Low cost communication strategy trabalhos
...ip for 24 hours. 4 Create adsense account manager and websites, may have 1 to 4 sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was th...
...ip for 24 hours. 4 Create adsense account manager and websites, may have 1 to 4 sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was th...
...ip for 24 hours. 4 Create adsense account manager and websites, may have 1 to 4 sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was th...
...for Spot. This situation will be a summary of the time the bus will take you to reach the next bus stop, this time should be displayed on the map that will be on a 42 "screen at each bus stop. On buses will be added Arduino devices with an LCD two lines, a GPS module and a USB 3G modem. The LCD displays the first line of the bus situation (Later, Jumping ahead, Spot) the second line is for communication between the central and the bus, this line can be sent messages short on change of course. It will be very welcome proposals for programmers to program also Android and if you do not, but keep in mind that this system should communicate with Android applications. The programmer should also keep in mind that this is the first phase of a project that is always changing and upda...
...for Spot. This situation will be a summary of the time the bus will take you to reach the next bus stop, this time should be displayed on the map that will be on a 42 "screen at each bus stop. On buses will be added Arduino devices with an LCD two lines, a GPS module and a USB 3G modem. The LCD displays the first line of the bus situation (Later, Jumping ahead, Spot) the second line is for communication between the central and the bus, this line can be sent messages short on change of course. It will be very welcome proposals for programmers to program also Android and if you do not, but keep in mind that this system should communicate with Android applications. The programmer should also keep in mind that this is the first phase of a project that is always changing and upda...
We are in the communication/translation/transcription/subtitling business for 5 years, we are ready to grow our team. We have full time and part time positions available. These are entry-level positions as you will have to give continuous proof of your work and commitment. Salary revisions for the best performers are available yearly, as well quarterly bonus. More than extremely qualified or experienced (but if you are that’s even better) people, we are looking for individuals eager to work, learn and grow professionally with us. So if you are unexperienced but longing to gain experience, you are also welcome to send us your application. He/she should be professional, committed and reliable. The work will be done remotely at your own pace (as long as you keep deadlin...
Procuramos agentes comerciais para venda e distribuição de suplementos alimentares, cosméticos entre outros para o mercado português. Valoriza-se pessoas com habilidades comerciais e comunicativas que desenvolvam e mantenham uma ótima carte...é uma empresa com sede em Barcelona, Espanha e dedica-se à distribuição de suplementos alimentares, cosméticos, moda entre outros que encontra-se presente em Espanha, Reino Unido, França, Itália e Portugal e segue uma tendência de crescimento noutros países. Para mais informações contatar [The administrator removed this message for encouraging communication outside Freelancer.com, which breaches our Terms and Conditions - Section 13:...
...ip for 24 hours. 4 Create adsense account manager and websites, may have 1 to 4 sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was th...
...Functionality to facilitate training at the gym, promote interactivity among students: training worksheet update, challenge between friends of the academy by the frequency, feeding records, location of nearest academies, the type of flow of people (high, medium, low ), perform check-in. Possibility to upload content with institutional material for customer marketing team and also allow users to feed with information as well. The APP shall also provide tools metrics and statistics for download management team and publish content (communication staff and customer marketing)....
...Functionality to facilitate training at the gym, promote interactivity among students: training worksheet update, challenge between friends of the academy by the frequency, feeding records, location of nearest academies, the type of flow of people (high, medium, low ), perform check-in. Possibility to upload content with institutional material for customer marketing team and also allow users to feed with information as well. The APP shall also provide tools metrics and statistics for download management team and publish content (communication staff and customer marketing)....
...Functionality to facilitate training at the gym, promote interactivity among students: training worksheet update, challenge between friends of the academy by the frequency, feeding records, location of nearest academies, the type of flow of people (high, medium, low ), perform check-in. Possibility to upload content with institutional material for customer marketing team and also allow users to feed with information as well. The APP shall also provide tools metrics and statistics for download management team and publish content (communication staff and customer marketing)....
...ip for 24 hours. 4 Create adsense account manager and websites, may have 1 to 4 sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was th...
...ip for 24 hours. 4 Create adsense account manager and websites, may have 1 to 4 sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was th...
