Website specifications document samplesprojekty
...wykonanie portalu spolecznosciowego - warunkiem jest znajomosc jezyka angielskiego gdyz specyfikacja jest w tymze jezyku. Specyfikacja ponizej . Website Requirements 1. It is important for the new website to be stylish, effective, easy to use and accessible. The website will need to hold the user’s attention, provide the relevant information, and be able to grow with ESW’s future requirements. 2. ESW must have full access to create and update all pages of the website, with the ability to modify the website architecture in the future at no extra cost 3. The website should be accessible to search engine spiders, and be coded with good on-page search engine optimisation ...
...JavaScript, assure that appropriate libraries are available. If there is no engine for a particular language required by the configuration file, the program must issue an error message (stored in the database). Technologies * Basic reflection for invoking task methods. * Basic file operations for reading configuration and the mandatory task. * Java scripting for additional task specifications. * JDBC for storing results and messages in a database. * Concurrency () for periodical execution of tasks. Program potrzebny do czwartku. Proszę o kontakt osoby zainteresowane i przesyłanie propozycji cenowych....
Szukam osoby, która zakoduje wygląd Infowindow, który będzie podobnie wyglądał: Screenshot zrobiłem dla serwisu gdzie jest to już wykonane - więc jest to możliwe. Dodajemy tylko scroll. Wskazówki można znaleźć tutaj: Mapa (API v3),mechanizmy (php, sql) i standardowe infowindow już mam gotowe. Trzeba tylko zakodować to "infowindow". Jeśli jesteś z Warszawy - może się spotkać i omówić temat.
Potrzebujemy dwóch stron przetłumaczone z języka angielskiego na język polski. Dokument będzie dla ka...około 3100 słów w sumie dla obu stron (1580 i 1472). Obie strony są dla spółek obrotu. Najbardziej omawia proces zakupu treści, informacje kontaktowe i polityki prywatności. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We need two websites translated from English to Polish. A document will be provided for each with the content that needs to be translated. Currently there are roughly 3100 words in total for both sites (1580 and 1472). Both websites are for marketing companies. Most content discusses the buying process, contact informatio...
...base salary, benefits, and bonus potential. For immediate and confidential consideration to this position, please send your resume directly to The right person will have proven experience in Web Development and Project Management. The role requires strong communication, organizational and project-management skills, and knowledge of the various phases of online e-commerce, website and marketing content development and production (copy writing, Web site design, interaction design, front end technologies and implementation). The ability to simultaneously manage multiple complex projects with critical deadlines and material risks is essential. Detailed knowledge of online, content development and e commerce (including a strong working knowledge of iterative Web ...
Witam, Poproszę kogoś o usunięcie kilku błędów zgłaszanych przez dla strony: Errors found while checking this document as HTML 4.01 Strict! Result: 37 Errors, 2 warning(s) Chciałbym żeby ta strona również była podobna do "kartki papieru" np: Tekst: Zostaw numer swojego telefonu! ... oraz tekst z ul nie może wchodzić na czerwone pole Przycisk "zostaw swój numer" na środku
...Kategoria: Opis: --------------------- Przykład programu: Nazwa: Adobe Reader 9.3 Licencja: Shareware System: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/2003/7 Rozmiar: 24,98 MB Kategoria: Biuro/Odczyt i edycja PDF FTP: Opis: Najnowsza wersja bezpłatnej przeglądarki dokumentów zapisanych w popularnym formacie Adobe Portable Document Format - PDF. Dokumenty w formacie PDF zawsze zachowują dokładny wygląd oryginalnego dokumentu, z asortymentami czcionek, kolorów, grafiki. Format i wygląd pozostanie nienaruszony bez względu na platformę sprzętową i system operacyjny. To, co wyróżnia ją spośród poprzednich wersji to dodana obsługa multimediów, przede wszystkim formatu Flash. Dzięki temu możliwe jest odtwarzanie filmów i animacji
Witam, Zlece przetlumaczenie na jezyk polski nastepujacych zawartosci strony: Chodzi tylko o artykuly dotyczace XML w linkach Current Status of Specifications pod kazda z kategorii (Standards, nie Group Notes czy Drafts). Np. XML Essentials -> Current Status of Specifications: XML -> Standards: ... Prosze o rozsadne oferty.
