Websites that make moneyprojekty
Pozycjonowanie strony anglojęzycznej na frazę "How to make money" Strona powinna być w top 10 i
...Profit Magazine also wants to shed light on Oracle's product and service strategies and how they'll impact your business - today, and in the years to come. 2/Global Finance has been providing monthly news and analysis since 1987 about companies and financial institutions that do business around the world. Global Finance delivers the full story; corporate finance, joint ventures and M&A, country profiles, capital markets, investor relations, currencies, banking, risk management, custody, direct investment, money management and all the rest-specifically tailored for corporate readers around the world....
Witam, pilnie zlecę wykonanie kilku drobnych przeróbek istniejącego laya. Adres strony: Zmiany dotyczą modułu "spis filmów" w środkowej ramce: - od..."oglądaj z limitem" i "ogladaj bez limitu" zastąpić buttonami - zwiększyć obszar opisu filmu i miniatury zdjęcia ( czyli ogólne zwiększenie okna opisującego film ) całość ma wyglądać w miarę zgrabnie tak jak na przykład tutaj Licze na przyziemną cenę adekwatną do czasu poświęconego na wykonanie pracy. Płatnośc natychmiastowa po wykonaniu zlecenia ( quick money, blue cash lub przelew standardowy ). Licytujących proszę o podawanie kontaktowego numeru GG oraz koniecznie portfolio Plik PSD udostępniam od razu po wyborze zleceniobiorcy.
Zlece napisanie implementacji do ponizszej strony: Background Last year, one of the assignments for the first year Client Side Web Development module was to create a new web site for Derbyshire Crimebeat, the charity run by the High Sheriff of Derbyshire. Derbyshire Crimebeat provides funding for projects by young people that aim to reduce crime in Derbyshire. The new web site went live late last year. The purpose of this assignment is to extend this site. While the current site provides information on the charity, all applications for funding have to be submitted on paper. This causes problems for the charity since they have to schedule meetings of the trustees to go through the applications. It would be preferable to allow applications to be submitted on-line and stored in a ...
Posiadam pewne logo które trzeba trochę zmienić. A mianowicie chodzi mi o nadanie wypukłości, coś typu glass logo np. proszę o podawanie ceny ewentualnie przedziału cenowego oraz kontaktu. mile widziane portoflio z podobnymi logotypami
...zwanym międzyczasie serwis przenoszony był pomiędzy serwerami z PHP4 na PHP5. Były problemy z kodowaniem czcionek. Aktualnie, dodatkowo funkcjonuje 404 SEF oraz edytor mosCE 1.0.2 Final. Nie funkcjonuje poprawnie RSS. Co do przebudowy serwisu, na pewno należy: 1 zwiększyć szerokość strony do 1024px, ewentualnie do 1280px 2 zmodyfikować layout strony głównej: - utworzyć menu poziome na wzór money/bankier/mambiznes i tam przenieść menu znajdujące się w lewej i prawej kolumnie. - zachować wyróżniający kolor jak w prawym menu (pomarańczowy) - zaplanować miejsca na reklamę typu google oraz ewentualnie adtaily i banery (bez przesady) - zaplanować miejsce dla publikacji książek ze (oraz pewnie stworzyć nową kategorię - księgarnia) - utworzyć 4 moduły pre...
1) Design 3 of my websites are included in hand picked list: All of them PR 3 so I decided it is time to make it better and bigger. Redesign is badly needed. I am looking for web designer (front-end) to make my website sweet and looking really good. I like clean websites with a bit of glossy filling. What I am looking for? Those are the examples of websites i really like: 2) Programming I need also person to implement for me: 2a) adding image option to my posts so it can be use as real estate platform 2b) aggregation function - multifeeds from other websites. SimplePie works on my hosting nicely so you can use this platform although if there is better
Zlecę pracę które polega na wrzuceniu na serwer kilkadziesiąt stron informacyjnych pod wspólną domeną - various-websites. Strony napisane są w języku angielskim i są zoptymalizowane pod Google w celu zamieszczania ich reklam. Zależy mi na dłuższej współpracy 3 – 6 miesięcy z możliwością przedłużenia. Do zleceniobiorcy należałyby sprawy związane z serwerem, oraz pozycjonowaniem stron internetowych. Wynagrodzenie 30-40% od przychodów z reklam.