...aprendendo com o passado. Através de um serviço baseado no "Stuff for Marketing", onde fornecemos os nossos serviços através do produto ou serviço do cliente, complementado com estudos de mercado, inquéritos, campanhas teste e lançamento beta de marcas, pretendemos dar aos nossos clientes o máximo acesso ao mercado, sempre com acompanhamento e feedback em todos os momentos. Com a abordagem Ser Low Cost, o cliente apenas investe o seu produto ou serviço, que já foi produzido, armazenado e/ou preparado e que representa um custo. Ao colocar uma parte do stock na mão do seu público-alvo ou ao disponibilizar o seu serviço, torna-o acessível ao seu cliente-tipo. Mais, r...
Por favor, Cadastre-se ou Faça Login para ver os detalhes.
Sou desenvolvedor de um software de Decoração em real-time e catálogo 3d. preciso de modelagem Low-poly com mapeamento de difusão(canal 1) e oclusão(canal 2) de peças de decoração e mobiliário, por volta de 4000 modelos inicialmente.
Por favor, Cadastre-se ou Faça Login para ver os detalhes.
Sou desenvolvedor de um software de decoração em real-time. Preciso de modelagem 3D Low-poly de peças de decoração e mobiliário. O modelo terá mapeamento para difusão no canal 1 e oclusão no canal 2, e mais algumas especificações.(a combinar). Interessados, enviar propostas!
"CLIENTE": Empresa global em soluções de gestão de energia, com produtos da planta ao plugue. Da instalação elétrica, controle e automação industrial. É uma empresa low profile, nunca saiu em mídia de massa, só segmentada falando para técnicos do seu segmento. Temos como objetivo de melhorar o awareness para o público de interesse, apresentando a empresa como líder global no segmento para lideranças de empresas potenciais clientes. _______________________________________________________________________________ Briefing Mídia Estamos planejando campanha para a marca “CLIENTE" para lançar campanha institucional. Queremos um planejament...
Escrever artigos sobre curiosidades, fim de ano, para blog de curiosidades, é notócias entrar em contato pelo wts: [The administrator removed this message for encouraging communication outside Freelancer.com, which breaches our Terms and Conditions - Section 13:Communication With Other Users.]
Tenho interesse no seu projeto? Vi que fez um projeto com open cart. Quanto custaria. é fácil a integração? Meu contato [The administrator removed this message for containing contact details which breaches our Terms and Conditions - Section 13:Communication With Other Users.]
...value of a given product oriented list the city and state information will provide a mean value of their locality more next sample shown below. User 1: $ 4 Gas User 2: U $ 5 Gas User 3: Gas $ 7 Users of the same city. Medium price 4 + 5 + 7/3 = U $ 5.33 I need to manage the users and some ADS via webadmin, missing some pages to calculate the customer cost type x consumed products in period xx / xx 2013/2014 as it cost?...
...value of a given product oriented list the city and state information will provide a mean value of their locality more next sample shown below. User 1: $ 4 Gas User 2: U $ 5 Gas User 3: Gas $ 7 Users of the same city. Medium price 4 + 5 + 7/3 = U $ 5.33 I need to manage the users and some ADS via webadmin, missing some pages to calculate the customer cost type x consumed products in period xx / xx 2013/2014 as it cost?...
...value of a given product oriented list the city and state information will provide a mean value of their locality more next sample shown below. User 1: $ 4 Gas User 2: U $ 5 Gas User 3: Gas $ 7 Users of the same city. Medium price 4 + 5 + 7/3 = U $ 5.33 I need to manage the users and some ADS via webadmin, missing some pages to calculate the customer cost type x consumed products in period xx / xx 2013/2014 as it cost?...
Estarei falando melhor sobre o projeto no Skype: [The administrator removed this message for containing contact details which breaches our Terms and Conditions - Section 13:Communication With Other Users.] Estou com vários projetos em mãos para ser desenvolvido. Para isso necessito de alguém que possa entrar em contato comigo não da para falar do projeto aqui porque é totalmente privado e cada projeto desenvolvido precisa ser totalmente nas linguagem atuais PHP5.5, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript, JAVA, Delphi, C# Necessito de pessoas que pelo menos tem estes conhecimento para que eu possa esta explicando mais.
