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2,000 wet dry cooling solar ofert prac znalezionych
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Potrzebuję loga dla firmy zajmującej się panelami słonecznymi i energią solarną. Nazwa firmy to Globe Trade Group. Chciałbym żeby logo zawierało litery GTG, ewentualnie GTG i słowo SOLAR. Chciałbym żeby nawiązywało do tematyki snergii słonecznej/słońca/paneli słonecznych.

$27 Average bid
$27 Średnia Oferta:
23 składanie ofert

Ciągle pracuję nad wcześniejszym projektemMatlab- Simulink: Power management simulation of solar airplane (rather basic)'

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert
Solar-Powered Jazz
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Option selectorz

$45 / hr Average bid
$45 / hr Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert
Napisz oprogramowanie
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...i jest gotowa na duże wyzwania. Osoba, która jest pasjonatem i będzie współtworzyła z nami bardzo duży międzynarodowy serwis handlowy. Mówimy o długoterminowej współpracy. Jeśli chodzi o nasze wymagania techniczne: Główne: 1. HTML, CSS 2. JavaScript, JQuery 3. AJAX 4. Język angielski (minimum: czytanie dokumentacji technicznej) Mile widziane: 1. AngularJS 2. C#, MVC, WebAPI 3. DRY, SOLID, IoC 4. SQL Server 2008/2012 (+ ewentualnie BigData) Masz możliwość dołączyć do grona bardzo doświadczonych osób oraz takich, którzy myślą i wprowadzają w życie wyłącznie bardzo duże i w szczególności międzynarodowe projekty, do firmy o bardzo wysokim potencjale wzrostu, z którego możesz skorzystać, ponieważ wyna...

$3172 Average bid
$3172 Średnia Oferta:
3 składanie ofert

Wymagania: - umiejętność pisania czytelnego kodu w zgodzie z filozofią Pythona i Django (PEP8, DRY) - stosowanie systemu kontroli wersji GIT, znajomość SSH i Screen - zainteresowanie relacyjnymi i nierelacyjnymi bazami danych - chęć rozwiązywania problemów - znajomość HTML, CSS, JS - terminowość i odpowiedzialność - samodzielność oraz inicjatywa Proszę o link do portfolio, zakres prac oraz stawkę godzinową.

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

...needs to be held down halfway during normal driving C) Controls the air pressure applied to the brakes.@ 4) Air braking takes more time than hydraulic braking because air - A) Brakes use different brake drums B) Takes more time to flow through the lines than hydraulic fluids.@ C) Is always leaking through air line fittings. 5) If your vehicle has an alcohol evaporator - it is there to - A) Rid the wet tank of alcohol that condences & sits at the bottom. B) Eliminate the need for daily tank draining. C) Reduce the risk of ice in air brake valves in cold weather.@ 6) If your truck has dual parking control valves you can use a seperate tank to - A) Release the spring emergency parking brake to move a short distance@ B) Apply more brake pressure if the main tank is getting low...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Wykonanie projektu etykiety nowej marki napoju alkoholowego typu WERMUTH. Opracowanie logotypu i szaty graficznej dla nowej marki: komplet etykiet: etykieta główna, etykieta na szyjkę butelki, etykieta tylna (informacyjno-techniczna). Nazwa marki zadana. Butelka zadana. Wykonanie trzech wariantów kolorystycznych dla odmian tego produktu, różniących się dodatkowym wyróżnikiem graficznym: dla smaków Dry, Rosso i Bianco Etykieta na eksport, w jęz. angielskim. Wszystkie konieczne dane, oznaczenia i informacje (teksty) od zleceniodawcy.

$40 Average bid
$40 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

Zlecę napisanie artykułów o długości ok. 1500 znaków, kategoria domy, mieszkania. Tematy: Dachy i rynny Konstrukcje różne konstrukcje dachu dach jednospadowy - zalety wady dach dwuspadowy - zalety wady dach wielospadowy - zalety wady nietypowe dachy rodzaje komunikacji dachowej kable grzejne w rynnach dach płaski - zalety wady rodzaje kominów oznaczenia kominów solar na dachu funkcje kominka wentylacyjnego - wilgoć Materiały blachodachówka blacha na dach dachówka łapacze śniegu wybór rynny do dachu dachówki bitumiczne dachówki ceramiczne dachówki betonowe Izolacje membrany na poddasze paroizolacja -rodzaje i zastosowanie ocieplenie nakrokwiowe wentylacja...

