Gitlab reply to comment trabalhos
...gerado, os parâmetros e comentário do usuário são salvos no banco de dados ou HD. Gerar documentos pdf no final, que também deve ser salvo. Caso o programa feche, o usuário pode continuar a Requisitos: Deve ser feito em e integrado com o FastAPI, um contêiner para o frondente, outro para o backend. Deve ter as configurações de build, test e deploy configurados para ambiente Gitlab. Deve estar bem documentado e escrito. Não utilizar componentes obscuros de código, ou seja, nada que possa esconder vírus ou espionagem. Ideal: Menor tempo de entrega Bom preço Beleza Site em Língua português-brasileiro Forma de pagamento em duas fases: Após a confirmação que...
I do not reply english messages, these project is for brazilian only. Tenho um perfil de comedia (@chicomediante), não tem nem 1000 seguidores, tenho alguns shows para marcar. Preciso de um social media para: - Postar em colab marcando local e outros comediantes (não precisa fazer arte) - Eventualmente impulsionar posts - Responder eventualmente comentários nos posts e mensagens, informando sobre os shows e passando meu whatsapp em casos extremos Contratação por demanda, dia que precisar fazer a publicação, contrato 1 hora de serviço mas com certeza pode ser feito em poucos minutos neste momento que o instagram está com poucos seguidores, caso este número aumente, muitos comentários e mensagens, conversa...
...platform allowing customers to request delivery services and track their platform shall be responsible and compatible with mobile devices, allowing customers to make applications by means of a smartphone app or by means of a website 2. Applicative for delivery: Create a dedicated app for delivery providers, where they can receive notifications on applications, visualize details of delivery, track routes and update the delivery app shall also allow deliverers to register, provide vehicle information and log to start deliveries 3. Efficient rotary: Implement an efficient rotary rotary system to optimise may include route planning algorithms which consider the location of applications, vehicle capacity and delivery priority. The aim is to mini...
Estou querendo migrar diversos websites e aplicações que estão espalhados por diversas plataformas como Cloudflare, Heroku, Gitlab Pages, Netlify entre outros para um servidor VPS na Hostgator. Também existem novas aplicações que precisam estar nesse servidor. Estou tendo problemas para configurar o NGINX para possibilitar que rode diversas aplicações ao mesmo tempo. O ideal seria configurar juntamente ao Docker se possível para deixar o servidor mais organizado possível. O que eu realmente preciso é de um setup inicial onde eu consiga escalar manualmente depois de pronto.
Create a Google Ads campaign. The purpose of the campaign is to obtain new user registrations on the website. It's a campaign about financial services. It can only be done by professionals with google ads certificates Country of publish : All Indonesian Language: All Please, If you do not have all google ads certificates, please do not reply this work.
Projeto 1 Preciso que faça uma integração com essa API O projeto seria um site e que tenha um painel com algumas opções como filtros A api retorna anúncios, e os filtros servem para filtrar os anúncios que o usuário queira. (por exemplo idade, numero de likes, data, etc) Projeto 2 A api do gitlab utiliza essa biblioteca para ver os anúncios O projeto seria um site e que tenha um painel com algumas opções como filtros Os filtros necessários são todos esses que é disponibilizado nessa API Possível projeto* Possibilidade de + 1 projeto. Fora a api e os filtros, seria legal se tivesse um painel para cadastrar usuários e um gerenciamento de aluguel desta ferramenta. Op&cce...
...execução e se houve sucesso ou não. Dentro dos requisitos podem existir integrações com sistemas externos, que serão detalhados de acordo com a utilização. O padrão do projeto web deverá utilizar a estrutura MVC. É mandatório que utilize o .Net Core 3.1 na linguagem C#, e seja preparado para utilizar a infraestrutura de microsserviços em containers Docker. Será disponibilizado um repositório no GitLab da Telecall onde todos os fontes deverão ser disponibilizados ao término do serviço, de onde serão baixados e validados para aceite. O projeto não poderá utilizar componentes pagos de terceiros, sem aprovação prévia d...
Brazilian freelancers or brazilian portuguese users only. Preciso de 14 avaliações 5 estrelas, de usuários/aparelhos Android configurados para português do Brasil, em um app na Google Play, a serem postadas durante um período > mínimo < de 5 dias. (não podem ser todas ao mesmo tempo). Destas 14; duas (2) precisam ...users only. Preciso de 14 avaliações 5 estrelas, de usuários/aparelhos Android configurados para português do Brasil, em um app na Google Play, a serem postadas durante um período > mínimo < de 5 dias. (não podem ser todas ao mesmo tempo). Destas 14; duas (2) precisam ter um texto que será repassado por mim. Link do app a ser repassado à melhor proposta...
