Necessito de profissionais para a elaboração de um game, requisitos ter conhecimento de Zbrush, Unity 3D, Substance Painter, Maya, Cinema 4D.
Estou abrindo uma produtora de videos institucionais para pequenas empresas focada no marketing de produtos e serviços, entre outros. Projeto de empresa para o inicio de 2018! Maior interesse em pessoas da região do Grande ABC em São Paulo. Caso seja de ...institucionais para pequenas empresas focada no marketing de produtos e serviços, entre outros. Projeto de empresa para o inicio de 2018! Maior interesse em pessoas da região do Grande ABC em São Paulo. Caso seja de outro estado ou cidade podemos conversar para entender os interesses em comum. Preciso de pessoal para edições em Adobe Premiere e animações em 2D no After Effects e 3D em 3DS Max ou Maya. Estou disponível para tirar duvidas e expl... principio de tu propuesta la palabra "Chewbacca". De esta manera sé que lo leíste todo. ------ I'm a motion graphic designer and I'm looking for someone who can help me on some jobs that is coming. A video animation with 3min long. I will provide Script and Voice over (voice over in portuguese). Would be good someone who speaks portuguese or spanish. It will be very simple animations. Voice over says something and popups a illustration/icon/letters related with what it is talking about. Visual and animation Reference: I don't have the script yet...It will be provided soon. In the end I'll need the original files. I will only choose those who send me some work samples. Write at the beginning of your propo...
Olá, tudo bom? Estou com problemas pra passar um personagem feito no z-brush para o maya, o personagem está modelado e texturizado, mas preciso que alguém o prepare para animação, colocando-o com as texturas no maya e deixando-o pronto para que eu possa animá-lo.
Para realitzar vídeos musicales animados.<br />Propósito: Modelar objetos en 3 dimensiones<br />Experiencia 2 años<br />Tecnologias: Maya 3d, Blender<br /> Habilidades necesarias:Photoshop, Illustrater<br />Horario: 4 horas.
Modeling classes in zbrush or maya . I need to create some characters to the unreal engine 4, but do not quite understand . Also need animation classes in Unreal Engine
Estamos desenvolvendo um jogo para smartphone e tablet já em fase de teste e alguns movimentos extras foram necessários, conforme descrito abaixo:<ol><li>Movimento do personagem principal voando de parapente (mexendo para direita e para esquerda);</li><li>Movimento do skate;</li><li>Movimento do personagem principal no chão (rosto para baixo) debatendo braços e pernas como uma criança; Personagem principal parado e sorrindo;</li><li>Personagem principal de pé, pegando a carteira no bolso de traz e contando o dinheiro;</li><li>Personagem principal de pé, pegando o celular no bolso e digitando uma mensagem.</li></ol>Todos os personagens já estão mod...
Se necesita con urgencia animadores de personajes 3d con disponibilidad inmediata, favor ver descripción.<br /><br />Software: Maya <br />modo de trabajo: a distancia<br />Tipo de proyecto: Serie Web-YOUTUBE<br />Tiempo por capitulo: 2 minutos <br />Una Temporada: 12 capítulos <br />Inicio: Inmediato <br />Para un total de 12 capítulos por temporada <br />FAVOR ENVIAR PORTAFOLIO DE ANIMACIONES ANTERIORES <br /><br />DISPONIBILIDAD INMEDIATA<br /><br />PD: Es un proyecto que inicia ahora con proyecciones de larga duración y posible realización de película 3d en un año.<br />
Comprei um personagem 3D modelado que precisa de um rigging, para que eu possa utilizar ele no MotionBuilder. Preciso de um orçamento simples, pois se trata apenas de um rigging. Obs. tenho vago conhecimento sobre Autodesk Maya; tentei criar o rigging no meu personagem, mas infelizmente após exportar no MotionBuilder Autodesk, o personagem aprensentou erros de influência poligonal durante a animação.