Olá, meu nome é Alice, sou Diretora da Rocket Cyber e venho aqui anunciar algumas vagas para Redatores de baixo custo. Ou seja, não precisa ter experiência no assunto, é so gostar de escrever textos e cumprir horários. Os temas são diversos e vocês serão pagos mensalmente. Nos primeiros meses é de R$0,50 a 1,00 cada artigo. Interessados entrar em contato comigo pelo e-mail alice2014lucas@
...user, send internal messages , etc. ; - InfoFarmácia - ( various sub - menus where the admin can change them ) ; - Health - Guide ( various sub - menus where the admin can update easily) . - Website Statistics - Condition : diseases and conditions , statistically people by gender and age . Treatment - % of the amount of people taking certain medication , dosage , effects , duration , average cost . Symptoms - color grade as the symptom . - Blog - publication articles, - Events - have an agenda , and points in several days , the activities that the admin can put . - Gallery - Images can place an image and a short essay . System ATM , Visa, mastercard , paypal , and payment by SMS . - Verification / confirmation of registration by email and SMS confirmation in some...
It required the development of a 2D animated commercial for a company in the child care sector. The presentation should be simple, clean, direct, objective, with a humourous note, to cut the monotony. - Mother receives positive pregnancy test, she happy! - As the pregnancy progresses, questions / doubts appear the best products for her baby. - The solution: Our Brand, which bri...commercial for a company in the child care sector. The presentation should be simple, clean, direct, objective, with a humourous note, to cut the monotony. - Mother receives positive pregnancy test, she happy! - As the pregnancy progresses, questions / doubts appear the best products for her baby. - The solution: Our Brand, which brings the opportunity to mummy to try a several quality products at low...
1) Desenvolvimento em DELPHI XE5, Android e IOS 2) Não divulgaremos a finalidade do programa, usaremos o programa desenvolvido como modelo, como exemplo, cadastro de automóveis, imóveis ou qualquer tipo de cadastro que me sirva como exemplo. 3) Breve descrição: a) Programa com formulários separados por abas. b) Gravação dos dados serão em banco de dados local...indicating which have not yet been synchronized. k) All data must be sent to the MYSQL database including photos. l) The program should be commented to ensure we understand the idea of the programmer. m) Model Creation of the local database (on the device) n) Model Creation of ...
Escrever um ebook sobre a dieta low carb high fat, descrever sobre a dieta, ensinanado tudo, deverá realizar pesquisas e colocar o endereço de pesquisa, nao poderá mencionar a palavra( dr ATAKINS), pesquisar em artigos cientificose escrever de forma bem simples, poderá colocar experiencias próprias ou algo semelhante, com o ebook emagrecerdevez . Vou ter mais encomendas para meu blog. Obrigado.
...button. Is Print function, you must send in your images higher resolution for an email or FTP for print and check out in the credits of the user. some messages like: Your images will be printed at the highest resolution possible. You can only send X images at a time. If you choose, for a larger format than Y x Z, the impression can be with low resolution. Alerts if you do not have enough credits. Fins for credit values if you are with low credit. I would like to have available for IOS and Android. This project would be the first step, then we will take other steps to improve the project. Awaiting job offers. Thank you....
Olá! Preciso do noivo e da noiva das imagens modelados em 3d. Dou preferencia para o arquivo .3ds, .obj O vestido da noiva não precisa ter os detalhes florais, pode ser liso. Gostaria dos dois na posição da ultima imagem, prontos para rigged. Modelos em Low Poly Grato
...programador pode ter sempre trabalho no site. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I am looking to create a website for customize things and sell products ready and start'll start just like cell phone covers have 3 sites reference. That has integration with paypal and pagseuro I have a very low budget, I believe in growing and increasingly will need support so that programmer can always work on the site....
We are looking for a skilled CAD designer proficient in PTC Creo to assist in designing and modeling a carriage system. The project involves designing a wheel and axle system, chassis-mounted sub-frame, and carriage body panels with functional features (such as opening doors and window...collaborate on color schemes and connectors, and create an instruction manual for user assembly. The design should be simple enough for a 7-year-old to assemble. The ideal candidate should have expertise in PTC Creo, mechanical design, and product development, with experience in designing functional mechanical assemblies. Knowledge of material selection and manufacturing processes is a plus. Strong communication and collaboration skills are required, as you will be working with a team to finalize t...
