Document translator and interpreter in Mexico (Spanish, English, French, German, Mandarin, Italian)
$12 USD / godz.
Mexico (3:17 PM)
Dołączył/a lipca 8, 2014
$12 USD / godz.
For more than 7 years now, I have been working as a freelance translator and interpreter for several Mexican, Mainland Chinese, Taiwanese, and Malay manufacturing and exporting companies, publishing houses and other individuals. My language abilities comprise translation between Spanish, English, French, German and Mandarin Chinese (in both written forms). I can also translate documents from Italian and Portuguese into any of the first five languages; though not the other way around. This being said, I NEVER use automatic translation machines like Google Translate, since they lower the quality of any translation. And when I accept a job, quality and punctuality are assured.
For the last two years, I have been working as a freelance translator with said Publishing House. Among the books I have translated for them to Spanish and English, there are German books on Yoga, French books on kindergarten education, Canadian books on Sustainable Development, and Italian books on elementary school math.
mar, 2012 - Aktualnie
13 lat
maj, 2014 - lip, 2014
2 miesiące
maj, 2014 - lip, 2014
2 miesiące
During a period of over two months, I worked as an analyst and external consultant for a government agency in my home state of Puebla, Mexico. Among the activities I undertook, there were simultaneous translations and protocol advisory for the reception and welcoming of foreign delegations who wished to do business in our state.
maj, 2014 - lip, 2014
2 miesiące
Simultaneous Interpreter
lut, 2012 - mar, 2012
Primo Cuevas
lut, 2012 - mar, 2012
During a ten-day period, I was outsourced in this factory to help by translating for a Taiwanese technician who came to install machinery which produced drinking straw wrappings.
lut, 2012 - mar, 2012
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
2008 - 2013
5 lat
BA in International Relatons
2008 - 2013
5 lat
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
2008 - 2013
5 lat
Licenciado en Relaciones Internacionales
2008 - 2013
5 lat
Start 2 Sprachzeugnis
Goethe Institut
Certification issued by the Goethe Institut certifying my full ability on the German Language in the A2 level on the European Reference Frame scale.
Test Of English As Foreign Language (TOEFL)
ITESM Campus Puebla
Received 660 out of 677 possible points on the English Certification Exam, equivalent to a C2 Level on English for the European Reference Frame.
La Camioneta Roja
Revista SAIO 2007-2008
Just a short story on a comical, anecdotic Urban Legend.
US English
French to English Translation
Spanish to English Translation
German to English Translation
UK English
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