How to look close trabalhos
...publicitárias eficazes. - Fortes competências de comunicação para consultoria de mensagens diretas. --- I'm seeking a digital marketing specialist to help boost my online clothing sales. The primary objective is to increase sales through Facebook Marketplace, while also enhancing my brand's presence and engagement on social media. Key Responsibilities: - Consult on and refresh my current social media aesthetics. - Provide guidance and support for direct messages. - Develop and implement a strategic plan for Facebook and Instagram ads. - Work on a monthly retainer basis. - Essential: The professional must reside in Lisbon or very close. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in digital marketing, p...
Título do Vídeo de Introdução: "CryptoMultiplier: Trailer - Descubra Moedas Brilhantes" Cena 1: Imagens Aéreas de uma Cidade Moderna à Noite Narrador (Voz Profunda): Bem-vindos, aventureiros do mundo das criptomoedas, a uma jornada inigualável! Cena 2: Close-up de Gráficos de Criptomoedas em um Monitor Narrador: Prepare-se para uma experiência única, onde a volatilidade e a emoção se unem para revelar possibilidades incríveis. Cena 3: Montanha-Russa em Movimento Rápido Narrador: Suba a bordo da montanha-russa das criptos, onde altos e baixos não são apenas uma analogia, mas a realidade que te levará a uma incrível multiplicação de...
I need a programmer who knows two simple things to put in Saas: Integration of the customer's location, indication of places and restaurants close to him using search filters to get the best result and integration of a catalog that processes payments directly in Saas.
If you prove a good performance, we can close future jobs earning commissions.
Por favor, Cadastre-se ou Faça Login para ver os detalhes.
Hi, I need a creation of an opening and a channel. The idea is to use an old TV () in the animation to make the table, tv and antenna fall bouncing close to each other and stay all embedded end, the screen turns on, the channel name appears on the tv and it moves forward from the inside of the tv, pauses occupying the entire screen and advances up the screen (effect similar to opening netflix, for example) to start the video.
Preciso que seja realizado uma otimização de velocidade em meu site, verificação geral. O google me retornou também esta mensagem: Mobile Usability: Clickable elements too close together Preciso também que os locais do site que não tem conteúdo que não sejam indexados na busca pelo google conforme imagem em anexo. Preciso de uma informação quanto ao plugin do Whatsapp do site.
Por favor, Cadastre-se ou Faça Login para ver os detalhes.
Gostaria de contratar os serviços de uma estilista para desenhar moldes de camisetas baby look
...aqui` "Open":['10','17','23','20','8','22','24','25','29','22'], "High":['21','27','25','29','24','27','28','32','29','25'], "Low":['6','12','18','9','5','8','24','18','15','10'], "Close":['17','24','22','10','21','25','26','30','18','10'], "Flag&quo...
Necessito de modelo para fotos de moda fitness (calças legging e tops). > As fotos devem ser der corpo inteiro, e também com close da cintura para baixo; > Necessário que seja em fundo infinito branco; > O Ensaio será de aproximadamente 6 produtos (looks) com 4 fotos cada (mínimo); > Cada produto deverá ter um breve vídeo. > As fotos aparecerão em nosso site na seção de produtos, portanto a licença por uso é permanente. > As fotos serão feitas em apenas uma sessão com no máximo 3 horas > Localização: São Paulo capital.
Fazer alguma modelagem 3D Criar ambientes renderizados com aplicação do produto em piso e paredes. Qualidade alta. Precisa ter um computador com excelente placa de vídeo e experiência em renderização em V-ray ou corona. 1- Fazer um catalogo com todos nosso...Qualidade alta. Precisa ter um computador com excelente placa de vídeo e experiência em renderização em V-ray ou corona. 1- Fazer um catalogo com todos nossos modelos apresentados de forma "Plana" escolhendo uma tonalidade de cores para apresentação. (75) 2- Renderizar ambientes com aplicação de alguns modelos selecionados. Orçar 3 Formas de Ambientes com as quantidades abaixo: Ambiente em Close: 10und Ambi...