$14 Average bid
$14 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

Witam Potrzebuję wypozycjonować tą stronę w Słowa kluczowe: wet room drain/ wet room drains shower drains / shower drain channel drain / channel drains linear drain / linera drains

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

...meanwhile, launched new orange, yellow, and red Oslon SSL LEDs that can deliver 20% more light than predecessors. Cree XM-L and XT-E LEDs The Cree XM-L and XT-E LEDs target small retrofit-lamp application such as B10 candelabra lamps along with E17 and GU10 lamps. The HV-LEDs will deliver efficiency and thermal advantages in such lamps that are severely space constrained with limited options for cooling. The LEDs are packaged and sold as discrete components, but in reality are built using an array of 16 very-small die. The XT-E is 3.45 mm on a side and the XM-L is 5 mm on a side. According to product marketing manager Paul Scheidt, target applications such as B10 lamps will use one or perhaps two of the LEDs. By connecting the array in series, Cree was able to boost t...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Poszukiwany programista Python do *zdalnej* współpracy przy projekcie ciekawej gry na Facebook'a. Jesteś studentem, a może nie rozpocząłeś jeszcze studiów? Chciałbyś zdobyć pierwsze doświadczenie w przyszłym zawodzie, ale nie wiesz, od czego zacząć? Ta praca może być dla Ciebie! Wymagania: * Dobrze znasz język Python, * Potrafisz pisać przejrzysty, samodokumentujący się kod oraz wiesz co to DRY i KISS nie tylko z teorii, * Miałeś styczność z systemem kontroli wersji, sam lub w zespole miałeś okazję zbudować nieco większy projekt (powiedzmy paręnaście tysięcy linii), * Znasz język angielski na poziomie wystarczającym do rozumienia dokumentacji, * Możesz poświęcić przynajmniej 20 godzin tygodniowo na współpracę z nami Oferujemy: * Wynagrodzeni...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Witam zlecę pozycjonowanie strony w na kraj usa na słowa solar ny, solar new york, solar staten island, solar queens, solar brooklyn, solar bronx, solar incentives ny, solar incentives new york, solar incentives staten island, solar incentives queens, solar incentives brooklyn, solar incentives bronx Pozdrawiam Pawel

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Zlecę wykonanie headera do sklepu internetowego. Temat: na ile sposobów można wykorzystać energię ze słońca. Technika: ilustracj...mobilnym - laptop, telefon (tu jakaś postać, nie same moduły) - i do tego może kamper Wszystko to osadzone w otoczeniu zieleni, zza pagórka widać słońce, parę drzewek, chmur. Przykłady - słońce, pagórki, drzewka, chmura, wszystko w takim stylu jak na ilustracji - moduły pv, domek Oferty proszę składać w aukcji, nie będę zwracał uwagi na te wysyłane mailem, czy jako wiadomość do użytkownika. Koniecznie cena i konkretne prace z portfolio - ilustracje, grafiki.

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Przedmiotem zlecenia jest wykonanie polskiej instrukcji obsługi w formacie PDF na podstawie angielskiej ze strony Czyli przetłumaczenie oraz złożenie w zwartą i czytelną ...zlecenia, czas wykonania zlecenia, informacje czy dostaniemy Zależy nam na jakości więc wraz z ofertą proszę przysłać przetłumaczony fragment, dzięki czemu ocenimy jakość pracy. Oferty bez przykładu pracy nie będziemy brać pod uwagę. " The reflow soldering theory and the temperature wave: When the PCB board goes into heat up area (dry area), the solvent and gas in the solder paste will evaporate. At the same time, the flux can wet the pad and the component tip and foot. The solder paste melts, caves in and covers the pad, leading to the pad and component pins insulate the oxygen. "