...poradnik dla konsultantów Fm Group oraz promujacego przystapienie do firmy Fm Group (). Nowa strona ma zastapić i ma za zadanie przyjąć inny koncept. Strona ma być wielojęzyczna wtyczka Joom!Fish. Strona ma posiadać dział Download dla zarejestrowanych uzytkowników wtyczka JoomDOC DEMO: Strona ma posiadać Slider ( 3 fotki do wyboru) na górze strony wtyczka: ENYTabSlider lub inny DEMO: ;view=article&id=2&Itemid=26 Wszystkie wtyczki dostarczam. Kategorie Strony: - Strona główna ( zachęcająca do pobrania poradnika, formularz kontaktowy, zachęcająca do przystąpienia do FM) - FAQ (na końcu strony
Witam , potrzebujemy kogos kto zmieni zakupiony przez nas pakiet flash+XML. Jest to animacja flash ładująca zdjęcia i nazwy produktów, coś w stylu: problem jest następujący: nie wyświetlane są w opisach polskie znaki z klawiatury, ani cyrylica. Potrzebujemy kogoś kto poprawi skrypt w taki sposób, aby po najechaniu na zdjęcie pokazywał się napis we i polskim (z literami "ż, ć, ó"). Potrzebujemy tego na jutro!! Proszę o załączenie linków do prac wykonanych, cenę.
...DISCUSSION MESSAGE=Message CC DISCUSSION ADD REPLY=Add Reply CC DISCUSSION POSTED ON=Posted on %1$s # News CC NEWS TITLE=News Title CC NEWS DESCRIPTION=News Description CC NEWS ADD REPLY=Add News # Group creation CC CREATE GROUP DESCRIPTION=Create your own groups today. Groups that are created will be publicly accessible to users at this site. CC GROUP NAME=Group name CC GROUP WEBSITE=Website CC GROUP EMAIL=Email CC GROUP DESCRIPTION=Description CC GROUP CATEGORY=Category CC GROUP REQUIRE APPROVAL=Requires Approval CC BUTTON CREATE GROUP=Create Group # Viewing group CC NO DISCUSSIONS=No Discussion added yet. CC DISCUSS STARTED BY=Started by %1$s. CC DISCUSSIONS=Discussion CC GROUP MEMBERS=Group Members CC GROUP NEWS=Announcements CC NEWS POSTED ...
...0x13B => "Person who created the image", 0x13D => "Predictor", 0x13E => "White point chromaticity", 0x13F => "Chromaticities of primaries", 0x14 => "Latitude of destination", 0x14A => "SubIFD Pointer", 0x15 => "Reference for longitude of destination", 0x152 => "Extra Samples", 0x153 => "Sample Format", 0x16 => "Longitude of destination", 0x17 => "Reference for bearing of destination", 0x18 => "Bearing of destination", 0x19 => "Reference for distance to destination", 0x190 => "GlobalParametersIFD Pointer", 0x1A => "Distance to destination...
...included in the document that i will send you, please request it.(no option here to attach). Ability to select multipel languages based on user preferance. The script will have to be easily scalable to accommodate a large number of users and future multi server load distribution. The ability to plugin additional features in the future. ***Demos and ready scripts*** I understand some of you may have a ready built script please submit a demo link. I am not interested in scripts that float around the net and are hacked and rehacked. Usability, visual appeal and functionality are a must in your demo. Demos that are broken in any fashion will be immediately rejected. I will accept demos that do not yet have some of the functionality specified in the attached document...
