Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control Systems, System Design & Simulations, Arduino, Robot Manipulator Motion Control, Microcontroller, Power Electronics, Renewable Energy, System Troubleshooting, Mechanical System Alignment, Laser Tracker, Operational and programming of Portable CMM 3D LASER tracker measuring equipment, Quality Assurance. Troubleshooting electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, electronic and control systems. Instructor and interpreter of the above mentioned experiences.
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Supervision graduated projects, Smart Meter and Microgrid load flow studies and simulation.
mar, 2013 - mar, 2018
5 lat
Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering, Electrical Power and Machine Department
mar, 2013 - mar, 2018
5 lat
Smart Meter: Design current and voltage measuring circuit and their conditioning circuit for implementing a dedicated power measurement IC, PMIC. Programming a PIC Microcontroller with "C_Language" to communicate with PMIC for extracting the electrical parameters from its registers. Communicating with GSM network for receiving and sending commands. Simulating and building a complete system.
Microgrid: Studying a load flow and fault analysis for an existing network, including PV system.
mar, 2013 - mar, 2018
5 lat
Quality Production, general manager for inspection of components and assemblies,
paź, 2008 - mar, 2016
7 lat, 5 miesięcy
ETP Egyptian Tank Plant, Military Factory 200, Kalubia – Egypt
Tank turret repairer, troubleshooting fire control system. Performing schedule turret service.
wrz, 1997 - paź, 1999
2 lata, 1
Ain Shams University
2005 - 2009
4 lata
PhD in Adaptive Motion Control of Robot Manipulator
2005 - 2009
4 lata
Ain Shams University
1989 - 1995
6 lat
MSc in Optimal Control of DC Motor
1989 - 1995
6 lat
Ain Shams University
1987 - 1989
2 lata
High Diploma in Electrical Power Protection & Switchgear
1987 - 1989
2 lata
"Matlab GUI Real Time Pulse Generator For Multi Randomly Switched PWM Patterns"
Eleventh International Middle East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON’ 2008, March 12-15, Aswan-Egypt.
This paper provides a software package for generation of Random Pulse Width Modulation (RPWM) switching patterns, with wide parameter variation. Seven different RPWM techniques are available for selection through a Matlab real time GUI program. Selected pattern could be implemented in either simulation or real time purposes.
"Black Box Closed Loop Robot Manipulator System Identification”
Aerospaces Sciences and Aviation Technology, ASAT, Military Technical College, 29-31 May 2007 Egypt.
paper discusses experimental identification of one joint of a hand made, two degrees of freedom robot manipulator, including flexibilities, under feedback. A black box system model is identified from the input-output data. Both linear, OE (Output Error) and non-linear structure (multilayer perceptrons neural network) models are treated and applied.
“Performance Control Of Direct Drive Robot Manipulators For Efficient Energy Applications”
Conference On Energy Research And Development (ICERD-3), November 21-23, 2005, State of Kuwait.
The performance and design of a control system to drive a robotic arm is a multi tedious process task. Selecting the type of actuator and its control, the type of the power driver and the interface with Personal Computer (PC), the position sensory devices, the controller software language and algorithm are puzzling decisions to consider. It is an important process to choose one of all the available technologies, various alternatives, economic market and technical data package constraints.
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