$30 Average bid
$30 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert;gr=ukl472&pgr=rdw532 Grafiki i czcionki muszą się różnić nieznacznie by nie zostały naruszone prawa autorskie Do wykonania będą: Na czerwonym tle: 1. Ostrożnie 2. Nie zaginać 3. Chronić od zimna 4. Uwaga Szkło ( tekst plus grafika kieliszków ) 5. Nie rzucać 6. Faktura wewnątrz 7. Fragile 8. Nie piętrować 9. Unikać wstrząsów 10. Nie zamoczyć Keep Dry ( tekst plus grafika parasola ) 10 Góra - his way up ( tekst plus grafika strzałek ) 11. Zawartość krucha - Handle with care fragile ( tekst plus grafika kieliszka ) oraz niewymienione na tej stronie ale w podobnym stylu: 12. Promocja ( sam napis na czerwonym tle ) 13. Nie upuść Przenoś ostrożnie ( coś na wzór ) 14. UWAGA SZKŁO ( grafika

$22 Average bid
$22 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

Programujących objektowo - znających zasadę DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself) - Python + Django Proszę o informacje na email i udział w licytacji. Czego wymagamy? Przede wszystkim chęci, umiejętności współpracy, odpowiedzialności. Nastawienia na efekty. Co oferujemy? Stałą współpracę, miłą atmosferę. Oferta skierowana głównie do freelancerów. Reszta wyjdzie w praniu :) Pracujemy na zasadzie wyceny zlecenia i wyliczamy wkład pracy - nie interesuje mnie stawka za 1 h bo to że Ty piszesz coś 2 h a ja to samo 4 h nie oznacza, że powinienem zarabiać więcej :). Proszę o wycenę napisania forum w django.

$142 Average bid
$142 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

jak w temacie, w tej chwili w top10 , milo by bylo wskoczyc top3, laptop repair toronto, mac repair toronto, .../ Notebooks Laptop Memory (RAM) Laptop LCD Screens Networking External Enclosures Service Packages Removable Storage Laptop Batteries Laptop Accessories AC Adapters / Chargers Laptop Keyboards Bags / Carrying Cases Docking Stations Laptop Cooling Base " /> Laptop Hard Drives CD / DVD Drives Buy Laptops / Notebooks Laptop Memory (RAM) Laptop LCD Screens Networking External Enclosures Service Packages Removable Storage Laptop Batteries Laptop Accessories AC Adapters / Chargers Laptop Keyboards Bags / Carrying Cases Docking Stations Laptop Cooling Base Laptop Centre" /> prosze o kontakt na sales@ najwazniejsze sa te pierwsze 3 - 4 frazy. po...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

...wspolego menu. tego na privie informacje dotyczace udokonalen innego serwisu online czyli stawka godzinowa mysle ze bedzie to zelcenie na okolo 10godzin roboczych. specjalne zamowienia dotyczace projektu w ktorego sklad wchodzi 15 podstron: portfolio (cms) zalaczania nowych projektow male kwadraty po prawej stronie ulozone wedlug ustalonego podzialu pionowego, czyli wet room wszystkie zdjecia wet room w pionie na na dole przewijanie 1234 etc. Do kazdego zdjecia mozliowsc zalacznia opisu to 100 + html. skalowanie rozmiaru automatycznie czyli nie trzeba zdjecia pomniejszac oraz dodawac logo do niego. Logo oraz zdjecie bedzie zeskalowane automatycznie logo stanie sie czescia integralna zdjecia. Czyli podczas zapisywnia zdjecia logo bedzie rowniez dolaczone (zab...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a professional with expertise in creating Single-Line Diagrams (SLD) for solar exemption purposes. I need a comprehensive SLD, a Zone Diagram, and details about connection point size and location. All documentation must adhere to the National Electrical Codes. Key Requirements: - Creation of a Single-Line Diagram (SLD) that includes circuit breakers, fuses, and power flow arrows. - Comprehensive understanding of the National Electrical Codes to ensure compliance. - Experience with solar exemption documentation is highly desirable. - Ability to create a Zone Diagram and identify connection point size and location. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in your bid.

