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Os clientes avaliam nosso User Interface / IA Designers
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Como contratar um ótimo freelancer User Interface / IA Designer
The information technology world is full of many weird and wonderful acronyms which all make perfect sense to those who are privy to the industry however to those who are not, the terminology, acronyms and abbreviations can quite literally sometimes feel like listening to another language.
An example of this is the term user interface; in short, and commonly, it is referred to as UI. UI is the umbrella term used to refer to everything a human being needs to interact with an electronic device such as a computer. Examples of UI are a screen, a mouse, a keyboard, visuals, a desktop, a website – anything and everything required for a person to connect with their device.
Another example of a commonly used IT acronym is IA or information architecture. IA is defined as the design of information environments to make them understandable and user-friendly. This applies to websites, intranets, and online software. While you can have one without the other, ultimately both UI (user interface) and IA (information architecture) interact with each other to define the overall experience of an electronic device user.
If you lack the technical knowledge required to know your IA’s from your UI’s and how these specialized skills can benefit you, then a good sign is if users are struggling to use your website. If it is difficult to navigate and not user-friendly then not only are you not providing good customer service which will affect your brand and reputation in the long-run, you also risk losing potential clients to your competitors if they find it easier to click out of your site and onto somebody else’s.
Someone with specific skills in information architecture and user interface whose profile is listed on will be able to assist you faster than you can say INH (I need help!) They will re-design the structure, navigation and indexing of your website based upon best practice for your industry and organization as well as referring to your specific business structure and strategy for your company and making sure the new structure adheres to relevant organizational principals. They will work with a specific project scope and not only will they carry out your user interface or IA project within an agreed budget and timeframe; but there will also be no obligation on your part to commit to any permanent employment meaning that you are only paying for the specific project to be completed.
When using you can select a user interface specialist or an IA expert from a profile of thousands, you can select the person whose skills and experience best suit the needs of your project without having to commit to offering further projects for them if there is no real need. A freelance user interface or an IA specialist will often work from home meaning that you won’t have to incur any costs in providing a desk or office space for them to work.
If your website needs the technical knowledge and know-how of an information architect, contact today to see how we can help.
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