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2,000 is web design a good career trabalhos encontrados

? 1. ObjetivoDefinir claramente a posição desejada, setor de atuação e empresas-alvo para otimizar a busca por emprego. ? 2. Perfil Profissional ? Formação acadêmica: Graduação em [G.T.I], pela [FACULDADE ADVENTISTA DA BAHIA], concluído em [2025] ?️ Habilidades principais: ⚙️ Técnicas: [Programação em Python, Design Gráfico] ? Interpessoais: [Exemplo: Comunicação eficaz, Trabalho em equipe, Liderança] ? Diferenciais: ? Idiomas: [ Inglês Avançado, Portugues] ? Especializações: [Nome da Especialização ou Curso Extra] ? 3. Público-Alvo ? Empresas e setores de interesse: Tecnologia, Marketing, Educa&...

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr Média
13 ofertas

Procuro um agente de vendas para se juntar à equipe da nossa Agência de Marketing em Mídias Sociais. Estamos focados no desenvolvimento de estratégias eficazes e customizadas para nossos clientes, abrangendo áreas como promoção na web, otimização de mecanismos de busca e marketing de conteúdo. Já temos um mercado-alvo específico em mente e estamos procurando alguém que nos ajude a atingir nossos objetivos com uma abordagem de venda de soluções. O candidato ideal tem paixão por vendas e marketing e um histórico comprovado de sucesso na área de marketing de mídia social. O candidato ideal deverá ter conhecimento sobre tecnologia da Internet ...

€48 / hr Average bid
€48 / hr Média
1 ofertas

...elementor, plugins, e etc. Me envie seu orçamento sem surpresas. Não temos designer, porém o visual é bem tranquilo, então acredito que não precisará. Aguardo seu orçamento. Lembrando É um site bem robusto, com ajustes minuciosos, login e senha, pagamento, e etc. resumo: Precisamos montar o site do zero, já tem as copys de cada pagina e ja tem o menu (home / services and facility / rates / career / about us / waitlist / contact ). Ja tem logomarca tambem. Precisamos apenas criar o site no wordpress, com todos os plugins necessarios (inclua o valor dos plugins no job) Precisamos que este site tenha também LOGIN E SENHA para os clientes dela acessar e assinar um doc digital , além de receber ...

€163 Average bid
€163 Média
29 ofertas

More details: Qual o tipo de conteúdo será desenvolvido?textos,portal e Relatórios Existem imagens, vídeos ou outros tipos de mídia para incluir? Talvez Qual o formato de publicação do conteúdo? Rede Sociais,portal

€14 - €24 / hr
€14 - €24 / hr
0 ofertas

Criar um site institucional da empresa usando wordpress e plug ins gratuitos (como elementor), sendo possível alterar posteriormente: fonte, cores, texto das páginas e fotos. Menu com as opções/páginas: home -- about us -- services -- career -- contact O site deve possibilitar 3 idiomas: inglês, português e espanhol O site deve ser responsivo. Sites de exemplo:

€167 Average bid
€167 Média
46 ofertas

Primeiro, estamos procurando uma tartaruga no estilo cartoon. Trata-se de uma empresa de educação infantil, com foco em apoiar crianças com sua matemática pós pandemia. A ideia é ter uma tartaruga de desenho animado com símbolos matemáticos na carapaça. Gostaríamos que esta tartaruga fosse divertida e atraente para as crianças. A partir daí, estaremos olhando para encomendar vários outros personagens. Esses caracteres serão então usados ​​em nossas planilhas etc. para identificar as crianças para os tipos de perguntas. Serão todos animais aquáticos.

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr Média
24 ofertas

Estamos procurando por freelancers portugueses talentosos que têm um bom conteúdo de trabalho habilidades escritas para nos ajudar com uma apresentação escrita de conteúdo para um site.

€482 Average bid
€482 Média
1 ofertas

Eu preciso de você para desenvolver um software para mim. Gostaria que este software fosse desenvolvido usando Python.

€156 Average bid
€156 Média
7 ofertas

Eu preciso de um novo site. Eu já tenho o projeto, eu só preciso de você para construí-lo.

€437 Average bid
€437 Média
28 ofertas
Site is comming...
Encerrado left

Eu preciso de um novo site. Eu já tenho o projeto, eu só preciso de você para construir a minha loja online.