$672 Average bid
$672 Średnia Oferta:
29 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a skilled digital marketer to set up campaigns across Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn aimed at driving traffic to our website for solar sales and consultations.

$250 Average bid
$250 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

I'm seeking an expert in online marketing with a focus on SMS channels to help generate residential solar leads. Key requirements: - Proven experience in lead generation, specifically for the solar industry - Proficient in SMS marketing strategies - Ability to deliver high-quality, conversion-ready leads

$116 Average bid
$116 Średnia Oferta:
11 składanie ofert

...module. Both positions require candidates with 5+ years of experience in SAP testing. The ideal candidates will possess solid expertise in managing the entire testing cycle, executing User Acceptance Testing (UAT), and driving successful SAP module deployments. ?️ Key Responsibilities: Define global, regional, or local test cases, test plans, and other prerequisites for relevant testing phases (Dry-Run, SAT, UAT, Regression Testing). Execute tests on global, regional, and local levels, documenting them according to system-specific frameworks. Conduct User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and manage defect handling throughout the testing lifecycle. Participate in at least one full testing round for the SAP MM or SAP SD module. Collaborate with various stakeholder groups to ensure al...

$3957 Average bid
$3957 Średnia Oferta:
13 składanie ofert

I'm seeking an expert in energy modeling and control systems. The project involves creating a thermal model of a residential building using EnergyPlus, and developing an adaptive model predictive controller (MPC) in MATLAB. Key Aspects: - Focus on heating and cooling efficiency primarily, with a goal to reduce overall energy consumption. - Implementing the controller using a self-adaptive building model to optimize energy use while maintaining a consistent indoor temperature. Requirements: - Use of a state space adaptive model. - Proficiency in MATLAB and EnergyPlus. - Experience in building energy efficiency and indoor thermal comfort systems. Your bid should reflect your understanding of these requirements and your ability to deliver a high-quality solution.

$432 Average bid
$432 Średnia Oferta:
19 składanie ofert
solar google api calculator fixes
6 dni left

I'm looking for an experienced software developer or data analyst who can help me review the solar Google API Calculator.

$24 Average bid
$24 Średnia Oferta:
14 składanie ofert

...and ultimately contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. ‏experienced chemical engineer to perform detailed reaction modeling and process simulations for a carbon capture system. The project's core focus is on the absorption processes of NOx, SOx, and CO2 emissions using innovative material mixtures, including sawdust and water-based solutions. ‏Key Project Tasks: ‏1. Simulate drying and wet purification techniques within the system. ‏2. Analyze and test various material interactions to optimize emission capture efficiency. ‏3. Explore 'chemical renewal' processes for converting captured carbon into reusable materials. ‏4. Provide recommendations for system enhancements to maximize carbon capture at minimal operational costs and ene...

$509 Average bid
$509 Średnia Oferta:
36 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a talented architect or designer to create plans for my future home in Hakuba, Japan. This modern-style house should accommodate 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths, and feature a steeply sloped roof to handle the local snowfall. Key Requirements: - Architecturally modern design - Innovative, energy-efficient design elements - Secure storage closets - A dry room for skiing equipment - A tatami room on the second floor - 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths - A severely sloped roof for snow The exterior should be predominantly wooden, in line with my preference for wood over concrete or metal. The ideal candidate for this project will have extensive experience in modern architecture, particularly in designing energy-efficient homes. A knack for incorporating innovative interior features ...

$429 Average bid
$429 Średnia Oferta:
66 składanie ofert

I'm looking for an experienced mechanical engineer with 3D modeling skills to ...assembly is intended for a rover designed for agriculture. The assembly must incorporate a servo motor for directional control and a main drive motor. Key Requirements: - Design should incorporate a pivot wheel assembly for a 16 inch wheel - Include a servo motor for direction control - Integrate a main drive motor - Design must be suitable for a rover operating in all environmental conditions (wet, high temperatures, dusty) - Use of 3D modeling software to create detailed model of the assembly Ideal Skills: - Mechanical engineering - 3D modeling (CAD software) - Understanding of robotics - Experience with agricultural machinery design Please include your portfolio showcasing similar projects yo...