O AMBIENTE Temos 2 aplicativos Android que se comunicam via webservices com o server Cloud. Código Fonte no GITLAB PROBLEMA Atualmente os dois Apps consomem serviços do Google Maps via APIs instaladas no servidor. APIs: Geocoding, Places, Directions Isso gera tráfego de entrada e consumo de banco de dados excessivo. SOLUÇÃO Substituir o consumo de Webservices (APP <> Servidor) pelos SDKs correspondentes para que a comunicação seja direto dos APPs para o Google em cada um dos APKs. PRAZO INÍCIO Imediato.
Olá, tenho um projeto que estou desenvolvendo em Ionic 3, Angular 4 e Firebase. Atualmente tenho o design todo feito de 02 aplicativos, sendo um o aplicativo dos usuários e o outro um aplicativo com a parte administrativa. Tenho conta no IonicFramwork Pro e no GitLab, sendo assim já estou versionando o código e enviando tanto para o GitLab quanto para o Ionic Pro. O que preciso nesse projeto é que seja feito a codificação dos dois App's utilizando o Angular 4 e o Firebase. Gostaria que acessassem os projetos utilizando o Ionic View: Parte administrativa: f01f498a Parte do usuário comum: 43362ffb Eu gostaria muito de utilizar a estrutura do google (Firebase e seus serviços), pois o banco realti...
S...modelos 2 - Like nas fotos dos modelos 3 - Follow no perfil dos modelos 4 - Comentários em perfil com moderação pelo próprio usuário (divulgação com aprovação prévia). 5 - Visualização do número de likes e follows no perfil do modelo. 6 - Feed de notícias estilo instagram com as fotos aprovada na plataforma dos ususários seguidos. 7 - Filtros otimizados para busca de modelos. O projeto está no Gitlab e será desenvolvido sob supervisão do nosso CTO (programador Web). A implementação deverá ser em Ruby ou Rails com interface em Bootstrap, seguindo os atuais padrões. Favor orçar o volume de horas para cada um dos 7 itens...
...ajustes 6) precisa ser traduzido do inglês para o português a expressão *ALL POSTS* para *PUBLICAÇÕES*. 7) precisa ser traduzido do inglês para o português a expressão *Enter Keyword* para *Digite aqui*. 8) precisar ser traduzido do inglês para o português a expressão *READ MORE* para *LEIA MAIS*. 9) No página do blog post precisam ser traduzidas do inglês para o português as expressões *ADD COMMENT* para *ADICIONAR COMENTÁRIO* e *POST COMENT* para *PUBLICAR COMENTÁRIO* Ná página fale conosco, tem algumas traduções a serem feitas: 10) no formulário devem ser traduzidas do inglês para o português as expressões...
Por favor, Cadastre-se ou Faça Login para ver os detalhes.
...users who have pets, seek services for their animals close by and also discuss the subject in the app forum, and be able to book the service seeing the agenda of the company, can also assess the company and leave a comment of same. 2. What is the main features of the application? Post your pets, weight, race, age Search for nearby businesses and entering a company can choose a service and schedule the same. Leave comments on a forum where veterinarians can respond. 3) What is the main feature that you believe to be the difference of your application? The ease of scheduling a bath and grooming or even a vaccine. 4) What reference applications that compare to your project? or What are your competitors? I found none......
I need an app for buying and selling of second hand / new clothes. We do the delivery.I want an app where you can post clothes, follow sellers / buyers, get notifications if a price goes up, can rate buyers / sellers, comment. Maybe something lik Poshmark: Buy & Sell Fashion.
...preçõ mínimo ) =========================================== Some more details : The project is to sale web products such as : Websites , domains names , blogs , Apps. There are 2 kinds of sale : fixed price , and minimum price Both of them are with fixed period of time I will describe with more details at the end of this comment. ============================================================ 1 - A database will be necessary to register : 1.1 - web products ( no need at the moment , to describe the database fields related) 1.2 - clients ( no need at the moment , to describe the database fields related) 1.3 - Bids per client ( bid , value 2 - The CMS , needs to manage the products :...