€125 Average bid
€125 Média
5 ofertas


€1262 Average bid
€1262 Média
56 ofertas


€2244 Average bid
€2244 Média
46 ofertas

I need a .bat executor that is able to rename the .lnk shortcut on the desktop (when running .bat changes the shortcut name .lnk

€17 Average bid
€17 Média
9 ofertas
Writer of the good
Encerrado left

Eu preciso de você para escrever alguns artigos.

€13 Average bid
€13 Média
3 ofertas

O que acontece é que não há nenhuma restrição do Google em matéria de violações de política. Mas aparecem erros no código quando pego do...violações de política. Mas aparecem erros no código quando pego do Google Adsense e coloco no Widget do Tema no Wordpress. Em anexo envio os erros. Preciso de alguém que faça o Google Adsense funcionar em todas as paginas, sem travar paginas, inclusive a home. *Erros que aparecem no código Adsense: 'adsbygoogle' is not defined Strings must use singlequote ---------------- Quando eu coloco um anuncio no widget do tema no wordpress tambem aparece um erro. *(adsbygoogle = || []).push({}); - erro...

€47 Average bid
€47 Média
7 ofertas
Criar um Site
Encerrado left

English description I want a landing page that aims at a conversion to purchase an online Career Test. In this landing page we need to have: - Modern and clean design for University students public - Area for explanation of what is the career test - simple way to view the report and access to a purchase - Area for what to expect from the career test (benefits) - button for purchase - integration with Paypal payment system (within the site) After a purchase: - Immediate link to a surveygizmo page (external link already done), with its user name and password for access after purchase If the student does not buy the test, think about how to capture the email Today we are doing the following way: De...

€438 Average bid
€438 Média
36 ofertas

...ajudar pessoas a terem uma renda extra, e com empenho e conhecimento transformar sua realidade. Nossa visão é ser uma empresa extremamente competitiva com preços e qualidade alta. Trazer inovação e gestão eficiente para o setor. Os sistemas de bonificação que encontro na internet são trancados, preciso adequar o sistema as minhas especificações. Hi. My project is from a Multilevel Marketing company. I work since I was 17 years old in the industry, and today, at the age of 33, I am starting my company with my wife and parents who also have a lot of experience in the industry. The bonus plan is ready. It is a very attractive system for the people who start the p...

€2340 Average bid
€2340 Média
13 ofertas

... Somos uma empresa de Publicidade, e estamos lançando um novo serviço na distribuição e veiculação de cupons e/ou promoções de mais de 1500 lojas online e física. Precisamos de um site para que nosso serviço funcione! Afinal somos 100% digitais. Geralmente quem faz compras online na maioria das vezes são pessoas de classe A, B e C. (50% Classe A, 30% Classe B e 20% Classe C). Tendo em vista as informações acima precisamos focar no nosso maior Publico (Classe A). Precisamos satisfaze-los e criar páginas que estejam em pura harmonia para agrada-los. Depois de diversas analises, desenvolvemos algumas características que queremos no nosso projeto. Basicamen...

€628 Average bid
€628 Média
8 ofertas

Preciso que esse artigo em inglês seja traduzido para português. O prazo de entrega é 23.10.2016 (domingo). O valor que tenho disponível é de R$ 150,00 (cento e cinquenta reais).

€47 Average bid
€47 Média
13 ofertas

Totally 30 comments in Portuguese needed. The language should be in Portuguese. For each comment, please write with no less than 20 words. A title is needed.

€15 Average bid
€15 Média
12 ofertas

Precisamos reformular nosso website e gostaríamos de começar adaptando algum modelo do wix. Em adição precisaremos criar uma parte de e-commerce dentro do site. Precisamos de um parceiro dinâmico para executar bem este serviço. Aguardo propostas.

€1240 Average bid
€1240 Média
34 ofertas

Precisamos reformular nosso website e gostaríamos de começar adaptando algum modelo do wix. Em adição precisaremos criar uma parte de e-commerce dentro do site. Precisamos de um parceiro dinâmico para executar bem este serviço. Aguardo propostas.

€1282 Average bid
€1282 Média
23 ofertas

as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed.

€10 - €29
€10 - €29
0 ofertas

Eu escrevo artigos, ensino técnicas de redação, trabalho também com revisão e edição de textos, faço trabalhos de conclusão de curso (TCC) , entre outros. Consulte :, para conhecer os artigos e trabalhos já publicados por mim.