...dostepnych osob do losowania (losujemy np 10 osob). Dane osob maja byc pobrane z bazy danych (imie, nazwisko, i jakies dwa stringi), a wyswietlane maja byc w postacji jak w przykladzie ponizej z tą róznica, ze karuzela kręci sie w pionie a nie jak jest w przykladzie w poziomie, a w miejsce zdjec sa wyswietlane dane z bazy czyli imie, nazwisko, i jakies dwa dodatkowe stringi. Najlepiej zeby po lewej stronie umieszczona byla przerobiona kontrolka jak w przykladzie a po prawej znajdowala sie tabela w ktorej sukcesywnie pojawiac sie beda kolejne wylosowane osoby. Natomiast na dole znajdowac sie powinny dwa przyciski Strart i Stop (ewentualnie dodatkowo Restart). Czyli to co jest do zrobienia -pobieranie z bazy danych (MySql) -przerobienie kontrolki
...wychodzącej i przychodzącej. Program nasłuchuje na localhoście i przechwytuje wiadomości wy- i przychodzące, przy czym istniejący program pocztowy użytkownika jest skonfigurowany do wysyłania i odbierania wiadomości z komputera lokalnego (localhost). Źródła aktualnej wersji programu zostały napisane w C++ (MSVC) w oparciu o biblioteki Komodia i źródła Ksniffer (). Wersja ta przechwytuje i zapisuje wiadomości. Rozbudowa programu ma obejmować pełne wyposażenie programu w parsery SMTP i POP3 tak, aby możliwe było chwilowe zatrzymanie wiadomości przychodzących przed ich udostępnieniem programowi pocztowemu i zatrzymanie wiadomości wychodzących przed ich przekazaniem do serwera poczty wychodzącej. W razie dodatkowych pytań odnośnie szczegółów
Witam, zlece przeksztalcenie badz wykonania skryptu typu slider na podstawie np. , bądź bazując na innym gotowym skrypcie Slider'a treści (obojętnie na jakiej bibliotece JQuery, MooTools etc.) W sieci istnieje MooTabs () chodzi mi o dokładnie coś takiego, tylko że: treść musiała by pojawiać się dopiero po kliknięciu w wybraną zakładkę, oraz wjeżdżać z dołu. Przekształcenie ma polegać na wyjezdzaniu "box'a" z treścią z ustalonej dolnej krawędzi w górę na ustaloną wysokość, po kliknięciu na wybrany link. Pod linkiem zobrazowanie działania: Więcej szczegółów działania podaje na email.
[ponownie wystawiona oferta] zlecę wykonanie galerii we flashu galeria wizualnie musi wyglądać tak samo jak ta: z tym że: - bez górnej nawigacji - po załadowaniu się muszą być widoczne 3 obrazki a nie dwa - galeria musi się doładowywać w locie / preloader do każdego obrazka /tak jak w przykładzie - obrazki definiowane wewnątrz fla lub xml / do wyboru - obrazki za każdym razem muszą pokazywać się w innej kolejności / lub też zdefiniowanej z wizualnych rzeczy: - galeria będzie wyświetlana na różnych tłach więc kolor tła musi być łatwo zmienialny - wielkość około 660x300 px / galeria musi być tak zrobiona żeby łatwo dało się zmienić jej wymiary z 660x300 na np: 600x250 oraz wymiary obrazków które są ładowane do
zlecę wykonanie galerii we flashu galeria wizualnie musi wyglądać tak samo jak ta: z tym że: - bez górnej nawigacji - po załadowaniu się muszą być widoczne 3 obrazki a nie dwa - galeria musi się doładowywać w locie / preloader do każdego obrazka /tak jak w przykładzie - obrazki definiowane w pliku zewnętrznym xml lub wewnątrz fla / do wyboru - obrazki za każdym razem muszą pokazywać się w innej kolejności / lub też zdefiniowanej z wizualnych rzeczy: - galeria będzie wyświetlana na różnych tłach więc kolor tła musi być łatwo zmienialny - wielkość około 660x300 px / galeria musi być tak zrobiona żeby łatwo dało się zmienić jej wymiary z 660x300 na np: 600x250 oraz wymiary obrazków które są ładowane do galerii
