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Twój abonament pozwala na obserwowanie 0 projektów. Zmień poziom abonamentu na wyższy tutaj.
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Amit P.
$10 USD / godz.
India (10:41 AM)
Dołączył/a września 3, 2010
$10 USD / godz.
We reviewed the outsourcing of operational activities that are important to an asset manager’s business, including back office and middle office activities as well as fund administration. For custody of client assets, we chose only to include the reconciliations of assets held in custody.
This project is now 4 weeks overdue. It would have been fine by me if the freelancer would either indicate that the assignment is too tough or that the freelancer would at least communicate with me and give me status updates. From day 1 I haven't known the project status. I don't like reporting a project as incomplete, but I have no other choice.
This project is a month late now. The freelancer has not responded to my PM in more than a week. I have no reason to believe this project will be finished. I have no choice but to report an incomplete project.