$114 Average bid
$114 Średnia Oferta:
14 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a professional with extensive experience in thermal simulations. The project revolves around a PCB board housed in a plastic enclosure. Key tasks include: - Conducting a detailed thermal simulation to identify potential hotspots on the PCB and within the enclosure. - Providing recommendations to improve cooling efficiency. - Ensuring the selected materials can safely withstand the thermal stresses encountered during operation. Ideal candidates will have expertise in using thermal simulation software, with a preference for ANSYS, SolidWorks, or COMSOL.

$98 Average bid
$98 Średnia Oferta:
19 składanie ofert

I'm in need of a skilled professional to construct a 4m retaining wall for a passive solar greenhouse. This wall should be made out of a steel structure, backfilled with clay, and properly insulated with thermo-blankets. Key requirements: - Experience with steel structure construction - Understanding of passive solar design principles - Familiarity with greenhouse construction - Skills in using and installing thermo-blankets This project requires someone who can blend engineering with sustainable design. The wall will serve as both a structural and thermal component of the greenhouse, so attention to detail and commitment to quality are paramount.

$30 / hr Average bid
$30 / hr Średnia Oferta:
35 składanie ofert

I'm looking for a professional freelancer to create a PowerPoint presentation for a business proposal centered around our company's solar lighting products. The presentation is intended for our internal team. Key Elements to Include: - Detailed information about our solar lighting products - Visuals and data to support the proposal - Clear and engaging layout - Consistent design and branding elements Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Microsoft PowerPoint - Excellent design skills - Strong understanding of business proposals - Knowledge about solar lighting products is a plus

$350 Average bid
$350 Średnia Oferta:
115 składanie ofert

I'm looking for a professional freelancer to create a PowerPoint presentation for a business proposal centered around our company's solar lighting products. The presentation is intended for our internal team. Key Elements to Include: - Detailed information about our solar lighting products - Visuals and data to support the proposal - Clear and engaging layout - Consistent design and branding elements - 10 -15 slides Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Microsoft PowerPoint - Excellent design skills - Strong understanding of business proposals - Knowledge about solar lighting products is a plus

$108 Average bid
$108 Średnia Oferta:
138 składanie ofert

Wanted: Fire Engineer to design & stamp Interior Fire Sprinkler Plans for a New 5,000 SF Residence. Key Requirements: - Understanding to LA County fire safety regulations Ideal Skills: - Residential Fire Sprinkler safety engineering - Residential sprinkler system installation (not a must) - Knowledge of wet pipe systems & LA County regs.

$1150 Average bid
$1150 Średnia Oferta:
12 składanie ofert

I'm looking for an experienced naval architect to design a pontoon house boat for residential use. The design should be both practical and innovative, with a focus on sustainability and modern living. Key Features: - A solar power system integrated into the design, promoting energy efficiency and sustainability. - A modern kitchen, with space planned for all necessary appliances and features. - A spacious deck area, perfect for enjoying the outdoors and entertaining guests. An ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience in ship and marine engineering, specifically pontoon and house boat design. - A portfolio showcasing previous residential boat designs. - Knowledge of sustainable design practices and modern living requirements. - Excellent communica...

$1688 Average bid
$1688 Średnia Oferta:
56 składanie ofert

Description: We are seeking a talented graphic designer to create high-quality visuals for our Amazon product listing. The product is the Relief Cap, a soothing headache ice pack mask that includes a cooling gel hat and face cold compress head wrap, designed for relief from tension, stress, migraines, and hangovers. Scope of Work: The project includes the following: Hero Images: Design an attention-grabbing main product image that complies with Amazon’s image guidelines (pure white background, no text, etc.). Showcase the product clearly, with a clean and professional appearance. Infographic Images: Create 3-4 infographic images highlighting the key features and benefits of the product. Examples include “Soothing Cold Relief,” “Comfortable Fit,” and...