Look over my Thai practice exam please
EN-US I'm looking for someone capable to model a 3D simple robot using OpenGL / C++. The robot model needs to have at least one complete arm divided in arm, forearm and a claw (or tweezer) in place of a hand. The robot has to move and rotate his all body and the claw has to open, close and spin. The arm need to be articulated as well. All types of movement have to become by input (keyboard keys or mouse) The scene needs a font of light and the camera has to be puted on a projective transformation. The libraries allowed to this project are the Glew, Glut and RbImage. Textures are welcome too. Budget starts at 5 and can go up to 25. It depends on how well the project will be delivered. You can see some referenc...
::: Documentos por Foto ::: 1º Passo : Coloque seu documento em cima de uma folha em Branco 2º Passo: Desabilite o flash da câmera do seu Celular 3º Passo: Posicione a câmera em cima do documento, tirando a foto de cima para baixo 4º Passo: Não corte nenhuma parte do documento 5º Passo: te...aproximar o máximo possível a câmera do documento Pronto você terá uma cópia perfeita para nos enviar. Versão em Inglês ::: Documents by Photo ::: Step 1: Place your document on a blank sheet Step 2: Disable the camera flash of the phone Step 3: Position a camera on top of the document, taking a picture from top to bottom Step 4: Do not cut part of the document Step 5: Try ...
- Only for Brazilians or fluent in Brazilian - 100% home office sales and virtual assistant work - Working from Monday to Friday from 09.00am to 18.00pm - A company with over 5 years - in the digital marketing - Prospecting clients, telephone answering assets and liabilities, online chat, email, submit proposals, banking payments and control - Create a presentations in PDF, Powerpoint, slideshare - Create facebook posts with images, folder and others - Negotiate, close deals - Troubleshoot and perform various activities in the commercial - Commissions + bonuses + goals ------------------ Apoio administrativo comercial/marketing Prezados, Boa tarde. Preciso de 1 pessoa para período integral (09:00 as 18:00) com descanso para almoço Cu...
Aplicativo de pro... The aim of the application is the users who have pets, seek services for their animals close by and also discuss the subject in the app forum, and be able to book the service seeing the agenda of the company, can also assess the company and leave a comment of same. 2. What is the main features of the application? Post your pets, weight, race, age Search for nearby businesses and entering a company can choose a service and schedule the same. Leave comments on a forum where veterinarians can respond. 3) What is the main feature that you believe to be the difference of your application? The ease of scheduling a bath and grooming or even a vaccine. 4) What reference applications that compare to you...
Busco una chica como modela para fotos, en particular, visto que se trata de bisuteria, harè close up de Muneca (pulsera), Cuello (colgantes y bufandas), Oreja (pendientes), y cabello (clips para el pelo).<br />Necesito un chica para esta semana, por 3 horas, y pagare 50€.<br />No es necesaria experiencia.<br />
Preciso saber qual seria o valor para realização de ilustrações personalizadas (criação própria e ou versões) de rostos em close up para confecção de estampas para camisetas ex.: rosto de um ciclope, de personagens famosos (exterminador do futuro, Chucky, Coringa, Frankenstaine, entre outros) entre outras artes para o mesmo fim. (pagamento por desenho executado com direito de exclusividade de imagem e possibilidade de uso da imagem na revenda)
Desenvolver site auto biografico. Design e toda a estrutura do site. Site deve ter componente de Blog + Agenda sample example of something close to what i would like. Not interested in Joomla or wordpress variations. for 5 years, we are ready to grow our team. We have full time and part time positions available. These are entry-level positions as you will have to give continuous proof of your work and commitment. Salary revisions for the best performers are available yearly, as well quarterly bonus. More than extremely qualified or experienced (but if you are that’s even better) people, we are looking for individuals eager to work, learn and grow professionally with us. So if you are unexperienced but longing to gain experience, you are also welcome to send us your application. He/she should be professional, committed and reliable. The work will be done remotely at your own pace (as long as you keep deadlines). We appreciate individuals wit...
