Creating shipping options virtuemart trabalhos
Preciso de um designer especializado em design esportivo e gráfico. O trabalho inclui a criação de gráficos para as redes sociais, design de folhetos e possivelmente outros serviços de design gráfico. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in sports and graphic design - Proficient in creating engaging social media graphics - Experience in flyer design for promotional events - Creative and innovative design approach
Hello! I am the creator of Goldilustradesign, specializing in creating personalized and memorable invitations for weddings, birthdays, christenings, and other special events. If you’re looking for invitations that truly reflect the essence of your event and leave a lasting impression on your guests, I am here to help! What I offer: • Exclusive and custom designs: Each invitation is tailored to your style and preferences. • Variety of options: Invitations for weddings, birthdays, christenings, and any other special occasion. • Dedicated consultation: I work closely with you to understand your vision and ensure the invitation is exactly as you imagine. • Revisions included: Total satisfaction guaranteed with adjustments until the perfect result is...
The goal is to create a store where clients can easily choose in which media and region they want to advertise their products or services. The platform will include the following main features: Ad Management: Clients should be able to view details about media options available in different regions, including information such as the total number of screens and the estimated number of views per period. Ad Display Contracts: Clients will be able to select the duration of their ad campaigns, with package options of 2, 4, 8, 12, or 24 weeks. Additionally, they can choose the ad duration, allowing for 10 or 15-second advertisements. Customization with Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF PRO): The system will use the Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin to create and manage custom fiel...
...strategies and creating relevant content. Driving sales conversions, focusing on improving conversion rates through paid ads and content marketing. Marketing Strategies: Content Marketing: Creating articles, blogs, and social media posts about the benefits of Sugar Defender. We can also explore educational videos and webinars to further engage the audience. Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with health and wellness influencers to expand reach. This may include partnerships where influencers test the product and share their experiences with their followers. Paid Advertising: Developing and executing paid campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads. These campaigns will be targeted to effectively reach our audience, thereby increasing our visibility. Email Marketi...
Project Brief: Development of Travel Website (Phase 1 & 2) I m starting a online travel agency focused on creating personalized travel experiences, with a focus on three key destinations: Portugal, Bulgaria, and Namibia. We are seeking to develop a complete travel booking website in two phases, using existing tools and integrating Amadeus APIs for live booking functionality. Below is a breakdown of both phases, along with the tools and requirements. ________________________________________ Phase 1: Basic Layout, Structure, and Configuration This phase focuses on building the basic layout, interface, and structure of the website, preparing it for future API integrations (to be done in Phase 2). No APIs are to be integrated during this phase, but placeholders and structure must be...
Este Projeto é sobre o Desenvolvimento de três módulos simples de Registro com CRUDE para Controle de Fornecedores + Controle de Envio + Controle de Clientes. Em Laravel PHP.
structural stability engineering project for shipping containers home looking for someone with specific shipping containers projects experience
...already present in the routing platform 3 -Alerts: Set up a system for receiving alerts based on predefined criteria (e.g., speed, geofence breaches). These alerts can be integrated into the GPSWOX system to notify users in real-time. 4 - Automatic and Manual Video Downloads: Create functionality for both automatic download of videos based on specific triggers (like an alert) and manual download options for users to select specific video files. 5 - Alert Reports: Develop a reporting system that compiles and presents data from the received alerts. This could include details like the frequency of alerts, types of alerts, and specific vehicle data related to these alerts....
...algorithms which consider the location of applications, vehicle capacity and delivery priority. The aim is to minimise the time and distance travelled by deliverers by increasing the general efficiency of the service 4. Integration of payments: Integration of a secure payment system to the platform allowing customers to pay for delivery services directly by the app or offers popular payment options such as credit, debit and digital portfolios, and considers partnerships with online payment companies 5. Assessment system: Implement an assessment and comment system to allow customers to provide feedback on deliverers and quality of will help ensure the quality and reliability of deliveries, and provide a mechanism to solve problems or complaints from customers 6. GPS integrati...