$40 Average bid
29 zgłoszenia

Description: We are seeking a talented graphic designer to create high-quality visuals for our Amazon product listing. The product is the Relief Cap, a soothing headache ice pack mask that includes a cooling gel hat and face cold compress head wrap, designed for relief from tension, stress, migraines, and hangovers. Scope of Work: The project includes the following: Hero Images: Design an attention-grabbing main product image that complies with Amazon’s image guidelines (pure white background, no text, etc.). Showcase the product clearly, with a clean and professional appearance. Infographic Images: Create 3-4 infographic images highlighting the key features and benefits of the product. Examples include “Soothing Cold Relief,” “Comfortable Fit,” and...

$104 Average bid
$104 Średnia Oferta:
96 składanie ofert

I need a unique, one-floor octagonal house designed. This structure will serve as a visitor and educational center in the Judean mountains. The house should be made from a combination of wood and stone, with s...toilets, and natural insulation materials. - The strategic placement of a porch on one of the free sides of the house (opposite the porch is the entrance). The ideal candidate for this project should be experienced in sustainable architecture and design, with a portfolio that showcases similar projects. They should have an understanding of working off the electrical grid and be able to incorporate solar panels into the design. A background in designing for educational purposes would be a distinct advantage. Please note that I will send a photograph of the location for your ...

$146 Average bid
$146 Średnia Oferta:
29 składanie ofert

I'm looking for a professional who can help with our solar appointment setting for a call center. The main focus will be to qualify prospects. - Ideal candidates should have experience in sales, customer service, or lead qualification, preferably within the solar industry. - The target demographic for these appointments will primarily be homeowners, so understanding the nuances of appealing to this group is essential. - The geographic scope is local areas, hence knowledge of these regions and ability to connect with the local community would be advantageous. The goal is to ensure we are engaging with serious, qualified prospects who have an interest in solar energy, in order to increase our conversion rate and ultimately boost sales.

$1020 Average bid
$1020 Średnia Oferta:
11 składanie ofert

...translate a complete design into a fully functional website Please only apply if you can deliver a high-quality, user-friendly website that meets all the specified requirements. To put the maintenace agreement on website online. Hi, we are looking for someone to build our website. We are a solar maintenance and support company. We offer a standard package with additional service options. The customer first provide their personal information and then the solar system that gthey have, model, type, number of solar panels, battery size etc. Based on the number of panels the customer selects there is a different pricing and selected options. Then the system calculates the total price and customer signs and agrees and we provide cusotmer with T&C and customer make th...

$230 Average bid
$230 Średnia Oferta:
179 składanie ofert

COPY PASTED or AI GENERATED PROPOSAL WILL BE IGNORED! Need UI for solar landing page in figma. Please specify estimated delivery time and cost Thanks Pranav

$281 Average bid
$281 Średnia Oferta:
83 składanie ofert

I'm looking for a UI designer who can create a bright and colorful landing page for a solar company. The main goal of the page is lead generation, so the design should be engaging and persuasive. Key Requirements: - Incorporation of a contact form and a solar calculator into the design - A bright and colorful design style - A focus on lead generation Ideal Skills: - UI/UX design experience, particularly for landing pages - Proficiency in design software - Understanding of lead generation strategies in web design

$267 Average bid
$267 Średnia Oferta:
120 składanie ofert

We are developing an AI-driven Dispatch and Transportation Management System (TMS) that will redefine the trucking industry for the USA and Canada, specializing in reefer, dry van, power-only, and flatbed operations. Our goal is to create a cutting-edge platform that automates logistics, enhances communication, and streamlines operations for dispatchers, drivers, fleet managers, and customers. We’re looking for experienced developers to bring this vision to life by delivering a secure, scalable, and intelligent system that integrates seamlessly into the modern trucking landscape. What We Need: Key Features to Develop AI-Powered Automation: Automate responses to customer emails (e.g., responding instantly to "location??" with GPS data). Smart load assignments base...