...podstrony muszą zostać wykonane w podobnym klimacie jak dotychczasowe. Szczegóły aukcji: 1. Zwycięzcę wybieram w ciągu maksymalnie 48 godzin. 2. Następuje podpisanie umowy i/lub klauzuli odnośnie udostępnienia Państwu materiałów. 3. Praca zostaje wykonana w oparciu o dostarczone Państwu układy. ( rozrysowane przy pomocy ms Paint ) 4. Płatność odbywa się natychmiast w formie przelewu quick money 5. Termin wykonania podstron to 7 dni roboczych od dnia otrzymania pierwszych układów przykładowa grafika: Podstrony pozostałe do wykonania, w większości nie uwzględniają dużej ilości tresci: - edycja profilu - spis blogów muzyka - dodawanie utworów - spis
Witam Typerzy w panelu dodawania typów mają tylko opcje kursów dziesiętnych - 1.50, 2.0 itp Interesuje mnie dodanie opcji kursów amerykańskich tzw. money line: -110 +120 itp Chcę aby typer dodając typ z kursem amerykańskim otrzymywał tyle samo jednostek zysku ile przy kursach dziesiętnych Tutaj link do konwertera: ,com_convert/
witam, zlecę napisania art. wypracowania na bloga temat "space exploration is a waste of time and money" albo zaprzeczamy albo się zgadzamy z teza w pierwszym akapicie, poziom podstawowy, praca musi byc gotowa na dzis wieczor
witam, zlecę napisania wypracowania, temat "space exploration is a waste of time and money" albo zaprzeczamy albo się zgadzamy z teza w pierwszym akapicie, praca musi byc gotowa na wtorek wieczór poziom podstawowy
witam, zlecę napisania wypracowania, temat "space exploration is a waste of time and money" albo zaprzeczamy albo się zgadzamy z teza w pierwszym akapicie, praca dla brata, ktory uczeszcza do 2 klasy liceum, musi byc wykonana na wtorek wieczór. czyli - szybka aukcja, po wglądzie do pracy wysyłam pieniądze.
Witam serdecznie, Przedmiotem zlecenia jest sporządzenie analizy SEO strony , a ściślej - przygotowanie strategii (planu działania) mającego na celu ...internetowego, lub konsultacje w sprawie konkretnego problemu dot. pozycjonowanie (płatne od zlecenia lub za godzinę). W przypadku wyłonienia zwycięzcy, dodatkowym atutem będzie dobry kontakt, plus podanie swojego imienia i nazwiska. Korzystałem już ze zleceń. (z różnym skutkiem), dlatego zapraszam do współpracy osoby uczciwe i kompetentne. Płatności realizuję przez inteligo Quick Money, zaliczki wypłacam osobom, z którymi miałem kontakt lub które zrealizowały dla mnie zlecenie. Pozdrawiam serdecznie i zapraszam do składania ofert, chętnie przedyskutuję temat na gg: 3887729
Zlecę projekt graficzny PSD teczki firmowej, czystej, bez wodotrysków, profesjonalnie wyglądającej , w teczkę chce włozyć prezentację multimedialną dotyczącą przelewów internetowych, więc klimat taki "Money Enterprise" barw, biel , szarość, srebro, lekka czerwień. Liczy się prostota i ladny design Całosć w PSD w odpowiednim formacie i rozdzielczości do druku
Witam Szukam osoby Która zajmie sie Marketingiem Strony Chodzi mi tutaj : - Dodanie do Minimum 100 Katalgów - Dodane Artukułów (precli) - Dodanie do 10 - 30 stron z PG (Min.2 max. 6) - Zajmie sie Pisaniem Informacji na Forach, zapraszania osób. - Napisanie Art...Dodanie do Minimum 100 Katalgów - Dodane Artukułów (precli) - Dodanie do 10 - 30 stron z PG (Min.2 max. 6) - Zajmie sie Pisaniem Informacji na Forach, zapraszania osób. - Napisanie Artykółuw Na temat (REKLAM itp, Podam puźniej) Które będą widniały na Stronie --------------------------------------------- Oferuje: 30% Zysków z Nadesłąnych Klientów Reklamę na Stronie za Darmo + (money) --------------------------------------------- G...