...dostarczone. Niektóre elementy graficzne trzeba będzie sobie pociąć a żeby móc je wykorzystać. 1. Dodanie na stronie głównej ikony z logo"Nominated" (z ) oraz odnośnika do strony www. 2. Okładki Fairyland - po kliknięciu dodanie stron podobnych do (download, components, samples) 3. Przycisk "Pobierz" - po kliknięciu dodanie tekstu na stronie - "Wybierz co chcesz pobrać..." - zamiana i dodanie elementów do pobrania. 4. Przycisk "Przygoda z Fairyland" - po kliknięciu dodanie strony podobnej do z polskim tekstem. 5. Przycisk "Club" - dodanie nowej strony- informacja
Witam Problem ze znalezieniem sterowników. Płyta gł: Asus P5LP-LE System op: Win XP Home Edition Specyfikacja kompa: ;cc=id&lc=en&dlc=en&product=3454923 Po zainstalowaniu systemu brakuje między innymi karty sieciowej i muzycznej. W menadżerze urządzeń w zakładce inne urządzenia mam: Kontroler ethernet Kontroler magistrali zarządzania systemem Kontroler wideo (zgodny z VGA) PCI device Proszę o podanie odnośników do sterowników w kolejności w jakiej mają być potem instalowane
Modyfikacja przykładu SQL (klient SOAP): Chodzi o modyfikację przykładów dostępnych w serwisie - szczegóły (pliki wsdl, informacje o działaniu prześlę zainteresowanym na konto e-mail). Może być też klient SOAP w oparciu o inne przykłady i funkcje, ważne że powinien działać na ORACLE 10g Poprzednia aukcja - wykonanie biblioteki SOAP zakończyła się fiaskiem, dlatego pomysł na zmianę platformy.
Zaprogramować graficzną część obliczeniowej aplikacji w VisualC++. Aplikacja ma za zadanie policzyć siły. A częsć graficzna polega na: wyświetlaniu modelu, podziału i sił w głównym oknie aplikacji. To wszystko musi być wykonane jako MFC Wizard aplikacja "single document" Zastrzegam sobie prawo wcześniejszego zakończenia aukcji
...files (older and current version of some document) and recontruct the newer file using the older one and stored list of differences. As a result of determining differences program should output (possibly short) list of modifications that are necessary to transform one file into the other. During reconstruction the modifications stored earlier are interpreted and introduced to the older file creating an exact copy of the newer one. The program stores many versions of some document and for each version it assigns a unique number and a comment from a user. The data that is stored permanently contains the oldest version, differences between consecutive document versions and the most recent version (in order not to reconstruct it using first version of a document,...
...(Secure On-Board Communication): Enhanced secure communication on vehicle networks. • Secure Update: Ensured the safe and reliable software updates process • General • Conducted unit testing for various modules using VectorCAST. • Applied MISRA coding rules using the Klocwork tool to ensure code quality. • Documentation and Tools: • Proficient in using DOORS for writing: o Software Requirement Specifications (SRS). o High-Level Design (HLD). o Low-Level Design (LLD). o Unit Test Documentation. • Automation and Scripting: • Created Python scripts to automate the generation of SRS documents. • Developed links between different levels of documentation. Team Support And Collaboration • Initially worked in the Front CAM PIPP pr...
I'm looking for a talented video editor to create a beautiful and heartfelt wedding anniversary video for me. The video will include recent photos and videos, and should be styled in a romantic and sentimental way. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in video editing software - Creative storytelling ability - Experience in crafting romantic and heartfelt videos Please provide samples of similar work you have done in the past.