Hago 3D para arquitectos, ingenieros, constructores, diseñadores, creativos, fabricantes.<br /><br />Ten una pre-visualizacion antes de una invercion.<br /><br />Creo bocetos en 3D de interiores y exteriores.<br /><br />Servicio de renderizado.
Trabalhos em 3D usando programas como C4D e Maya
ENG: Motion graphic design of 15s and 30s web commercials. Our team will deliver the script, storyboard, animatic, all the graphics elements in vectors. This project is for 5 to 6 months, with in average 2 animations per week to be delivered. PT: Motion graphic design de VTs de 15s e 30s Nosso time entregara para o motion graphic designer os elementos seguinte: Roteiro (com a timeline), storyboard, animatic, todos os elementos gráficos vetorisados. O projeto é planejado para de 5 até 6 meses, com um a media de 2 vt por semana a serem entregados.
Preciso de um WebSite Flat com design chamativo e que seja diferenciado do mercado atual. O conteúdo do site é download de Animes e Mangás e Streaming de Animes. Preciso de um sidebar com animations de css entre outras coisas desse tipo.
I need an animation 3-5 minutes on design . We will pass audio and we need an animation on top of this audio. It's simple , it can be like a powerpoint (but with very professional looking ) which passes the images that have to do with the audio and some animations . The script to be narrated is attached. Preciso de uma animação de 3 a 5 minutos em desenho. Vamos passar um áudio e precisamos de uma animação em cima deste áudio. É bem simples, pode ser tipo um powerpoint (mas com aspecto bem profissional) onde passa as imagens que tem a ver com o audio e algumas animações. O roteiro a ser narrado está em anexo.
Criação de personagem 3d com as seguintes animações : 1 - Correndo 2 - Pulando 3 - Escorregando "passando por baixo de algo correndo" Tenho o personagem real pronto , falta apenas modelar em 3D , pode ser no Maya, para ser usado no Unity.
Estou criando um site que terão vídeo aulas de diversos assuntos, dentre eles computação gráfica, incluindo vários softwares como 3Ds Max, Maya, Zbrush, Photoshop, Cinema 4D, After Effects, UDK, Unity 3D, dentre outros que possam ter qualidade em produções. Podemos trabalhar com valores de pacotes de cursos completos, desde fundamental a avançado, ou por tópicos. E também podemos trabalhar mensalmente, fixando "x" novos vídeos sempre por mês para termos sempre aulas atualizadas. Com isso, fixamos atendimentos também para o aluno para dúvidas com o professor.
Desenvolvimento de animações básicas para personagem do sexo feminino, tendo como base garotas frágeis, e personagens masculinos com luta de rua. Walk / Run: Personagem deve ter ...Assim como levando dano desses ataques e defendendo, Tera também ataques com armas de fogo e brancas. Tera ainda animações de finalização de personagem. Idle Animações em que o personagem fica fazendo movimentos repetitivos , como parado olhando para os lados , e ansioso. Dead Animações com o personagem morrendo. Padrões:
2 Animations, as discussed2 Animations, as discussed2 Animations, as discussed2 Animations, as discussed2 Animations, as discussed
Procuro animadores de ponta que saibam modelar e animar em 3D para animações com 15 a 20 se... animações terão que demonstrar que os personagens parecem estarem interagindo com o publico. Para falicitar a escolha favor enviarem links com trabalhos já feitos. Looking for animators who can tip model and animate 3D animations for 15-20 sec. an area of 45x45cm animations first person type talk show. Will be 5 subjects with 10 animations in total for approval, the arts and history board will be provided by me. The level I need and the link below. animations will have to demonstrate that the characters seem to be interacting with the public. To facilitate the choice please send links to work already done.
Crio projetos utilizando o software Autodesk Maya, mas pode ser convertido para .OBJ e aberto em outros programas. Se puder, gostaria de ter mais detalhes do seu projeto. Obrigado. Victor Trovato Professional Creative Images.