Witam, Poszukuję wykonawcy kasyna internetowego (ruletka, poker, bj, bakarat, keno, gry zręcznościowe = ok 10 gier) - dwie wersje pobieralne i flashowa. Wersja demo i money play. System przeciw wyłudzeniowy i przeciw systemom bot. Wymagania oprogramowania jak w większości popularnych na rynku wiec nie będę opisywał na razie gdyż jest mnustwo programów w sieci i u znanych firm hazardowych. techn: flash, php, xml, MySQL. Nie oczekuję projektu strony www, elementów systemu rozliczeniowego, klienckiego, JEDYNIE same aplikacje gier, które zostaną połączone z istniejącym systemem obsługi klientów. Licencja na całość zlecenia przechodzi w pełni na zleceniodawce = nie insteresują mnie udziały zysków i inne podziały licencji. pozdr. M...
Witam Serdecznie, Szukam programisty, który ma styczność/zna środowisko drupala. Aktualnie potrzebuję kilku modyfikacji, modułów - jeśli jednak współpraca się rozwinie to interesuje mnie stała współpraca. (najlepiej okolice śląska :) Ogłoszenie dotyczy wykonania modułu/modyfikacji do drupala tak aby można było za jego pomocą stworzyć witrynę finansową opartą o content xml firm money pl lub bankier pl (oczywiście wszelkie informacje potrzebne udzielam wykonawcy) Rozliczenie najlepiej w oparciu o FV, jednak inne możliwości też są wchodzą w grę
We need 10 pages of quality content for information relating to 'mortgages' and 10 pages of quality content for information relating to 'jewellery'. All in MS Word. The texts are to be included on websites.
... login, mysql database, plus others typical of most good eccomerce websites... should be fairly easy for someone whose built eccoomerce websites. Can give additional details to right person. We are a marketing company and have other projects too and get new projects regulalry. We outsource all our services. Report violation Fully automated advanced ecommerce website with around 75 products. We must have access to change or add products, max product potential no more than 300. Some Features like UPS shipping, file uploads, customer account tracking/history, price levels, login, mysql database, plus others typical of most good eccomerce websites... should be fairly easy for someone whose built eccoomerce websites. Can give additional details to r...
1) 5 videos add a text clip 2) rip 15 vids all you do is add the a caption and upload to a site I give you. 3) 1 general professional header using the logo below....for 3 other websites headers will be the same just need text change on each.... 4) design a logo(have basic idea and sample already) + a template slide for the end of the video clips(sample of one that was done before can be found at the end of the video clips below) 5)3 banners general design and text already made just need someone to put it together for me. This job may seem like a lot of work but it is mostly editing refining and perfecting. Most of the creative work is done, I just need someone professional who knows what they are doing to put everything together for me. I'll provide you with full...
Position: Contract VB/ASP Developer Skills: Excellent opportunity for an experienced VB/ASP , English Language .Working with an experienced UK company to deliver to some of the worlds biggest brands project, asset and brand management applications. Appli...Applicant must have 3 years experience in ASP, VB, SQL/T-SQL, Com+, HTML and XML. Great communication, analytical and troubleshooting skills a must, as is experience of developing in an Object Orientatedarchitecture. Position : Contract Web Designer. Skills: 2 Years experience of designing and delivering web design including experience in Web applications and portals (not only classic websites). Good English Language skills. Working with a UK company including trips onsite to UK companies. More info on breze@
...Connected to Phase 1. Customers should here be able to see order status online by logging in or entering order number Task Module should work internal in the company for us to be able to forward jobs in between staff and so that we are able to change the status of jobs. This should be connected to our website to customers can see the products status in realtime. After Successful Completion of Phase 1 we will want you to make Phase 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We need experts that are experienced in the field, No first timers for this project please. If you have the expertise we will be willing to exceed the given budget for the work. Order module is explained below. --...
