Translate English video to Chinese subtitles
$10-30 USD
Płatność przy odbiorze
Hi, I'm looking for a native Chinese speaker to translate two videos from English to simplified Chinese and create chinese subtitles for them. Please quote your price per video minute in the bid.
Numer ID Projektu: #9627594
O projekcie
14 freelancerów złożyło ofertę za $26 w tym projekcie
I've done a few similar tasks like yours. I will translate the videos to Chinese and create subtitles for them as well. I can send you some of the work that I've done. My price per video minute is USD3. Let's discuss m Więcej
Hi I'm native Chinese speaker and very interested on the task. I get annoyed when the subtitle wasn't right or missing important information on the movie. I believe my fluent of English and Chinese languages can help Więcej
I am a native speaker of Chinese please show me the video contents first. Please have a nice day.