...Capsule: PUI Audio AOM5024 electret capsule (2-pin configuration) Frequency Response: Flat response from 20Hz to at least 15kHz Signal Quality: Good signal-to-noise ratio for nature sound recording Power Requirements Input Power: Standard 48V phantom power (P48) Voltage Regulation: Stable voltage supply to the capsule Power Filtering: Clean power with minimal noise Audio Performance Output: Low impedance output suitable for driving long cables Balanced Output: Proper balanced signal for noise rejection Cable Support Cable Length: Must work well with XLR cable lengths of 20-50 meters Cable Compatibility: Circuit should handle the capacitance of long cables RF Protection RF Immunity: Basic filtering to prevent radio frequency interference EMI Protection: Protection against ...
- [ ] SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLER - [ ] Key responsibilities of a social media manager: - [ ] Strategy development: Create and implement a comprehensive social media strategy aligned with brand identity and marketing objectives. Content creation: Generate engaging and relevant content across various social media platforms including text, images, videos, and stories, tailored to the target audience. - [ ] Content calendar management: Plan and schedule social media posts across platforms to maintain consistent brand messaging and optimize posting times. - [ ] Community engagement: Respond to comments, direct messages, and mentions promptly, fostering positive interactions and building relationships with followers. - [ ] Social listening: Monitor social medi...
We're seeking a dedicated professional for day-of coordination for our wedding. Your role will primarily involve overseeing all aspects of the event to ensure everything runs seamlessly. We want this special day to be stress-free, allowing us to fully enj...for our wedding. Your role will primarily involve overseeing all aspects of the event to ensure everything runs seamlessly. We want this special day to be stress-free, allowing us to fully enjoy our celebration with family and friends. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in event management, specifically weddings - Excellent organizational and problem-solving skills - Strong communication and leadership abilities - Capability to coordinate with various vendors and wedding party - Proficient in managing time-...
I need a dedicated server expert from who speaks Spanish fluently. The tasks include setting up and configuring the server, and providing ongoing maintenance and support. The server will primarily be hosting web applications and database services. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Linux - Experienced in dedicated server setup and maintenance - Fluent in Spanish for effective communication
Looking for a Mentor in Fine-Tuning LoRA Models (Phi-4, LLaMA 3, etc.) I'm looking for an experienced and pedagogical mentor who can quickly teach me how to fine-tune large language models (Phi-4, LLaMA 3, etc.) using LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) with Unsloth on Google Colab. My goal is to train models on business-specific datasets so companies can get AI systems that answer their internal questions accurately. About Me: Strong Python skills, comfortable sending prompts to models. No prior fine-tuning experience, but eager to learn fast. I want to offer fine-tuned AI solutions as a consultant for small businesses. What I Need From You: A structured step-by-step learning approach that gets me up to speed quickly. Help troubleshooting common issues when fine-tuning on cust...
I'm seeking assistance in integrating a browser-based chatbot software with my FastAPI backend service. The project involves enabling multiple user logins and implementing JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for user authentication. Key Requirements: - FastAPI: Proficiency in working with FastAPI i... Key Requirements: - FastAPI: Proficiency in working with FastAPI is crucial as the integration revolves around this service. - Chatbot Integration: Experience in integrating chatbots with backend services is highly preferred. - User Authentication: Implementation of JWT for multiple user logins is a key component of this project. The chatbot should be capable of facilitating synchronous communication. This project does not require the bot to answer FAQs, process transactions or assist with u...
Zoho Sign Setup & CRM Implementation for Marketing Agency Description: I am looking for an experienced Zoho expert to help set up Zoho Sign and assist in configuring a CRM system for my agency Scope of Work: Zoho Sign Set...the Zoho ecosystem (or integrate with an alternative if necessary). Customize CRM to track leads, clients, and influencer/creator relationships. Automate processes such as onboarding, follow-ups, and reporting. Provide training or documentation for the team. Requirements: Proven experience with Zoho products (Zoho Sign & Zoho CRM). Ability to integrate Zoho with other tools if needed. Strong communication skills and availability for collaboration. Please share your experience, timeline, and pricing for this project. Looking forward to working with a ski...