Witam! Poszukuje zaawansowanego codera php ktory zna angielski, poniewaz robota bedzie w duzej czesci po angielsku. Skrypt podobny do: trzeba wmontowac obsluge e-gold, paypal, money bookers, western union i kilku innych systemow platnosci, wszystkie mają podobną budowe, ale trzeba sie na tym naprawde dobrze znac, poniewaz sam skrytp jest juz bardzo skomplikowany, do tego dochodzic bedzie kilka malych poprawek w skryptcie, tak zeby po dadaniu tych systemow wszytsko dzialalo. Systemy maja umozliwiac wyplate, wplate, transfer z konta na konto, upgradowanie usera do poziomu vip itp. Bede na bieżaco mowil coderowi co trzeba zrobic, bedzie łatwiej na bieząco to testowac. Jesli ktos zna sie na tym bardzo dobrze, prosze licytować. Czas na wykonanie to 3 dni maxymalna
Here i...doughnuts, how many almond slices, etc). The system then tells her how much to charge. 4. Using getChange, Betsy tells the system how much of each denomination she has been given by the customer and then the till tells her what to give back. 5. The getBalance method tells her what is left in the till and how much money she made during the day You need to implement these classes and any others that you need. However in order not to break the save facility, you must make sure that when you add new classes, each must “import*;” and must include “implements Serializable” after the class name definition as in the following: e.g. class Person implements Serializable Your code should be well designed, be readable, be well...
Design a ZGI to travel to the Moon on Artemis II Will you design the zero gravity indicator (ZGI) that accompanies the Artemis II mission around the Moon? If your design is one of the most compelling and resonates with the global community and the Artemis II astronauts, your design might fly into space aboard the Orion spacecraft and you could win US$1225. Zero gravity indicators are small items carried aboard spacecraft that provide a visual indicator for when a spacecraft has reached the weightlessness of microgravity. A plush Snoopy doll was the ZGI for the Artemis I mission. For that uncrewed mission, Snoopy floated around, tethered inside the vehicle to indicate when the Orion spacecraft had reached space. For this Challenge, we’re...
I'm currently a busy DevOps Engineer and need someone to help me apply for full-time DevOps Engineer positions. Key Responsibilities: - Submit applications on LinkedIn, Indeed, and various company websites. - Tailor applications to match job requirements and highlight my skills and experience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Understanding of DevOps and related skills. - Proficient in job application platforms like LinkedIn and Indeed. - Excellent communication and writing skills to create appealing application materials.
I need a Bootstrap expert to fix a webpage that not rendering well on smartphones currently. It is a plus if you are also an expert at Bootstrap Studio. You must showcase the public websites you have developed using Bootstrap.
We have an ecommerce project based on React, Node and MongoDB. We have to enable websites to carry out payments in cryptocurrency, using Smart Contracts. This project incorporates the following technologies: - Ethereum Smart Contracts - Solidity - OpenZeppelin - Truffle - Front End (HTML, CSS, BootStrap, Javascript, React JS) - Back End (Node JS, KOA Framework, MongoDB) We have used Reactjs to make the UI E-commerce website and we have to use DAI cryptocurrency for the payments. For designing and coding the smart contracts in our application we have to use Solidity, OpenZeppelin and Truffle. We have to use the DAI stable coin for carrying out transactions which is one of the most popular stable coins and most decentralized. One DAI is always equal to one dollar. Firstly we ...
We have an existing spreadsheet of names and locations of people. We'd like to enrich this data set with additional columns of information, including work history information and graduation dates. This will require doing research on each person in the data set through LinkedIn and other websites to gather the correct info on their professional and academic background.
Seeking WordPress Expert ...clear CTA. How It Works – Simple explanation of our process. Successes & Failures – Sharing lessons from past projects. Inspiration – Books, podcasts, companies we admire. Contact – Form for inquiries. Ideal Freelancer: Has experience designing lead-focused websites. Can show examples of modern, clean WordPress sites. Understands site speed optimization (for videos & images). Is communicative & can work within budget/timeline. Budget & Timeline: Budget: $300 Timeline: Looking to launch within 2-4 weeks The site should be built in a way that allows for easy transfer to my WordPress account. Ideally, you will build it on your own setup or a staging site and provide me with an export file for import into my a...
I'm seeking a professional web developer to create a high-quality health and fitness affiliate marketing platform with a layout similar to This premium site will offer expert content, p...subscriber resources Seamless integration of affiliate marketing links Ability to host articles, blog posts, and downloadable resources Ideal Skills & Experience: Expertise in e-commerce and membership site development Experience building affiliate marketing websites Strong knowledge of content management and subscription systems Proficiency in web security protocols Please share examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. I'm looking for a developer who can create a user-friendly, secure, and revenue-generating platform that supports affilia...
We are looking for a talented web developer to join our team for ongoing projects. The ideal candidate should have experience in creating responsive and visually appealing websites. You will work closely with our design team to implement user-friendly interfaces and ensure a seamless user experience. If you are passionate about web development and eager to contribute to innovative projects, we want to hear from you!