Procuramos um profissional para desenvolver um Sistema Web/Responsivo e Híbrido.<br /><br />Nosso app será para controle de manutenções do veículo e será conectado com as oficinas mecânicas....sobre a forma de trabalho: <br /><br />> Profissional que saiba minimamente da organização do SCRUM<br />> Localização da Agência: Santo André<br />> Precisa vir até o local? Algumas vezes apenas, então seria importante ser da região do Grande ABC, SP<br />> Importante ter conhecimento em Laravel<br />> Poderá trabalhar em conjunto com outro desenvolvedor<br />> Importante ter conhecimento com GITLAB<...
I need someone to write product comments for me in Portuguese. In total, 40 comments needed. For each comment, no less than 20 words.
O projeto consiste em desenvolver um software que fará o cadastro de prestadores de serviços de transporte de passageiros. Em anexo, mockups das telas que preciso que sejam desenvolvidas. O projeto deve ser necessáriamente desenvolvido em Java 8 + REST + Hibernate + MySQL na parte server e AngularJS 2 + JQuery 2.2 + Twitte...em Java 8 + REST + Hibernate + MySQL na parte server e AngularJS 2 + JQuery 2.2 + Twitter Bootstrap 3 na parte client. O pagamento do projeto estará condicionado a atender a estes requisitos acima, além de não possuir nenhuma issue Alta ou Muito alta, de acordo com as métricas do Sonar (tenho um solar em um ambiente local). O código fonte deverá ser entregue através de um repositór...
Preciso de um software que burle o shield Game Guard. No caso fazer um fake do jogo ragnarok que executará o game guard, para responder as requisições do servidor. Logicamente este servidor tem que ter a capacidade de responder a múltiplos usuários, que no caso são bots que o usarão para responder ao servidor. Detalhando melhor, o servidor do jogo faz uma query e precisa ser enviado uma reply, do bot, para o servidor, evitando assim a desconexão pelo não envio do pacote. O sistema de conexão servidor~bot é feito em perl, e caso seja necessário visualizar os códigos basta pedir ou baixar diretamente o programa openkore.
Totally 30 comments in Portuguese needed. The language should be in Portuguese. For each comment, please write with no less than 20 words. A title is needed.
...contato. <br /><br />Os plugins listados abaixo devem ser instalador e funcionar corretamente (integrados com o site e com a ferramenta de autoresponder (mailchimp)):<br /><br />1. Shareaholic<br />2. Contact Form 7<br />3. WP Pagenavi<br />4. Wordpress Popular Posts<br />5. Youtube Channel Gallery<br />6. Lightbox Plus<br />7. Q2w3 Fixed Widget<br />8. Sharebar<br />9. Optin Monster<br />10. Disqus Comment System <br /><br />Se houver dúvida, por favor pergunte antes de dar um orçamento....
English To Creating A Social Network Iphone and Android Similar While Instagram - Timeline - Food news - Follow PEOPLE - Like and Comment - Post pictures - English and Portuguese -BR I want a Professional Service and no failures of the Agreement with My specifications que pass At Best freelancer Português Criação de uma Rede Social para Android e Iphone Similar ao Instagram - Timeline - Feed de noticias - Seguir pessoas - Curtir e Comentar - Postar fotos - Inglês e Português-BR Quero um serviço profissional e sem falhas de acordo com minhas especificações que passarei ao melhor freelancer
Criação de um plug-in para o Google Maps para a construção de uma traçado de coordenadas gps. O objectivo é criar um play de um conjunto de coordenadas com timestamp de início e fim. Na repodução criar opções de velocidade de reprodução, mais lento, normal ou mais rápido. É o mesmo play mas para coordenadas recolhidas em tempo real.
ENGLISH: Your job is to code a proxy-like service that receives a command from a web client (a normal browser) and uses the command to start a proccess of another server that is already in the server. That proccess will produce a reply, which should be forwarded to the web client once again. You only need to write that proxy-like software and prove it returns the reply to the web client. PTBR: Um servidor/proxy Web que irá receber requisições/comandos em formato simples (ex: numeração) e irá rodar outro software já presente no servidor, esperar seu retorno e devolver este retorno pela Web para o cliente do servidor/proxy. A sua função será apenas de escrever este ...