$3167 Average bid
$3167 Średnia Oferta:
133 składanie ofert

I'm looking for a captivating and efficient Facebook advertisement aimed at generating leads for my solar business. The ad should primarily target homeowners and convey the message of cost savings on energy bills. Key Components: - Target Audience: The ad should be specifically designed to resonate with homeowners. - Core Message: Emphasize the cost-saving aspect of using solar energy. - Call to Action: The ad should encourage viewers to reach out for more information or a quote. Skills & Experience Required: - Proven expertise in Facebook ad creation, especially in the home improvement or solar industry. - Strong understanding of targeting techniques on Facebook. - Excellent copywriting skills to convey the message succinctly and persuasively. - Experie...

$79 Average bid
$79 Średnia Oferta:
49 składanie ofert

I run a dry cleaning business and I need an expert in Search Engine Optimization to enhance my service pages on Google. The focus will primarily be on two of my service pages - Dry Cleaning and Laundry Services. Key Objectives: - Optimise these service pages to increase local traffic, as most of my potential customers are within the vicinity of my business. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with local SEO - Proficient in Google search optimisation - Experience with optimising service pages on websites - Knowledge in the dry cleaning industry would be a plus. I am looking for a professional who can help enhance my business visibility on Google.

$59 Average bid
$59 Średnia Oferta:
54 składanie ofert

I need a professional with expertise in 3D Keyshot to create a realistic rendering of my solar panels mounting system. This design will be aimed at marketing materials, so it needs to be eye-catching and accurately represent the entire system setup. Key Requirements: - Create a detailed and realistic 3D design of the entire solar panels mounting system - Focus on producing high quality visuals suitable for marketing purposes - Experience with Keyshot and 3D design is a must - Ability to deliver a design that can be used to showcase the system to potential clients - Understanding of solar mounting systems would be a plus

$134 Average bid
$134 Średnia Oferta:
46 składanie ofert

The annealing project involves heating a structure to a temperature of 120°C to 150C, followed by a controlled cooling cycle. The temperature will be decreased over fixed increments over a series of time steps. The main priority is to include the effect of effect of crystallization, which results in changes to the structure's mechanical properties.

$314 Average bid
$314 Średnia Oferta:
17 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a professional with experience in food packaging to design and supply stand-up pouches made from plastic for dry goods such as nuts and snacks. The ideal candidate should have a solid understanding of food safety standards and packaging durability, with a focus on maintaining product freshness and integrity. Skills and experience needed: - Expertise in food packaging design - Knowledge of plastic's suitability for food storage - Understanding of food safety standards - Experience with packaging dry goods - Ability to deliver on time and within budget

$582 Average bid
$582 Średnia Oferta:
15 składanie ofert

I am seeking a Power Systems Engineer with a strong background in renewable energy, specifically solar and photovoltaic systems. The focus of this project is on researching the integration of solar energy into our existing power systems. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience in power systems engineering - Profound understanding of photovoltaic systems - Strong research skills - Experience in renewable energy integration Key Responsibilities: - Conduct thorough research on renewable integration with a focus on solar energy and photovoltaic systems - Provide comprehensive and detailed reports of findings - Suggest practical solutions based on research outcomes The ideal freelancer would have a deep understanding of the challenges and oppor...

$508 Average bid
$508 Średnia Oferta:
38 składanie ofert

I’m after a website for solar installation business based in Perth, WA. Apart from normal webpages, I’m looking for a ‘savings calculator using solar power’ which takes inputs from user and suggests savings and recommends a solar package. I want the website to be very focused on a local SEO. Contact me if you have required expertise and also give me rough estimates in a bid itself. Thanks,Pranav

$318 Average bid
$318 Średnia Oferta:
89 składanie ofert
Bermed Home Energy Efficiency
3 dni left

My project focuses on making my bermed home energy efficient. I have specific areas that I am looking to improve that include: - Heating and Cooling - Lighting - Insulation My primary goals are: - Reducing heating and cooling costs - Utilizing sustainable energy sources - Making efficient use of natural light In terms of sustainability and resilience, my objectives are: - Optimising the design for reduced heating/cooling costs - Implementing sustainable energy sources - Capitalizing on natural light where possible - Ensuring fire resistance - Weather resistant design - Incorporating passive design elements Given the specialized nature of this project, ideal freelancers should have expertise in green building design principles, with a particu...

$750 - $1500
$750 - $1500
12 składanie ofert