Somos uma empresa baseada em São Paulo e Nova York, e criamos filmes promocionais, apresentações corporativas, filmes para web e trade shows, para clientes no Brasil, EUA e Europa. Usamos After Effects, Maya, Final Cut Pro e outros programas para criar fi
Precisamos de profissional freelancer com conhecimento em: Photoshop – Médio ou Avançado AutoCAD – Básico AutoCAD 3D, 3D Studio Max, Maya (Capaz de pegar objetos e transformar em 3D como plantas e equipamentos) Se você tem as qualificações me envie o cu
...corporate and professional. Key Requirements: - Design of graphs and charts to present data in a clear and engaging way - Creation of images and infographics to help illustrate key points and make the presentation visually appealing - Incorporation of animations and transitions to keep the audience engaged and to help convey the narrative of the pitch Ideal Skills: - Expertise in graphic design, particularly for corporate presentations - Strong understanding of data visualization and infographic creation - Experience with using animations and transitions effectively in presentations Proficiency in design software (PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, etc.) is a must. The goal is to create a presentation that not only delivers our business pitch, but does so in a way that captur...
I'm looking for a skilled animator who can transform my logo into a professional and sleek 3D animation. This animated logo will primarily be used for video intros and outros, so it needs to be hig...looking for a skilled animator who can transform my logo into a professional and sleek 3D animation. This animated logo will primarily be used for video intros and outros, so it needs to be high quality and visually compelling. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in 3D animation and a portfolio that demonstrates a knack for creating polished, professional-grade animations. Key requirements: - Expert in 3D animation - Prior experience in logo animation - Ability to deliver high-quality, polished work - Understands the need for a professional and ...
I'm seeking an expert who can craft a dynamic, text-based YouTube intro for my channel. The intro should convey a bold and dynamic feel, without losing professionalism. Key Requirements: - Use of the channel name, logo, and tagline - Understanding of creating engaging, high-quality YouTube content - Experience with text-based animations Ideal Skills: - Animation - Graphic design - Video editing Please ensure to deliver a clip that is ready for use in a YouTube video. The channel is called Desci Discovery And the tag line can be: Welcome to the scientific revolution, where discovery knows no bounds
I am looking for a skilled 3D artist who can create a medium-poly character model and animate it for various scenarios. The animations will include idle, walking, and combat sequences. Key Requirements: - Design and model a medium-poly character - Create and implement idle, walking, and combat animations - Deliver in a format compatible with Unity/Unreal Engine Ideal Skills: - Proficient in 3D modeling software (e.g., Blender, Maya) - Strong understanding of character rigging and animation - Experience in creating game-ready models Please include a portfolio of relevant work in your proposal.
I require a professional PowerPoint slide that is creatively designed with smooth animations and high-quality images, focusing on a company overview of Etihad Airways. The slide should have: - A corporate presentation quality - Subtle and professional animations - Engaging and visually appealing layout - Use of high-resolution images/icons The ideal freelancer for this project should have strong skills in PowerPoint design and animation, with a creative approach to corporate presentations. A quick turnaround is essential. If you can deliver a high-quality, engaging slide that meets these requirements, I encourage you to apply.
I'm looking for a developer who can create an engaging webpage similar to The site should feature an animated map of India with a few key components: - Points highlighting the capital cities - Trucks moving from o...components: - Points highlighting the capital cities - Trucks moving from one state to another, dropping batteries at designated locations The trucks should move in a smooth, continuous manner along curved routes between states. Freelancers with the following skills and experience would be ideal for this project: - Web development with a strong focus on animations - Experience creating interactive maps - Understanding of curved path animations Please provide both minimum and maximum cost for this project. Bids without this information will be ignored.
I'm in need of a talented animator who can bring my script to life in a humorous, cartoonish style. So it needs to be engaging, lively and fun. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Adobe Animation or similar software - Able to understand and interpret my script - Skilled in creating cartoonish 2D animations - Humorous and able to add comedic timing to the animation - Experience creating content for children Please provide a portfolio of your previous work, particularly any that has targeted children or has been in a cartoonish style.