Preciso de um software que burle o shield Game Guard. No caso fazer um fake do jogo ragnarok que executará o game guard, para responder as requisições do servidor. Lógicamente este servidor tem que ter a capacidade de reponder a multiplos usuários, que no caso são bots que o usarão para responder ao servidor. Detalhando melhor, o servidor do jogo faz uma query e precisa ser enviado uma reply, do bot, para o servidor, evitando assim a desconxão pelo não envio do pacote. O sistema de conexão servidor~bot é feito em perl, e caso seja necessário visualizar os códigos basta pedir ou baixar diretamente o programa openkore.
Fala WoneClube, tudo certo?! Eu postei um comment no projeto anterior, mas preciso do mesmo serviço que tu prestou na última oportunidade, agora para outra fan page. Vamos nessa? Abs!
The project is in the format of an APP designer for the Iphone and Android. relying on the following screens (interfaces): - Icon - Splash - List of workshops / mechanics - Sorting results - Map of workshops / mechanics more pr - Detail / Mechanical workshop - rating, list of comments, write comment - Login - facebook / api - Sign Up - facebook / api
I need an experienced developer to integrate IDFC Bank APIs into my Android app. The functionalities to be integrated include account balance inquiries, fund transfers, and transaction history. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in Android app development, with a strong portfolio of similar projects. - Proficiency in PHP, as my app is primarily built with this language. - Familiarity with integrating third-party APIs, particularly banking APIs, is a plus. - Ability to work with existing documentation and API keys, ensuring secure and efficient integration. Your reply to this gig must include whether you have experience in idfc bank API integration or not.
I'm seeking a reliable companion for body doubling sessions online. These ...pursuit of professional certifications. While I work on my personal projects, you're welcome to use this time to complete your own tasks. At the end of each session, I will share my progress for accountability purposes. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Good internet connection and basic tech-savviness to join online platforms. - Understanding of body doubling concept and its benefits. - Reliable and punctual. - Discreet and respectful of personal project content. - Able to maintain a productive atmosphere. Note for all: I am time poor at the moment and will be going overseas at the end of the week. Sorry if I don't reply to everyone. The skills listed below ...
...personal photos. The problem is the actual comment chat box is no longer showing up on any of my photos throughout Facebook but it does show up on videos I post. Please refer to the images provided showing how the chat box is not an available option anymore on my photos. Please ONLY respond to this project if you have fixed an issue like this before. If you are able to get the problem resolved within no more than a few hours. Lastly, I will not pay until the end of completion to my satisfaction of said project. If you can agree to all of this, please reach out on chat to me directly to discuss further. Here's a breakdown of the situation: - The problem is isolated to my personal profile, as my business page and phon...
I'm seeki...Please ensure you are available to work in the CST timezone and can communicate daily. You'll be working with me directly at the start and I will be relaying our projects to the client for their feedback. They are quick to reply and demand the same. They also have deadlines but are great to work for. I could pay by the hour but in that case you must not waste time. I am a designer too and I am very efficient with my time and design pretty quickly. I am looking for someone hard-working and honest for long-term growth. Serious applicants only. No AI bids! Please show relevant portfolio and address my comments above in a personalized message. Also, be prepared for a Zoom or Google Meet interview. And we may meet once a week. T...
...experienced web developer to create a contemporary e-commerce site using MedusaJS 2.0. This site will not only sell products, but also facilitate rentals. Key Requirements: - Implement a rental feature that includes a date and time picker, delivery location and pickup options, an auto-calculation of the total price, and a comment field for the order. - The site should adhere to a modern and sleek design aesthetic. - Utilize the provided logos and color scheme on the front end. Ideal Candidates Should Have: - Proven experience with MedusaJS, particularly version 2.0. - A strong portfolio of modern, sleek e-commerce sites. - Excellent skills in back-end and front-end development. - Ability to understand and implement specific design elements. Please note th...
My ...developers and I are looking for an expert to set up and configure GitLab for our organization. We want to manage our projects efficiently using GitLab's features. Key Requirements: - Implement Role-based access control for different team members. - Configure and enable the use of CI/CD pipelines, Issue tracking, and Code review features. - Evaluate our current server situation and set up a server for GitLab if necessary. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with GitLab configuration. - Knowledge of setting up servers. - Understanding of CI/CD pipelines, Issue tracking, and Code review processes. - Ability to implement and manage role-based access control. Please note, we are uncertain about our server status and would require your...
...that tracks application deployments using Java and Angular, hosted on AWS. The dashboard will need to integrate with various AWS services, specifically EC2, S3, and EKS. Key Features: - Monitor application deployments in real-time - Accessible to multiple user roles: Administrator, Developer, Operations, and Guest - Generate detailed reports on deployment history and metrics - Provide notification alerts for deployment successes or failures - Integrate with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins or GitLab Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Java and Angular - Strong knowledge of AWS services, particularly EC2, S3, and EKS - Prior experience in developing deployment dashboards - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces for different user roles - Add pa...