As a small business owner, I'm looking for someone to create a script to automate WhatsApp messaging. I want the script to send direct messages. Depending on the context, you may need to include links or images in some of your messages. Finally, the script needs to be programmed in Portuguese. If you feel comfortable creating a script to automate Whatsapp messages, please get in touch! Como proprietário de uma pequena empresa, estou à procura de alguém para criar um script para automatizar as mensagens no Whatsapp. Eu quero que o script envie mensagens diretas. Dependendo do contexto, talvez seja necessário incluir links ou imagens em algumas das mensagens. Por fim, o script precisa ser programado em português. Se você se sente confort...
...enumero: Funcionamento em Drop shipping, ou seja para integração com 3 a 10 plataformas logísticas de onde saem os mestres de dados dos produtos. Integração com sistema de faturação Integração com soluções de pagamento automático Gestão de backoffice de acordo com exigencia do negocio EN: We want an online shop for B2C online tyre sales. Search, selection and choice of products (tyres only) according to the characteristics present in the exemplification and comparison sites that I list: Drop shipping operation, i.e. for integration with 3 to 10 logistics platforms from where the product data masters are sent. Integration
- configurar o plugin CTT Weight Based Shipping - verificar os meios de pagamento - o carrinho de compras e testar se tudo está bem.
Tenho em mente uma estratégia muito boa com um gerenciamento específico para opções binárias na corretora IQ options, tenho o api dessa corretora e o gerenciamento que quero usar em 1 ficheiro excel (xlsx) e quero automatizar o gerenciamento do excel com 1 estratégia específica (que vou explicar ao conversar com freelancer interessado).
Projecto feito por uma equipa indiana mas não deixo como esperavamos, precisamos de retocar a pagina de calcular o peso das entregas Objectivo - Introduzir as informações de peso como no ultima pagina do figueiro enviado abaixo Link:
...images and text) I WANT TO SELL (with form for the customer to fill out with automatic submission to email) NEWS (where I will post new market entries, open houses, or even community news) WHO AM I When opening the site, I want a POP UP where I will place the news (which will redirect to the existing tab with the same name), but which disappears after a few seconds to allow the visitor other options. Links at the top to my social networks I AM A DEPPER OF VISUAL MINIMALISM I obviously intend to have access to the 'backoffice' of the website to manage the properties. I also intend to maintain future contact with the web designer in order to make any future changes that I deem necessary....
Descrição do Projeto: Bot IQ options automatizado de entradas seguindo um catalogador , seja ele via Telegram ou aplicativo para windows (desktop) Estou abrindo uma turma de alunos para operações, e preciso de bot que tenha capacidade de ter capacidade operar de inicio 50 contas ao mesmo tempo. E depois com atualização ampliar esse numero de contas de alunos. Apenas com um comando central para operar outras outras contas da iq options, seguindo o mesmo comando de estratégia e entradas. com 4 tipo de tela, a tela de login do adm login dos alunos, central de configuração apenas do adm, e uma tela de resultado... apenas o adm ira escolher a operação , a estratégia seguindo o catalogador ... te...
Exmos. Srs., Gostaríamos de migrar a nossa plataforma de Joomla/Virtuemart para Wordpress/woocomerce. Gostaríamos de obter cotação
...Precisamos de uma solução de eCommerce que inclua carrinho de compras, PSP, shipping (delivery+pickup) A incluir: Criação de Conta Google Analytics e Implementação de código de Analytics no site Criação de Conta Google Tag Manager e implementação de código Global tag manager - Criar setup de conversão (checkout/carrinho) Conta Google Search Console - Sitemap Pixel de Facebook/Instagram - Implementar código no site Criar Facebook/Instagram Store (feed de produtos do site) ----------------------------------------- English Portuguese company in its initial phase, dedicated to the manufacture and sale of clothes and accessories for Pets. We need an eCommerce solution tha...
Preciso que você tire um erro no "Siberian CMS" para mim. isto ocorre quando tento gerar o apk. Compilação de log completo Erro: Java_Home é definido como um diretório inválido: / usr / java / standard / Por favor, defina a variável java_home em seu ambiente para corresponder ao Localização da sua instalação do Java.