€8 - €14 / hr
€8 - €14 / hr
0 ofertas

Eu escrevo artigos, ensino técnicas de redação, trabalho também om revisão e edição de textos, faço trabalhos de conclusão de curso (TCC) , entre outros.

€14 - €24 / hr
€14 - €24 / hr
0 ofertas

Eu escrevo artigos, ensino técnicas de redação, trabalho também om revisão e edição de textos, faço trabalhos de conclusão de curso (TCC) , entre outros.

€14 - €24 / hr
€14 - €24 / hr
0 ofertas

Title: Development of a Subscription-Based Web Platform with Referral and Monetization Features Description: We are looking for an experienced web developer or team to create a subscription-based platform similar to OnlyFans, focusing on content creators and their subscribers. The platform should include robust features for monetization, referral systems, and seamless user experience. Key Features: Subscription Model: Allow creators to charge monthly subscriptions. Referral System: Creators can generate unique referral codes. For each new creator that joins using a code, a percentage of earnings is shared with the referrer. Low Commission Structure: Platform to retain minimal commission from creators’ earnings. Live Streaming: Integ...

€11596 Average bid
€11596 Média
14 ofertas

I'm looking for a professional web developer with extensive experience in Shopify to design and create a robust E-commerce website for selling physical products. The project also involves designing a companion app. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive understanding and experience with Shopify - E-commerce website development expertise - App design experience - Skills in creating user-friendly, visually appealing interfaces - Knowledge of best practices in physical product e-commerce - Good communication skills for understanding my vision and providing updates Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. I'm excited to see how we can work together to bring this project to fruition.

€332 Average bid
€332 Média
62 ofertas

More details: Which part of the activation process are you looking to bypass? Both parts What type of solution are you looking for? Software modification / firmware Do you have access to the source code of the FutureRip software? No

€135 Average bid
€135 Média
8 ofertas

Title: Ghostwriter Needed for an Inspiring Book on Career Development Description: I am looking for an experienced ghostwriter to help me bring my book idea to life. The book will focus on career development, job market insights, and skill-building strategies, with a strong emphasis on guiding young professionals and students. Project Scope: • Genre: Non-fiction, Career & Self-Help • Word Count: Approximately 40,000 – 50,000 words • Writing Style: Engaging, informative, and inspiring • Target Audience: Students, young professionals, and job seekers • Tone: Motivational, educational, yet easy to read • Research Requirement: Writer must conduct some research on job market trends, employability skills, and industry e...

€196 Average bid
€196 Média
8 ofertas

Title: Ghostwriter Needed for an Inspiring Book on Career Development Description: I am looking for an experienced ghostwriter to help me bring my book idea to life. The book will focus on career development, job market insights, and skill-building strategies, with a strong emphasis on guiding young professionals and students. Project Scope: • Genre: Non-fiction, Career & Self-Help • Word Count: Approximately 40,000 – 50,000 words • Writing Style: Engaging, informative, and inspiring • Target Audience: Students, young professionals, and job seekers • Tone: Motivational, educational, yet easy to read • Research Requirement: Writer must conduct some research on job market trends, employability skills, and industry e...

€186 Average bid
€186 Média
6 ofertas

I am looking for a virtual assistant with an Android phone to help clean up and format 55 articles on a mobile app. This project must be completed within 48 hours, so only bid if you are available to start immediately and finish on time. Requirements: • Must have an Android phone (as work will be done within a mobile app). • Must understand spoken English on video (I will provide video instructions). • Basic web editing skills required (editing in a WYSIWYG editor). • Do not delete any content or modify anything outside of the specified cleanup tasks. • If this goes well, I may have other virtual assistant tasks for you in the future. Tasks Involved: • Author Attribution: Add missing author names prominently for membe...

€42 Average bid
€42 Média
62 ofertas

Job Description: SAP Consultant Trainer (ABAP / FI / MM / SD) Company: EME Education Location: Bhubaneswar Experience: 3 - 8 Years Vacancies: 15 Employment Type: Full Time, Temporary/Contractual Industry: Education / Training Department: Teaching & Training Role Category: Teaching & Training - Other Job Overview: EME Education, the largest authorized SAP Education Partner in the country, is seeking experienced SAP Consultant Trainers to conduct training sessions on various SAP modules. The ideal candidate should have strong communication, presentation, and teaching skills, with expertise in SAP ABAP, FI, MM, SD, and HR. Key Responsibilities: Conduct training sessions on SAP modules, including: S/4HANA ABAP Programming (S4D400) Financial Accounting (TS4F01) Sales and ...