Definir layout, look & feel de aplicacao mobile baseado nas melhores praticas e aplicativos concorrentes, nacionais e internacionais. Criar todas as pecas graficas necessarias para entregar ao desenvolvimento. Especificar todos os efeitos (feel) que a aplicacao deve ter em cada uma das telas. O projeto esta bastante evoluido e temos a especificao funcional ja completa com o conteudo e funcao de cada tela.
O projeto é para a criação de um vídeo explicativo do produto com um breve "Como Funciona". Pretende-se que os visitantes consigam perceber melhor o conceito do produto alvo. O seguinte video poderá servir de exemplo de algo parecido ao pretendido: Os requisitos são: - Duração total entre 2-3 min - Ajuda para elaboração da script - Deverá incluir voz e musica
Preciso de um profissional para personalizar um tenplate de videografismo usando o ...basicamente com movimentos de textos que já existem prontos, bastando a adaptação para novos textos/conteúdo em apenas alguns dos trechos do template (não precisaremos personalizar todo o template - só partes equivalentes a cerca de 30% do mesmo). A demo do template segue abaixo e já comprei para enviar ao profissional que pegar o job : Para realizar o trabalho, importante o profissional trabalhar com funções e expressões do after effects. Preciso de fechamento urgente. Trabalho simples e objetivo. Só troca de textos e pouca personalização.
Preciso de um profissional para personalizar um tenplate de videografismo usando o ...basicamente com movimentos de textos que já existem prontos, bastando a adaptação para novos textos/conteúdo em apenas alguns dos trechos do template (não precisaremos personalizar todo o template - só partes equivalentes a cerca de 30% do mesmo). A demo do template segue abaixo e já comprei para enviar ao profissional que pegar o job : Para realizar o trabalho, importante o profissional trabalhar com funções e expressões do after effects. Preciso de fechamento urgente. Trabalho simples e objetivo. Só troca de textos e pouca personalização.
Preciso de um profissional para personalizar um tenplate de videografismo usando o ...basicamente com movimentos de textos que já existem prontos, bastando a adaptação para novos textos/conteúdo em apenas alguns dos trechos do template (não precisaremos personalizar todo o template - só partes equivalentes a cerca de 30% do mesmo). A demo do template segue abaixo e já comprei para enviar ao profissional que pegar o job : Para realizar o trabalho, importante o profissional trabalhar com funções e expressões do after effects. Preciso de fechamento urgente. Trabalho simples e objetivo. Só troca de textos e pouca personalização.
Preciso de um profissional para personalizar um tenplate de videografismo usando o ...basicamente com movimentos de textos que já existem prontos, bastando a adaptação para novos textos/conteúdo em apenas alguns dos trechos do template (não precisaremos personalizar todo o template - só partes equivalentes a cerca de 30% do mesmo). A demo do template segue abaixo e já comprei para enviar ao profissional que pegar o job : Para realizar o trabalho, importante o profissional trabalhar com funções e expressões do after effects. Preciso de fechamento urgente. Trabalho simples e objetivo. Só troca de textos e pouca personalização.
Preciso de uma animação de dois personagens em 2D, pois tentei em 3d e não chegou ao que eu quero por questão da fisionomia mudar muda dos personagens que eu tenho. Temos um desenhista que fez o desenho. SEGUE ABAIXO, o roteiro da animação: <strong>Local: Praça da Matriz em frent...todos os números eles se cumprimentam. (Um som de aplausos é tocado) eles sorriem de mão dadas. Após os aplausos fogos de artifícios surgem por detrás do engenho central. Eles olham os fogos surgindo e depois o nome JOSIMAR -22000 surgem das nuvens. Apos surgir o nome os personagens sorriem e começam dançar o single (lhe enviarei o som em mp3 e o mesmo é baseado na musica PSY- Gangnam style. Um...