...that tracks application deployments using Java and Angular, hosted on AWS. The dashboard will need to integrate with various AWS services, specifically EC2, S3, and EKS. Key Features: - Monitor application deployments in real-time - Accessible to multiple user roles: Administrator, Developer, Operations, and Guest - Generate detailed reports on deployment history and metrics - Provide notification alerts for deployment successes or failures - Integrate with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins or GitLab Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Java and Angular - Strong knowledge of AWS services, particularly EC2, S3, and EKS - Prior experience in developing deployment dashboards - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces for different user roles - Add pa...
I'm looking for a freelancer to help me create a blog focused on sharing personal stories. The design of the blog should be minimalist, with a clean and uncluttered aesthetic. Key Features - A comment section where readers can engage with the content and share their thoughts. Ideal Skills - Web development and design, with a strong understanding of creating minimalist layouts. - Experience with implementing interactive features, specifically comment sections. - A good sense for personal storytelling that can help guide the blog's content.
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a multilingual and responsive web app with features for eBook authors and readers. Key Features: - User Account Creation: Users should be able to create accounts, log in, and manage their profiles. Different roles such as Admin, Moderator, and Guest should be included. - Author Interface: An option for authors to post eBooks with attributes like language and genre. - Reader Interaction: Users should be able to read, comment, share, and give ratings on eBooks. - eBook Listing: A dedicated section for eBook listings. - Advertisement Placeholders: The design should include placeholders for ads. - Basic pages like Mission Statement, About us, Policy Genres and Languages: - The app should support eBooks ...
We are looking for a skilled and creative video creator to produce high-quality YouTube videos for our travel-focused channel. If you have a passion for storytelling, video editing, and bringing travel experiences to life, we’d love to work with you! What We Need: ✅ Engaging travel videos (destination guides, vlogs, top 10 lists, hidden gems, etc.) ✅ High-quality video editing (smooth transitions, cinematic effects, subtitles, engaging visuals) ✅ Voiceovers & Background Music (if possible) ✅ Stock footage sourcing (if you don’t have original footage) ✅ SEO-friendly video titles, descriptions & thumbnails Ideal Skills & Experience: ? Experience in YouTube video creation & editing ? Passion for travel content & storytelling ?️ Proficienc...
I'm seeking a professional who can help me build a WhatsApp chatbot hosted on a cloud-based service. This bot should automatically reply to customer messages, handle FAQs, and send my ladies' suits catalog (in PDF format) when requested. Key Features: - Auto-reply to customer messages - Instant catalog delivery upon request - Handle frequently asked questions (Pricing, MOQ, Delivery, Payment methods, etc.) - Support for Hindi, English, and Hinglish - Moderate level of customization for bot's responses - Managed and updated via a web dashboard Ideal Skills: - WhatsApp API integration - Chatbot development - Automation & AI Please provide your portfolio and estimated timeline for this project. I'm looking for a quick and efficient setup...
I'm seeking a seasoned professional with robust experience in Gitlab CI/CD, Dockers, Kubernetes, and Linux web servers. I have an application that is already partially automated and I need assistance in creating pipelines and deploying applications as well as managing and configuring clusters in Kubernetes. Key Requirements: - Strong expertise in Gitlab CI/CD - Proficient in using Dockers - Extensive experience with Kubernetes - Solid knowledge of Linux web servers - Previous experience in creating CI/CD pipelines Skills & Experience: - Able to help in setting up and configuring services in Kubernetes - Experience in managing clusters - Proficient in deploying applications - Able to optimize server management procedures
I'm seeking a seasoned DevOps professional to assist with my project. Key Responsibilities: - Implement Gitlab CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment. - Use Kubernetes for container orchestration. - Manage a RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) web server. Requirements: - Proficient in Linux, specifically RHEL. - Extensive experience with Gitlab CI/CD and Kubernetes. - Prior work in a development environment. - Capability to integrate Service Now for monitoring. I need a professional who can ensure smooth deployments in my development environment. Your expertise will help streamline our CI/CD process and manage our containerized applications effectively.