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Média
1 ofertas

Job Description: SAP Consultant Trainer (ABAP / FI / MM / SD) Company: EME Education Location: Bhubaneswar Experience: 3 - 8 Years Vacancies: 15 Employment Type: Full Time, Temporary/Contractual Industry: Education / Training Department: Teaching & Training Role Category: Teaching & Training - Other Job Overview: EME Education, the largest authorized SAP Education Partner in the country, is seeking experienced SAP Consultant Trainers to conduct training sessions on various SAP modules. The ideal candidate should have strong communication, presentation, and teaching skills, with expertise in SAP ABAP, FI, MM, SD, and HR. Key Responsibilities: Conduct training sessions on SAP modules, including: S/4HANA ABAP Programming (S4D400) Financial Accounting (TS4F01) Sales and ...

€8 - €14 / hr
€8 - €14 / hr
0 ofertas

I'm looking for a captivating article or blog post that focuses on the Medical Technology course and its career prospects. The piece should: - Highlight the various career opportunities available in the field of Medical Technology - Be tailored to high school students, making it relatable and engaging for them - Provide insight into why this course could be a worthwhile consideration for their future Ideal skills for this job would include a strong understanding of the Medical Technology field, excellent writing skills, and the ability to communicate complex ideas in a simple, engaging manner for a younger audience. Experience in career counselling or writing for high school students would be a plus.

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Média
25 ofertas

I need assistance with loading my SQLite SQL database and its tables. This is a critical step for application development. Open databases and open the tables, to improve my example which will be given to you, my example runs on old version of Ultimate++ have it compile and run on the latest Ultimate++. a) I'm looking for a skilled programmer to rewrite some of the open source DB Browser for SQLite written using Qt "" using Ultimate++ "". Both gui frameworks were written in C++. The primary goal of this project is to make the application easier to maintain. A very well documented and well explained for future upgrades. Old code (Qt code) and new code (Ultimate++ code) should be in the same file for explanation, documentatio...

€80 Average bid
€80 Média
17 ofertas

I seek a growth hacker. My app 10 Kudos is made to share useful contacts among friends: I suggest my babysitter, you suggest your vet, and at the end we have a kind of community yellow pages, a list of the favorite providers of your friends. I think it can be useful, but now I have no idea how to spread it. I'm not seeking a marketing agency who will spend zillions on ads, I'm seeking a strategist who can teach me how to spread the app so that the people find it useful, and ideally have the users themselves bring their friends to the app.

€7921 Average bid
€7921 Média
14 ofertas
wiki for actor author -- 2
6 dias left

I'm seeking a freelancer to help me create a wiki for actor/author Ben Cable. Ben Cable is well known for both acting and writing, and I'd like a mix of both specific and general information included in the wiki. Ben Cable has had a successful career in short films, music videos, and most recently as an author. For example, his most recent short film, "Everything I Could,” explores a deep conversation and subject between father and daughter. Additionally, I want the wiki to include details of Ben's various awards and accolades, such as Best Supporting Actor, Best and Best Producer. Finally, I would also like the wiki to feature information on his challenge to the State of California for gay marriage in 1993. All in ...

€182 Average bid
€182 Média
54 ofertas

I need to setup a call center and ticketing app using zoho or any that has good pricing for nigeria please i want to use nigerian virtual number for the call center you can arrange from zoho or any other company for the virtual number

€140 Average bid
€140 Média
4 ofertas

I want to develop an API that continuously fetches job listings from general job boards (LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, Google Jobs, etc.), integrates with applicant tracking system (ATS) APIs where available (Workable, Greenhouse, Lever, etc.), and employs web scraping for ATS platforms lacking APIs to extract job postings. The system must also crawl company career pages to capture job listings from organizations utilizing third-party hiring tools. All job data must be extracted with maximum granularity, I WANT TO EXTRACT ALL POSSIBLE JOB LISTINGS, I NEED TO ALSO CAPTURE ALL POSSIBLE FIELDS THAT CAN BE CAPTURED, FOR EXAMPLE: job title, description, company name, location, salary, job type, requirements, benefits, and application links, and the rest of the fields. The core filt...

€486 Average bid
€486 Média
51 ofertas

The aim of this project is to create engaging graphic designs for 'Good Butte' that will captivate our audience. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Creative thinking and idea generation - Previous experience in designing for audience engagement Please note that specific types of designs have not been defined, so a versatile approach is necessary.