.... I want a mobile app for iphone ios ios 5 to 7 that is for relationship between persons of the same sex . Languages English , Portuguese - Brazil , German. After app for android iphone 'll want to also . I will describe below how it will be : 0 - simple html 5 site to redirect to the store appstore and FAQ about the program . 1 - client downloads in the app store and install the app . 2 - Any registration with email and cell number . 3 - receives confirmation number to complete registration 4 - Edit listing personal data ( 'll choose items required or not ) 5 - redirected to the main screen with pictures of those who have already registered and are online. 6 - could choose people nearby using geolocations ( gps ) ...
...algorithmic trading to develop an intraday trading bot for Nifty 50. The bot should automatically identify trade signals, execute orders, manage risk, and implement a trailing stop-loss mechanism. Key Responsibilities: Develop a fully automated trading bot for Nifty intraday trading. Implement Supertrend (7,1.5) as the main strategy. Trade execution should be based on sell-only signals. Place orders for ATM strike options of Nifty. Implement a stop-loss mechanism where the stop-loss is adjusted when the trend changes. Trailing stop-loss mechanism: Adjust stop-loss every 40 points after every 10-point profit. Ensure real-time execution of trades with minimal latency. The bot should operate only between 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM and close all positions at the end of the day...
...theme of the workbook to Office. 2. On the Departments worksheet, change the width of columns C through H to 12.00 characters. 3. Change the height of row 1 to 21 points. 4. Merge and center the contents of the range A2:J2. 5. Format the merged range A2:J2 as described below: a. Apply the 40% - Accent 5 cell style. b. Apply bold formatting. c. Change the font size to 14. 6. Enter the values shown in Table 1 into the corresponding cells in the range A5:E5. Table 1: Data for the Range A5:E5 A B C D E 5 Abbreviation Department MD RN Support 7. Format the range A5:J5 as described below: a. Center cell contents. b. Change the font size to 11 pt. c. Change the background color to Blue, Accent 5, Lighter 40% (9th column, 4th row of the Theme Colors...
...need of a talented graphic designer who can create a warm and inviting image for the front page of my website. ~Listen close~ The image should be BUILT AROUND THE TEXT (so leave this area clear of image components) and incorporate elements of spa, facial oils, cosmetic feel. *Attached files are for inspiration... or use elements in the images and create the right size and graphic that you can be proud of. Look at our webpage page, then create your best, awesome image. For more inspiration check out our amazon listing. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Experience with web image creation - Ability to design around specific text 1920 x 1080 px Please please please... No "coming soon" or "working" images. (If you cant
I'm in need of a solution to dramatically boost leads and sales for medium to large real estate agencies. The solution revolves around AI agents that work around the clock managing inquiries from Facebook, Instagram and via phone calls. ? Key Features: - Immediate response to potential clients. - Automatic lead qualification. - Direct scheduling into your CRM. - Personalized follow-ups without any manual input. ? Referral Program: Do you know any real estate agency that could benefit from this? If you refer an agency and we close a deal, you'll receive a direct commission. ? Feel free to reach out for more details or to schedule a free demo! Ayudamos a inmobiliarias medianas y grandes a multiplicar sus leads y cerrar más vent...
I am seeking a freelancer to compile a comprehensive list of all bars and breweries along the route from Bangor, Maine, to Cambridge, Massachusetts. I will provide the specific distribution route details (such as coordinates or a map segment), which must be used to ensure that the listed establishments are accurately located in close proximity to the actual route. The final list should be delivered in an Excel or google sheets format and include: Business Name Address Phone Number (if available) Email Address (if available) Website URL (if available) The freelancer can use any method, such as scraping Yelp, Google Maps, or business directories, but the data must be accurate and up to date. I will provide the specific distribution route details (...
I'm seeking a motivated and dynamic sales representative to market and sell multivitamin supplements to retail stores. Key Responsibilities: - Primarily focused on cold calling potential retail store clients to pitch our product and close sales. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in sales, particularly in the health and wellness industry. - Excellent communication and persuasion skills. - Ability to work independently and achieve targets. - Experience in cold calling and retail sales. Compensation: - This is a commission-based position, offering high earning potential for successful candidates.