I have a Squarespace site that is just waiting to be filled with some final features. Key Responsibilities: - Finalize the site to be fully functional with e-commerce capabilities. - Implement a contact form. - Set up a system for appointments with partnered services. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Squarespace and understanding of its e-commerce functionality. - Experience with setting up contact forms and appointment scheduling systems on websites. - Good understanding of website design for a seamless user experience. Looking forward to your bids!
Project Title: Upgrade & Revamp Matchmaking Website with Modern Features Description: We are looking to modernize our existing matchmaking website, which is currently built on an outdated PHP version. We want to create a sleek, user-friendly, and modern platform with the following features: Key Requirements: Modern UI/UX: Clean, ...loading, smooth interactions, and scalable hosting on AWS, Vercel, or Heroku. Preferred Technologies: Frontend: React.js, , Tailwind CSS Backend: Node.js, , Database: PostgreSQL, MongoDB Search: Elasticsearch Deployment: AWS, Vercel, Heroku Timeline & Budget: Project completion in 2-3 months. Please provide an estimated budget. If you have experience with matchmaking websites and the technologies mentioned, we’d love to hear from you!
I'm looking for someone that would be able that in the region of Erpe-Mere (belgium) is able to find outdated websites - outdated websites nearby - bad seo websites - unsecure websites - no google business page we would approach them and ask them if we could help them out
...sleek, and premium look with a balance between elegance and boldness. • Minimalist yet powerful, avoiding cluttered elements. • A design that works well on website, social media, and merchandise. Style Preferences: • Typography: Elegant and modern sans-serif or serif fonts (e.g., similar to premium fashion or automotive brands). • Icon/Emblem (Optional): Could include a crown, a trophy, a luxury car silhouette, or a winning ticket. • Color Palette: • Gold & Black (luxury, prestige, exclusivity) • Silver & White (sophisticated, clean) • Deep Navy or Dark Grey (modern, premium) Usage Requirements: • The logo must be versatile (usable on websites, social media, print, and merchandise). • It should work both...
...on Google Sheets. Your role will be to work only on those and fill in the information on the sheet itself. Your primary focus will be on: - Directory submissions - Infographic submissions (I have a specific list of websites for this) - Article submissions and other categories You'll need to: - Add the data for infographic submissions to the Google Sheet - Stick to the provided list for infographic submissions - Prioritise directory submissions above all other categories - Add the correct info (logo, name, address, social media account links, website link etc). - need to make sure you add email details and passw as well if an account is created Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in link building - Familiarity with directory submissions - Ability to wo...
I need a small VirtueMart online shop set up on my Joomla website, which needs to be multilingual (supporting English). The shop will feature up to 20 articles, for which all content is already prepared. I already have a design ready for the VirtueMart shop. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Joomla and VirtueMart - Experience with setting up multilingual websites - Ability to implement a pre-existing design - Good understanding of e-commerce setup on Joomla Please ensure you can meet these requirements before bidding. Thank you!
I am looking to increase site traffic through the acquisition of quality backlinks for two of my websites. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in SEO and link building - Ability to generate high-quality backlinks that drive traffic - Knowledge of site analytics and tracking tools to measure impact I have not specified particular types of sites for the backlinks, so you should be able to use your discretion and expertise to choose the most effective and appropriate sources. Your proposal should detail: - Your strategy for link building - Previous successful projects and their outcomes - Your approach to tracking and reporting on progress
I am seeking a skilled developer with extensive experience in WooCommerce and Stripe integration to implement a unique payment routing system for my network of WooCommerce websites. Key project details: - **Payment Routing**: The system should allow 'Payment Hub Clients' (WooCommerce websites) to route payments through 'Payment Hub Hosts' (other WooCommerce sites) that are equipped with Stripe accounts. This will help in maintaining the anonymity of the Clients from Stripe. - **Payment Processing**: The integration should handle all aspects of payment processing seamlessly. - **Webhook Notifications**: The system should facilitate real-time updates through webhook notifications. - **Order Syncing**: Ensuring all orders are synced accurately across ...