I'm seeking a talented video editor with a style akin to Dhruv Rathee for my educational content. To be considered, you must provide samples of similar work you've edited. Key Requirements: - Demonstrable experience in editing educational videos - Ability to mimic the style of Dhruv Rathee - Portfolio with similar work is a must - Creativity and attention to detail Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in video editing software - Strong understanding of pacing, sound design, and visual storytelling - Ability to meet deadlines - Excellent communication skills
I need a skilled graphic designer to recolor a picture of a boat hull for a trial sample. The task involves changing the hull's color to match a single solid color: Honda Meteorite Grey Metallic, the Paint Job must look realistic, must have shine if it were brand new and i took a pict...Color should be done on the Blue part of the boat also attached is another image that will show another section of the white that also must be colored same color, so I want it both ways to visualize I have attached to images 1 with the explanation - Experience in graphic design and image editing - Proficiency in software like Adobe Photoshop or similar - Ability to adhere to specific color specifications The end goal is to have the image of the boat hull look as if it's painted in this sp...
I'm seeking a talented interior designer to transform my bedroom into a modern, minimalist space that prioritizes comfort. The design should be cost-effective yet practical and useful. Key Aspects: - The design should embrace a modern style, incorporating minimalist principles. - Comfort is the top priority, so the design must include elements conducive to relaxation and ease. - The colo...and serene atmosphere. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in modern minimalist interior design. - Strong understanding of comfort-oriented design principles. - Ability to create cost-effective yet stylish and practical designs. - Experience working with neutral tone color schemes. I'm looking for a designer who can deliver a thoughtful, well-planned design that meets these ...
I'm in need of a skilled videographer and photographer for an upcoming shoot. The event will be focused on creating a documentary-style exploration of songs and clips from films. Ideal Skills: - Experience in working with documentary-style shoots - Proficiency in both videography and photography - Creative mindset with a keen eye for detail ...videographer and photographer for an upcoming shoot. The event will be focused on creating a documentary-style exploration of songs and clips from films. Ideal Skills: - Experience in working with documentary-style shoots - Proficiency in both videography and photography - Creative mindset with a keen eye for detail - Ability to work with sound and visuals from music and films Please include samples of your previous work that align w...
...includes an escrow system to protect both buyers and sellers. - Automated updates to user wallets when transactions occur, enhancing user experience and trust. - Back-end administration for managing user interactions, transactions, and content on the platform. - Multi-language support to cater to a global audience, allowing users to navigate the platform in their native languages. Additional Specifications: - Design to include a cryptocurrency payment gateway which will operate on a commission basis. - Flexibility for future integration of credit card payments, with initial deployment focusing on cryptocurrency solutions. - Rigorous testing and validation phases to ensure module completions are up to high standards. Documentation and References Required: - Developers are requ...
I'm seeking a skilled designer to create a Canva presentation from a Word document for a proposal. The proposal needs to be professional in style, clearly communicating our value proposition and engaging our target audience. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in Canva and Word with a strong portfolio of proposals and RFTs. - Ability to create visually appealing and easy to understand slides - Experience in designing professional, corporate-style presentations. - Quick turnaround
I need an AI system for my law firm that automates the drafting of client agreements, with a specific focus on creating fully customizable clauses. Key Tasks: - AI should assist in drafting contract clauses from scratch. The goal is to ...proposed solution. Recommendations on suitable AI models and technologies that can be deployed on-premise. A high-level architecture overview, demonstrating how AI will interact with M-Files. A feasibility analysis, including the technical effort and implementation process. Preferred Qualifications: Experience with Legal Tech and AI applications in law firms. Knowledge of M-Files integration and document processing. Understanding of data privacy regulations and on-premise AI solutions. when you've read this, make me an offer and start with ...