Quero Criar um E-commerce de Drop Shipping, estou entrando no ramo online agora, tenho noções básicas de como funciona o mercado mais gostaria de delegar o processo burocrático. ate logo obrigado.
Nome do site é MrPanter, e eu estou vendendo quadros impressos em cavas. Shopify drop shipping store que estou criando. Eu já tentei diversos modelos e tipo que eu mesmo fiz e a ajuda de outro amigo, porém até agora eu ainda não me encontrei. Estou disposto até mudar a estica do site se preciso. Moderam plataformas tais como Shopify?
Necessito de projeto de um robô automatizador de entradas na IQ Options a partir de lista própria de sinais. Funções básicas de login e senha da corretora, cadastro de usuários com prazo de expiração. Opções de valores de entradas, stop win, stop loss, martingales, painel de visualização, etc... tenho exemplos. Preciso também com sistema de controle e emissão de licenças, a idéia é eu comercializar o sistema.
We are developing a slot game for iOS devices and we need a talented artist / illustrator / studio designed to make all the images of the game (gameplay, worlds and menu). Here's what we need from the artist: - That is capable of making high quality finish art - Great at handling / creating bright and colorful environments - Great with cartoon design and the creation of captivating characters - Bonus if the artist has already experimented with games - Communicative, we don't want to be in the dark while someone else develops the art of the game alone; the artist will work together with our art director, sending sketches and models as he / she progresses and adjusting them according to our feedback - Creative, great with details, transforming something ordinary into a...
Necessito de projeto de um robô automatizador de entradas na IQ Options a partir de lista própria de sinais. Funções básicas de login e senha da corretora, cadastro de usuários com prazo de expiração. Opções de valores de entradas, stop win, stop loss, martingales, painel de visualização, etc... tenho exemplos. Preciso também com sistema de controle e emissão de licenças, a idéia é eu comercializar o sistema. Segue modelo em anexo.
necessito de projeto de um robo automatizador de entradas na iq options a partir de lista propria de sinais... funções basicas de login e senha da corretora, cadastro de usuarios com prazo de expiração... opções de valores de entradas, stop win, stop loss, martingales, painel de visualização, etc... tenho exemplos
preciso de alguem que entenda desse plugin
Preciso de um site responsivo. Já tenho desenho para ele, apenas preciso que seja construído Base de dados , Back end á afeição
...more interfaces found, checking IP forwarding [OK] Checking rp_filter [OK] Checking that pluto is running [FAILED] Checking 'ip' command [OK] Checking 'iptables' command [OK] Checking 'prelink' command does not interfere with FIPS [OK] Checking for obsolete options [OBSOLETE KEYWORD] cannot load config '/etc/': /etc/ipsec.d/: syntax error, unexpected KEYWORD, expecting $end [left] ipsec verify: encountered 4 errors - see 'man ipsec_verify' for help ipsec verify: encountered 4 errors - see 'man ipsec_verify' for help [root@semffw03 ipsec.d]# ^C [root@semffw03 ipsec.d]# service ...
Eu preciso de você para escrever alguns artigos.
Preciso de alguém que tenha vasto conhecimento em criação de app, sistemas web etc. Para criação de aplicativo para web mobile. Se você tem amplo conhecimento em criação de aplicativos e linguagens afins nos chame no privado. I need someone who has extensive knowledge in creating app, web systems etc. For creating a mobile web application. If you have knowledge in creating applications and similar languages, call us in private.
We are creating a platform for the student to resolve issues online. Quizz format. The questions are evidence from military academies. Brand Name: QCMILITAR Colors: Green (mandatory), Black, White, Gray QCMILITAR was born from the idea of creating a portal for auxiliary candidates who are studying for military competitions in the Navy, Air Force, Army, Police and Security Forces. There are several portals on the internet, however, our differential is that we will be focused on military public tenders. The platform's concept is that the candidate can resolve issues directly on the screen just by applying a few filters. Use your creativity!