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr Média
43 ofertas

I'm looking for an expert to create a Personal Knowledge Graph or a Wikipedia Page in Google that can improve my search engine visibility. Key Areas to Highlight: - Personal Achievements: I have numerous accomplishments that need to be showcased. - Professional Background: My career journey and milestones should be effectively presented. Content Availability: I have a limited amount of existing content. Most of the content will need to be created from scratch. Ideal Skills and Experience: - SEO expertise: Understands what content will improve search engine visibility. - Content Creation: Able to craft compelling content from limited information. - Knowledge of Wikipedia Standards: Understands what is required for a page to be accepted on ...

€349 Average bid
€349 Média
123 ofertas

I'm seeking a skilled professional to create a Wikipedia page for an artist. The primary goal of this project is to enhance the artist's online presence. Key components of the project: - You'll be working with content I can provide, mainly a biography and career summary, as well as details on the artist's awards and recognitions. - You're expected to use a variety of sources for information, including the artist's official website, published interviews, and news articles. - The page should be professionally written, adhering to Wikipedia's content and style guidelines. Ideal candidates will have: - Experience in creating Wikipedia pages. - Strong writing and research skills. - Ability to follow specific content ...

€225 Average bid
€225 Média
45 ofertas

Start your application with "edit" to let me know your read the entire post. ***Be sure to take a look at the content examples attached*** About Scale Stream Capital: Scale Stream Capital is a fast-growing media company specializing in building, scaling, and operating TikTok Shop accounts. Our goal is to create highly scalable content in various niches and rapidly grow our accounts by leveraging a performance-based compensation structure. Position: Video Editor We are looking for a skilled and motivated video editor to join our team. This role is perfect for someone who thrives in a startup environment, enjoys creating content, and is excited about the opportunity to earn a share of the profits from their ...

€118 Average bid
€118 Média
57 ofertas

More details: What specific elements do you want to include in the redesigned waiting room? Automotive-themed decor, Comfortable seating, Refreshment station. What color scheme are you envisioning for the waiting room? Dark and sophisticated What type of seating arrangement do you prefer? Individual chairs or coutches Theme: modern, luxury, high end shop. I have attached so...want to include in the redesigned waiting room? Automotive-themed decor, Comfortable seating, Refreshment station. What color scheme are you envisioning for the waiting room? Dark and sophisticated What type of seating arrangement do you prefer? Individual chairs or coutches Theme: modern, luxury, high end shop. I have attached some pictures of my waiting room. can you redesign my waiting room in a diffe...

€97 Average bid
Destacado Garantido
51 inscrições

I'm on the hunt for a professional with expertise in LinkedIn profile design and resume refinement, specifically geared towards the technology sector at the senior-level. - Primary Goal: The primary objective of this project is to enhance my LinkedIn profile and resume to increase my chances of job hunting success. The profile needs to be designed to catch the attention of recruiters and hiring managers in the technology industry. - Industry Focus: As I'm targeting the technology sector, it would be beneficial if you're familiar with the industry's trends, key players, and what tech companies look for in potential candidates. - Position Level: The focus is on senior-level positions. Your ability to align my skills and experiences with the ex...

€33 Average bid
€33 Média
69 ofertas

I'm seeking a seasoned WordPress plugin developer. The project requirements will be shared through chatting, and the ideal candidate should have a strong background in plugin development. Key Skills: - Proficient in PHP, JavaScript, and WordPress Codex - Strong understanding of WordPress architecture - Experience with plugin development and customization - Knowledge of WordPress security practices Preferred Experience: - Previous work on various WordPress plugins - Ability to understand and implement complex requirements - Proven track record of delivering high-quality work on time Write "Plugin" on the first line of your bid proposal

€8 / hr Average bid
€8 / hr Média
127 ofertas

I'm seeking a professional with extensive knowledge and experience in UK university applications for undergraduate programs. Key Responsibilities: - Provide insights and advice on suitable universities based on my academic background and career aspirations. - Assist in filling out application forms correctly and efficiently. - Help prepare for university interviews, if applicable. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of successful UK undergraduate university applications. - Strong understanding of UK higher education system. - Excellent communication and organizational skills. Please note, assistance with visa application and accommodation search is NOT required at this stage.

€22 Average bid
€22 Média
16 ofertas