...project-based revenues, non-operating income, minimal capex and equity infusion. Project Revenue Types are: • License payments based on milestones related to tangible progress for design, construction and commissioning of commercial and annual annuities (royalties) based on plant capacity (or annual sales of products) • Milestone payments for use of the proprietary process design package and specifications for engineering related to tangible progress on design, construction, commissioning and hand over of commercial plants • Payment for engineering and technical services provided during all phases of project execution, including commissioning • Delivery of proprietary catalyst for plant commissioning Quarterly and annual numbers – no need for monthly...
I'm seeking a talented fashion designer to create a unique red puff sleeve corset top for me. The design should not be too revealing. Key Specifications: - The puff sleeves should be leather, as well as the top section of the back and the sides. - The majority of the corset top should be made from coutil, though heavy duty cotton canvas or cotton duck are also acceptable. - The corset top should feature a lace-up closure. - There should be no specific embellishments or decorations on the corset top, keeping it sleek and classic. Ideal candidates for this project will have extensive experience in fashion design, particularly with corsetry. A strong understanding of different fabrics and their properties will be crucial, as will skills in tailoring and fitting. Please provide ...
I'm in need of a detailed set of specifications and drawings for a commercial kitchen hood that combines both Type I and Type II features. These details/Drawings will require a Structural Engineer Stamp and then be submitted to the building department for review. Key requirements: - Detailed specifications and drawings for a dual-type kitchen hood - Should include any and all details necessary for building department approval Ideal skills and experience: - Expertise in commercial kitchen design - Familiarity with building department requirements - Proficient in creating detailed mechanical, electrical, and structural drawings
I'm seeking an experienced event photographer b...cake cutting, as well as speeches and toasts. The ideal candidate should have: - A portfolio of prior event photography, particularly children's leavers parties. - Excellent interpersonal skills to interact with guests of all ages. - A keen eye for detail to capture important moments. - Ability to work discreetly and unobtrusively. - Own professional-grade photography equipment. Please provide samples of your work, particularly any that relate to children's events, with your proposal. The event photographer will be required for 2 hours. The event photographer should provide basic color correction for the photographs. The final photos should be delivered in a digital format only. Please ensure to capture group photos...
I am in need of a skilled Portuguese translator to assist with translating legal court documents. The documents are intended for use in legal proceedings, so accuracy and a thorough understanding of legal terminology in both English and Portuguese is crucial. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Portuguese and English - Experienced in translating legal documents - Familiar with legal terminology - Detail-oriented - Able to maintain confidentiality - Able to deliver high-quality translations under tight deadlines
I need assistance exporting quotes from an Excel price list into a Word document. The quotes should be organized by product category. The exported quotes should include the following details: - Product name and price - Vendor information - Quote expiration date Ideal skills for the job include: - Proficiency in Excel and Word - Attention to detail - Organizational skills
I need a skilled photo editor who can add or remove a person from my indoor photos. The main purpose is for personal use. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in photo editing software (like Adobe Photoshop) - Experience in photo manipulation and retouching - Attention to detail - Ability to work with indoor scenery Please provide samples of your previous work.
...face-to-face interaction. We know you want to use DaVinci, but coloured files need to be PrProj. We know you think you can use Ai (eg. Colourlab Ai), but trust us, you cannot. You actually need to understand step-by-step colour correction, and show us, as we do know how to do it. Excellent English is required. Applicants should say something that makes it clear to us you know your stuff. Samples of work can be dubious of origin and time taken, but send - if you know your stuff. The color correction project should be completed within 1-2 weeks....
I have a comprehensive data set from the Care Tracker Practice Management System, and I'm looking for a seasoned database professional to design a relational database for me using PostgreSQL. The ultimate goal is to build an internal data warehouse tailored for revenue lifecycle management. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze the provided PDF containing all data feeds and ...Extensive experience with PostgreSQL and database design. - Familiarity with revenue lifecycle management businesses. - Ability to deliver clear and detailed database diagrams and data flow visualizations. - Excellent analytical skills to interpret complex data sets. Please make sure u understand care tracker system and revenue lifecycle management process as you will be only provided with a pdf document of ...