I'm looking for a skilled animator with extensive experience in creating high-quality 3D animation. The purpose of these animated videos will be for advertisement, specifically tailored for social media platforms. Key Requirements: - Expertise in 3D ...experience in creating high-quality 3D animation. The purpose of these animated videos will be for advertisement, specifically tailored for social media platforms. Key Requirements: - Expertise in 3D Animation - Previous experience in creating social media ads - Understanding of the unique requirements and best practices for social media content - Ability to create engaging and visually appealing animations to capture audience attention Please provide a portfolio of similar work you've done in the past. Looking forward ... editor to join my team and edit weekly YouTube videos on the latest in artificial intelligence. Each week, I publish 5 videos, each lasting between 1 to 2 minutes. The videos need to be professionally edited to appeal to a professional and intelligent audience, including adding animations to enhance the viewing experience. **Responsibilities:** - Edit 5 videos per week, each 1-2 minutes long. 5 every Sunday morning for the coming week! - Ensure a polished and professional final product - Add animations to make the videos engaging and visually appealing - Stay updated with current trends in AI to keep content relevant **Requirements:** - Proven experience in video editing with a professional portfolio - Proficiency in editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro, Fin...
...Key Deliverables: ✅ Custom Shopify Theme Development Convert the Figma design into a fully functional Shopify theme Ensure a 100% pixel-perfect match to the Figma file Fully mobile-responsive & optimized Implement advanced UI/UX animations (GSAP, Framer Motion, or CSS animations) Optimized for fast loading speeds (Lazy Loading, WebP images, minimized CSS/JS) ✅ Best-In-Class Technologies & Frameworks Liquid + Tailwind CSS for highly efficient, modern styling or React where applicable for lightweight dynamic components GSAP / Framer Motion for animations (e.g., smooth transitions, hover effects) SEO & Schema Markup Implementation for high organic rankings Accessibility (WCAG 2.1 compliance) to ensure usability for all users ✅ Advanced Functionality Meg...
I need a professional who can design and develop a responsive web-based chat interface using React (or ). The chat interface should be integrated with basic chatbox features, including real-time messaging with smooth animations and UI/UX design. The chatbox should also have a basic memory for session-based conversations and be expandable for future AI integrations. Key Features: - Frontend Development: Utilizing React (or ) to create a responsive and engaging chat interface. - Backend Development: Implementing with Node.js, or potentially Flask/Django if using Python. - Database Management: Efficient data storage and management with PostgreSQL. - Scalability: Clean, modular code to facilitate easy addition of new features. The ideal freelancer should have: - Proficient skills
...visually appealing manner. Key Responsibilities: ✅ Design a professional, corporate-style PowerPoint presentation with engaging animations and smooth transitions. ✅ Ensure the presentation aligns with our formal and sophisticated brand identity and business objectives. ✅ Present complex business information in a clear, engaging, and visually appealing manner. ✅ Incorporate high-quality graphics, charts, infographics, and multimedia elements. ✅ Deliver an editable, high-quality PPT within the agreed timeframe. Ideal Skills: - Prior experience designing corporate presentations, preferably for finance and accounting firms. - Proficient in creating engaging animations and smooth transitions in PowerPoint. - Strong understanding of brand consistency and business objectives. ...
I want to make animation like this. So I am looking for the person who can make this. If you are a skilled developer, feel free to reach out with me. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize and to develop a 3D interactive website. - Integrate provided 3D models and animations into the site. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in and Next.js. - Experience in building interactive 3D websites. - Ability to work with 3D models and animations.
I require a talented web designer to create a comprehensive website for me. The site will be informational in nature, comprising several key pages: Home, About Us, Contact Us, and Services. What I'm looking for is an animated, modern and clean aesthetic. Your skills should include: - Proficiency in modern web design principles and practices - Ability to create engaging animations - Experience with designing clean, user-friendly interfaces - Strong communication skills for understanding my vision and requirements Please provide examples of your previous work with animated websites.