...plans for this e-commerce, if the interaction goes well I will probably need more work from your to integrate others distributors. Now regarding the website: It is a drop-shipping e-commerce, so basically we integrated one distributor (Digikey) to it. These are the issues: 1) Magento 2 API "loadByAttribute" is not working correctly. It works for some SKU's and doesn't work for others, most of the time it is working. Some research on: shows that it may be a caching issue. 2) Magent 2 API creation of the product is creating the product in two different story views. It should create in only one. I just need to be sure that this is a API restriction or not. My budget is of 60 USD for each issue
Os Antivírus está detectando Shiping em minha loja virtual, quero resolver isso.
...financeiras. Minha rádio é sem fins lucrativos por isso eu pago tudo do meu bolso. Se alguém estiver interessado é só me procurar. Obrigado. Hello I would like to find someone, a good APP 's developer (android - iphone - windows phone), who can develop a good radio application. I would also like to have the rights reserved on the application, that is, my radio has its own APP registration, in short, creating the three accounts on the three media platforms and the three APP's. I would like to find someone good, of quality, but also accessible to my financial conditions. My radio is non-profit so I pay everything out of my pocket. If anyone is interested just look for me. Thank you....
...Menu: 1.1. where there's a banner, 1.2. who are we, 1.3. purchase service plans with option to check plan details: when you click on the details button, you must download the plan information, 1.4. terms of use. 3. Purchase the plan in the same window as the Menu. After clicking on the details, the alternative to purchase service should appear. There will be NO shopping cart. Thus, you must have options of ways to purchase. 4. Registration form (with some data) and confirmation via SMS code and have validation, obviously, for those who want to be a premium member; 3. Premium member login. 4. Second tab where each member can chat with the administrator in a kind of chat. This page should have: 4.1. Blue reading warning. 4.2. Show whether the user is online or not. 4.3. An opt...
...loja virtual (Android e Ios), bem completos, onde eu possa mandar promoções ,códigos via push, e que seja leve e rápido para os clientes fazerem suas compras. in English 1- I need a total transfer on my woocomercy website. it has dedicated vps and is very fast, more needs some corrections in emails (password recovery doesn’t reach customers, like recovery times or notifications not also), when creating an account customers don’t receive data access, and sometimes requests disappear from accounts. a change from the home page to the support banner (must remain responsive) some plug-in to make the points program, that each customer purchase accumulates points, which can then be exchanged for a discount or product and everything that can be id...
Desejo automatizar entradas no site de opções binárias '' esse robot deve ter uma função para analisar a tendência das ultimas 5 velas que aparecem no gráfico para então tomar a decisão de compra ou venda. No contato, darei mais detalhes I need a BOT to IQoption I want to automate entries on the binary options website '', this robot must perform a function to analyze the most recent trends 5 candles that appear on the chart to then make a decision to buy or sell. In contact, I will give more details
Modulo para carrito de compra en joomla con virtuemart para mercadopago
PT- Boa tarde. Existe um formulário criado em Laravel e gostaria de implementar Pagamento por Debito Directo no já existente. ENG- Good afternoon. There is a form created in Laravel and I would like to implement payment methods like SEPA Debit Direct in the existing one.
Some information about the business rule: The rollers have the following size options: 1.50 (height) x 0.52 (width) 2.50 (height) x 0.52 (width) 3.00 (height) x 0.52 (width) 3.50 (height) x 0.52 (width) * Roll width is fixed at 0.52m. The calculation is the width divided by 0.50 (0.50 is the usable area, so the calculation is not 0.52). When a customer enters HEIGHT between 0 and 1.50, the result should consider rolls of 1.50x0.52m, varying only the amount (width entered / 0.50). When a customer enters HEIGHT between 1.51 and 2.50, the result should consider rolls of 2.50x0.52m, varying only the amount (width entered / 0.50). When a customer enters the HEIGHT between 2.51 and 3.00, the result should consider rolls of 3.00x0.52m, varying only the amount (width entered / 0.50). ...
Another freelancer is creating an app Android for me, I need to integrate the PagSeguro Payment Gatway in the Android App.
Preciso de vendedores online para minha Loja de Drop Shipping.
Hello, I need to create a logo. It will be to the website: I want something professional. ============= Olá, Preciso da criação de uma logomarca. Será para o site: Desejo algo profissional.