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.
I'm seeking an experienced voice-over artist to narrate my Christian book (approx. 100,000 words / 400 pages) into a captivating audiobook. The voice should be calm and soothing, suitable for faith-based content. Requirements: - Proven experience in audiobook narration, preferably within Christia...high-quality recording setup to ensure studio-quality audio - Clear and articulate pronunciation - Ability to provide the final product in MP3 or WAV format, ready for distribution Deliverables: - A fully edited and mastered audiobook, handled entirely by the narrator - Audio divided into chapters, with appropriate pacing and clarity - Willingness to revise if needed for accuracy Please include samples of your previous work in your proposal. I look forward to potentially collabor...
I'm looking for a professional who can help me with two tasks. - Image Update: I need an existing image edited. The specifics of the edits will be provided upon selection. - PDF Check: I have a PDF that needs to be checked for proper formatting. It is crucial that the document is correctly formatted for its intended use. The ideal freelancer for this project should have experience in graphic design and PDF editing. Attention to detail is critical for this project. I look forward to your proposals.
Edit this single photo to show me two different versions: Version 1: a) Remove the stray hairs to the left of my head (see circle) b) Change my shirt colour to white Version 2: a) Remove the stray hairs to the left of my head (see circle) b) Change my jacket colour to grey (exact same grey colour as my pants) EUR 20 budget, deadline February 2. Ideal skills...deadline February 2. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in photo editing software with a strong understanding of social media standards. - Prior experience editing photos for Instagram, understanding of the platform's aesthetic preferences. - Ability to perform color correction, cropping, and object removal as per the project's requirements. Please refer to the document for spe...
I am looking for a native Polish speaker to narrate 5-minute long videos for a YouTube channel. Ideal Candidate: Strong, engaging narrative voice Ability to produce clear, high-quality audio recordings Previous experience in voiceover work or narration is preferred Please include samples of previous projects or relevant work when submitting your bid.
I need assistance with slating a corporate video and saving it in the MOV format. The final video should include a slate with the appropriate specifications. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience with corporate video content - Knowledge of video slating protocols - Ability to save and convert video to specified formats
...critical analysis. 2. Security Report & Presentation • Analyze a common web vulnerability and document the findings. • Provide recommendations and mitigation strategies. • Prepare a presentation summarizing technical insights and security considerations. 3. Digital Forensics Research & Report • Discuss professional and ethical issues in Digital Forensics. • Address challenges related to evidential integrity and compliance &...
...Collaboration Features: Integrated chat and video conferencing tools with secure end-to-end encryption. Shared workspaces with real-time updates and permission-based access control. Productivity Analytics: Visual dashboards displaying productivity metrics, task completion rates, and bottlenecks. Suggestions for reducing unproductive time, such as app usage tracking and break scheduling. Technical Specifications: Programming Languages: Kotlin/Swift for mobile development; Python/Node.js for backend services. Database: NoSQL databases (MongoDB) for scalability and real-time data access. APIs: RESTful APIs for third-party integrations and interoperability. Claims: A mobile productivity tool software capable of integrating task management, collaboration, and analytics in a uni... a crowded feed. If you have a knack for designing thumbnails that grab attention, we want to see your work! Here are the qualities we are looking for: ✅ Design Expertise: Your designs should match or exceed the quality of the thumbnails in the examples below. ✅ Creativity & Originality: We need thumbnails that will stop the scroll and compel users to click. ✅ Willingness to Create Samples: As part of the selection process, we’d like you to create a sample thumbnail to showcase your skills. Below, I will attach some reference thumbnails that we need. Please check them carefully, and only message if you are capable of designing similar thumbnails. Payment & Work Scope: ? USD 20 per thumbnail ? Ongoing work opportunities for the right candidate. ...