? Web Design in Progress: Wisdom Rules ?✨ We Pink Gorilla is thrilled to be crafting a stunning and dynamic website for Wisdom Rules, a psychologist’s platform dedicated to guiding individuals toward clarity, resilience, and personal growth. ?? The Vision? A majestic T...immersive, ensuring visitors feel inspired from the moment they arrive. ?? What’s in store? ✅ A sleek, modern yet soulful design ✅ Dynamic elements to create an engaging user experience ✅ Seamless navigation for resources, services, and insights ✅ Mobile-friendly, fast, and intuitive UI/UX We’re passionate about building more than just websites—we create experiences that connect, captivate, and empower. Stay tuned for the reveal! ? ? Got a project that needs a bold, visiona...
...operations are up and running and anticipate to have 20+ products within the first 24 months. I would like to start with just 1 product to begin. *IF INTERESTED, SEND YOUR BEST ARTWORK THAT RESEMBLES THE EXAMPLES PROVIDED* NO AI allowed. All artwork will need to be original. GOAL: Find a suitable artist who can design 1 product, incorporate it into the packaging, add all the product related information and make the necessary tweaks for production. STYLE: It's a cartoonish style, utilitarian aesthetic with a strong emphasis on dark, masculine colors like black, gray, and earthy tones, often accented with factors that encapsulate American pride. My inspiration is a combo of Black Rifle Coffee and Bones Coffee companies. General Artwork Characteristics (I...
I'm looking for an expert data scraper who can gather information on roofers from across the nation. The ideal candidate will be proficient in: - Collecting business names and mobile numbers of roofers - Scraping data from various sources, including business directories, social media platforms, company websites, and Google The final data should be delivered in a CSV file. If you have experience with similar projects and can deliver quality work on time, I look forward to your bid.
...levels. Ensure that Freelancer profiles can be set up for free and that Gig seekers (People looking for work to be done ) have paid restrictions based on the user’s paid subscription level. Customization & Configuration: Customize the theme as required to match our branding and functionality needs. Ensure a smooth user experience for both employers and job seekers. Implement proper navigation and UI adjustments if needed. Payment Integration: Configure payment gateways for membership subscriptions (e.g., PayPal, Stripe). Ensure that users can purchase and upgrade their membership plans seamlessly. Testing & Optimization: Tested all features to ensure smooth functionality. Optimize for speed, security, and responsiveness across all devices. Fix any pote... homepage How you plan to improve website speed & clean up the code Your availability for a quick discussion Additional Notes: The new homepage must be visually engaging, conversion-focused, and optimized for speed We do not want an entirely new website, just a homepage redesign & performance enhancements Must be fully mobile-friendly and SEO-optimized Experience with roofing or contractor websites is a plus! You will need to upload the changes to hosting final payment will be missing after everything is uploaded and approved. Looking forward to working with a skilled WordPress expert to enhance our homepage and improve performance! ? Project Requirements: - Redesign the homepage with a focus on lead generation - Improve site speed for a better user experience Key ...
...include: 1) Rebuilding web pages with the Magento site builder for user-friendliness. 2) Rectifying product syncing issues from Square POS to Magento, including products not appearing, incomplete product details, and update delays. 3) Creating two new pages: A 'Resources' page containing calculators, tables, and downloadable guides, and a 'Brands' page listing all our brands with links to their websites. 4) Fixing the scrolling menu to ensure it's inline. 5) Repairing the logos of various payment processors located at the bottom right. 6) Correcting shipping calculations, as it seems shipping weight and dimensions are missing, and ensuring the integrated Clickship is operational. 7) Adding new sales banners on the homepage. If the developer performs well... create a website that aggregates product listings from various comparison sites. The main AI functionality I need is search optimization. This means the AI should refine and enhance the user search experience, delivering relevant listings in an efficient manner. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in building responsive, user-friendly websites - Proven track record of integrating AI algorithms into web development projects - Specific experience with search optimization techniques Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, etc. - Deep understanding of AI and machine learning principles - Experience with creating product aggregator websites Please note, the goal is to create a seamless, efficient website ...
I'm seeking a complete refresh of my website. This includes a modernized design, updated content and improvements to functionality. The desired aesthetic is Classic and Elegant, so a good eye for this style is essential. Key tasks will Classic and Elegant, so a good eye for this style is essential. Key tasks will include: - Redesigning the site to have a more classic and elegant look - Updating the current content and possibly creating new copy - Enhancing the site's functionality and features The website is content-heavy, featuring text-heavy articles, image galleries, and videos. Therefore, experience with media-rich websites is a plus. Ideal skills and experience: - Web Design and Development - Content Creation and Copywriting - Functionality Enhancemen...