Estou desenvolvendo um marketplace baseado em Wordpress e woocommerce. O plugin usado para o marketplace é o WFCFM MarketPlace, que separa os itens dos vendedores baseado na opção "shipping Class" do WooCommerce. Os visitantes do site podem navegar por produtos postados por diversos vendedores, montar um carrinho com produtos (também de múltiplos vendedores) e realizar a compra. Preciso que o cálculo do frete seja baseado no cep (origem) configurado na conta de cada vendedor, que calcule a quantidade de items e peso normalmente, porém, um cálculo por cada vendedor. Ex: Comprador tem 2 produtos no carrinho do "vendedor 1" e 1 produto do "vendedor 2"; O "vendedor 1" está locali...
Eu adquiri o projeto Negocios em 21 dias, loja de e-commerce da plataforma Shopify. Nosso domínio é , mas ela não esta publicada. Já temos uma parte configurada na plataforma, tais como domínio, PagSeguro e Orbelo, dentre outras coisas Preciso de alguém para implantar um template mais exclusivo, escolher fornecedores Drop Shipping Nacional e Internacional, etc Dentro da escolha de produtos que nós faríamos desses fornecedores (faríamos à quatro mãos), traduzir textos e características de produtos expostos, configurar margens, etc Colocar a loja no ar e fazer uma opercação assistida nos primeiros dias. Quero, por gentileza, estimativa de horas de trabalho para acertar tudo e pre&c...
Hello, I'm looking for a professional to migrate an ecommerce site from Joomla 1.5.26 with Virtuemart 1.1.9 to the latest version of Wordpress and Woocommerce, using the Flatsome (UX-themes) theme if possible. All links from the old version should be kept in the new version. Thank you --- Olá, procuro profissional que faça a migração de um site de ecommerce da versão Joomla 1.5.26 com Virtuemart 1.1.9, para a mais recente versão de Wordpress e Woocommerce, usando se possível o tema Flatsome (UX-themes). Todos os links da versão antiga devem ser mantidos na nova versão. Obrigado
...intranet page, the code needs to copy the excel personal registration(ID) and click on an "ok" button; A new page will be loaded, the code must click on the person's name; A new page will load, you need to click on the link "PIN"; A new page will load, you need to click on the link "Change"; A new page will be loaded, there will be two fields: In the first field there is a check box with the options (Blank, 0, 1, 2) and should be filled according to the excel sheet. In the second field, it is text, and should be filled according to the excel sheet. Finally click on the "Ok" button that will save the process. The code will go to the next "personal registration(ID)" and will redo the process. Note: The intranet can not b...
...intranet page, the code needs to copy the excel personal registration(ID) and click on an "ok" button; A new page will be loaded, the code must click on the person's name; A new page will load, you need to click on the link "PIN"; A new page will load, you need to click on the link "Change"; A new page will be loaded, there will be two fields: In the first field there is a check box with the options (Blank, 0, 1, 2) and should be filled according to the excel sheet. In the second field, it is text, and should be filled according to the excel sheet. Finally click on the "Ok" button that will save the process. The code will go to the next "personal registration(ID)" and will redo the process. Note: The intranet can not b... Var2: Vazão via contador de giro (hidrômetro) – redswitch, como este: At1: Solenóide 6v, ,podendo ser um desses modelos: ou Importante que as principais partes dos códigos sejam comentados para me permitir pequenas modificações que eu precise no futuro. Anexo alguns exemplos. Favor informar estimativa de preço para desenvolver três produtos: 1. Código para leitura dos sensores e controle da válvula com registro das informações e cartão
...the inserted bird data generate a page of the bird, with option to show the business information and family tree of the bird where when hovering the mouse over the name shows a box with the information, there has to be a shopping cart so that the user can create as many birds as he wants and go adding to payment at the end of the registrations, important integration of payment with one of these options, Paypal Brazil, Pagseguro or Mercado Pago, freight flat rate. Questions about the project call in the chat before bid Menu Cadastrar seu negócio Cadastrar ave Visualizar aves Meus pedidos Em cadastro de ave o usuário preenche as informações da ave e dos antepassados até quatro gerações com uso de ajax para ao digitar mostrar as av...