...devices) Ideal Candidate: ✅ 3+ years of front-end development experience (React.js, Vue.js, or preferred) ✅ Experience with e-commerce UI design & development ✅ Strong understanding of UX/UI principles (Figma or Adobe XD experience is a plus) ✅ Experience integrating file upload systems (SVG, AI, EPS handling is a bonus) ✅ Ability to write clean, efficient, and scalable code ✅ Good communication & collaboration skills (you’ll be working with our backend team) Bonus Skills (Not Required, but Preferred): ? Experience with vector file processing (handling .AI, .SVG, .EPS files) ? Previous work on custom apparel websites ? Experience in building interactive previews (3D, AR try-on, or similar) Tech Stack & Tools: ? Front-End: React.js / Vue.js / (flexible) ?...
Title: Seeking Talented ...drill results.  • Ensure compatibility across various devices and browsers.  Requirements: • Proven experience in front-end development with a strong portfolio. • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and modern frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, or Vue.js). • Experience with integrating third-party APIs and AI tools. • Strong understanding of responsive design principles. • Excellent communication skills and ability to work collaboratively. Preferred Qualifications: • Familiarity with the mining industry or financial reporting. • Experience with content management systems (CMS). How to Apply: Please submit your resume, a link to your portfolio, and a brief cover letter detailing your relevant experience...
...efficiently. Key Responsibilities: Source, identify, and attract top candidates for the Property Manager position through job boards, networking, social media, and industry contacts. Screen resumes and conduct preliminary phone interviews to assess qualifications and interest. Coordinate and conduct in-depth interviews, evaluating candidates’ experience in property management, communication skills, and ability to handle various operational tasks. Collaborate closely with the hiring team to define job requirements and ensure alignment on candidate expectations. Provide recommendations and assist with the interview process, helping to streamline hiring decisions. Keep track of all candidate interactions and maintain an organized candidate pipeline. ...
Seeking Experienced Architects and Engineers We are seeking skilled and experienced architects and engineers to collaborate on a variety of residential construction projects. Our ideal candidates will possess a strong under...elevations, sections, and details. * Create architectural drawings that meet client specifications and building codes. * Collaborate with other professionals, including contractors and project managers. Qualifications: * Bachelor's degree in Architecture or Engineering. * Proven experience in residential construction projects. * Proficiency in AutoCAD or other relevant software. * Strong communication and problem-solving skills. To Apply: Please submit your resume and portfolio to [insert email address]. We look forward to hearing from qualif...
...should be sent to us by post, snap you have taken and a report on the event should be sent by email. The format of report will be given by us. Person should be frank enough and have good communication , Knowledge in Affiliate Marketing will really help to relate the product .we are only looking for local freelancer of Cape Town. Only bid if you can do in projected budget. Key tasks include: - Attending various sessions of the conference - Actively networking with potential clients - Distributing prepared networking materials (Business cards and Brochures) Ideal skills for this job include: - Strong communication and interpersonal skills - Experience in business networking - Ability to represent a company professionally Please note: You will be provided with business ...
This proposal outlines the provision of a dedicated developer Support for AdFox customisation from Mar 1 to Mar 31 2025. The cost for these services over the 31-day period is $1000. Tasks can be assigned and managed through our project management tool, ensuring transparency and effective communication.
I'm looking for an experienced Property Manager to oversee the daily operatio...residential or commercial properties, ensuring everything runs smoothly and efficiently. - Manage tenant relations, including lease signings, resolving complaints, and ensuring tenant satisfaction. - Coordinate regular property inspections and maintenance, ensuring all repairs are completed promptly. Skills and Experience Required: - Proven track record in property management. - Excellent communication and negotiation skills for handling tenant relations. - Strong organisational skills for coordinating maintenance and property inspections. - Experience in budgeting and financial management to ensure profitability. I am looking for a professional who is ready to contribute to the success of my prop...
I'm seeking an AWS expert to assist me in propagating my GoDaddy domain and connecting Gitlab with AWS. This will be done via screenshare for real-time collaboration and learning. Specific Tasks: - Configure the GoDaddy do...screenshare for real-time collaboration and learning. Specific Tasks: - Configure the GoDaddy domain with AWS services, particularly Route 53 and an EC2 instance. - Set up Gitlab for deployment automation with AWS. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of AWS services, particularly Route 53 and EC2. - Strong experience with Gitlab, specifically in deployment automation. - Excellent communication skills for screenshare collaboration. - Previous experience with GoDaddy domain setup is a plus. Say Monchez at the top of your cover letter to avo...
post 2 jobs on Linkedin Business page with the job description Given to you and collect the candidates to be added to the database,also promote the 2 jobs which will cost CAD 11 each.