I'm seeking a motivated and dynamic sales representative to market and sell multivitamin supplements to retail stores. Key Responsibilities: - Primarily focused on cold calling potential retail store clients to pitch our product and close sales. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in sales, particularly in the health and wellness industry. - Excellent communication and persuasion skills. - Ability to work independently and achieve targets. - Experience in cold calling and retail sales. Compensation: - This is a commission-based position, offering high earning potential for successful candidates.
...creator who can help increase registrations for my upcoming kick & punch workshop. The task is to create an A5 flyer and corresponding social media content in Dutch (Nederlands), based on an existing example. Key Responsibilities: - Design an A5 flyer and social media content that highlights: - The date and time of the workshop - The instructors' credentials - The benefits of attending the workshop - Ensure the content is engaging and persuasive to drive registration Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Social Media Content Creation - Experience with Event Promotion - Understanding of Brand Consistency The aim is to have a consistent and compelling message across both the flyer and social media to maximize reach and impact. Please provide exa...
...Executive to drive growth in my Edtech company. Core Responsibilities: *Present, promote, and sell our educational programs to potential students through effective communication. *Build and nurture long-term relationships with prospective students. *Manage the entire sales pipeline independently—from lead generation to closing. *Generate leads and follow up via social media marketing and email campaigns. *Maintain detailed lead tracking in spreadsheets, including notes, updates, and feedback to refine strategies. Requirements: *Minimum of 3 years of experience in B2C sales (Ed-Tech experience is a plus). *Exceptional English communication skills—both written and spoken. *Proven ability to negotiate, close deals, and achieve target...
We are looking for a UI/UX designer to improve the Landing page on the mobile version of our website: ? ? The primary focus is the mobile landing page (homepage). While the desktop version looks good, the mobile version feels cluttered, has poor spacing, and lacks proper visual balance. The goal is to create a structured, visually clean, and easy-to-navigate mobile experience. We need a design that: ✔ Fixes content layout – Sections should be properly spaced and easy to read. ✔ Optimizes images and buttons – Avoid squished images and unclear CTAs. ✔ Enhances navigation and usability – Users should be able to move around easily. ✔ Strengthens the branding – More consistent colors, typography, and icons. ? Figma draft file for re...
...asphalt milling machine removing the deformed section of the road. 3. A scene where a machine lays down new asphalt in the milled area. (The asphalt should appear porous and slightly rough. A close-up shot highlighting its texture is recommended.) 4. A scene where a road roller compacts the newly laid asphalt. 5. A scene where a concrete mixer pours a cement-based solution over the porous asphalt. (The solution should seep into the asphalt, filling the gaps. A close-up shot showing this absorption process and the subsequent hardening is recommended.) 6. A scene featuring a worker using a squeegee to remove excess material and evenly spread the solution. 7. A scene where traffic resumes, with a truck driving over the repaired section. 8. The animation ends with...
THE ROLE With a view to expanding the brand, the Sales Manager will primarily deal with the sale of the programs offered to understand the public, their needs and fears, and at the same time the creation of a new sales team through: The identification of salespeople through interviews with candidates The creation of a team of salespeople The training of the sales force and the monitoring of daily performance through the identification of department KPIs with the Management. THE IDEAL CANDIDATE The candidate must have experience in sales, ideally of infoproducts, have leadership skills essential to create and coordinate a team, and have a propensity for analysis. He/she is truly able to understand and express himself/herself in English both in written and spoken...
Key Qualities to Look For : Sales Experience: Proven track record in closing sales, preferably in the education or digital marketing industry. Experience in consultative selling and handling objections. Communication Skills: Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Ability to build rapport and trust with potential clients. English and Hindi language communication is mandatory Persuasion and Negotiation: Strong persuasion skills to convince prospects of the value of the courses. Ability to negotiate pricing or payment plans if needed. Self-Motivation: A self-starter who can work independently and meet sales targets. Comfortable with outbound sales (cold calling, email outreach, etc.). Customer-Centric Mindset: Focus on understanding the cus...
