matlab code Edit

Ukończone Opublikowano 4 lat temu Płatność przy odbiorze

Need to copy and run the code given in the image..Price is 3 AUD and delivery in 1 hour.

Matlab i Mathematica

Numer ID Projektu: #26287165

O projekcie

3 ofert Zdalny projekt Aktywny 4 lat temu

Przyznany użytkownikowi:


Hello sir, I have been working in the field of research for last 4 years and has been published many papers in the field of power electronics. I have developed many simulation for converters and its control for your re Więcej

$3 AUD / godzina
(17 ocen)

3 freelancerów złożyło ofertę na średnią kwotę $2/godzinę w tym projekcie


Hi, I am expert in Matlab and have over 5 years experience. I have done a number of projects on various platforms. Please share details to start work. I'll deliver the work in less than 1 hour.

$2 AUD / godzina
(8 Oceny)

Hi, I am very good in MATLAB coding. I can do this less than an hour. I am looking forward for your response. Thank you

$2 AUD / godzina
(0 Oceny)