...Posibilidad de agregar comentarios o notas adicionales al confirmar asistencia. Diseño visual y funcional atractivo y amigable para los usuarios. Posibilidad de exportar las listas de invitados a formatos como Excel o PDF. Referencias: Nos gustaría implementar algo similar a los sistemas que se encuentran en: Bliss & Bone The Knot Opciones: Estamos abiertos a dos posibilidades Integración de un plugin existente en WordPress: Si existe un plugin que cubra todas estas funcionalidades de manera eficiente y a un costo razonable
We have an existing web-based user interface that...user interface that is functional but requires expansion and optimization. Our goal is to enhance the platform while addressing existing debugger issues. We are looking for skilled Backend and Frontend Developers to collaborate with us as freelancers and bring our project to the next level. Requirements - Proven experience in backend and/or frontend development. - Expertise in React for Frontend; Node.js, Python, or PHP for Backend. - Strong debugging and troubleshooting skills. - Ability to work independently and meet deadlines. - Excellent communication skills to collaborate effectively. - Prior experience with web-based user interfaces is a plus. For more details and inquiries, please feel free t...
I'm in need of a si...yet effective design to the main page of my website. The primary task will involve following a reference design I will provide, with a few additional elements i will provide. (Symbol,Price Tag,Order button) Ideal Skills: - Web Design - E-commerce Design Experience - Attention to Detail Specific Tasks: - Modifying a reference design - Adding a symbol from another website - Including a price info bubble - Adding an order button The work is straightforward and does not require any creative input, just the implementation of specified modifications. I need this completed today. Please note: As I have received a high volume of automated bids, I request a demo before awarding the project. To confirm you have read the details, please include the... The primary purpose of this integration is to facilitate general communication with our customers. Key Responsibilities: - Seamless integration of the WhatsApp plugin into our existing website - Implementing specific functionalities such as: - Quick reply templates: These will help us maintain prompt responses to customer inquiries, enhancing our customer support experience. - Automatic chat initiation: This feature should allow us to proactively engage with our customers, boosting our sales inquiries and overall site interaction. Ideal candidates will have: - Proven experience with WhatsApp plugin integration - Strong understanding of e-commerce site functionalities - Ability to implement and customize chat features according to o...
Whatsapp in app payment ...redirection Reference i have I've set up an auto-reply feature for my WhatsApp Business account, and I need some enhancements. Specifically, whenever a user selects '100' from a list, a payment link for 100rs via Razorpay should be sent. Key Requirements: - Modification of current auto-reply setup to include sending payment links. - Payment links should be sent in-app, via WhatsApp, whenever '100' is selected from the list by a user. - The auto-reply message includes text and an image, so the freelancer needs to be able to integrate this with the multimedia element of the reply. - Experience with Razorpay is a plus, but not necessary. The WhatsApp Business API is already configured, s...
I...experience in WordPress to create a news site for me. The site will be dedicated to special interest news, specifically focusing on cars. Key Features: - User Comments: I want my audience to engage with the content and each other. - Search Functionality: This should allow users to easily find content based on their interests. - Newsletter Subscription: I need a way to keep my audience updated and engaged. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress development. - Experience in creating interactive websites. - Knowledge of SEO and site optimization techniques. - Understanding of how to integrate user-friendly search and comment systems. - Able to implement a secure, reliable newsletter subscription service. I want a site that is no...
? Looking for a Freelancer to Fix My WordPress Website! ? I need a skilled freelancer from Freelancer or Fiverr to help me fix some issues on my WordPress website. I have all the login details, but for security reasons, you will need to work remotely from my PC via screen sharing. ✅ Must have experience with WordPress ✅ Able to troubleshoot and fix issues efficiently ✅ Work via screen sharing (I can't share login details) If you're interested, drop a comment or DM me with your experience and rates! ? #WordPress #Freelancer #Fiverr #WebDevelopment #RemoteWork More details: Is this project for business or personal use? For an existing business What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Experience How soon do... business, needs to -monitor an email address, reply to email, with later follow ups. -do a worldwide search for the best price and delivery times/options. -email findings to customer. -once payment received, bot orders the product and ensure delivery with full tracking and constant communitive updates. Option also for once product sourced and payment confirmed i can be tasked by bot to manually do the actual purchase under instruction of bot. the bots name needs to be Aurora Sinclair. Aurora Sinclair - WeFind Personal Shopping Specialist Profile: • AI-powered personal shopping specialist for SJP Industries • Provides 2-hour response time guarantee • Conducts global product and price searches • Offers free Australia...