...(Worldwide) About Us: Link Solutions is a dynamic and growing company dedicated to helping businesses establish and register new companies in Saudi Arabia. We provide expert documentation and legal services, ensuring a smooth and efficient process for our clients. As we expand our reach, we are looking for talented and motivated Freelance Sales Consultants to join our team and help us connect with potential clients worldwide. Job Description: We are seeking enthusiastic and driven Freelance Sales Consultants to identify and secure new business opportunities. Your primary responsibility will be to reach out to potential clients, present our services, and close deals. This role offers flexibility and the opportunity to work from anywhere in...
...have had a quote to build the proof of concept, however, I am looking for a developer partner who can come in. The incoming partner’s side of the business will be: • PHP Web Development • Software • Server Build • Server Running Costs • Project management Ideally the design side of the site and app can be covered by a partner who comes in. At this stage, it is just a proof of concept so large investment can be sought (this part is in hand) to take this worldwide and become part of everyday life for billions. The platform will initially start with a simple format in Phase One, where content creators can upload pictures and videos. Users can visit the platform for informative, entertainment, research, and communication purposes. It wil...
I need someone to merge and reformat the contents of the sheets "Copy of database" and "study" from this Google Spreadsheet into a PDF. Key Requirements: - The final output should be a PDF, formatted for both phone screens and A4 paper. - The visual appearance of the document is critical, so please pay close attention to this while merging the content. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience with data formatting and PDF creation - Excellent attention to detail, particularly with visual presentation
...teenager opens the door to his room, stepping in. Shot 2: Mid shot – He swings off his backpack and tosses it onto the floor without care. Shot 3: Close-up – The backpack lands with a thud near the desk chair. Shot 4: Mid shot – He plops down into his chair, slightly slouched, and wakes up his computer monitor. Scene 2: The First Sound Shot 5: Over-the-shoulder shot – He casually scrolls through his screen with an indifferent expression. Shot 6: Loud notification sound from the computer breaks the silence. Shot 7: Close-up – The stickman’s eyebrows raise, and he glances suspiciously at the screen. Shot 8: Mid shot – He hesitates, leaning slightly backward in his chair, eyes scanning the monitor. Shot 9: Close-up &ndas...
...sectors in Australia. Key Responsibilities: - Target Identification: Find and reach out to medium-sized enterprises in Australia that require skilled laborers. - Service Presentation: Effectively communicate and present our recruitment services to potential clients. - Contract Closing: Secure recruitment contracts through persuasive negotiation and sales tactics. Compensation: - You will earn €1,000 for each successful placement. - There is an opportunity to close between 40 to 80 sales per year, translating to an annual income of €40,000 - €80,000. - Work at your own pace, from any location. Support Provided: - You will be given a structured sales pitch and process. - Strategic support is available to help you succeed. ...
I want to send out professional A4/A5 letters to local companies to help them improve their Google business profile to attract more clients For one of our clients we managed to increase the amount of calls she received in one month to go from november: 16 december: 10 januari: 39 idea: include a qr code to scan that link to the website or contact form I want to write in as highly/sales focused as possible. I want to make it as personal/ trustworthy as possible feel free to use my google reviews as reference: jitware or to use things related to google my business page [NOT SURE IF BLACK IS ADVISED FOR PRINTING] Preferred color scheme: dark/ black theme white letters And currently usin...
I'm looking for a professional salesperson to help sell my Shopify store. Key Responsibilities: - Promote the sale of the store on various platforms. - Leverage potential buyers' interest and close the deal. Ideal Candidate: - Excellent sales record, preferably with e-commerce businesses - Strong understanding of Shopify and e-commerce sales - Exceptional communication skills Your creativity and initiative will be key to driving this sale!